(REQUESTS CLOSED) Kimetsu no...

By HetaGarden1

3.2M 53.9K 43.5K


Frequently Asked Questions (PLEASE READ FIRST)
When You Meet
You Meet Again:
You Become Friends
You Hang Out With Them
They Make You Blush
You Make Them Blush
You're Injured in Battle
They're Injured in Battle
They Realize They Like You
They Ask You on a Date
A Failed Date
If You Asked Them Out
If They Asked You Out
Sleeping at Their Home
You Compliment Them
Something They Like About You
They Give You a Gift
1K BONUS: Akaza Catch-Up
You Give Them a Gift
If You Cry in Front of Them
If They Cry in Front of You
They Get Jealous
2K BONUS: Douma Catch-Up
If You Get Jealous
You Get Hurt
They Get Hurt
3K BONUS: Kokushibo Catch-Up
You Make Them Laugh
They Make You Laugh
4K BONUS: Muzan Kibutsuji
They Accidentally Make You Cry
You Accidentally Make Them Cry
5K BONUS: Yoriichi Tsugikuni
The First Kiss
If They Proposed
If You Proposed
If You Were Married
How it is in Bed With Them
If You Got Pregnant
If You Adopted
If They Got Drunk
If You Got Drunk
If They Were Turned
If You Were Turned
If You Died For Them
If They Accidentally Killed You
Your Favorite Fall Activities
After a Nasty Battle
If You Gave Him a Boner
Their Kinks
Your Favorite Winter Activities
Types of Yanderes
They Accidentally Hurt You
You Accidentally Hurt Them
If You Were Kidnapped
When You're Sick
When They're Sick
When They Get Embarrassed
When You're Embarrassed
Their Greatest Fear
If They Cheated on You
If You Cheated on Them
Coitus Interrupted
Someone Hits You
If You Were Blind
If Someone Flirts With You
Calling Them Another Name As A Joke
They Meet Your Parents
Pranking Them
Kimetsu Academy
If You Disappeared For a Week
Hiding an Injury From Them
Dressing Up Like Them
Rejecting Their Cuddles
How You Sleep/Cuddling
Dying in Childbirth
If You Drew Them
Wearing Something Revealing in Public
Your Demon S/O
Your Human S/O
If Their Personality Was Inverted
The Birds and the Bees
If They Turned into Babies
Going on Vacation Together
If You Swapped Sexes For a Day
If You Ignored Them For a Week
Baby's First Words
Your First Argument
If You Left the Slayers
After an Argument
Morning Routine
Evening Routine
What Kind of Parent They Are
Baby's First Steps
Their Favorite Activity With Your Child
If Your Child Was LGBTQ+
If You Smoked
If You Were Upset
Falling Asleep on Them
If You Were From the Real World
If You Topped Them
If They Topped You
New Years With Them
Accidentally Walking in On Them Changing
If You Broke Up
Kissing Them Unexpectedly
Kissing You Unexpectedly
When They're Clingy
When You're Clingy
Taking a Bath Together
What They Do While You're Pregnant/Talking to Baby
Seeing/Holding the Baby For the First Time
If You Slacked Off
If They Betrayed You
If You Betrayed Them
Wearing an Oversized Shirt/Panties to Bed
Accidentally Seeing You Naked
Accidentally Seeing Them Naked
Calling Them Mommy/Daddy
Their Favorite Spot for Naughty Times
Teasing Them in Bed
You Give Them a Hickey
They Give You a Hickey
Baby's Favorite Babysitter
If Your Child Asked for a Sibling
They Comfort the Baby
When Your Child Throws a Tantrum
Your Child Has a Nightmare
You Have a Nightmare
They Have a Nightmare
Sitting in Their Lap
If You Wrote a Song For Them
They Try on a Corset
You Try on a Corset
If You Dressed As a Maid
If They Dressed as a Maid
You Get Pregnant/Adopt Again
Giving Them the Blue Spider Lily
If You Were a Foreigner
Drawing on Their Face
Finding You Unconscious at Home
What Kind of Older Sibling Your Child/Children Are
What Kind of Teenagers Your Children Are - Dating
Favorite Spots for a Date
If They Were Taunted About Your Death
Reuniting in the Afterlife
If You Turned Into a Baby
Celebrating Their Birthday
Celebrating Your Birthday
If You Slapped Their Butt
If They Slapped Your Butt
Being Shorter Than Them
Being Taller Than Them
If You Were Deaf
If They Played With Your Hair
If You Were Incredibly Cuddly
Snowball Fight
KNY With a Chubby/Thick Reader

Watching Them Train

6.7K 146 24
By HetaGarden1

REQUESTED BY: LGBTanimevillain



Your boyfriend usually gets so into his routines that he doesn't realize you're watching - until he sees you watching from the sidelines and accidentally messes up a step of his Hinokami Kagura, face flushed red when you start laughing. His dance is legitimately mesmerizing and once you start watching you often can't stop until he finishes.


Nezuko doesn't have any training to speak of - but sometimes you catch her practicing her moves on a dummy in the backyard. Even with the gag on the intensity in her eyes makes you shiver, and you swear every time you've never felt so glad she doesn't attack humans.


No matter how hard he tries, he can never perform any other moves of Thunder Breathing, and he's long since stopped practicing them. Instead, sometimes you might find him practicing the one move he does know on a dummy in the backyard. When he realizes you're watching, he blushes bright red and starts stuttering questions, simultaneously flattered and a little nervous that you're observing him (and if he messes up, even once, he'll die of embarrassment).


Inosuke doesn't practice, at all. He just hacks away at one of the training dummies you made until his excess energy is gone. He doesn't even notice that you're watching him go at it, too absorbed into beating the shit out of the poor sack-dummy.


Giyuu doesn't mind it when you watch, mostly because he's confident in his abilities and he has no reason to be nervous. Still, it gives him a little bit of pride whenever you gush over how cool his technique is.


He doesn't mind, just giving you a bright smile as he launches himself through his moves. Once he's gone through them, he asks for some feedback and areas where he looked particularly sloppy.


He doesn't care who watches. He's fully headfirst into training his moves and hardly even looks over until he feels satisfied. He knows he's good and doesn't need validation, but your praises do make his chest feel warm.


She doesn't mind when you watch. She goes through her regimen with a smile, content to brush up on her skills and make certain she's not getting rusty with how busy she's been lately.


He feels your eyes on him while he trains, yet he doesn't mind them. He offers you to join him and doesn't feel too upset if you happen to decline - not everyone can handle the waterfall training and he knows you don't really need it.


Secretly, he enjoys it when you watch - he's a man, after all, and feeling your awed gaze as he launches himself through his moves strokes his ego. Whenever he knows you're observing, he looks your way with a smirk and asks if he did well enough, or if he needs to do it again.


Usually you see him either meditating or brushing up on his Blood Art against a dummy (he takes great care in not letting you see him kill, as he doesn't want you to begin fearing him). His compass and martial-arts form is truly beautiful to watch; he looks like his body is a river, flowing through every move. When you praise him, he smiles with pride and asks about what you thought.


Douma's ice-themed Blood Art is incredibly mesmerizing; it's beautiful yet so deadly, and whenever you see him use it you find your breath taken away (not literally; he tries not to use it against you). He just smiles and asks if you want him to demonstrate a little more for you.


Beautiful, deadly, and ethereal. Those words are three of the greatest descriptors of your lover's Moon Breathing. Every step is like that of an elaborate dance, his intense gaze focused on nothing as his katana swings and slices through the air. He knows you're watching, yet he pays you no mind; he sees no reason to show off, given his overall skill, yet he secretly feels a hint of pride whenever you catch him.


Muzan never practices, and when he does use his powers, it's usually at the behest of some poor unlucky human that crossed his path on the wrong foot. He's incredibly overconfident and deems it a waste of his time, given that he's constantly turning more and more people.


Yoriichi is very strict with his personal discipline - sometimes you'll catch him going through the Hinokami Kagura in what seems to be a trance, his body flowing through the moves so smoothly it feels like a spell from the gods, blessing him with holy transcendence. He's almost bashful as his dance ends and he realizes you're observing, offering to teach you the moves.


A/N: Please tell me what you thought.

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