Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

De LittleRed11204

95.8K 5K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... Mais

The Beginning
School Cliques
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight

A Much Needed Conversation

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De LittleRed11204

The sunshine illuminated through the blinds of y/n's window as she groaned, not wanting it to be morning just yet. But she woke up before her alarm and she knew she should just get up now. After stretching in bed real quick, she went out of her room down the hall to the bathroom. As she was walking she heard her dad getting ready for work downstairs. So there's a chance that there is a bagel waiting for her downstairs for breakfast.

Once she did everything she needed to do in the bathroom, she got on the stupid dress uniform for school and than grabbed her bag, heading downstairs. Her dad was tying his shoes when she was coming into the kitchen. The sound of footsteps made him lift his eyes up to see his daughter. He broke out into a smile,

"Morning, sweetie. You got a bagel for breakfast, I hope you enjoy it. Also can't wait for this week to be up so you can be comfortable again." He said as he kissed the crown of her head. He knew how much she hated wearing the uniform and any dress for that matter, and she loved how much he cared about that kind of stuff.

"Thank you, dad. And believe me, I'm counting down the minutes." He laughed and bid his daughter a goodbye and good luck before leaving for work. Y/n then made her way to the kitchen table and smiled upon seeing the bagel just the way she liked it. She sat down and started eating it, along with drinking some orange juice.

Time went by slowly and soon she was calling out to her mom, shouting a goodbye before skipping out the front door. She then started to walk down the street and had to pass Roseanne's house in order to go to school. She was thinking about taking an alternative route, but decided against it as she might be extremely late because of it.

Y/n tried to quickly walk past the house, but the sound of a wooden door opening made her want to scream. The sound of rushes footsteps on grass then concrete getting closer to her. She kept her eyes straight ahead and didn't look to her left, where Roseanne was now slightly out of breath. Y/n's grip on her backpack strap was noticeably tight since her knuckles were turning white.

Roseanne was noticing all these things about her best friend. She noticed the death grip, the slightly uneven breathing, the clenched jaw, everything. And she also knew it was all because of her. She thought back to the conversation she had with her mom last night and knew she had to talk to y/n to clear things up today.

"So..." she started off awkwardly, not really knowing how to start the conversation with y/n. Y/n knew exactly what to say in response.

"Shut up."


"We can talk later. I just don't want to now because I'm having a good day and you're already ruining it bit by bit." Y/n said dully as Roseanne was taken aback by what her best friend had said to her. Y/n never really spoke to her harshly before (obviously yesterday being an exception), so it hurt her heart a little. But Roseanne nodded her head,

"Um, yeah okay." The two then walked in silence the rest of the way to school. Y/n was reciting some vocabulary she learned yesterday in her head while Roseanne was overthinking the current situation.

The school grounds came into view and y/n dug around in her blazer pocket for her mp3 player and headphones. Roseanne was offended at that,

"Why are you going to listen to music while I'm right here?" Y/n only spared her a single glance before popping one earbud into her ear,

"Because music seems to be the only thing to lift my mood as of recently. Plus, your new friends are waiting for you." She said coldly as Roseanne snapped her eyes over to where y/n had gestured with her hands. And there were the mean girls waving Roseanne over. Roseanne turned her attention back to y/n, words on the tip of her tongue, but they never left her mouth as she was watching the back of her best friend walk away. Roseanne sighed, but put on a smile as she went over to the group of girls waiting for her.

"Hey girl!" Hunter said with a bubbly voice. Roseanne smiled as the other girls greeted her as well. The five of them then walked into the main building and to their respective home rooms. Vanessa and Roseanne sat down next to each other, but Roseanne couldn't help let her eyes drift over to y/n.

She was laughing with the girl next to her, seemingly forgetting about Roseanne. Roseanne didn't know how to feel, but her attention was back on Vanessa as she talked about how she's getting a nerd to do all her homework.

"And then when I saw the snake, I screamed so loud that my voice cracked really bad!" Olivia said to y/n as y/n laughed hearing the story. Olivia and y/n have always been friends throughout school, just never super close. They had a few classes together here and there, and only met up outside of school for projects. But the in school friendship between them was fun.

"I wish I would've heard you scream like that, Liv." Y/n said with a shake of her head, the smile still tugging at her lips. The two remained talking until the bell rang. Everyone got up and headed to their next class with their friends. Y/n didn't even notice how Roseanne had waited outside the classroom for her because she was too preoccupied with talking to someone else. Roseanne didn't take it to heart though because she knew y/n was just still mad at her and she didn't want any interaction with her right now.

The day dragged on for Roseanne, more than she'd care to admit. Her mind was revolving around how to word everything to her best friend later. She was zoning out in class and she mentally scolded herself because she'd have to teach herself everything at home. But that wasn't her biggest problem or priority: y/n was.

She wishes she was sitting next to her during lunch outside, but y/n was nowhere to be found. So she just decided to sit with Vanessa and her friends.

"So, why are you still friends with that girl?" Vanessa asked in a disgusted way. Roseanne furrowed her eyebrows at the girl, not knowing who she was talking about since she didn't say a name. But Vanessa was looking past her, so Roseanne turned around on her seat and saw y/n standing there, staring her down with a blank expression. Roseanne gave her a smile, but y/n just rolled her eyes and turned to head back inside with her food.

"She's so weird and annoying. Like can she just wear the uniform without throwing a hissy fit? My god." Vanessa complained as the other girls agreed with her. Roseanne glanced around at the other girls, not wanting to go against what they were saying.

Deep down Roseanne knew what they were saying about y/n was horrible, but that part of her that wanted to be popular in school was becoming more dominant.

"Yeah, I don't know. She's always been like that with clothing." Roseanne added as the girls seemed impressed she added something to the conversation. Emily hummed,

"We should just get her kicked out of the school; it'd be so much better without her."

The girls continued chatting as Roseanne pitched in here and there. Other girls would try to come up and start a conversation, but they'd get immediately shot down. Roseanne felt bad for the girls, but not bad enough to stick up for them and call the girls out for being rude.

The sense of her being in some crappy high school movie and being a part of the mean girl group gave Roseanne new life. It was thrilling for her in some weird, messed up way. Like living two lives; one of being a good student and the other being mean.

She could get used to it.

And she could make up with y/n and live that double life. She'll be friends with her outside of school and then hangout with the girls during school. Roseanne smiled to herself as she ate her lunch, proud of the little plan she had come up with.

The end of the school day rolled around and Roseanne knew she had to fly out the doors in order to walk home with y/n. So as soon as the bell rang, she shot up out of her seat and headed straight to the entrance of the school. Thankfully when she was scanning the crowd of girls leaving, she spotted her best friend with her earbuds already in her ears. Roseanne smiled and lightly pushed a few people out of the way in order to get to her.

Y/n felt the presence of Roseanne near her immediately. She glanced to her left and saw her there, not saying a word. Y/n almost looked at her in hatred, but she couldn't bring herself to fully hate her best friend. She knew she should be more open minded about Roseanne making new friends, but still. She knew those girls were trouble and they'd probably brainwash her somehow.

"Your house." Y/n said as calmly as she could to Roseanne. Roseanne was caught off guard with the sudden sound of y/n's voice. But she mumbled an okay back to her and was internally jumping around happily. Maybe things wouldn't turn out too bad for their friendship after all.

"Oh god, the talk is coming up." Destiny said as she stress-walked around her desk, clearly not happy with what was about to happen. Cupid pretended he wasn't paying attention to the two young girls walking down the street, but his heart was racing thinking about the conversation that was looming eerily overhead.

"Oh it can't be that bad." He said, really just trying to convince himself because the way Destiny was acting was terrifying. Destiny snapped her head around to him as he just set his feet up on his desk. She squinted at the shorter god,

"Oh you have no idea what is about to go down, Cupid. This is going to be like the war above all wars." Cupid rolled his eyes at how dramatic she was being. Obviously the conversation between to 14 year olds would not be as severe as world wars. But he guessed as a 14 year old, this might come close because of how reliant most tend to be with friends.

"Whatever, let's just wait and see what happens then. Well, I'll wait and see what happens."

Roseanne opened the front door and y/n quietly followed her inside. Y/n took her shoes off right away and soon went up the stairs behind Roseanne as they went to her bedroom. Roseanne became almost nervous at having y/n in her room, which was odd. The pair have been friends for years, but it's just the situation they are in that makes her nerves go haywire.

Y/n haphazardly threw her backpack near the bedroom door and then sat down on Roseanne's desk chair. Y/n just blankly stared at the black haired girl, waiting for her to start talking because there was no way she would. She wasn't the one that needed to apologize; Roseanne was.

Roseanne went to sit on her bed and once she was as comfortable as she'd get, she made eye contact with y/n. Her eyes showed obvious signs of annoyance, but that was a given based on her body language. Roseanne sighed,

"I'm sorry."

"I know you and I both know damn well you aren't." Y/n said right away, making Roseanne flinch. She expected the girl to stay silent so she could get everything out, but that clearly wasn't going to be the case.

"Just hear me out y/n before you speak up again." Roseanne asked her best friend as she eyed her. Y/n slowly nodded her head,


"Okay. I know Vanessa and her whole little girl gang have been mean to you for years and have bullied you. I'm not stupid. I also know though, that this summer we said that we should make some new friends. I didn't think that I would be sitting next to those girls in our home room; I wanted to be sitting next to you. But they struck up a conversation with me and they didn't seem horrible. I know they aren't the nicest people in general, but I don't want to lose you if that's what happens when I try to make new friends."

"Is it my turn?" Y/n asked Roseanne, itching to say something about what her best friend had just said. Roseanne nodded her head and y/n started talking,

"I also know that we said to make new friends, but I thought you had standards at least," y/n snapped as she stood up from the chair, "You really are becoming all buddy-buddy with the girls who sent me literally in tears over to this very room. You have the audacity to tell me that those girls don't seem that horrible. Are you out of your fucking mind? You already started to lose me the second you shot those bitches a friendly smile!" Y/n yelled as she now stood in front of Roseanne, who was cowering in fear on her bed. Y/n's eyes were full of fire and rage because of how blind her so-called best friend was being.

"I don't want to lose you though." Roseanne whispered as tears started to form in her eyes. Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes, not believing that Roseanne was trying to be the innocent one in the situation.

"Well if you don't want to lose me completely, stop hanging around them. That simple." Y/n said as she placed her hands on her hips, ready to hear what Roseanne was going to say. Roseanne sucked in a breath and hated the fact she had to choose. Choose either her best friend or the group of girls she was becoming friends with.

Friendships don't last forever though, right? Roseanne knew that her time with y/n would come to an end eventually. So it was either she leaves now or is the one left behind in the future.

But how could she lose her? She's been her rock since she moved here all those years ago. Y/n has been the one to pick her up when she was down. She was the one to make her laugh in times where crying seemed like the only thing she wanted to do. Y/n was the little light at the end of the tunnel.

But she was willing to stop running towards it.

"I'm sorry." Roseanne mumbled tearfully as y/n just stood there in shock. She truly didn't expect Roseanne to pick the girls that she has known for a solid 2 days over her. Y/n finally came to her senses when small sobs escaped Roseanne's mouth. Silently she walked over to where her backpack was and picked it up, slinging it over her shoulder. Y/n turned to walk out the bedroom door, but she looked back to Roseanne once more,

"Fuck you."

And out the door she was, leaving her ex best friend in her room alone to cry. She wasn't going to be there this time to comfort her, and she'd hold herself to that. She wasn't going to bend or break when it came to Roseanne again.


The next week of school rolled around and y/n was finally able to wear her alternate uniform to school. She happily put her pants on and when she was completely changed, she smiled softly at her appearance. She was able to wear something she was more comfortable in and she was so excited. But that excitement dwindled when she knew she would be walking to school alone for the foreseeable future.

Y/n tried to not let it get to her completely as she went downstairs to have a small breakfast before leaving for school. Her mom was getting her things together as she was about to head off to work. She looked over to the stairs when she heard footsteps coming down them. Jamie smiled at her daughter, knowing that she's now completely comfortable when going to school.

"Hey sweetie! I'm glad you get to wear that uniform now, so I hope you have a great day at school today." Jamie said to her daughter as y/n nodded her head, going over to the fridge for something to eat real quick.

"I hope I also have a good day at school." Y/n said to her mom as her eyes scanned the shelves of the refrigerator. The sound of a box being slid across the countertop behind her caught her attention though. She turned around and her eyes lit up at a box from the local bakery that was waiting for her.

"Take a donut or two. I love you." Jamie finished as she slipped her shoes on and headed out the door to her car. Y/n practically ripped the box open and the air smelled of freshly baked donuts. Y/n happily picked her favorite one and ate it while watching an old episode of iCarly on TV.

But the time faded away quickly as she had to leave for school. Y/n slung her bag over her shoulders and then headed out the door, locking it behind her. She put her earbuds in and listened to music as she wouldn't be talking to anyone this morning. The song Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne played in her ears as she tuned out the world around her.

Y/n didn't even glance at Roseanne's house as she walked by. She didn't care whether or not Roseanne had left already. But far up ahead, she watched the black haired girl turn the corner towards school. Y/n sighed lightly, thanking the gods that Roseanne wouldn't end up behind her and staring her down.

"Now why the hell is she thanking us?" Destiny said as she furrowed her eyebrows at y/n. Cupid was fixing the string on his bow since an angel decided to mess around with it earlier.

"Why do you think? Ya know you can read her thoughts." He said casually as Destiny rolled her eyes,

"I know that! But I like to give them some privacy. Plus mortals think of unimaginable things half the time." Destiny said with a shiver of disgust. Cupid couldn't argue with that statement because he's been in the heads of a lot of people.

"So kind of you." He said sarcastically. Destiny didn't like the attitude she was given and marched over to Cupid's desk, smacking him upside the head. He gawked at her as he rubbed the back of his head,

"What was that for?"

"What do you think it was for?!"

"I don't know! That's why I asked you!"

"You infuriate me!" Destiny yelled at the shorter god, who still didn't exactly know what he did to deserve the smack. Destiny huffed out and went back over to her desk, sitting down and massaging her forehead.

"Excuse me?" An angel said as they entered the room of the two gods. Cupid shot the angel a glare, but didn't say anything since the angel was there for Destiny.

"What is it?" Destiny asked, not in the mood to talk because Cupid pissed her off and her soulmate couple was not doing too hot right now.

"Um, angel 203 accidentally matched two nonbelievers." The angel said with complete fear.

The one thing about soulmates is that you can never match two nonbelievers. It either has to be two believers or one of each. If two nonbelievers become soulmates, in some twisted way the universe makes sure that they never meet each other. Anything like that is out of Destiny's and Cupid's control because they obviously don't control the universe; just love and fate.

Destiny's eyes widened at the news she had just heard. Cupid was shocked as well, wondering how in the world an angel messed up that badly. It was probably the one that messed up his bow.

"Oh no." Destiny mumbled to herself, the situation slowly sinking in. Cupid watched as Destiny slowly rose up from her chair, turning slowly to the angel who was ready to be sent away, even though they themselves didn't do it. There was only one being that could fix this.

The Big Man.

Destiny let out a nervous chuckle and put on a fake smile. Cupid was terrified because of how creepy Destiny looked. She walked over to the angel and placed her hands of their shoulders,

"Go get me angel 203. I need to have a conversation with them before talking to... the Big Man." The angel rapidly nodded their head and flew off to go find the angel that is sending Destiny in a spiral.

"I'm going to die." Destiny whispered. Cupid sighed,

"You physically can't die." Cupid reminded her as she glared at him,

"Thanks for the reminder. I'll just remember this moment for the rest of time!" Destiny shouted as she left Cupid alone at his desk. He shook his head amused and then looked around to see if anyone was somehow still here. When he didn't see anyone, he gave his full attention back to the two girls who were now sitting in their home room.

Roseanne was sitting down in between Vanessa and Hunter as they were talking to each other. But Roseanne's attention wasn't on the conversation happening around her. No, her attention was solely on y/n, who was talking to the girl next to her again as if she didn't just ex best friend her. Roseanne sighed as y/n laughed, tilting her head back and smiling brightly at the girl next to her. Oh how Roseanne wishes that was her making her laugh like that, but she now has new friends.

"Hey, do you want to come over to my house after school?" Vanessa asked Roseanne as she just nodded, excitement starting to seep in through her skin. She'd be going over the most popular girl's house after school today and see how she lived. Oh how she couldn't wait.

The bell rang and all the girls went to their first class. The hallways were crowded and chatting filled the space. Roseanne was walking next to Emily down the hallway.

"So what happened with you and that idiot?" Roseanne knew exactly who she was talking about.

"We aren't friends anymore." Roseanne answered back, getting a smirk of approval from Emily.

It felt weird for Roseanne to say that. She's never talked about y/n like that, but here she was talking about her like that. Emily patted Roseanne's shoulder,

"Good. You're too good for her anyway."

Roseanne just smiled at her new friends and brushed off the feeling of eyes looking at her throughout the school day. Y/n observed Roseanne for the day and saw how she didn't seem to mind that she threw their friendship out. Y/n wanted to try and repair it, but that would be stupid because Roseanne was the one to end it.

Even though y/n didn't show it openly, she missed the black haired girl dearly. She hated seeing her with those girls. She wanted Roseanne back by her side, laughing at the stupid jokes she would tell.

But now she was watching her life from the outside instead of being in it.

welp, thats how that conversation went LMAO. i liked writing this chapter, it was an interesting one to say the least. i also wanna thank u all for the continuous support on TTMAB bc it hit some INSANE feats on certain hashtags... but then 12 hours later the world didnt want me to be happy about those anymore and gave me a D+ on my final calc test :) KILLING MYSELF, jk but like REALLY WORLD?? anyway, thank u all for reading and voting on this chapter, i love u all so much, see u in the next one <3

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