Missing Targets - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)

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Summary: when everyone is out for a mission, Y/N and Kate were the only ones left in the Avengers compound. Something distracted Kate and injured Y/N.

Warnings: just some mentions of blood.

Word count: 5252 words.


"Oh I thought I would be all alone today in the compound. Everyone is out on a mission." Y/N entered the workout area, ready to start her day with her daily workout, wearing only a pair of really tight, black and grey yoga pants and her sport bra, her killer abs on display.

The archer lifted her eyes up from her bow and almost dropped it on the ground when she saw the girl entering the gym. "Uhm- hi! I came back from a mission last night. Steve said it was okay for me to not tag along since I did a great job in Berlin and deserved some rest." Kate was having a really hard time focusing on anything but those well-defined abs the Asgardian was showing, her eyes shifting between the girl's eyes and her stomach.

"Oh yeah, my brother told me you succeeded in catching the bad guys! Good job!" Y/N laid her towel on the barbell and sat on the bench, looking at the girl with a million dollar smile.

"Thanks!" Kate smiled with her tongue between her teeth and blushed just a little. The two got along pretty well. They were the youngest in the Avengers compound and joined the team almost at the same time, so it was easy for them to become really good friends. The catch? Kate is reduced in a cute, flustered mess every time the Asgardian was around her since she developed a huge crush on her during their bonding time. How could she not? She was Thor's sister and looked like a goddess - no scratch that, she was in fact a goddess -, she was incredibly smart - she graduated in college in bioengineering and had a PhD in nanotechnology - funny and did she already mentioned how beautiful and stupidly hot she looked? "So it's just you and me for the rest of the month!"

"And Friday. Right buddy?"

"You guessed right, miss Odinson."

"Oh Friday I already told you to call me Y/N."

"My bad, miss Y/N. Is there anything I can do for you and miss Bishop?"

"No we're okay, for now at least."

"Very well. Have a good day."

"Okay, I'm gonna start with my workout now. You can resume yours too, I won't disturb you."

"Be careful with that thing. Isn't it too heavy?" Kate watched cautiously as Y/N prepared the barrel with at least 440 lbs and sitting on the bench, laying down and grabbing the barrel between her hands and liftimg it effortlessly. Kate gaped at that sight and tried desperately to subside the sudden warmth between her legs at Y/N's display of strength. "Or not..."

The archer heard a snort followed by a soft chuckle at her last, mumbled words and smiled cutely at the girl, "I can lift a lot more, but I dislocated my shoulder and sprained my wrist on the battle field two weeks ago, so Bruce told me to be careful."

The rest of the day in the gym for Kate was difficult to say the least. Y/N continued with her workout, doing crunches, squats - Kate couldn't help but let her eyes linger a lot on her ass - lifting weights, some jump rope and so on. Kate succeeded in shoot only 15 arrows in the span of an hour, too much occupied in ogling the Asgardian working out instead, but she wasn't not even a tiny bit sorry for that. She enjoyed the show just fine.

She shook her head when she realized she had been staring at Y/N's back muscles contract every time she landed a punch on the punching bag and forced herself to focus on the bullseye on Y/N left. She shot her arrow and hit the bull's eye, then one after another, the arrows landing in the bull's eye every single time effortlessly. What happened next was completely Kate's fault, even if Y/N should be blamed for being so fucking distracting.

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