Personal Trainer AU (Part 7) - Hailee Steinfeld

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Summary: we see the second part of Anna's plan and its consequences.

Word count: 3573 words.

Warnings: none.


"Guys, silence! I need to focus!" Hailee shushed the two giggling girls in her car, crouching down her head behind the steering wheel to avoid being spotted by Y/N when she'll arrive at her door.

"But it's so exciting! We're like spies!" Anna slurred her words a little, her voice shushed like she was telling a secret.

"Anna did you drink this morning?" Hailee turned her head around and stared amused at the blonde.

"You can only get over an hangover with more alcohol!" Anna lifted her fist up with a serious face, only to giggle more when Ella shushed her.

"Or y'know, you can overcome it like normal people do... with a lot of water and ibuprofen." Ella's strong accent reverberate thought the car and Hailee hummed in agreement, while the blonde dismissed them with her waving hand, mumbling an 'eh' and giggling some more.

"There she is!" Hailee screeched loudly only to be shushed by her co-stars, reprimanding herself in her mind and shushing her stupid self too.

"It's our cue to leave. C'mon Anna, let's go into my car." The two girls bid Hailee goodbye and the singer started to get ready. She was wearing the same clothes from last night and tugged on them gently to crinkle them a little and ruffled her hair softly to complete her perfect disheveled appearance, ready to do the infamous walk of shame in front of her crush. She waited a few minutes, watching the girl ringing her doorbell and knocking on her door a couple of times before retrieving her phone to, what Hailee supposed, call her. A second later her phone started ringing and that was then that the singer started the engine and drove towards her house. She suppressed her smug smirk when she saw Y/N realize it was her car and clench her jaw hard. Karma is a bitch, babe.

She parked her car and got out, closing the car door and locking the vehicle, walking towards the personal trainer who was too busy to take her appearance in to notice she was swaying her hips more than normal. "I just saw your call! Sorry I'm late. I went out with friends last night."

"Don't worry I got here 10 minutes ago, more or less. I thought you were still sleeping." Y/N attempted to joke but her strained voice carrying what Hailee could only describe as jealousy didn't do the trick, her eyes staring intently on the hickeys Anna and Ella draw on her skin using make up - they did a really good job -. When Hailee was right in front Y/N, she pulled the Y/H/C girl in for a hug, staying in her arms for a few seconds before pulling away, smiling warmly at her.

"Oh I definitely overslept. I didn't get too much sleep last night." Hailee smirked and winked at Y/N, who clenched her jaw harder while her eyes darkened and Hailee smirked inwardly at Anna's plan going just in the right direction. "Let's go in. I'll change into workout clothes and we can start!"

"Our work here is done!" Ella nodded in satisfaction and lifted her hand up, Anna promptly high-fiving her with a gleeful 'yes' when they saw the two girls walk into Hailee's house. "Now let's go have some breakfast and let's get you overcome your hangover, for real this time."


"Focus Steinfeld, you're too distracted today."

"Sorry... like I said, I was out last night and I didn't get enough sleep." Hailee restrained herself from smirking when the personal trainer grunted in acknowledgment and surged forward but Hailee dodged Y/N's punch and grabbed her arm to sprawl her on the mat. It was part of the plan, feigning being unfocused and to let Y/N believe she really had a wild night [A/N: 😉] when in fact she was well-rested and focused.

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