danganrompa:the story continu...

By cloverleaf777

10.2K 358 73

Class 77 and v3 have been through Timeline after Timeline but now they plan to end this. How will they end th... More

Fivth Timeline
Letting Her Go
Making New Friends (sort of)
The Mukuro Motive
Everyone Blames Me!
Proving My Innocence
Lunch Without Friends
A Talk With Shuichi
Another Concussion?
The Sad Truth
How Do You Do It?
Unexpected Rescue
Revenge Killing
Self Defense Training
A Triple Murder!
Insane Love
New Member For Self Defense!
Workout With Sakura
Mukuros Got A Crush!
Makeover By Sayaka
Trying To Be Girly
Brutal Murder
I Did It For Him
Taking Away Your Most Important Thing Motive
A Sad Trail
You Don't Need Make-up To be Beautiful
Taking My Sisters Happiness
Challenging The Last Mastermind
Sixth Timeline
Sayaka Wants To Fight!
Let's Take The Mastermind Down!
Shot Put
Accidentle Victim
Apologies To Everyone I Wronged
Strange Behaviour
The Lucky Students Death
Is It Suicide Or Murder?
Himiko Hates Me!
Triple Murder!
All For The Sake Of Money!
Writing Apology Letters
I'm Sorry. I Love You
Avenging Himiko
Tenkos Depression
Hearing Leon's Music
Double Murder
Conferting Leon
The Death Of A Serial Killer
Finding Our Killer
More Music!
A Ballroom Dance
The Death Of Two Friends
Seventh Timeline
The New Couple
The Well Dressed Corpse
The Unexpected Murderer
Sakuras Request
Secret Training
A Dead Body And Rigged Trail
Thoughts On Mondo
Desperate Killer
Training With Sakura/apology To Mokoto
Tenko And Himikos Secret Date
Two Different Death Two Different People?
For The Sake Of Love
Threatened By the Masterminds
Talking It Through With Everyone
Attemped Murder
Complicated Murder Trail (keade)
A Montage Of Deaths
Kokichis Alter Ego!
Training With Gonta
The Death Of A Inventor
Please Not You!
Killing A Mastermind
Ending This Now!
Eighth Timeline
A Library Visit
A Letter
Complete Manslaughter
Only Three Survivors
Ninth Timeline
Fighting Already?
The Bloody Death Of Keade Atamasu
A Serial Killers Defeat
The Gorgeous Girl Genius!
Making Up To The Gremlin
Destress In the Vertual World
Everyone Blames Me!
A Tragic Killer
Depressed Astronaut And Leader
Dragged Off By An Inventor
I Want To Be A Part of It!
People Are Dying (we Need To Speed Things up!)
Discovering The Truth
The Choice
The Final Timeline
The Plan
Capturing The Masterminds
Escaping With Everyone
New Book Series!

I'm Sick Of This Fucking Loop!

56 2 0
By cloverleaf777

Mius pov

I groaned in annoyance as I lay in bed. Fuck I'm sick of this fucking loop!

I'm laying in bed unable to face anyone. I mean how can I? It was my stupid mechine that gave chihiro an excuse to kill maki. God why am I such a screw up!

At the start of the killing game I didn't care about anyone. I looked out for number one and did whatever it took to make it out on top. Problem with being stuck in a endless loop however is that I get to learn more about the people I'm stuck with. Before I know it I'm caring about these assholes and wanting them to survive with me!

But how can I possibly do that? It's impossible isn't it? Even if we managed to get that big ass door open the whole thing will just repeat!

Come on miu think! You gotta think of some way to stop this loop. Maybe if we stop it at the origin it would work but what is the origin? How the fuck am I supposed to figure that out-

Suddenly it hit me. An idea that only a gorgeous girl genius could have. I've got it! I know how we can figure out what's causing this loop!

I jumped to my feet and ran out of my room. Now I just need to find that fucking robot!

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