Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

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Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight


3K 210 99
By LittleRed11204

Months have passed by and the two girls acted like they were never a part of the other's lives. Roseanne was having a blast with her new friend group, the mean girls. She even slacked off on her school work the tiniest bit due to spending a lot of time with them outside of school.

On the flip side, y/n was doing better with her studies surprisingly. Her new friends have been a great cause of that and she's thankful for them. They are in that same weird social status as her; not popular, but not unknown.

Even though the two don't talk anymore, they still knew what was up with the other person. Y/n knew that Roseanne was going to do this audition to become a kpop trainee in a few days. And Roseanne knew of y/n's final dance competition she was going to be doing. Y/n wasn't going to quit dancing altogether, but she grew tired of the competitions.

Y/n was writing down a few notes that she needed to catch up on during lunch from her friend Bri when a figure stood in front of her, blocking the sunlight since they were outside. Y/n paused her music and looked up to see who it was. Her eyebrows furrowed as it was Roseanne for some reason.

"What?" Y/n asked as she didn't care to talk to her. Vanessa and her group of friends continued to bully her throughout the months. And Roseanne would just standby and not say a thing; she would even sometimes laugh along. So her mind went straight to something negative.

"Why do you still look at me?" She asked as y/n looked deeply into the girl's eyes. She wasn't expecting a question like that from her. Bri was now looking between the pair, not liking the tension that was growing quite quickly.

"Why do you give a damn?" Y/n shot back as Roseanne scoffed,

"It was just a question. No need to get all pissed off. Just please stop looking at me."

"Then stop trying to be the center of attention, you're embarrassing yourself." Y/n said through gritted teeth as she slammed her notebook shut, sliding Bri's back over to her. Roseanne's hand came flying down onto the table, a loud thud echoed through the air as it traveled with the wind.

"You shut up." Roseanne hissed as y/n knew she struck a nerve. Y/n knew Roseanne loved when eyes were on her since she would always do the talent shows without fail. She'd perform better with hundreds of eyes on her, so the attention made her feel almost comfortable.

Roseanne only liked the attention because she was insecure about herself, so it made her feel like people cared about her.

Y/n just rolled her eyes and played her music once again and she didn't give Roseanne anymore of her attention. Out of her peripheral vision, she watched her stomp away angrily, making y/n smile to herself. Bri tapped her shoulder, making y/n pause her music again and look over to her,

"Are you okay?" She asked her friend softly as y/n gave her a small smile and nodded her head,

"Of course I am." Bri didn't want to accept the answer she was given, but she knew not to push any further with y/n when it came to Roseanne. She's always tried to get information out of y/n about the black haired girl, but she was always closed off about the girl that used to be her best friend.

The day went on with the girls staying with their respective friend groups. Y/n was running through the choreography for her solo dance and partner dance with Miles in her head as she walked home for the day. Y/n always waits a decent amount of time before walking home so she knows that Roseanne is already way ahead of her.

But Roseanne caught onto her and for the past week has been waiting for y/n to leave, just wanting to see her as she walks behind the girl. Roseanne would never admit it to anyone, but she does miss y/n. Vanessa and all those girls live in a different neighborhood, so she walks home alone everyday. But when she caught onto what y/n does, she now kind of walks home with someone; keeping a solid 20 meters away from her so she doesn't hear her.

Like right now, Roseanne was just looking at the back of the girl's head, smiling softly. She saw how y/n's hands moved a bit to the music she was listening to, so she knew she was doing choreography in her head. Roseanne just held onto the straps of her backpack as y/n soon headed up the driveway to her house, walking straight in. She sighed and then continued walking to her house down the other street.

When she got inside, Alice was there waiting for her already, which caught her by surprise. Then again, she has been leaving school later, so it would make sense that she arrived before her.

"Why do you still follow behind y/n if you're the one that ended it?" Alice asked her sister straight up. Roseanne pretended like she didn't know what she was talking about,

"I don't know what you mean. Now if you'll excuse me–"

"You're not excused." Alice said right away, taking Roseanne by surprise. Roseanne now knew that this conversation would drag on longer than she hoped. She sighed and prepared for the questions that could be asked. Alice sensed that her younger sister was ready to talk, so she spoke again,

"Do you miss her?"

"No." Roseanne answered, lying straight through her teeth. Alice didn't buy her response one bit,

"You don't have to fucking lie to me." Roseanne clenched her jaw,

"I'm not lying, I don't miss her."

"Well you walking home later everyday now to see her is really telling me otherwise!"

"So what if I walk behind her to come home? The girls and I always talk after school for a little before we leave, and that just so happens to be when y/n also leaves!" She yelled to her sister, getting angry about the conversation. Alice scoffed,

"I never knew you could be like this; this type of person. I expected more from you, and you went and fucked it all up. You should feel shitty about yourself because deep down you know that those new 'friends' of yours are nothing compared to y/n." Alice shouted back before walking past Roseanne to go upstairs, making sure to give her a good shoulder check. Roseanne rubbed her shoulder and started to erase all the words Alice had just said to her from her memory basically.

These past few months, Alice always harps at Roseanne over the friendship she lost. Alice still makes time to hangout with y/n, so she keeps up to date with her life. That's one thing that annoyed Roseanne because she wouldn't leave her bedroom when y/n was in the house hanging out with Alice. And of course Alice knew Roseanne wouldn't leave her room, so that's why the two always hung out for hours on end to punish Roseanne per say.

Roseanne made her way upstairs to her room and closed the door behind her, taking a deep breath in and letting it out. She did not need to become more annoyed or stressed with her audition for YG Entertainment coming up in two days. Roseanne glanced over to her guitar and grabbed it, settling down on her bed as she strummed a few cords. She warmed up her voice a bit with a few exercises she learned in choir and started singing her audition song.

With how she was sounding right now, she was gaining a little more confidence. Her voice was smooth and there were no breaks or cracks. She was completely in tune and on time with her guitar. The reason she picked to also play her guitar for the audition was so her fingers could do something. If she just sang normally without the guitar, she would either pick at her nails or tug at the bottom of her shirt nervously. She'd look awkward and in no way shape or form wow anyone.

With the last strum, Roseanne laid her guitar down on her bed and a smile graced her lips. She felt 10 times better than she did before and it was all because of music: her therapy. But that small moment of satisfaction and relaxation was crushed when her eyes landed on the papers spread around her desk with red ink marking multiple sections.

She would be the last one to admit that her new friend group has been affecting her grades, but the clear evidence tells the truth. Studying has been brushed aside for shopping at the mall. And remembering tests has become a rarity as she didn't have y/n constantly forgetting about the upcoming ones to remind her.

So she took a few deep breaths, grabbed her glasses off her nightstand, and sat down at her desk. She cracked her knuckles and slumped over her work that needed to get done. Roseanne played music softly in order to help her a bit, but going through all her notes and trying to do the work was becoming overwhelming. There was too much that needed to be done and she hated herself for letting it get to this point. Roseanne scanned through all the markings on her papers and learned how to correct them and not make those mistakes again.

Y/n was down a few streets dancing as she was making hotdogs on the grill outside. The music was filling the air in the backyard as she hummed and danced along to it. The clanking of the metal tongs added some pizazz to her performance. The setting sun was shining dimly through the trees and the air was getting a tad bit cooler, but it was perfect.

"Y/n! Stop trying to start your own band with metal tongs and take the hotdogs off the grill!" Her dad yelled through an open window as y/n jumped at the sudden voice. She quickly took the hotdogs off the grill and then turned it off, walking inside to her parents who were setting the table for dinner.

"Honey, can you go outside and get a new liter of soda from the garage?" Jamie asked her daughter as she did just that. Y/n slipped on the nearest shoes, so they were her dad's shoes that were about 5 sizes too big. She went into the garage and grabbed a big bottle, walked back inside and placed it on the counter by the refrigerator. She then grabbed three cups and poured the drinks before setting them on the table and the three were soon eating peacefully.

"So are you excited about the final dance competition?" Y/n dad asked as he put ketchup on his hotdog. Y/n nodded her head,

"I'm super excited! Miles and I have been practicing for forever and my solo dance is practically perfect at this point. I just need to sharpen a few transitions and then I'll be golden. I just hope that I place in either the partner dance or solo. I'd like to go out with a bang."

"I'm sure you're going to place because we've seen the hard work you've put in. And plus you still have three weeks to make any minor tweaks." Jamie told her daughter.

She remembers being the one that finally allowed y/n to go to her first dance class. She was only 6, but music was everything to her and when she was a toddler, she'd always jump around and dance to it. Jamie remembers the way y/n's eyes sparkled when they walked into the dance studio for the first time. Y/n ran right over to the main area and looked at the giant mirrors on the walls in awe. That's when Jamie knew she picked the right thing for her daughter.

"I can't wait to see you! I made sure to take off work that whole day, so we can also do something afterwards if you want." Her dad said as y/n smiled widely. Jamie also said how she took the day off as well, not wanting to miss it. Plus the couple had already bought their tickets last week when they first went on sale. Y/n herself didn't need a ticket since she was competing, but she still bought one.

"Can we go to that one restaurant down on Fifth Street?" Y/n asked as her parents glanced at each other, knowing it was y/n's favorite place. Jamie sighed dramatically,

"Do you really want to go there?" She said as she looked at her daughter. Y/n knew what she was doing, so she played along,

"You're right, I don't know. I've heard it's gone downhill recently." Jamie and her husband laughed and they continued to eat their dinner. Once the family wrapped it up, they retired to their rooms and y/n got to studying for her upcoming exam tomorrow. It's in biology, an annoying subject that she dreads. But Lily, her desk mate in that class, has been making the class bearable and quite fun. She's been pushing y/n to study and it's actually helping.

"So if these proteins are here..." y/n mumbled to herself as she scanned over a few worksheets and her notes. Things were clicking in her brain and she was getting excited about answering the next question because she had been getting them right surprisingly.

After about an hour and a half of studying for y/n, she got ready for bed and put the radio on softly to have some background noise. She opened her window up the tiniest bit and then crawled underneath the covers of her bed. She let out a deep sigh and her eyelids fluttered closed as information about biology was being repeated in her brain.


"I can't believe it! I got a 94% on it!" Y/n whispered happily over to Lily who obviously got a 100%. Lily smiled widely at the girl who was over the moon about her score. She high-fived y/n,

"I knew you could do it! See, this is what happens when you study!" Lily said with a laugh as y/n just rolled her eyes at her. Y/n glanced over to where Roseanne sat and caught the sight of red writing that said 73%. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as the teacher then started to go over the test with the class.

She knew that Roseanne never slacked off when it came to school. Maybe it was just a one time thing for her. She's been doing good this whole time because y/n has heard her talk about how good her grades are to the mean girls.

Are you freaking kidding me? Roseanne thought to herself as she stared at the red ink on her exam. Her parents would soon start to punish her because of her ever declining grades. But, if she nails the audition, there would be no need for school. Roseanne looked to her left to see Vanessa already looking over at her,

"So what did you get?" She asked Roseanne as she held up her test, showing 81%. Roseanne put a fake smile on like she always does and lied straight through her teeth once more,

"I got 96%."

"I'm not shocked." Roseanne giggled and then turned her attention back to the teacher, fully paying attention because she needed to. She obviously acted like she didn't care because of her totally legit score, but on the inside she was drilling the information into her brain.

The rest of the school day dragged on for the two and Roseanne went with the girls to the mall in order to get a new outfit for the audition. Roseanne had brought $50 along with her, but she could sense the girls felt pitiful because that's all she had with her. Of course they had daddy's credit card, so money wasn't an issue. Needless to say, they just decided to buy her an outfit.

"I think a simple white and black outfit would look best for this." Emily said as she smacked her lips together, chewing her gum. She held out this small top and ugly black jean pants. Roseanne scrunched her face up in disgust and realized money cannot buy taste as this was a prime example. The girls continued to go to different shops and try on different things. Eventually they found a winner and the total was $230. Roseanne gawked at the small screen that displayed the total and watched in silence as Vanessa just swiped the card without a second thought.

The girls walked back home and Roseanne was left alone to walk the rest of the way to her house since hers was further away. To her surprise, she saw y/n and the girl named Lily sitting on the grass of y/n's yard, smiling and laughing. Roseanne was confused because back when her and y/n were friends, they never did anything like that.

"Those two look cute together, don't ya think? Too bad they aren't soulmates." Destiny said as she looked at y/n and Lily. Lily was 5'6 and had brown wavy hair that everyone was jealous of. Her hazel eyes had warmth to them and her smile was beautiful. Her caring nature and knowledge of the world at only 15 was admirable.

"I sense that y/n does have feelings for the girl right now though," Cupid chimed in as he made his way next to Destiny, looking at the pair. In the distance, Roseanne came into the picture with a bag that contained her outfit for her audition, which was tomorrow. Cupid sighed, "and I can still feel the loss that she has when it comes to Roseanne."

"Well we gotta wait awhile until things will get better." Destiny responded as she observed Roseanne trying so hard to not look at the pair that were oh so close to one another physically now. She could tell by the black haired girl's posture and facial expressions that she wasn't fond of the sight that was out of the corner of her eyes.

"Like how long?" Cupid asked as he glanced over at Destiny. A long sigh fell from her lips,

"A long, long time." Cupid nodded his head and focused back on the two girls who were laughing blissfully outside. The scene was almost amusing to him: the two girls had a bright sunny sky overhead and Roseanne had the dark gloomy clouds. Very cliché, but very true.

It was obvious that Roseanne had the shorter end of the stick when it came to how the girls individually felt after their friendship ended. Y/n found a new group of people like her and she just fit right in. And Roseanne changed the way she was before to fit in with the mean girls. That made Cupid a little sad because Roseanne was a sweet girl, but now she was different. Maybe not completely in a bad way, but still different.

"Well, I'm tired of this crap. I'm going to ask the Big Man if– oh my god!" Destiny suddenly shouted as she stared wide eyed at the scene in front of her. Cupid's attention was on her because she was talking, so he snapped his head back around and gasped.

Y/n and Lily had shared their first kiss.

All in front of Roseanne, who was standing at the corner of the street now, shocked at the pair that had been oblivious to her.

Destiny looked visibly distraught and also extremely confused. This made Cupid confused as well, seeing how Destiny now mumbled to herself. She ran over to her desk and opened up the filing cabinet that had y/n's life in them. It was a documentation that had all of y/n's life written out because everything is destined to happen from the beginning.

"What's today's date?" Destiny asked Cupid as he looked over to the Pokémon calendar an angel gave him as a gift.

"It's April 9th." He responded as Destiny's fingers glided along the folders that were displayed to her. She then snatched one and placed it down on her desk, Cupid now making his way over to her out of curiosity. He looked over her shoulder and saw that there were many papers in this specific folder of y/n's life. His eyes wandered down the page and saw in bold letters the date April 9th, 2012.

He read the words that were in that small section and didn't think anything of it at first. Destiny was a slower reader, so he waited for her to finish reading and explain why in the world she was so freaked out about everything. I mean, he knew that y/n and Roseanne always had the possibility of dating other people before they ended up together. It's happened numerous times.

"I–what? This has never happened before." Destiny said as she flipped through the other pages, thinking that she missed something. Cupid just looked back up at the girls outside and saw them shyly looking at each other, holding hands. Roseanne was now long gone.

"What is it?" Cupid finally asked as Destiny folded up the papers and looked into his eyes. Cupid was taken aback seeing the absolute fear in them. He furrowed his eyebrows and lifted his hands up to place them on her shoulders, "why are you so freaked out?"

"That–that kiss shared between y/n and Lily... that was never destined to happen. It's nowhere in the documentation and I don't remember seeing that when she was first born."

Cupid froze in his spot as a chill ran up his spine. This has never happened before. There was always documentation about everything that was going to happen in someone's life. Every year, every month, every day, every second, every breath; there was always something. They've had code reds and things like that when something odd happened, but nothing–no code or anything–would have predicted something so catastrophic to happen. It was a complete break in the system that has been flawless since the beginning of time.

What could this mean for how y/n and Roseanne's lives will end?

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Lily asked y/n as they stood on her front porch. Y/n had walked her home after they had hung out at her house for a bit. Y/n nodded her head,

"Of course, can't wait to take you out on a date tomorrow. Wear whatever you'd like, we'll be outside though because of the lovely weather." Lily nodded her head at the girl who was now courting her. The kiss that they had shared made them both feel warm and fuzzy inside. It was both their first kiss, so this was something that was going to be burned into their memories for the rest of their lives.

Y/n leaned in and placed a simple kiss on Lily's cheek, making the girl blush. Y/n let out a small laugh and took a step backwards and hopped off the porch,

"I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice night, Lily." Lily waved goodbye to the girl,

"Bye y/n. Have a nice night as well." Y/n waited for Lily to get inside her home safely before heading down the driveway. She was all smiles walking down the few streets back to her house. When she knew she was out of sight from Lily's house, she fist bumped the air and jumped around,

"I just had my first kiss!" She whispered to herself, still not believing it. Lily was a gorgeous girl in her eyes and she was so happy that she clearly feels the same way about her. The friendship came easily to them and then their feelings for each other just grew from there. One thought popped into y/n's mind as she walked through the front door of her home,

I wonder if we're soulmates?

DUN DUN DUN!!!!! what could this mean for y/n and roseanne's future?? who knows bc i sure as hell dont bc i wasnt even planning on writing that... it just kinda happened lol. but i hope u guys enjoyed that little twist which will make the story a whole lot more interesting. thank u all so much for reading the chapter and i cant wait to see all of u lovely people in the next one, I LOVE U <3

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