Just You And Me...

By XxGoShinexX

16.9K 167 12

two different worlds that make there way to each other. a innocent girl with a Mafia man. Riley Smith, a 18 y... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 31•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 34•
•The end of the story•

•Chapter 3•

858 8 1
By XxGoShinexX

{Riley Pov}

I wake up by a big bang it's was the front door but who could that be. I get out of my bed and walk to my bedroom door I hear someone coming up the stairs. I look at my alarm and it's 2 in the morning what the hell who is this?!
I open my door and am face to face with my brother who has blood on his face and something in his back pocket.

"Omg what happend?!" I wispered-yelled.
"Nothing just go back to bed." Jayden said.
"That's not nothing come here" I say while grabbing his arm and pulling him into my bathroom. I make him sit down on the toilet seat and I grab the first aidkit.
"What did you do?" I asked him while cleaning the blood off.
"I just got into a fight nothing more" he said not making eye contact with me.
"Well you got beaten up really badly" I told him while putting a bandaid on his wound.
"Be careful next time okay and don't start fights" I told him while I put everything back into the aidkit and putting it back where I found it.
"Yeah sis I know" he said.
"Okay well go to bed it's late you need rest" I told him will pushing him a little.
"Yes ma'am" he said while walking to my bedroom door.

But then I saw that he had in his back pocket it was a gun?!

"Jayden why do you have a gun in your pocket?" I asked him a little scared.
He froze like he didn't move at all until he turned around.
"Ummm" he started off not knowing what to say"

"Jayden don't tell me you are part of some kind of gang" I told him getting more scared because he was walking to me. Like can you blame me he has a gun he may be my brother but like he has a gun.
"Sis calm down you don't have to be scared I woudn't hurt you you know that" he said trying to calm me.
I just nodded my head.

"Okay I'll tell you but you need to know that I swore never to tell this to anyone so neither can you!" He told me.
I nodded my head again.
"Okay well yes Riley I'm in a gang the gang name is The Snakes. I have been working for them ever since I told you guys I had a Job. And yes I know what I'm doing isn't right but I only have this gun for protection. My job for the gang is to hack into other gangs systems. Get information on how we can destroy them. Riley you have to swear me you won't tell anyone about this!" He told me serious.

My head was hurting from all this information so everytime my brother said he had work he needed to go to like his hideout and do that hacking stuff for a gang. and not just a gang but THE SNAKES! The most dangerous gang out there.

"Why did you join them how did it happen?!" I asked him while still trying to figure everything out.
"It happen when I was walking in the streets and I saw this guy getting beaten up. I helped the guy and he told me he saw that I had a lot in me so he told me he had a job for me. The next day he took me to there base and theres where they wanted me to join and I found it. And I accepted without knowing it was a gang they just said like if I could hack for them. After a while I found out It was a gang but I didn't want to quit. I was getting paid well and I started liking all the dangerous stuff."
He told me while looking at the floor.

"Wow okay umm I don't know what to say" I really didn't know what to say my mind was everywhere.
"I get that but you can't tell anyone about this if my boss finds out I told you he will come and take you and want you to join to or will make your life a living hell. Sis don't say anything" Jayden said finally looking in my eyes. He was serious I can't tell anyone or else he will come for me...

"Trust me brother I don't want your boss coming after me I'll keep my mouth shut but what if he finds out?" I ask kind of scared of what would happen then.

"He won't I'll make sure of it." Jayden said.
"Okay but now we both need rest I need to get al this new information straight and you need sleep you look tired." I said.
"Yeah good night sis" Jayden said.
"Good night bro"

He walked out of my room. My brother is part of a Dangerous gang and he hacks other gangs systems. He swore to never tell anyone ever and here I am the only persoon who knows. I hope his boss won't find out I really really hope not or else I will be dead.
I felt sleep taking over me and I fell asleep.
{Unknown Pov}

It's 8Am I'm in my office finishing some paper work when there is a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said.

One of my guards come walking in.
"Boss we found out that Jayden told his sister about the gang because she saw him with his gun. She knows boss what should we do."

"Bring her here I need to have a talk with her" I told him with a small smirk on my face this is going to be fun.

My guard leaves my office and I start thinking about some ways to make sure she doesn't say anything. My best option is a bullet but I can't do that to my best hacker on my team. I just see when she gets here.

But one thing is for sure
I'll make sure she will be so scared that she would never speak a single word again.
{Riley pov}

I was walking outside getting some fresh air. It's a beautiful day today I really needed this to get my head straight. I keep walking till I see a man who looked like he needed help putting a couple of boxes in a truck.

"Hello sir do you need help?" I ask the man.
"Oh that would be really kind of you thank you" he said.
"No probleem" I said while grabbing a box and put in the truck until I feel a hand over my mouth making it hard to breath. Everything started getting blurry until everything went black.
I woke up in a room I was tied to a chair. I heard people talking and then the door opened.
"Why are we in this room" a man asked but I know that voice It was my brother.
"Because we got to deal with something" another man said then the lights went on and I saw my brother face when he saw me tied to a chair.
"Boss wait don't do anything that's my sister." My brother said.

But the man looked shooked to.
"No worries we won't hurt her but she just has to do one thing" he said while he walked to me.
"She has to join our gang. How do you like that idea Angel." He said.

It was the guy from the club I already met the leader of a gang! WHY ME?!

"What do you say Angel you want to join or do you want me to just take a bullet right to your brain." He said smirking.

"NO no please don't kill me" I yelled.
"So What's your answer?" He said.

I looked at my brother and he looked so shooked but then he nodded.

"I'll join you"

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