
By camdawg2

51.6K 706 1.5K

The god's have declared that humanity's time has come to an end and has decided to destroy them. One valkyrie... More

Ragnarok Begins
True Joy
a battle on multiple fronts.
Reality Check
Top of the mountain
The Devil and The Ashura
A new challenge.
Battles and Deaths.
Wins and losses.
planning for the future.
Neo Ragnarok Begins.
Magic and Might
Fighting in the Forest
Buddha vs Susanoo.
machines and magic
True Violence

Roaring Thunder

7.6K 81 137
By camdawg2

(before we begin I'd just want to remind everyone that this is a devil fruit Izuku story and that it takes place durning the first couple of weeks in the work study with Endeavor. Also I ask that through out this take not of the commentary from the crowd and at the end tell me what you think, like if it's to much or to little.)

"Let the first round of the final battle between the ultimate gods and the ultimate humans begin!" Heimdall announced before rushing to the very edge of the arena so he wouldn't get caught up in the cross fire though he didn't need to be quick as when he did reach his safe haven he noticed that the two hadn't moved from their spot. "What's this?! It seems that are competitors haven't moved a muscle! Thor has even dropped her hammer!" He announced seeing Mjolnir laying on the ground.

Up in the god's private section Zeus laughed. "Well this is interesting, Thor not taking the boy is seriously is expected but for the human to just stand there, well I thought Brunhilde would at least warn the poor lad what he was facing." The king of the gods continued to laugh.

Down with the humans Aizawa gave a nod of approval. "Good he's not rushing in blind like he would at the beginning of the year." The homeroom teacher praised getting a nod from his fellow teachers. "Indeed, Midoriya probably knows something and is playing it safe for now. Especially since this is the first clash and he hasn't seen just what once of these gods are capable of yet." Principal Nezu added his own thoughts to the matter, thought he did laugh when he heard some of his students cheering.

"JUST FIGHT ALREADY DEKU!" Bakugou yelled growing more and more impatient by the second though people weren't sure if it was due to his temper or his nerves.

"Through her into an abyss she couldn't possibly escape from." Tokoyami yelled in his own eccentric way.

"SHOW THESE PAGAN GODS JUST HOW FAKE THEY ARE!" This came unsurprisingly enough came from Ibara who up until now had been a state of shock since learning the truth and seemed to have finally snapped out of it. Elsewhere both gods and humans were slowly getting impatient and unease at the silent stare down between the two fighters.

And than finally the fighting had begun and before the eyes of gods and humans alike Izuku using the powers of the Arms-Arms Fruit morphed his arms into turret machine guns and unleashed a barrage of bullets to the surprised goddess. "This..this is incredible! Izuku Midoriya has somehow morphed his arms into large fire arms and unleashed a hail of bullets at Thor!" Heimdall roared into his horn which was only heard slightly over the now cheering human section.

"Unbelievable! He has super powers"

"How'd he'd do that?!"

"Who the hell cares?! There's no way that goddess can withstand that!"

All around humanity was marveling over seeing a superpower human for the first time, as well as seeing it as sigh that there was hope for the future. While those from Izuku's own universe watch them. "Wow I forgot that none of these guys have seen a quirk before." Ochako muttered looking around at the crowd who were now cheering the green haired teen on widely. "At least now we know why some of our looks had changed." Tsuyu Asui muttered looking down at her and saw that her frog features were gone, same with those like Mezo, Koji and Mineta. Hell even Toru was now visible.

"Still at least humanity's taking it better than the gods seem to be." Momo muttered as she glanced over at the gods section who seemed to be yelling and arguing over how a mere human could possibly have any sort of power with a few starting to shout blame at each other about it.

Up in the private section things weren't much different as Shiva fell of her pillow in shock. "What the hell? Shiva shouted standing up and marching over to the edge all five of her golden eyes staring down in shock. How the hell is the human capable of this?" Shiva demanded. "Oh my!" Aphrodite gasped. "Cute and full of surprises!" She muttered. "Do you think Thor would give to me after the fight? I'd love a new toy." She asked, lust filling her eyes.

"Oh ho ho, the first match has only just begun and the surprises are already starting." Zeus laughed . "Isn't that right Hermes?" He asked the figure standing behind his chair.

(Hermes, one of the 12 olympians, messenger of the gods)

"Indeed it is my lord." She agreed before looking down. "Still it's a tad tragic it'll all be for naught." She said getting another laugh from the ancient god. Elsewhere Odin merely looked down at the field with disdain  and disinterest and  it wasn't hard to see why.

Despite by now thousands of bullets now hitting the goddess, not a single one had left so much as a mark. Something Heimdall noticed. "it seems that despite a shocking reveal the bullets have no impact on Thor, but what else can you expect from such feeble human weaponry?" He asked getting laughs from the gods and scowls and looks of uneasy from the gods. But now with thousands of bullets no scattered across the field Izuku finally stoped his barrage and turned his arms back to normal with Thor standing there boredom radiating off her with the gods now jeering.

"Nice try stupid human!" A gorilla faced god laughed.

"As if your worthless human weapon could even scratch a god" A goddess laughed into her hand.

"Come on Thor! Kill that worthless human for even thinking he could challenge you!" Forseti cheered at the top of his lungs.

Izuku didn't seem discouraged by this comments however and used the Shave technique to disappear and reappear behind the goddess above her head and unleashed kick after kick to her head although they connected it did nothing just as the bullets had done nothing. By now disappointment had entered Thor's eyes as well as boredom. ' And here I thought you were something interesting.' Thor thought in disappointment. 'I don't know what you did before, but it's clear what ever it is won't enough to save you.' She thought picking up Mjölnir and swinging it which Izuku dodged with another use of Shave before appearing in front of Thor and punching the goddess square in the face.

This like the all pervious did absolutely nothing to the goddess and this time Thor was able to land her blow, and this was the first time that Thor's expression changed. It was for but a single instant but for a moment Thor's eyes gained a small amount of intrigue when instead of being annihilated innately like every other before him. All that happen was the boy getting flung across the arena before landing on his feet.

Heimdall however was much more excited. "Unbelievable folks! Izuku Midoriya who has landed blow after blow on Thor has yet to even scratch her mighty self! But against all odds it seems Thor might have the same problem!" The announcer commented causing the humans to cheer while the gods especially those from the norse parthenon sat there in shock.

Thor was known for power having appeared on thousands of battlefields and having slain tens of thousands enemies, each one with a single strike, So to see a human of all things be the first to do it was jarring to more than a few of them.

"Yeah that's the way Midoriya, she can't do anything to you!" Setsuna Tokage of 1b cheered. "

"You've got this! Just find something that can get through her defense!" Kendo shouted with more and more people joining in.

Down below however Izuku was having his own thoughts on the situation. 'So her god powers really do get through the devil fruits' natural defenses like Haki does. Glad we tested it before the fight." Izuku thought having tried to turn to smoke right before Thor hit Izuku with Mjnölnir only for Thor to make contact and Izuku to get blown back.

'Still though.' Izuku thought with a frown as he watched Thor set her hammer down. 'It looks like things might get a little rough from here.' He thought.

"My, you're doing better than I thought you would boy." Zeus said out lout before smiling his maliciously, a single eye glowing. "But know it's time you learn your place."

Down below Thor took her right hand off Mjnölnir and extending to the left where it started to glow blue with electricity. Izuku was insanely put on guard especially when some of the god's seemed to grow excited seeing it. "Ahh!!! That's...." He trailed off in excitement. Geir however didn't share in their excitement as she gasped in worry."What's she doing?!" She asked not recognizing the move but knowing it couldn't be good. She would have freaked out more if it weren't for Brunhilde standing there a confident smile on her face with her arms crossed.

"What's happening?!" Heimdall yelled. "Electricity is now running down right arm as she raised Mjölnir with her left before grabbing the giant hammer with her right. "Thor, who has let her guard down has now grabbed Mjölnir with both hands!" The announcer commentated before noticing the norse goddess leaning back. "She's lost her balance! She's falling" Heimdal continued to speak watching her lean further and further back. "No wait!, She's still standing!" He corrected himself as he watched the thunder goddess stand at a bizarre angel. "Just what kind of fighting stance is that?!" He asked.

"That stance! I know what she's up to! Seems she's getting impatient!" Huginn chortled with Mummin shaking its head. "No I don't think so. I think Thor actually recognizes something in that human!" The crow corrected watching crackle and buzz with electricity.

"Why else would she use that move on a mere human?!"

Long ago Asgard was surrounded by high walls to help repel attacks from Jötunheim and for years lived in peace and tranquillity.

Until one day with out waring, The Jotnar who had strengthen their forces and had amassed an unprecedented army of 66 giants swarmed Asgard. Until than All attacks on Asgard had been made by single giants. "The giants act alone." That way of thinking and living had made complacent allowing their defenses to weaken.

This is exactly what the giants had been waiting for. And once proud Asgard stood on the brink of destruction.

However during all of this where others feared for their and their families lives Thor was merely bored. And when challenged slew all 66 giants single handily. To immortalize this the gods bestowed a name upon the deadly strike.

Humanity watched with dread as electricity spread all over the arena which only fueled the gods morale as the cheered for Thor to win. Even those from Izuku's world were starting to feel the hand of uncertainty claw at their hearts.

"Ha ha play time is over." Zeus laughed from his seat while Geir watched on. "Sister?" She asked helplessly towards Brunhilde who now had her eyes closed, arms crossed, a knowing smirk still on her face.

"Show us Thor." Odin commanded as her daughter straightened up and shot right towards Izuku.

They named it...

All across the stadium humanity was begging Izuku to move and fight on but all he did was lower his stance extend his left hand out and pull his right fist back into a fist with a green glint in his eye seconds before Thor's attack landed.

Thor's Hammer.


All around the stadium gods and humans had to either shield their eyes or cover their eyes from the impact of the attack and even than and with the proactive barrier that had been placed around the stadium to protect the spectators strained under the pressure of the attack.

"Well that's it for round 1." Shiva muttered back on her pillow along with the same bored look on her face although there was the tiniest hint of disappoint in there as well as she listened to the other gods cheer. "Aw, my new toy is already broken, and before I could even play with him." Aphrodite pouted.

"DEKU!" Katsuki shouted along with the rest of his classmates jumping to his feet as he ignored the pressure. "You worthless nerd if you die to something like this I'll kill you!" He threatened while Ochako was beside herself with worry. "He can survive this right?! I mean lighting's never effected him before so why should it now?!" She shouted close to hysterics before Tsuyu Asui grabbed her.

"Listen to me Ochako, I know you hate to hear it but Izuku's opponent is a god, out of everyone he's faced that has a way around his quirk's natural defenses it would be her!" She hated to say it but Tsu seeing everyone go into a panic knew some had it keep her head. Ochako looked like she desperately wanted to argue also she could do was turn to the arena with every fiber of her being that Izuku was alright.

She wasn't the only one either as every member of class 1a along with class 1b were shouting support towards their arena along with the teachers and other pros that were brought along. And they weren't alone. "YOU CAN DO IT BIG BROTHER!" came the shout from none other than Eri who was screaming her little lungs out along with Kota and the Wild, Wild Pussycats. Seeing the group that knew the young man best convinced those seating nearby to do the same. Even if it was pointless they would show their support for the young man who risked his life to help them.

Unknown to the heroes, they weren't the only ones brought to watch as aisles way sat none other than Stain, quirkless and dressed in civilian garb he was also cheering on the boy who impressed him. "Are you really going to be done in that easily Izuku Midoriya? I thought your will was stronger than that!" He shouted down towards the field.

Up in corridors and well away from everyone else was none other than the league of villains also stripped of their quirks, they agreed to come and spectate to not only get a break from fighting Gigantomachia but also see if they could learn if their most powerful and seemingly invincible foe had any weaknesses.

"Well looks like it's game over for him." Dabi noted a satisfied smile on his face at seeing one of their worst problems being taken care of without them having to lift a finger. Spinner and Twice nodded in agreement. "Yes now we have one last thing to worry about." Twice said only to immediately shout out. "It should have been us killing him!" Toga however was glaring daggers down at the light show. "It's not fair!" She cried stamping her foot onto the ground. "I love Izuku, I should be the one to bloody him up not her!" She shouted and she wasn't the only villain displeased be this.

"What the hell are you doing out there Midoriya?!" Screamed none other than Goto Imasuji aka Muscular jumping to his feet and frightening those around him. "I thought you were tougher than that?! You certainly seemed like it during our fight!" He continued to growl.

Through this all Tomura Shiragaki staring down intently into the arena not saying a word.

As the light started to die down and smoke and dust leaked into the higher stands Geir's legs gave out. 'That's what a god can do?! She thought in despair. 'I knew it! This was a hopeless idea to begin with! Humans fighting the gods?! Ridiculous! Even with someone as strong as Izuku!' She wailed in her head. Speaking of Izuku, Geir turned to Hilde to start consoling her only to see her still standing there, arms crossed and a confident smirk on her face as she stared down at the area as if waiting for something.

"Big sis...?" She asked confused at the behavior. "Don't turn away Geir." She told her youngest sister. who hesitantly looked down."And now watch as history is changed!"

Back in the arena Thor said nothing as the attack ended merely raised her arm to lift her hammer and exit the arena, no longer in the mood to fight nor see the stain of the boy once the smoke cleared after such a disappointing start. However it was than Thor noticed something was wrong as no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get her hammer to budge.


That sound so loud and booming that it effectively silenced the entire arena. What the hell was that?" A god muttered as he and multiple others began to look around for the source an action mirrored by the humans. However one group knew exactly what that sound meant and hearing it bought smiles and tears of relief to their eyes. "Deku." Ochako muttered wiping away a tear from her eye as she watched the arena with a great big smile. Those unaware of what was going and heard her felt their eyes widen before turning to the arena with shock and a small amount of hope.


All Might breathed out in relief. "Thank goodness." The retired hero muttered. "You gave me a scare my boy." He muttered before looking towards the others and saw Aizawa holding his chest and breathing out relief getting teasing grins from Midnight and Present Mic. 'And now it looks like I'm not the only one.' He thought with a chuckle before he smirked. 'Now than show them the mistake of underestimating humanity.


Thank goodness." Momo breathed out and feeling a weight taken off he shoulders. "I must admit I thought the worst for a second." The heiress admitted to her classmates. "We all did and given the situation I don't think anyone could blame given who he's up against." Iida told her with Shoto nodding. "Iida's right. And now it's time to watch the gods regret not ending it a single blow."


"DAMN IT DEKU, NEXT TIME GET SERIOUS FROM THE START AND DON'T MAKE EVERYONE WAIT YOU SHITTY NERD! Bakugou shouted out anger that Deku of all people would play around with the gods especially when lives were on the line.

As these conversations were going on and the noise get coming more and more people were hearing and turning to the arena in hope and Thor who heard the last comment made by Bakugou finally looked down as the last of the dust cloud disappeared allowing everyone to finally learn what had been the clause of the sound. And when she did Thor's eyes widen in pure shock.

And it was at that moment history would forever be changed for Izuku's fist struck Thor right in the stomach and after a few brief moments of silence just long enough for the two to make eye contact before and in front of every god and human Thor the strongest norse goddess was blasted back, spew blood as she did so before slamming into the stadium wall causing to shake violently.

Dead silence as the gravity of situation sunk into all those watching until it finally happened and the stadium itself shock as humanity cheered for the young man who seemed to do the impossible. "W-Wha..how is that possible?!" Forseti stuttered as he tried to refuse what he was seeing.

"Well done young Midoriya that's how you do it!" All Might cheered accidently buffing up for a split second as he did so.

For the second time that day Shiva fell off her pillow in shock. "T-there's no fucking way." She muttered as she stood there gaping at the sight of one of Heaven's strongest bleed like..like a human.

Thor..has spewed up blood!" Heimdall roared into his horn after finally getting over his shock with only adding to humanity's roaring cheering. Izuku Midoriya's attack have wounded Thor!" He cheered, the announcer in him not being able to be contained at a historic event.

'How do you shitty gods like that?!" Katsuki thought with a savage grin as he watched the gods grow more and more panicked. 'That's what happens when you fuck with with humans!' He thought letting out a laugh as he cheered with the rest of his classmates.

"Hell yeah Midoriya, that's more like it!" Muscular laughed along with some of the others he was sitting with.

"Well done" Stain said with a grin.

Back with the gods Forseti was growing more and more panicked. 'Thor was wounded by a...no!' He shock his head violently trying to deny it as more and more gods were starting to realize this wasn't going to be the fun little show they thought it would be.

'Damn it.' Izuku thought as he stared down at his fist which was now coated metallic black. 'I was hoping to end this with a single strike. I even added Conquer's Haki in addition to Armament.' He thought with a sigh before looking at Thor who was digging her way out of the wall. 'But than again if it were that easy I wouldn't be here.' Izuku thought.

Thor meanwhile had pulled herself free before placing her hand over her wound which now replaced where the lower half of her tank top was involuntary coating her hand in her own blood before finally bringing it closer to her face before glancing towards her opponent." Izuku Midoriya." She muttered before a maniacal grin appeared on her face. "You're magnificent."

Thor of course had pieced together what Izuku's true intention was. By launching big but seeming useless attacks she slowly lowered her guard until finally Izuku was given the opportunity to unleash his true opening move.

Line break.

"Hmm how curious." Zeus muttered as he scratched his beard as he tried to figure out just how the boy was capable of doing these things. At first he suspected it was the Valkyries' Völundr ability but he was sure none of the valkyries were capable of anything like this. 'Izuku Midoriya, just who the hell are you?' Zeus thought pondering on who exactly this wild card was.

"Lord Zeus." Hermes voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he turned his attention to her he pointed towards the entrance way. "You have a visitor." She said with a smile causing him to stare confused before looking who approached and upon seeing them. A massive smile instantly broke out his face.


(Poseidon, Greek Pantheon)

"Oh isn't this a surprise, a visit from my older sister! What a wonder and rare occurrence! Come give your younger brother a hug and a kiss!" He yelled with sticking out his arms and puckering his lips in a kissing motion. Poseidon just gave a look of disgust and snapped her fingers causing a throne to appear next to zeus were she sat and looked down into the arena below.

Zeus's chuckling drew her attention as she glanced towards him, she saw he was giving her an amused look. "So that's what this is about. The boy has piqued your interest has he?" Causing Poseidon to narrow her eyes at her brother as he continued on. "I'll admit I never would have imaged it from you all of gods, but considering what we've seen from him so far it's to be expected." Here he leaned forward. "Most especially that last big one he did. I don't know what it was or how it even hurt Thor but."

"It was an earthquake." The sudden interruption took both Zeus and Hermes off guard as they looked towards the ocean god in confusion. She answered them without even looking. "The attack was essentially an earthquake powered punch. I don't know how it hurt the thunder berserk probably by what ever that green light came from. But I know an earthquake when I see it.: She finished her explanation with both gods nodding, knowing that if anyone knew earthquakes it was the goddess of earthquakes herself.

"So in essence we have a boy who can morph his hands into high powered human weaponry, disappear and reappear instantly and even create earth quakes with nothing but a punch. All the while possessing an ability that lets him wound the gods." Zeus summed up the enigma that was the human's fighter.

"I don't know were you got him from Brunhilde." He muttered as he glance towards the valkyrie who was watching the fight with a smug look. "But if the entire of Ragnarok is like this, then it will easy be." Here he stopped his body trembled horribly for several seconds before he burst into tears of joy and happiness. "THE MOST EXCITING THING SINCE THE BIG BANG!" He shouted at the top of lungs getting an annoyed sigh from Poseidon and an amused giggle from Hermes.

Line Break

Meanwhile with Brunhilde and Geir the longest valkyrie the two were watching Thor grin manically at Izuku as lightening raced over her arms. "I can't believe he actually managed to hurt Thor without Völundr!" The youngest Valkyrie gushed before turning towards her older sister. "How'd he do that by the way?" She asked getting Brunhilde's smirk to grow even bigger.

"That Geir is Haki." Brunhilde explained . "For those that unlock it it provides a plethora of abilities that let's one accomplish things most would consider impossible. "Here Brunhilde's smile turned demonic.

"Including injuring the gods!"

Line break.

"Your magnificent."

The tone, smile and body language of the goddess all but screamed at Izuku that he was in trouble. Having seen the smile before on the likes of Muscular and Toga and it always meant nothing but trouble. 'And considering it came from a goddess that he launched clear across the arena in front of both humans and gods alike..' He trailed off in his mind. It didn't help that he was getting a weird feeling from Mjölnir that started to give off a rather ominous feeling as well as heat.

"And Thor's back on her feet! Willing and very much ready to start the next round!" Heimdall commented now causing the gods to cheer and the humans unease to grow a tad bit. Thor was more than willing to prove the commentator right because she charged forward at great speed, her eyes squarely on Izuku as electricity ran down her arms and legs. Well Izuku wasn't going to just wait around for the goddess to come to him and keeping Thor as far away from her weapon as possible seemed like a good idea so powering up One For All to 20% and covering his arms and legs in armament he shot forward breaking apart the ground beneath him as he did as he charged towards his opponent.

Laughing Thor punched forward launching a massive bolt of lightning towards the human boy getting cheers from the gods and yells of alarm from the humans only for it to be reversed when instead of zapping the boy the lightning was absorbed by him thanks to the power of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit shocking even Thor

Brunhilde saw this and smirked. 'Yes I bet your surprised your precious lighting wasn't at all effective. Unfortunately for you unlike the physical strikes of you and your precious hammer that lighting of yours is simple lightning and Izuku's more than capable of absorbing it' Brunhilde thought viscously.

Izuku also noticed the giant woman's shocked state and planned to take full advantage. Using Shave he instantly appeared in front of the woman before launching 5 paunches around the spot where his Quake Punch landed and this time covered in Haki and powered by One For All Thor felt every one of them. Scowling the berserker tried to swipe at him only for Izuku to disappear and reappear again behind her head causing the woman to innately turn to block the barrage of kicks she thought were coming. Izuku had different plans though as she had a clawing motion with his hand down towards the woman impaling her with five strings through the chest. This was the String-String Fruit ability Fulbright and as Thor was recovering Izuku closed in and kicked her straight in the chin, disorienting her for about 3 seconds.

And that was all Izuku needed as Izuku flew high and using the power of the Stamp-Stamp Fruit, raised every single of the thousands of bullets that had been laying around in the beginning into the air and pointed them directly at Thor while coating every single one in Armament Haki. All this happened in the 3 seconds that Thor was dazed and when she did see the thousands of bullets armed to fire all she could do was blink before they rained down on her.

"THOR!" Foresti screamed at the top of his lungs as he and the rest of the gods watched in opened mouth horror as Thor's body was filled with holes from the bullets. smashing through her Járngreipr and her arms, hands, fingers apart. Her armored boots weren't spared ether meaning her legs, feet and toes were caught in the firing range as well as her torso and neck. But the worst was her face the bullets tearing part the skin around her cheeks, nose as well as one of her eyes leaving only one eye to stare at Izuku intently before falling face first into the ground as the last few bullets pelted into her back as her body was stained red with blood.

"My word." Hermes muttered a hand over her mouth in shock while Poseidon had her eyes opened fully now as she watched what was going on down on the field like a hawk with her eyes showing many emotions at once, most of them not not good.

"What...the....hell?" Was all shiva could mutter as her brain tired to comprehend what had just happened. While Aphrodite for once had nothing lustful on her mind as it worked over time trying to explain how this could be happening.

As for Odin she just sat there her face darkened and Huginn and Muninn as far away from her as possible least they be killed in her fury.

The audience was completely silent as both human and god stared in horror at the brutal and gruesome display, even those from his own world are disturbed by the attack. The silence was only broken by loud laughter. Disbelief and incredulous everyone followed the sound to who could possibly find amusement in what they just saw only to see Brunhilde standing there a smug look as she laughed unashamed despite the petrified looks on Geir's face.

Finally noticing everyone's eyes on them Brunhilde managed to reign in her laughter but still had a smug smirk on her face. "Well that's it for round 1." Brunhilde commented unknowingly using the same line Shiva had used earlier. This comment caused everyone's eyes to widen realizing that the valkyrie was right there was no way that Thor, goddess or not was going to be getting up any time soon.

The cheers from Humanity was louder than ever before as Himedall slowly approached the fallen goddess. 'The valkyrie's right, there's no way she's getting up. Time to call it.' Heimdall more than a little shocked about how calm he was acting considering he just watched one of heaven's strongest get gunned down.


"T-The first round of Ragnarok, the final showdown between god and man has come to an end!"


"Though she fought well and and unleashed her signature technique Thor could stand up to the attacks her opponent!"


"So it is with no small amount of shock and disbelief that I announce the winner to be Izuku Midoriya-i-i-is anyone else feeling that heat or is it just me?!" Heimdall couldn't help but ask as a incredulity intense heat suddenly overwhelmed the stadium.

"Yeah I'm starting to feel it too." A god muttered before noticing his friend looking around as if searching for something. "Hey man everything okay?" He asked concerned as is friend looked at him confused. "Yeah it's just don't you heart that noise?" He asked only getting a confused look in return.

Conversations like this was going over all over the stadium wether it be about the heat or the weird noise. Only two people knew what was going on, one of them was Zeus who was once again laughing in glee. "About time that hunk of junk woke up." He muttered getting curious looks from the two goddess with him while Oden just in her seat looking down expectedly only letting out a "Finally."

A scream from the human section caught people's attention as they turned to the woman who yelled only for to point to the arena with a yell of "The hammer!" causing everyone to look where she was pointing to see what she was talking about only to scream in fear.

"What the hell is happening Hilde?!" Geir screamed in fear at what she was sweating and even her older sister had a startled look on as she had no idea what could be happening. "It ah it appears that Mjölnir is pulsating! What could this possibly mean?" The announcer questioned with the answer coming from a source no one expected.

"It means that it's finally woken up."

Everyone human including Izuku froze upon hearing the voice before slowly and surly he turned and sure enough there looking to be straight out of a nightmare stood Thor, single remaining eye glowing brightly and smiling a cheerless, lipless grin. "Thor! She's back on her feet!" Heimdall shouted casing the god's to cheer out loud, Forseti being chief around them. "Oh yeah Thor, I knew you wouldn't let some worthless human beat you!" He cheered along with his fellow gods.

"WHAT THE ACUTAL FUCK?! HOW IS THAT BITCH STILL CONSCIOUS AFTER ALL THAT?!" Katsuki shouted glaring daggers down at the stadium at the goddess in particular. "To survive all that and still be able to stand. I guess that's what it means to be a god." Iida muttered running his hadn't through his air as he tired to think. "I think the real problem is that hammer right now. Midoriya needs to take care of that before he focuses on that." Aizawa muttered as he couldn't take his eyes off the still beating hammer.

"I don't know about that." All Might couldn't help but counter. "I get removing an enemy's weapon but given the state of the opponent. I'd think it would be a better idea to focus on her while keeping an eye on it." The former number 1 stated. "Regardless Mr.Midoriya is going to keep his guard up more than ever from here on out." Principal Nezu summed up, something everyone could agree with.

Down below Izuku got back into his fighting stance while coating his arms in Armament and was waiting for the goddess to make her move before his Observation Haki activated showing what was about to happen causing him to insanity turn towards Mjölnir as Thor extended her hand out causing the hammer to shot towards her which would also cause it to fly straight through Izuku. However Izuku didn't shy away from the rapidly approaching giant hammer instead turned down at an angle which would cause the hammer to fly harmlessly past and straight to its master.

However right after it passed Izuku it before the eyes of everyone present vanished.

Thor blinked trying to make sense of what just happen before actually looking around for her weapon only to find nothing, and she wasn't the only one as god and human alike were trying to figure out what the hell just happened. "So what just happen?" Huggin asked with Mummin giving a bird equivalent of a shrug both having returned to Odin's smolders after everything calmed down. "No idea."  he responded before turning to his master only to shriek away when he noticed the dark aura now surrounding Odin.

"So you both saw that right?" Zeus asked the two other greeks with him getting nods from both. "Yes the boy just touched the hammer for the briefest and it suddenly vanished." Hermes muttered getting a nod from Zeus while Poseidon was watching Izuku even more intently than before.

Shiva also saw what happened and whistled. "You just keep getting more and more interesting." She muttered before glancing over to Aphrodite who was squirming in her seat with a blush. "And I'm not the only one who thinks so apparently." She muttered with a sweat drop.

"It appears that Mjölnir has vanished! But where could it possibly have gone?" Heimdall asked the question everyone was thinking only to stop and notice Izuku waving getting his and Thor's attention before smirking and pointing up. "Getting the message and in disbelief both looked up to see nothing but a faint glow in the sky.

Though throw their connection Thor knew that it was Mjölnir and it was rapidly getting further and further away. Looking back she saw Izuku standing there a smirk on his face as he waved at her pads on his hands that disappeared after a moment's notice.

This was the last straw for who started to shake violently as Heimdall not so suddenly ran as fast as he could to the furthest point in the stadium away from Thor as god and human alike braced for the fury of the Thunder Goddess.

Why is why more than a few were confused when she started to laugh.


"She's..laughing?" Ryukyu asked unsure of what to make it of this situation. "What do you think it means?" Crust asked from behind her getting a snort from Mirko. "Isn't it obvious?" She asked rhetorically a rare and serious frown on her face as she watched the goddess laugh.


"I-I've never seen here like this before!" Muninn squeaked completely terrified as Huginn looked towards Odin. "Is she going to be okay Lady Odin?" He asked hesitantly and the silence from Odin didn't easy their fears at all.

Down in the arena Izuku watched on, sweat rolling down his face, both Armament covering his arms and legs as well as One For All at 100% just in case. Once Thor's laughter died down she looked to Izuku with even with a scared and disfigured face, a kind and found smile, one could even call it loving.

"Izuku Midoriya." Even the tone she was using had changed, there was something in it that but Izuku on edge. "I have waited so long to finally meet someone like you." She told him only building up that unease feeling. "And now that I have, I have a favor to ask of you." She told him and Izuku knew shit was about to fan as her entire body was covered in lightning, "Don't die...." And here before everyone's eyes the lighting went from blue to Golden and Crimson. "Until I'm satisfied!"

"Fuck!" Brunhilde swore as she bit her nail and glared down at the arena while Geir was freaking. "Brunhilde, what's with that lighting around Thor?" Geir questioned with Brunhilde gritting her teeth as she answered. "Divine Lightning."

Divine Lightning. created only by  being soaked in the blood of a god Divine lighting's power and speed increase dramatically but it also becomes more aware of itself as well.

"Aware of itself?" Geir asked confused wondering what her sister could mean by that. "I guess another way you could put it is that it gains consciousness." Only confusing and worrying Geir more.

Down in the arena Thor was still letting out a few giggles before raising her hand and flicking one of her mangled fingers as a massive bolt of crimson lighting blasted towards Izuku. Izuku was preparing to charge forward while absorbing the lightning when his Haki activated causing his eyes to widen in surprise before covering his arms with Haki and tasing them to guard right in time for the lightning to slam into Izuku, pushing him to the other side of the arena and leaving his arms with a bad burn mark

"Incredible! Thor's lightning which previously has done nothing to Midoriya has now pushed him back while also wounding him!" Hiemdall announced causing the gods to roar in excitement as the humans grew nervous. Thor shot forward her every step causing bolts of golden lightning  to shoot down all across the arena.

This was far less a concern for Izuku as with his Observation Haki he was able to see which bolts of lightning he needed to avoid before moving around it with Shave. Thor saw this and grinned challengingly. "Not bad." She muttered "But let's see if you can handle more of them." She said before the lightning on her arms went crazy as she muttered the name of her next attack. "Lightning strike."

Instantly dozens of crimson lightning strikes rained down all across the arena forcing the boy to Shave widely to avoid getting hit as well as avoiding Thor's pot shots. "And the tables have turned. Izuku Midoriya is helpless against Thor's onslaught and can only run!" Heimdall continued with the gods now partially seeing victory in their grasp.

"Come on Deku! Are you really going to lose in round fucking one?!" Katsuki demanded as he shock his fist towards the arena. "Hurry up and put that bitch in the ground!" The ashen blonde teen screamed causing other humans to scream their support as well.

Down below Izuku let out a small smirk. "Way ahead of you Katsuki.' Before using the power of the Flower-Flower Fruit to sprout 3 arms on each shoulder and coated them with Haki as well as Lightning from the Rumble-Rumble Fruit before linking together to act as a make shift umbrella and not a moment to soon as a lighting strike instantly struck the make shift umbrella and while it did sting the effects of the lightning were reduced greatly. Smirking Izuku shot forward dodging around Thor's man self made blast before getting close causing Thor to create a golden lighting spear ready to impale Izuku where he stood. But as she thrust forward Izuku covered his hand in Haki before a blade of black lighting clashed with the golden spear.

"Incredible! Izuku Midoriya not only reduces  the danger from the Divine Lighting but also seems to have his own version of it!" Heimdall screamed as Izuku managed to break their deadlock and pierce her with his own Haki powered Lightning Spear. This actually managed to paralyze the goddess long enough for Izuku to get an a few more good punches on her already battered body.

Stomping on the ground and releasing a burst of Divine Lightning forced Izuku away and let Thor fly into the air. Izuku seeing this could only snort. 'Of course she can fly.' He thought as he activated the power of the Float-Float Fruit to fly after her. Thor narrowed her eyes before raising her arm and suddenly swung it down.

Izuku instantly dodged to the side ready to dodge the attack to Izuku's confusion never came though Izuku didn't have time to worry about that as Thor covered in lightning shot towards in Izuku responded in kind covering himself in flames from the Flame-Flame Fruit launched towards the goddess the two meeting with a massive explosion as the began to clash in the air.

"This is outstanding folks, our to combatants have taken to the air in a battle or fire and lightning and the results are literal fire works as everyone god and man alike  watched on captivated.

Thor swiped down resulting in ten blasts of Divine Lightning rocketed towards Izuku who quickly sent just as many Flame-Flame Fruit empowered Storm Legs resulting in another explosion which the resulting smoke Thor flew right through and went for a kick to the head causing Izuku to duck and quickly fire a few Bullet Strings into her. Undeterred Thor let out a massive sphere of Divine Lighting forcing Izuku to back off but not without getting a a bolt grazing his side.

Taking a deep breathe Izuku fired a Blast Breathe at the sphere which it strained against and broke entirely when Izuku fired a Laser from the Glint-Glint Fruit, hitting her right below the heart with that and the explosion blasting her to straight to Izuku who took a page out of Whitebeard's book and slammed a Quake Punch straight into Thor's stomach and rocketed her toward the arena where she landed with a massive BOOM where she lay in a crater.

"Is it over? Is that it? Has round 1 finally reached its end?!" Heimdall screamed to the heaven's as humanity roared especially those from Izuku's world. Hell even some of the gods were cheering having lost themselves in the fight and forgot what it stood for. However the answer came as a soft "No." from Thor who shakily stood from where she landed and looked to the sky. "No." She repeated her eyes meeting Izuku's who narrowed his own in suspicion. "We have only just entered the final act."

It was than that Izuku felt a familiar intense heat as well as heard a rather ominously familiar BDMP=BDMP=BDMP-BDMP. Eyes wide with disbelief Izuku turned and saw what could be mistaken as a rapidly approaching meteorite but Izuku knew better. "Mjölnir." He hissed before narrowly avoiding getting hit with the hammer which descended to the arena colliding with it and destroying what was left of it.

'How the hell is it back?' Izuku thought as he watched Thor walk out of her hole and place her hand on the hilt. 'Did she call it back, but when could she have possibly done it?' Suddenly his mind drifted back to a certain moment. 'It was than.' Izuku thought recalling back to the time when she raised her hand and brought down only for seemingly nothing to happen 'It had to be.'

While this was going Thor ran her hand over her hammer. "And against all odds Mjölnir has returned, but will it matter at all with the Járngreipr destroyed and unable to protect Thor from Mjölnir's power?!" Thor almost snorted, Heimdall of course didn't know the truth and it wasn't up to her to correct him now especially with more important things to do.

Gently she stroked her hammer leaving a trail of blood as she did so which caused the hammer's heat to increase massively as well as the thumping. "Izuku Midoriya." She called out his name once again with a deformed smile though some how even though it was impossible everyone in that arena knew that it would have been genuine. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity." She told him.

Before glancing up to the private section more directly her mother and gave Odin her most awful and evil smirk. In an instant Odin was on her feet an aura of absolute death around her causing Huginn and Muninn to instantly fly away from her. This aura was so powerful that that the area around her started to decay as her eyes showed endless wrath and promised severe punishment if Thor continued on with her plan. The entire arena went silent seeing this every terrified and not wanting to direct her fury onto them.

If anything this only caused Thor's grin to widen even more before returning her attention to Mjölnir with her speaking one word. "Release."

It was as if an atom bomb had been unlashed right in the middle of the arena with Heimdall barely getting out of the blast zone with Izuku having to fly higher up to avoid it as well with Thor getting caught right in the middle in it.

"What she'd do this time?! I thought Deku had won!" Ochako shouted over the notice and she and the rest of crowd had to cover their ears. "No idea, but what ever it is Izuku's going to have to be even more carful from here on out!" Aizawa shouted back.

"Big sis, what just happened?" Geir asked only to see Brunhilde scowling with a twitching eyebrow. "I haven't the faintest fucking idea! I thought when that bitch hit the ground a second time it was over damn it!" She cursed as she looked up in the sky towards Izuku in concern.

The light had finally died down and the crowd was left standing there confused. Thor was still standing still as injured as ever with Mjölnir no where in sight. Chuckling slightly she looked up towards Izuku who was watching intently. "Well than shall we start the final round Izuku Midoriya?" She asked and than before the eyes of everyone she raised both her arms with two colossal arms of earth and rock rose behind her.

Everyone's jaws hung open , even those of Zeus, Poseidon and Hermes having never seen anything like this from Thor before. the only one who didn't seemed surprised was Odin who could only glare coldly down at her daughter.

"This is..this is..I don't even know how but Thor has some how risen two massive arms made of earth and rock!" Heimdall announced form his point on the edge of the arena having no idea what was gaining on.

Izuku was also shocked if his wide eyes were any indication before firing a constant stream of Meteor Volcanos towards the injured god. "Watch out Thor!" Froseti shouted with the goddess clapping her hands together causing a dome to rise up around her which the magma blast slammed into. Thor than spun in a circle before punching upwards launching dozens of  massive earth spikes towards Izuku who quickly cut them apart with the apart with the String-String Fruit only for the goddess to follow it up with a blast of magma the size of the arena floor towards Izuku at such speeds that Izuku could only respond by throwing a barrier around himself avoid the hit, not wanting to risk and see if the magma was similar to the Divine Lightning.

"FUCKING SHIT!" Brunhilde spat out, rubbing her hands through her hair rapidly in frustration with a mad look in her eye and and demented scowl on her face. "Fucking bitch hiding something like this and my dumbass never even considering she could do something like this! Especially considering who her mother is!" Brunhilde continued to shriek. "Umm sister?" Geir asked in a quite voice causing her sister to snap her attention over to her frightening Geir even more before asking her question. "I'm sorry but what does Odin have to with Thor's power over the earth?"

"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE CYCLOPS!" Brunhilde roared getting Geir to instantly scream in fear an apologize. Seeing Geir like this Brunhilde managed to calm herself down enough to explain even when she turns back to the fight. "I'm talking about her other mother and the one who birthed Thor, Jörō the personification of earth." She said going over what little she knew of Thor's lesser known mother.

"But wait why has Thor never used used anything like this before, I mean look at this!" Geir shouted as she pointed towards the massive column of magma. "I think if she was capable of this we'd have known about this before." Geir pointed out frantically which Brunhilde had to admit was a good point before her eyes widened. "Mjölnir! Remember Thor placing her hand on it before this all stated?" She asked getting a nod as both continued to watch the magma which was starting to die down. "Okay but why? Why would she hide it?" Geir asked getting a laugh form the eldest valkyrie.

"Oh isn't it obvious Geir?" She asked with a chuckle as she spared a moments glance towards Odin before going back to the arena where the last of the magma had finally ended. "A god's pride is extremity fragile."

Back with Izuku breathed out a sigh of relief. 'Finally over.' He thought with relief only for Thor to launch a mountains worth of boulders at the boy forcing him to dodge them. 'Okay that is fucking it!' Izuku thought. 'This ends now!' He thought flying high into the air before coating his arm in Armament Haki as well as pumping 100% of One For All coursing through his body as well as Conquer's Haki before forming a Quake Sphere and raising it high into the air. "It seems like Izuku is planning on with a final attack but will it be enough?!" Heimdall questioned pumping the viewers on even more.

"You can do it Deku!" Ochako cheered him on.

"That mortal can't do anything to you Thor!" Forseti screamed him his support.

"Who said I was done?!" Izuku shouted down before igniting that same hand in lighting causing clouds to gather and black and now green lighting to rain down on the now darkened arena before looking down at his opponent who was watching in no small amount excitement. 'Let's see how excited she is in a moment.' Before announcing calmly at looking straight at Thor. "Kirin." And Izuku watched with no small amount of satisfaction the utter shock in the goddess's eyes as the specters cried out in complete shock at what appeared behind Izuku.

Everyone watched in horrified as the green and black colored beast roamed the sky only making it worse was when the notified the glow of both the Quake Sphere and One For All.

"M-M-Mr.Aizawa what the hell is that?!" Iida stuttered as he stared up at the monster in unashamed horror a face mirrored by the rest of those who new Izuku with Aizawa answering with the only thing he could. "One hell of a trump card." The pro gulped a action mirrored by millions in attendance.

"So you think Gigantomachia could survive that?" Dabi asked with a laugh of disbelief as he kept his eye on the attack. "Not with all the hacks and cheats in the world." Tomura answered sounding more lost now than he ever had before.

Back with Izuku he didn't break eye contact with Thor. "One chance Thor." He told her, the goddess being able to hear him perfectly despite the distance. "Give up or else." He ordered as the lightning beast roared. Thor's only response was to grin madly and send another blast of magma towards the boy who didn't so much as blink. "So be out."

And swung his hand down.

The force of the two attacks blinded everyone watching as well as shock the arena so violently some fell to the ground. Some of the stronger gods as well as the pro heroes from Izuku's world were able to remain grounded but the majority had to suffer through the the aftermath on the floor. "Can anyone see Deku?! Ochako yelled trying to be heard over the rumbling. "WE CAN BARELY SEE ANYTHING! HOW THE FUCK WOULD WE BE ABLE TO SEE DEKU?!" Katsuki roared having no problem being heard over the sound.

"THOR! CAN ANYONE SEE THOR?! IS SHE ALRIGHT?!" Forseti screamed frantically over the the rumbling despite he was face first in the ground.

"Now that." Shiva muttered in a daze before snapping out of it as a massive grin appeared on her face. "That is some power!" as she ran to the edge trying to see any trace of the two fighters. Aphrodite meanwhile was fanning herself. "The ferocity those two had as the tried to kill each other." She could finish but let out a satisfied sigh as she slumped into her golems' embrace.

"OH YEAH! YOU GO GIRL, SHOW THAT MORTAL THE POWER OF THE GODS!" Zeus cheered on his feet with Hermes chuckling at his behavior while Poseidon had her eyes transfixed sorely on the arena.

It last it seemed to be diving down as Heimdall who had gotten to the stands just in time announced from his perch." And that folks is why you don't get in the way between two forces of nature!" He shouted. "But the question is who is the one still standing?!" He questioned and everyone held their breath as each hoping their representative would be the winner.

"I believe in you young Midoriya." All Might whispered his eyes unblinking on the arena. While Froseti had his hands clenched together and eyes fixed shut. "Thor." He whispered as if it would help her win.

As the last of the light died out the first one they saw to humanity's happiness was Izuku Midoriya, a few feet above the ground breathing hard but looking good for the most part. "And Izuku Midoriya is still standing!" Heimdall announced causing Humanity to roar in happiness while the gods appeared nervous. "And now the only question is where is- WHAT THE HELL?!" Heimdall interrupted himself and no one was confused on why.




Comments like these were being made all over the arena from God and Human alike and the reason for this was very simple. For where the arena was floor used to be now was nothing but a view into the open sky where the arena floated in the air as well as the divine realm below them.

"I-It would seem that their last clash destroyed the bottom of the stadium as well as the rocks underneath!" Heimdall shouted so that everyone knew they were all seeing the same thing. "They only question is where is Thor?!" He asked the more important of the questions everyone had right now. However Izuku just snorted getting his attention. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked before pointing down to the surface where even from this hight everyone could see a large impact carter on the surface below.

Understanding what the teen was implying he quirkily shouted. "Someone get eyes on down there now!" He ordered and a tiny drone was quickly sent out to the surface as a projector screen appeared so everyone could see what it was seeing. It went slow so it accidentally didn't hit anything making everyone grow more and more nervous until it at last made it to the impact zone. "Well folks this is it. Time to see if round one has truly come to an end." Heimdall told the audience who were all staring intently at the screen expect for Izuku who only sighed and headed down to the surface himself.

No one noticed as they were to focused on the video. "And the verdict is.." Heimdall before he and everyone watched gasped. Thor was there on her back, Mjölnir back and laying harmlessly be her side and she wasn't moving.

That was enough for Heimdall.

"And round one of Ragnarok, the final battle between Humanity and Gods have come to an end with the victor going to Izuku Midoriya of Humanity!" He roared which were quickly drowned out by the roars of humanity.

"That was incredible!"

"We know you could do it!"

"You're the best!"

"Oh yeah Midoriya, that's how you do it! Way to put that bitch in her place!" Muscular roared as he cheered along with the rest of those around him. Meanwhile the heroes and hero hopefuls were also celebrating. "Yeah, I knew he could do it!" Ochako cheered ash she hugged Mina and Toru. "A wondrous display Midoriya!" Iida said clapping his hands so fast they were blurs while Ejiro and TetsuTetsu were hugging each other and crying about how manly the fight was. "Ha, you extras were actually worried! I knew Deku would win from the start!" He said while discreetly wiping a bead of sweat from his head.

The pros and teachers meanwhile where happy that their students were lived and that Midoriya had won, and while they knew humanity had a long way to go they were fine with letting their students celebrate for the moment.

"Well he won, though I got to admit that looked to be touch and go for a moment." Gran Torino had said from the walkways. He had been setting with the other heroes but nature called right before the match forcing him to leave (but not before whacking Toshinori on the head for even suggesting he need help by offering to go with him.) and as he was heading back he had meet someone else from his world with the two deciding to watch the match together.

"True, but you gotta admit we did train that brat right, even if he didn't bother showing anything we taught him." His companion laughed getting another chuckle and shake of the head. And wasn't that a surprise, learning that his new friend had taught the kid when he was just a tiny brat.

"Eh I'm sure he'll show us plenty more in the following matches, that's a guarantee Kaku." He promised as he turned to his fellow watcher.

Kaku smirked as he followed his fellow teacher back to where he was sitting. "Oh believe me there's not a doubt in my mind.

As humanity was cheering however the gods had been rendered speechless. For the first time since the dawn of creation, Man had surpassed the gods it was a hard and bitter pill to swallow especially those of the Norse Pantheon. "That's not..no..it just can't." Forseti  continued to mumble until it became to much for him and passed out on the floor.

Up in the private section Shiva was clenching the sides of the window they shattered which Shiva failed to notice in the slightest. "Yes, what a fight!" She yelled while raising on of her fist. "Now I want to what that kid can do first hand!" She declared before looking towards the selection board which reappeared after Heimdall announced the winner. Come on you stupid board put me up against him, I don't care what kind of match it is!" She pleaded only to get distracted when Aphrodite giggled. "If you truly want him that badly why not ask for him as a prize when this is all over. You'd get a new training dummy not to mention you and those girls of your's would get a boy toy as well."

Shiva's eye twitched and was about to scream at her when she stopped and gave it some thought. 'It's not the worst idea ever and Ganesha definitely needs someone to teach him how to be a real man.'

Zeus meanwhile was scowling darkly in his seat and shaking slightly. "Lord Zeus, is something the matter?" Hermes asked looking down seeing the look on the king of the god's face. "No I'm fine, it's just." He said glaring at the cheering human side as well as the hole he saw the human go down. "We have a serious problem." Poseidon however didn't bother saying a word like her brother her eyes were locked firmly on the hole where Izuku flew down, however unlike before what there was a gleam in her eyes as well as poorly hid hunger.

Odin merely sat alone in her booth, Huginn and Muninn both flying off leaving her alone with her thoughts.

"YEAH! That's the power of humanity you worthless gods!" Brunhilde laughed at the stunned looks on the god's face while Geir cheering. "He won! Izuku won!" She cried in happiness before turning to her older sister. "So this means humanity's safe now right? Humanity's earned their right to live.

"Oh hell no." Brunhilde was quick to shut down her sister's naive hope. "We still have 6 more to go, and now the gods are going to try even harder." She confirmed before looking at Geir more far more seriously. "You know what you may have to do right, what's expected of you and what may happen if you lose right?" She questioned getting a slow nod from Geir, who had been told by her older sister's exactly what Volundr was and the risk it entails.

"Good." Brunhilde nodded before facing the arena. "But for now simply watch on and trust in our sisters and our chosen champions." Brunhilde told her younger sister who nodded determined as both watched and waited for the next selection.

"Well folks let's go ahead and pick our next match up and see what kind it is folks!' Heimdall announced before looking down at the arena. "But first we might have to fix the arena first." He muttered thankful there's a intermission between each match. "Hey look at the screen!" someone shouted causing everyone to watch the monitor to show Izuku Midoriya landing beside Thor.

'I had completely forgotten about her!' He thought a sentiment shared by many in the arena as they watched Izuku carefully bend down and put one of her arms over his shoulder before slowly raising into the air and flying them back to the arena.

This display left the audience gaping as just a few minutes ago the two looked like they were trying to kill each other so to see one helping the enemy he just beat was hard to believe. The only ones who weren't surprised were those from Izuku's world who merely smiled at the action.

The flying meanwhile managed to stir Thor awake who after a moment looked to Izuku manning to piece together what happened. "So I lost." She stated, not asked with Izuku nodding. "It was an amazing fight. Sorry I couldn't grab your hammer." Izuku apologized with Thor shrugging. "It's fine  just call it later, not like it can go anywhere." She waved of his apology "Still that was the most fun I've had since..actually I think that might have been the most fun I've ever had." She admitted getting a laugh from Izuku. "It was pretty fun for me too." He admitted before hesitantly adding on. "Maybe we can do it again sometime when there's not so much line." He suggested.

This shocked the giant woman who after a moment let a small smile come to her face. "Yes, I would like that very much." She told them just as they entered the arena again. "Alright, now that we have our two round one fighters back, let's see who's fighting in round 2!" Heimdall announced as the spinner began to spin rapidly with everyone on the edge of their seat until the spinner finally landed on two names.

Zeus vs Izuku Midoriya

The gods and humans alike roared in excitement, the gods for Zeus to take revenge on the one who humiliated them and the humans for Izuku to get them another win. His friends on the other were concerned at Midoriya fighting tight after his first fight and it only got worse when they saw two swords under their names. "Two swords." Kirishima whispered going pale along with the rest of class 1A "That means it's a-."

"We've got a death match!" Heimdall roared into his horn. "And it's between none other than the king of the gods and the green haired warrior!" Heimdall getting the crowd more and more pumped.

"Yes it's my turn!" Zeus cheered widely jumping up in his seat and dancing in excitement getting a face palm from his sister. Down below Shiva punched a wall destroying it. "Damn it what a waste!" She hissed knowing that when the old man fought their was no hope for his opponent. "He'd had better put on a good show at least." the goddess mutter before walking away to stretch her legs.

"This is PERFECT!" Brunhilde shouted covering her face to hide her mad smile but still let out a few insane giggles further scaring Geir. "I was hoping the old fart would get taken out during this thing but to learn that I actually get to help do the deed myself." She let out a happy sigh "I couldn't ask for anything better."

Saying that she turned and headed towards the exit. "Come along Geir, Izuku will no doubt be heading for the infirmary to rest and drop off Thor. Plus we have at least 3 hours before the next fight considering the intermission and the time it takes to rebuild. "I have that much time to make sure Izuku is healed, rested and ready for when we take that geezer of the map once and for all." She said before heading down the hall.

Down in the arena Thor briefly turned her head so she was looking towards her former opponent. "Can you handle this? Zeus is a supreme god, the same level as my mother. Defeating him will be next to impossible." She warned him as they flew to one of the gates were a team of maids were waiting for them both with stretchers to take them to the infirmary. Laying back and relaxing while he can Izuku let out a smile. "I'll find a way. I came here to save humanity and that's what I'm going to do." He declared causing the maids to gasp in awe at the declaration and the amount of passion behind it.

Thor also noting this let out a smile. "Well than, make sure to put on another good show." She requested getting a laugh and "Right." as they were wheeled away.

From their seats the 2 classes watched on in worry. "Well looks like it's time for that green psycho to ch-aarrrk!"Monoma was cut off Kendo grabbed his head and buried it deep into the bleachers freaking out those not from their universe as the rest of class 1b as well as Vlad glared harshly at the arrogant copy cat. Though 1a noticed none of this as they were to focused on worrying for their friend with many planning on checking on him but right as they got up they heard a "Sit down." From their homeroom teacher. They all turned to protest but the words died in his throat when they saw despite not even looking at them and watching the attendants begin to fix the arena that he had a dark look on his face.

"I know you all what to go check on Midoriya, believe me we're all worried. But the best thing for him right now is to let him gather his thoughts while planning for the fight as well as mentally preparing himself for what he's about to do." While mentally and bitterly adding 'again.' in his mind.

They all wanted to argue, desperately but knew in their hearts he was right and that any thing they said right now would only distract him which was the last thing he needed right now. So hesitantly and agents their wishes some dropped the issue. Some sat back down while others still left but to stretch their legs or get some food.

All of them however sending their wishes to Izuku and hoping he was doing okay.

Line break.

Izuku was currently resting in the infirmary and making idle chit chat with Thor who was making a quick recovery thanks to her own physiology and the medical techniques available in the divine realm. It had been around 3 hours since the intermission began and Izuku had since than eaten and been treated for his injuries. He had tried to take a small nap but Brunhilde had quickly come in to discuss how they would as Brunhilde said "Put that old buzzard six feet under and piss on his grave." It had taken a surprisingly small amount of time to come up with one Brunhilde was happy with, though one of the steps was less than pleasant.

For now it was just Izuku and Thor, Brunhilde having left to get Izuku a change of clothes for the second match along with Geir who was still terrified of Thor even after she showed a much more calm aura after her fight with Izuku.

Their talk was interrupted however when the door burst open and a group of 5 entered. "Hao! There you are!" The leading one exclaimed before rushing forward and jumping on the bed before wrapping their arms around Izuku's neck while everyone looked over and saw who was causing the commotion.

(Credit goes to elizabeth on Pinterest for posting this.)

This was Qin She Huang, first and greatest emperor of china, representative of humanity and as known as "the king where it all began." and right now she was embracing Izuku in a loving hug. "A battle worthy of a king, I'd expect nothing less from my husband." She praised causing Izuku to both blush and sigh.

Brunhilde once she had gathered all the representatives deiced it was best for all of them to meet and train with each other and once Qin heard of who he was and what he was cable of she immediately declared him her husband or husband to be at least and nothing he's said could convince her otherwise.

"Now, now my dear you can't rush things like this." One of the other four who had come in with Qin said getting everyone's attention on them now.

(Adam, father of humanity.)

(Raiden Tameemon, greatest sumo of all time.)

(Lü Bu, the strongest warrior in history.)

(Jack the ripper, Humanity's most infamous serial killer.)

Qin hearing this raised an eyebrow at Jack, her being the one who spoke out. "Oh and how would you go about it then?" She asked the woman wondering what makes the woman such an expert. Jack just smiled pleasantly as she approached. "The same way you would approach a little bunny." She said having reached Izuku. "You start off slow and give its few pats and catches." She instructed as she did the same to Izuku. "Gradually wearing it's suspicion down little by little." She continued on despite it looks like Izuku hadn't let his guard down in the slightest.

:Until the time is right and you go for the kill." She finished as she swiftly and gently ran her finger over Izuku's neck causing the boy to gulp. This caused Qin to nod in understanding. "Hao, how enlightening! I be sure to remember that!" She exclaimed missing the chuckles from Adam and Raiden which got worse when they noticed they annoyed glares Lü and Thor were shooting them.

"Deciding to get the meeting back on track Raiden turned towards Izuku. "Still what Qin said was true, your first match was amazing! It's got me pumped for my first fight even more now!" He grinned at them with the king nodding in agreement. "Indeed, Myself and the others as well! They'd be here as well but they wanted to make sure they were as ready  as possible for their matches." "Adam told Izuku.

"Well I should hope so." Brunhilde said entering the room while making a beeline for Izuku monetarily narrowing her eyes in suspicion at the other woman in the room before facing her partner with a confident smile as she held out a bundle she had been carrying to him. "Here you are, your outfit for round two. Hurry up and get changed, it'll be starting soon" She ordered and Izuku nodded, not bothering to go behind anything considering A, Adam was in the room and nobody cared about that and b, Izuku had nothing these women haven't seen before.

With in minutes Izuku was in his new outfit and although it was fitting for what the plan was Izuku couldn't help but ask a question that was on his mind. "Is the hat really necessary?" He asked as he looked himself up and down.

Brunhilde could only offer a shrug and a smirk. "What can I say? The outfit looked off without it." She reasoned before her phone started to buzz causing her to check it and smirk.

It was time.

"Well it's time to head to the arena, making sure to watch the match with my sisters, especially you Adam. What very closely and carefully." She ordered with the man nodding knowing exactly why she would want him to do that.

Satisfied She practically skipped over to Izuku. "~Come along Izuku!~" She sang as she dragged him along before her tone and face turned positively demonic.

"Let's go assassinate the king of the gods."

Line break.

Zeus was practically skipping down the halls as he and Hermes made their way to the arena for round two. Finally after so long, something monumentally fun and exciting was happening, and it already proved to be even more interesting as he hoped. Maybe just maybe he would be able to.

"Yo, old man." Zeus was knocked out of his thoughts when Shiva who was waiting for him in the hall greeted them as she approached. "I just wanted to wish my senior good luck out there. Your opponent has already proven to be powerful and I'd hate to see anything bad happened to you." She told the old man who laughed a jolly laugh.

"How kind of you to say." He said his bloodlust rising and his yellow eyes. "But I plan to get everything I can out of this fight." He said as he began to walk forward. "Who knows I might even finally be able to achieve my dream today." He continued to laugh as he walked on leaving two confused goddess.

"His dream?" Shiva asked the messenger goddess who only shrugged before catching up with Zeus leaving Shiva there before shrugging and start to move back to her seat, however as she did so she could have sworn she heard Zeus start to sing.

"~Amor de ma vie. Oh, the love of my life you are! My dream... and my shining guiding star.~"

Line break.

"Alright everyone, who's ready for round 2?!" Heimdall shouted in the middle of the newly restored arena. This instantly got both sides cheering the gods wanting revenge and the humans to pull even further ahead. "Let's go ahead and introduce the fighters! First of representing the humans, he made history in the first round be defeating the strongest of the norse gods, and he's here to add another god to his list! For round two It's IZUKU MIDORIYA!" The watchman introduced as Izuku and Brunhilde entered side by side one with a look of determination, the other one of barely suppressed glee.

The humans upon seeing their first champion fresh and ready to fight again cheered, confident that he could do it again.

"You go Midoriya, you've got this!"

"We all believe in you!"

"Show those gods they can't get rid of humanity that easily!"

Up in the stands the pro heroes and the students seemed to be watching Izuku carefully. "He seems to be okay despite what he knows he needs to do." Momo muttered nervously hoping her friend would be able to beat someone like Zeus. Mirko however snorted. "Of course he's okay, kid nows what's on the line and the only other way for the match to end other than victory once it starts. He's not going to puss out." She said confidently. Getting nods from pros such as Hawks and Gang Orca having been in familiar situations before.

A little further away sat a tall woman with long dark blue hair and numerous scattered pink haired streaks. This was Kaina Tsutsumi aka Lady Nagant a former pro hero and who like Stain had been temporarily taken from Tartarus to watch the tournament. 'His eyes.' She noted looking down at the young man who was no older than she was when joined the Hero Public Safety Commission . 'They're just like mine used to be.' she thought sadly back when she still believed in justice.

Back in the arena Heimdall quickly approached the two. "Excuse me, these are one on one fights please return to your seat." He reminded the valkyrie who looked at him bored before glancing over at the god's gate and pointing. Suddenly the arena grew dark as sound of a violin filled the air. The sound was well heavenly there was just no there way to put it, even bringing the one who first wrote it Johann Sebastian Bach who did identify it as Air on the G-string to tears.

"Beautiful." A crying Jirou mutter in awe knowing she'd never be cable of such a perfect sound.

A spot light shined down revealing the one playing to be Hermes who looked to be without a care in the world. Figuring it was the signal to move ahead and figuring he can worry what the renegade valkyrie latter he moved on.

"And repressing the god's is none other than this esteemed gentleman!" Heimdall introduced Zeus who walked out of his entry way while posing. "Hey everyone, do treat me kindly!" He requested.

The god's seeing their king instantly began to cheer assured victory was already guaranteed while the humans were confused, was this really Zeus? The heroes were suspicious however especially All Might who narrowed his eyes at the old god, felling of dread and familiarity coming from him.

Zeus meanwhile was dancing around with like a loon when suddenly he snapped his fingers. "Hermes! come on mistero!" He said getting a found sigh from the messenger. "Dear me, how many millennia has it been.." Suddenly she raised her violin bow high into the air as ten violins appeared behind her. "Since I heralded Lord Zeus into this battle with this very song?!"

With that the violins behind her gathered into a circle with a rainbow grid appearing around them as they started to play at the level of a master.

'Slaughter In The God's Ring' Hermes thought with a mad grin as she began to play much more fervently. The music lovers of humanity were in complete awe at the impromptu concert of the gods

"Well known as the father of the gods, a more fitting name might just be the God Father of the Cosmos or the GFOC!" Heimdall continued on the music firing his passion up big time while the gods began to cheer and chant








As the chanting went on Zeus' and Hermes' dancing began more erotic as well as disturbing. "What the hell are we watching?" Aizawa muttered while making sure the pussycats were covering Eri and Kota's eyes, an action being done by a lot of the adults in the audience with their kids. "The death of decency." Midnight muttered just as dryly this being to much even for her.

"Lecherous old goat." Brunhilde muttered in disgust while Izuku just sighed and looked away, all the while wondering if this really was Zeus.

"Using the powers of creation at his own whim!" Heimdall continued his introduction. "While returning anything that doesn't suit his fancy back to the void! Truly the king of the gods!" Suddenly to the shock and horror the humans Zeus' legs expanded growing literal tons of muscle while All Might's frown of concern grew as he realized what was happening.

"Eons ago, he brought about the Titanomachy to decide the tightest of the gods!" Now his upper body buffed up just as much as lower with a unhinged smile now spreading across his lips. "Infamous for the crime of patricide, this old geezer lives for the fight! A real god around gods, he could only be...ZEUS!" Heimdall finished the induction with Zeus raising his finger into air as fire works went off in the air and sparklers blasted in front of him

The gods roared in excitement and approval while the humans were sweating, some extremely nervous despite what they witnessed in round one.

"Our second round will be Izuku Midoriya vs Zeus, a battle between two apex predators in a no holds bar death match! Heimdall announced before looking two the two 'invaders.' and coughed into his hand. "And now if all no competitors will please leave the arena." He requested getting bow from Hermes who went out the way she came in while Brunhilde faced Izuku a small grin on her face. "Are you ready she asked?" Getting a nod from Izuku resolve in his eyes.

"Oh, oh are you about to do what I hope your about to do?!" Zeus asked hoping in place causing Brunhilde to face him. "Just know I'm going to enjoy this immensely." She said and before anything else could be said she turned back to Izuku, took his head into her hands and began a deep and passionate kiss.

This got shouts of shock and confusion from everyone, wondering just what the hell was going on, Ochako in particular when red and screamed her lungs out. "And Brunhilde, the eldest of the valkyrie and one to propose Ragnarok in the first place as began to kiss Izuku Midoriya? Could this be one for luck or possibly goodbye?!" Heimdall said but couldn't get any further as suddenly the valkyrie's body bean to glow green before enveloping Izuku.

"What is going on now, a light suddenly enveloped the two, what could they possibly be up to?!" When the died down everyone was surprised to find Izuku standing alone with Brunhilde no where in sight. "And now it seems the valkyrie has disappeared, just what the heck is going on?!" Heimdall said what everyone was thinking.

"Völundr." Zeus revealed causing everyone to turn to him. "The unity of a valkyrie and her chosen champion said to give the champion great power. However should the chosen warrior die while the Völndr is active the valkyrie dies with with them." Zeus quickly explained not wanting to prolong the any longer.

'The old fart is well informed I'll give him that much.' Brunhilde who unlike her sisters could communicate with her chosen champion in Völundr said before smirking. "But know that isn't going to save him." She said her tone dripping with blood lust.

Up in the stands Geir was watching the arena concerned. "Please be careful." She whispered. "Those two have this, don't worry." Turning she saw the group that had visited Izuku earlier approach with Adam being the one who spoke. "Adam, everyone." She said surprised. "Why are you here, and where are my sisters?" She asked, not seeing her sisters anywhere.

"Brunhilde have our partners finishing some last minute preparations. As for us Brunhilde wanted Adam to view this match up close and we decided to accompany him." Jack explained before looking down. ":et's pay close attention to the match now shall we?"

"Now remember Zeus's preferred method is fist fighting so that's probably all he'll use, but be careful we don't want to be caught of guard like last time." Brunhilde advised with Izuku nodding.

"And now let the second battle of Ragnarok, the final battle between humanity and man-" Heimadll roared as gods and humans awaited, each with baited breathe watching Zeus crouch and ready to charge while Izuku just stood there hands at his side, an almost unnoticeable orange glow around his eyes.


To be continued

And here's the next chapter and first fight of Ragnarok, hope everyone enjoyed. Again I do want to hear what everyone thought of the commentary from the audience and if it was too much. And I hope everyone liked the power ups I gave Thor and if anyone thinks I didn't show enough of her Divine Lightning or her earth manipulation don't worry this isn't the last time you'll see her fight, and yes each human and god representative will be getting a power up.

And if anyone is calling bullshit on how Thor so much, she's know as the thunder berserker. When I hear berserker I think of those like Kaido and Whitebeard from One piece, Kempachi from bleach. Warriors who you need to beat to the depths of hell and back to beat. So I think making Thor as durable as she is was warranted.

Next chapter is a big one, not only is it the zeus fight but it's also the reveal of Brunhilde's Völundr which is so simple but also so overpowered I can't wait to show it. It'll will also have what I hope to be the only fan-made devil fruit I'll be featuring in this story, which I am trying to dial back on and use more of the one cannon and non-cannon ones, I'm fine with techniques from other series if I can explain it with one of the fruits that acuatlly exist but I don't want to try and keep things from the actual series.

Next chapter we also start to see snippets of Izuku's past which as you can tell from this and the last chapter is very different from the cannon Izuku.

Oh and any a little doubtful of some of these women getting attached to Izuku so easily well they're either gods which I think is explanation enough while those like Qin have such a personality that she would just want want to do it on a whim, Something other kings would do during the time period she's from.

It ain't much I know but I hope it's better than some of the other harem story's out there.

Well that's it for now

till next time,


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