You're My Flashlight (Part 1) - Emily Junk

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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! I'm here with a new imagine. Since the personal trainer AU is coming to an end and I had this in mind, I decided to write the first part and see if you're interested! So let me know what you guys think!

Summary: Y/N is Beca's sister. She is starting her freshman year at Barden University and wants to join the Bellas. Emily Junk is also starting her freshman year and wants to be a Bella too. What will happen during their journey as Bellas?

Warnings: none.

Word count: 4500 words.


A knocking sound echoed around the not so silent big house, the girls bickering in the kitchen about something Amy wasn't really interested in listening, so when she heard the unexpected sound, she walked towards the door and opened it to see who was knocking in the middle of July at their door. On the other side of the threshold was a good looking Y/H/C girl with bright Y/E/C eyes, approximately 5'5 tall and with a big smile on her lips, "hi."

Amy took her time to scrutinize her from head to toe, finally staring into her Y/E/C eyes suspiciously, "you look familiar. Y/E/C eyes, Y/H/C hair... hm, did I punched you in the face once?" The girl simply laughed heartily at the Australian joke and shook her head, "did we fight on an illegal fight club?"

The brunette widened her eyes and laughed incredulously, "no, I'm afraid not."

"Hm..." Amy hummed pensively.

"Oh wait, let's see if you recognize me this way." The girl put on a bitch resting face and stared at Amy with an annoyed look in her eyes.


"Yes I'm am." The girl nodded proudly with a megawatt smile.

"Charlie right?" Amy asked pointing her index finger at her.

"Y/N..." The brunette chuckled at the Australian blonde.

"Oh yeah, it's the same... Y/N... come in, come in!" The Australian stepped aside and let the girl in, "GIRLS LOOK WHO'S HERE!" Amy screamed right into Y/N's left ear, who flinched at the unexpected and deafening sound that is Amy's loud voice. They walked into the living area and in mere seconds 8 girls entered the living room and looked at her intently. Y/N admitted she felt a little bit uneasy at the stares she was receiving and fidgeted on the spot, playing with the ring on her thumb while looking everywhere but at the girls examining her.

"Girls, this is..."

"Y/N?!" Beca was the last one to enter the living area and when her eyes landed on the Bellas' centre of attention, a mix of disbelief and happiness spread on her face, while a big grin crawled up on the taller Y/H/C girl's face.

"It's good to see you too sis."

"SIS?!" A choir of disbelieving voices echoed around the living room, 8 pairs of widened eyes staring at the two siblings, now hugging tightly with big smiles on.

"I missed you so much!"

"Same, Phoenix is not the same without you." Beca smiled warmly at her sister, remembering their childhood there. She really missed her.

"Is she smiling?" Amy whispered to Stacie.

"I thought she wasn't capable of smiling." Stacie whispered back with hums of agreement by the Bellas.

"Guys I can hear you."

"Oh as I can see, grumpy Beca is still a thing." Y/N smiled brightly and giggled when Beca punched her arm with an annoyed roll of her eyes but her small, amused smile gave her away.

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