Par StormcallerSunclass

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It is both a blessing And a curse To feel everything So very deeply. d.j book one of the 'given-taken' series. Plus

act 1
the sacrifice
by the light of the moon
the descent
daddy issues
crying wolf
the dinner party
the house guest
know thy enemy
the last dance
the last day
the sun also rises
as I lay dying
act 2
the birthday
the hybrid
the end of the affair
disturbing behaviour
the reckoning
ghost world
ordinary people
the new deal
our town
the ties that bind
bringing out the dead
dangerous liaisons
all my children
break on through
the murder of one
heart of darkness
do not go gentle
before sunset
the departed
act 3
growing pains
the five
the killer
we all go a little mad sometimes
my brother's keeper
we'll always have bourbon street
o come all ye faithful
after school special
catch me if you can
a view to a kill
into the wild
down the rabbit hole
stand by me
bring it on
because the night
american gothic
pictures of you
she's come undone
walking dead

smells like teen spirit

852 26 1
Par StormcallerSunclass

AVY sighed as he looked up at his high school, his best friends beside him as they each felt anxiety rising in them.

"Here we are" Avy sighed "Senior year"

"Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?" Bonnie wondered.

"Okay, so prank night was a bust" Caroline replied "But we are accepting it and we are moving on"

"You're right" Bonnie agreed, sarcasm in her voice "I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriends hinder this experience?"

"Yes!" Caroline spoke "And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day?"

"Today's our anniversary" Elena added her troubles to the list "Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year"

"I'm an Original Hybrid, I can never be killed, never grow old, never have kids, I'm doomed to an eternity on a planet that I've resented since I was a kid" Avy stated.

"Yeah you win" Caroline admitted

"Are you guys sure you wanna be here?" Bonnie asked.

"We have to be" Elena said "We have to put it behind us, new year, new life"

Elena moved forward, Avy exchanging a wary look with his blonde friend, Bonnie moving along with them.


Avy smiled at Elena as she moved towards her god-sibling and his stunning blonde friend.

"I forgot about the bonfire" Elena smiled as Caroline raised her eyebrows.

"You have to go!" She spoke quickly "It's our first spirit squad even, and it sets the bar for the whole year!"

"Relax, Caroline" Elena sighed with a smile "I'll be there"

"Thank you" Caroline said "It's just that...-"

"Happy first day!" Tyler interrupted placing a kiss on Caroline's lips.

"Is that blood?" Avy murmured looking at the red patch on the collar of Tyler's t-shirt.

"Oh my god!" Caroline exclaimed.

She pushed Tyler into the male restroom, Elena and Avy following close behind.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked.

"Vampire 101" Caroline started "Don't wear your breakfast to school!"

Avy moved through the bathroom, checking all the stalls, making sure they were empty as Elena grabbed some paper towels.

"Chill out, it was just a blood bag" Tyler sighed.

"From where?" Avy asked.

"Rebekah hooked me up" Tyler answered.

"Rebekah?" Caroline asked "And what are you even talking to her for?"

"Klaus told her to keep a watch on me" Tyler smiled "Protect his new asset"

"His what?" Avy questioned "Why are you so amused by this, Tyler?"

"I'm his first successful hybrid, Avy" Tyler smirked "Don't you think that's the tiniest bit awesome?"

Both Elena and Avy's eyebrows raised high at the comment as Caroline spoke up.

"Oh, wow!" Caroline spoke stunned "I cannot believe you just said that"

"So, I'm going to go" Avy spoke, disapproval on his face.

"Good luck" Elena spoke, handing Caroline the many paper towels.

Avy sighed, placing his arm around Elena's shoulders as they moved through the hallway.

"Hello, Avy, Elena" Stefan greeted, Avy sighing as they paused to greet him.

"What are you doing here?" Elena asked.

"What do you mean? I'm going back to school" Stefan spoke "Go Timberwolves!"

"Let me guess" Avy sighed audibly "Klaus wants you to keep an eye on us"

"More specifically Elena, considering he doesn't need you anymore" Stefan grinned "You're kind of useless now, Avy"

Avy narrowed his eyes.

"I'm just doing what I'm told" Stefan smirked.

"We're gonna be late for class" Elena rolled her eyes.

Elena turned to move away from the vampire, Stefan grabbing her arm tightly.

"Class is this way" Stefan spoke.

"Let go of her" Avy stepped forward, pulling Stefan's hand from Elena's body "Leave us alone, Stefan"

"Or what? You'll kill me? Then you'll have me stuck on your guilty conscience for the next thousand years of your life, you may not have killed anyone yet Avy, but trust me, when you feel the life leave someone's body for the first time, it stays with you" Stefan laughed before turning to Elena "Do you think I want to be a senior for the 100th time? No, but if I don't have a choice in the matter, then neither do you"

"Get lost" Avy glared.

Stefan narrowed his eyes, seeing the gold glint quickly flash by.

Alaric moved into sight, stepping beside Avy.

"Let them go" Alaric spoke.

Stefan turned to the ex-hunter, pushing him threateningly against the locker.

"Stefan, stop it!" Elena pleaded.

"You're not gonna want to get in my way, okay, Ric?" Stefan confirmed "I will see you all in history"

Avy watched as Stefan moved away, Elena sighing relievedly.


Avy entered the history classroom, immediately sitting in the seat to the left of Elena, Caroline taking the seat the other side of Avy as a regular human sat next to Elena.

"You're in my seat" The poor human boy looked up to see Stefan towering over him and the others watched as the human scurried away leaving the seat free for Stefan who turned to them, grinning "Hey, you!"

"Welcome back, seniors" Alaric spoke gaining the attention of the class "Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans"

"What about the Vikings?" A familiar voice rang out.

Avy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he felt irritation rising in him, his head falling onto his desk as Rebekah entered the room.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States" Alaric replied "Who are you?"

"My name's Rebekah" She answered with a smirk "I'm new, and history's my favourite subject"


Avy stuck by Elena's side, slowly jogging by her side, training during their free period. Avy's mood was, however, ruined as Stefan jogged up, joining Elena's side.

"Look at you being all fit" Stefan spoke.

"Fuck off, Stefan" Avy instructed "Now"

"You going to the bonfire?" Stefan ignored him "Sounds like fun, right?"

"Seriously, Stefan" Elena stopped running "Leave me alone"

Elena and Avy turned, jogging the other way, Stefan jogging backwards.

"You think I'm annoying now? Wait til homecoming" Stefan joked "Hey, who you bringing, by the way? I don't want it to be weird"

Before Elena could answer another runner bumped into her, immediately apologising.

"Watch it, dick!" Stefan exclaimed, throwing the human boy to the ground.

Avy pushed Stefan backwards, his eyes glowing gold as Elena moved to help the kid up, apologising for the vampire's behaviour.

"Who are you?!" Elena cried.

"I'm the guy who's been assigned to protect the human blood bag" Stefan answered "I mean, no offence or anything"

Elena turned, exiting the track, leaving Avy stood facing the vampire.


Avy stood beside Damon, the pair of them locking their eyes on Elena as she spoke.

"I'll lure him away from the bonfire" Elena began "Then when he's distracted..."

"I'll shoot him" Alaric said.

"And I'll snap his neck" Avy spoke.

"Can't Bonnie just ju-ju him? Damon asked.

"We're trying to keep Bonnie out of this" Avy replied "We don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her"

Caroline and Avy narrowed their eyes as Damon and Elena exchanged a brief glance.

"Caroline are you covered?" Elena asked.

"Yes!" Caroline exclaimed "I will make sure the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready"

"We're forgetting a key player here" Damon interrupted "Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blonde ponytail tends to follow"

"Which is why it's your job to keep her away" Avy spoke.

"How?" Damon questioned "She's an Original, last I checked we're out of daggers"

"So then preoccupy her with your charm" Elena spoke sarcastically.

"Might have better luck finding the dagger" Avy murmured with a smirk.

"Are you ever not going to be mad at me for a day?" Damon asked Elena.

"Doubtful" Avy answered before she could.

The door quickly opened and shut, Tyler squeezing in with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry I'm late" Tyler apologised "What's going on?"

"We need you to raid your moms vervain supply" Avy informed him "Enough to keep Stefan down for a while"

"You can't do that to Stefan" Tyler argued.

"Why not?" Caroline asked.

"Trust me, Tyler, it's in his best interest" Elena said.

"Yeah" Tyler agreed "It's not in Klaus's"

"But Klaus is the bad guy, Tyler" Caroline argued "You know, why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, slave minion?"

"Uh oh" Avy muttered.

The Original and Damon exchanged a look before turning back to eye Tyler suspiciously.

"What?" Alaric asked catching onto their drift.

"Klaus made me who I am, Caroline" Tyler explained "I owe him everything"

"Oh, boy" Damon murmured.

"Okay, can we cool it on the commentary, please" Caroline snapped at Damon and Avy.

"What is going on?" Elena wondered.

Avy slowly reached behind himself, grabbing the vervain dart that rested on the desk.

"I'm just going to go" Tyler decided.

The hybrid moved towards the door but Avy rushed over, injecting him with the vervain dart.

"What are you doing?!" Caroline cried, Tyler's unconscious body dropping to the floor.

"He's been sired" Damon replied.

"What?" Alaric asked.

"Sired" Avy explained "He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus's blood created him"

"Loyal how?" Elena asked.

"He'll seek acceptance from his master" Damon said "It's really rare, but maybe not so much in hybrids"

"So how do I fix him?" Caroline asked.

"Get a new boyfriend?" Avy suggested.

Caroline glared at Avy.


Avy grinned at his god-sibling, Elena nudging him with a smile as he passed her a red solo cup full of beer.

"Elena, Avy" Stefan's voice spoke.

Avy rolled his eyes as he poured himself a cup.

"What are you doing?" Stefan wondered.

"We're having fun, Stefan" Avy stated, knocking back his entire cup.

Elena watched with a grin before doing the same.

"You have a problem with that?" She asked, wiping the beer from her lips.

"All right, take it easy" Stefan instructed "We all know you're both kind of lightweights"

"I'm a hybrid now, Stefan, and an Original one at that" Avy scoffed, a lazy smirk resting on his lips "Besides, you think we're gonna let a blood addict tell us how to drink?"

Avy wrapped an arm around Elena's shoulders, the girl doing the same around Avy's waist as they moved away, leaving Stefan behind.


Avy stood by the tree line as he watched Stefan approaching Elena on the bleachers.

"I used to know every constellation" Elena slurred "How did I forget them all?"

"Cause you're drunk" Stefan said "Where's your bodyguard?"

"Avy's off flirting with some girl, trying to forget that the man he loves is daggered in Klaus' personal collection somewhere" Elena said.

"Elijah" Stefan rolled his eyes.

"I feel for him" Elena sat forward, tears building in her eyes "Why am I so sad?"

"Once again, you're drunk" Stefan sighed "You need to go home"

"Fine" Elena sighed standing up with a wobble "Let me find my car"

"You're joking, right?" Stefan asked.

"Uh oh, it's the fun police" Elena laughed "I thought that ripper Stefan was supposed to be the life of the party"

"Well, all right" Stefan sighed "I'm driving you home, come on"

Elena threw her leg over the railing of the bleachers, standing on the edge of the highest step.

"What are you, five?" Stefan spoke "Get down"

"Why?" Elena smirked "Are you afraid that I'm going to-"

Elena was cut off as she pretended to slip and almost fall.

"Oh, that was close" Elena laughed "Klaus would not be happy with you"

"You're hilarious" Stefan sighed.

"Look, Stefan!" Elena smiled as she removed her hands "No hands"

Elena slipped but quickly grabbed the railing, laughing as the vampire below no longer found the situation amusing. Elena laughed aloud but her foot slipped and the doppelgänger fell from the bleachers.

Stefan sped forwards, catching the girl.

"I knew you'd catch me" Elena spoke softly.

Stefan and Elena gazed at each other before he placed her back on the ground, Stefan's body jolting forwards as he was hit from behind. Avy sped forwards, snapping Stefan's neck as Elena turned to Alaric.

"You okay?" Alaric questioned.

"Yeah, we're...fine" Elena finished.

"You look, not sober" Alaric replied.

"The plan worked" Avy said "That's all that matters"

"Let's just get him out of here" Elena said.

Avy grabbed Stefan, throwing him over his shoulder before moving towards the car, chucking him into the boot. Elena entered the car as Alaric moved towards Avy.

"Thanks, Avy" Alaric sighed.

"No problem, Ric" Avy exhaled.

Avy moved towards the passenger seat as Alaric turned to enter the driver's, his foot coming into contact with an empty gas can on the ground.

"I see all the geniuses came out to the bonfire tonight" Alaric sighed.

As Avy placed his hand on the passenger door handle a pathway of flames rushed towards the car, engulfing it, Avy  jumping back in surprise.

"Elena!" Avy shouted "Open the door!"

"I can't, it won't open!" Elena shouted banging against the door "What the hell?"

Alaric grabbed the only thing he could find on the ground, a lacrosse stick, banging it against the windows but the glass refused to budge. Avy sped towards the car as Elena crawled into the trunk, his hands burning as he managed to open the door to the trunk, pulling Elena and Stefan free.

"Hurry before it blows!" Alaric shouted.

They moved away from the car quickly, making it just far enough away just in time as the car exploded. Avy sighed as he turned, watching the car burn, looking to Elena beside him.

"When Stefan gets his humanity back, I'm gonna kill him"

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