Falling for the Broken

By YoungButNotFree_

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"People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long." Ellie Watson: The lone... More

1: Naked Boy
2: Aaron McKenzie
3: Work
4: Party
5: Hangover
6: Dancing With Elephants
7: The Unexpected Visitor
8: People Make Mistakes
9: The Notebook
10: Store Room Secrets
12: Explanations
13: Heartbreaking Pain
14: Goodbye
15: Band Practise
16: The Date
17: I Like You
18: Condom Shopping
19: Unsafe
20: Taken
21: Gunpoint
22: Friends
23: Letting Go
24: Quitting
25: The End

11: Karma Isn't Real

221 23 16
By YoungButNotFree_

Thanks to Beliebectioner24 for the awesome cover to the top or the side :)

"A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal." -Steve Maraboli

Job hunting wasn't going too well and I was extremely bored being cooped up in that apartment on my own. Yes, alone. Aaron was spending the day with Lindsy doing whatever it was couples did on dates these days.

He hadn't spoken to me since we left the store room and I assumed it was because he felt awkward from our near kiss. Well, you know what, fuck Aaron. I didn't need him and his complicated feelings. My life was confusing enough and I didn't need another boy coming along and messing things up.

Currently, I was in the park of all places. I didn't know why but I was kind of just lured their by my mind. I got the idea that it'd be a peaceful place to get some artwork done.

I was sitting at a wooden bench with my sketch pad and pencil in hand. So far, I'd only managed to capture the fine strands of grass in my drawing. I was going to work on drawing the bench opposite me however there was a homeless man sleeping on it with nothing but a thin jacket to cover him as a blanket. I pitied the fellow and dug in my pocket for some change.

I had £7 on me. Not an extravagant amount of money but it'd be better off spent on the poor invalid with a bench to call his home than on me.

I looked up to find the man had fallen on the floor and was dusting himself off. I put my paper and pencil on the bench and went to go and help him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned as I helped him up.

"Phenomenal." He deadpaned, standing up and dusting himself off.

My eyes met his and recognition crossed both of our faces and I immediately regretted helping this barbaric waste of space.

"Eleanor, right?" He wondered.

"Ellie." I corrected. "And you're the rapist."

"People like to call me Spencer." He replied. "And I didn't do anything to Olivia. You have to believe me when I say that I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. I truly am sorry, I'm not a low life. I swear."

I couldn't believe I was actually living in the room where he used to live; sleeping in the same bed as the neanderthal who tried to take advantage of my best friend.

"Also, I didn't mean to scare you the other day. I had no clue you were in my room, well, your room now." He frowned.

I studied him and came to the conclusion that Spencer was absolutely harmless. He was dressed in the same attire he was last time we encountered which only made me feel sorry for his misfortune. Not only did he look innocent, he sounded sincere and apologetic. However, that didn't mean I would forget how brutally he treated my friend. The notion that he was drunk didn't justify the fact that if Tommy hadn't walked in, Spencer surely would have raped Olivia.

That was so not cool.

"Whatever." I shrugged and began to walk away before he grabbed my elbow.

"Please, I'm desperate. I don't have anywhere to go. Help me." The look of pure desperation and fear that was etched across his face stung at my heart strings.

"How do you have nowhere to go?" I was curious.

"I got kicked out of university and someone stole my belongings a few days ago whilst I was sleeping. I have no money and I can't go back home to my parents because that'd be admitting defeat." His tone was laced with sadness and my heart leaped for him.

"Admitting defeat?" I quizzed.

"They didn't want me to go to university. They said I'd never last and I guess they were right. But I promised them that I'd prove them wrong. They invested so much money in me so I could go university. I can't let them down." He sighed.

He'd already let them down; he'd gotten kicked out. Although I guess I sort of understood where he was coming from. No matter how much hatred I'd recently gained for this stranger, I needed to help him. After all, if it wasn't for Olivia, I'd be in the exact same situation as him.

"There's a café round the corner. Come on." I sighed in defeat and began to walk with him trailing close behind.

"Thanks." He responded.

I grabbed my pencil and sketch pad and shoved it in my bag then slung it over my shoulder.

The café wasn't too far and we managed to get there in just under five minutes. We got a table close to the window and Spencer scanned the menu, eager to get some food down him.

"You not going to look at the menu?" He wondered, looking up from his.

"There's food at the apartment and I can't really afford to pay for two meals." I explained which made Spencer look guilt ridden.

"Oh...I didn't know money was tight for you too." He admitted.

"It's not." I lied. "I just don't have a lot on me right now and you're clearly more hungry than me."

"You don't mind?" He looked at me seriously.

"No." I shook my head. "Now hurry up and choose what you want. Just because I'm buying you food, doesn't mean I like you."

"Yes ma'am." His continued to eye up his menu.

I watched as Spencer practically salivated over the menu just like me when I see a fine looking boy coming into view. It was only then that I saw that, behind his unshaven stubble, dirty clothes and lack of hygiene, Spencer was actually decent looking. Well, used to be anyway, before he got struck by the bitch that is life.

The waitress came shortly after and took Spencer's order of fish and chips with a mug of tea. Could this kid get anymore British? The food came about five minutes later and Spencer didn't hesitate to tuck in.

A look of utter disgust planted itself upon my face as I watched the boy devour his food with his hands as if he hadn't eaten in a year. He was hungry.

"So, uh..." I lost my train of thought as a stared in shock at his ability to eat at such an immense pace. I shook my head a little and zoned back into reality. "You wanna start from the beginning?"

"Okay." He nodded, his mouth full. He finished off chewing whatever was in his mouth and gulped down a sip of tea.

"When you're ready..." I began to lose patience.

"Sorry." He apologised. "I don't even know where to begin. I guess it all started when this wanker kept hitting on my girl. It was pretty clear that she was my girlfriend yet he wouldn't stop staring at her, flirting with her...whatever. Well, it seemed as though Madison- my girlfriend at the time- had fallen for his tricks. She fucked him. Twice."

Spencer exhaled a breath his face sullen. I could tell by the look on his face that his feelings towards this Madison girl was strong. It reminded me of Blake and I except this time, it was the girl who was the back stabber.

"She cheated on you?" I asked just to clarify.

"Yep." He answered. "When I found out, I got really pissed off and ended up getting in a fight with the dude. Broke the fucker's nose which ended up with me getting done for assault. He didn't press charges but the university kicked me out."

"That was a dick move," I said, referring to the fact that he beat up the guy. "But the prick had it coming."

"Hell yeah he did." Spencer nodded. "Well that night I got shitfaced drunk and ended up forcing myself on Olivia. I was a total jerk and I hate myself for it. I'm so grateful Tommy came in when he did otherwise I don't know what I would have done. Plus, I'd much rather be homeless than know that I raped my friend's girlfriend, or anyone for that matter."

I had no doubt in my mind that what Spencer was telling me was the absolute truth.

"Tommy kicked me out and I ended up sleeping on sofas of my friends. Although the night I ended up at the apartment was when none of my friends would let me sleep on their sofas. I've nowhere else to go now. I'm in so much debt from university and my parents are absolutely clueless to the fact that I've been kicked out." My pity towards Spencer grew and grew.

Spencer wasn't a bad person. He was just a boy whose girlfriend cheated on him which lead him to do stupid things. Deep down, he was a good guy.

"I don't know what to do." He looked so innocent and defenceless.

I would have told him to find himself a job and build himself back up again however I knew that that was easier said than done. I was lucky I had a place to stay, despite the fact that I didn't have a job. There was only one other option for him.

"Admit defeat." I advised. "Go home and see your family."

"I can't do that." He shook his head.

"Why?" I questioned. "I know it might sting at your pride but come on, it has to be better than this."

He took a sip at his tea and thought for a while. I could tell that he was deeply considering it.

"My family live on one of those stereotypical, dodgy estates where you hear about all those gang related crimes. I'd gotten out of there and I was going to become a doctor and give my family the life they deserved. But I fucked up." He told me.

"They're your family and they love you, even if you messed up. I'm sure they'd rather their son be at home with them than sleeping on park benches." I persuaded. "Just call them."

"It's that easy, is it? Just call them and it'll be okay."

"As simple as that." I offered him a small smile.

"Okay." He nodded.

"What?" I was surprised at his response.

"I'll call them." He agreed. "After eating this though."

"I wish you well." I stood up, placing the correct amount of money for his food on the table.

"You're going?" He looked up at me.

"Mhmm." I nodded. "My job here is done. Call your parents and go home."

His lips curled into a smile as he took a moment to just look at me.

"My fairy godmother. Thank you, Ellie. I've never met someone as nice as you." He confessed.

Nice? He clearly didn't know me at all. According to most people I knew, I was a miserable, sad, lonely girl. I was broken and no one could fix me.

"You're welcome. Maybe you're not that much of a dick after all. Good luck, Spencer." I waved.

"Bye, Ellie." He grinned back.

I left the café feeling content with myself. I had done something good, right? I didn't like it when people suffered because I knew all too well about suffering.

I weighed up my options of either going back to the park and continuing with my feeble attempts at drawings or return to the apartment and watch TV.

My mind instantly screamed TV so I headed off home. It wasn't only because it was freezing cold outside, it was also because I wasn't feeling too good. My stomach was in a lot of pain owing to the tiny human I was carrying inside of me. I'd made the decision that I'd tell Olivia when she came back from her visit to Tommy's parents' house that I was pregnant. I wanted her to be the first to know.

You would have thought the first people I would want to tell would be my parents but, you guessed wrong. I hadn't spoken to my parents in years and didn't even receive a measly card off them for my birthday. We didn't hate each other or anything like that, we just didn't get along that well. Plus, they lived in France and I didn't intend on visiting. Ever. Neither did they. I didn't really care though. They were just two people who were involved in creating me. Nothing more.

I was born, but I certainly wasn't raised.

The walk back to the apartment lasted 10 minutes and it was drowned out by the music that blasted from my earphones. I look the elevator up to the third floor and trudged inside the apartment.

The bittersweet scent of perfume wafted through my nose and my eyes landed on a rather expensive looking bag which I presumed was from some sort of brand. Fuck if I know bag brands. Don't judge.

The sound of Lindsy's high pitched voice danced it's way through my ears and I came to the conclusion that she was here with Aaron. They must have cut their date short to do something else. I was desperately hoping that 'something else' didn't involve those two having sex.

To let them know I was here, I slammed the door shut which would hopefully spark their attention and keep the noise down with whatever the fuck they were doing in Aaron's bedroom.

I trailed to my bedroom and threw my bag to the floor. Just then, I felt a wave of dizziness overcome me and I was forced to sit down on my bed. My stomach made a weird noise and I clutched at it.

Pregnancy sucked.

My bump wasn't sticking out as much yet for it to be noticeable yet I could feel myself getting fatter by the day, but I didn't mind anymore. I was going to have this baby and love it to pieces. He or she was going to be the apple of my eye and I was going to protect it and care for it. I'd make sure they had a better life than me.

Feeling the urge to pee, I hobbled over to the bathroom. However I didn't expect what happened next.

I was bleeding. Heavily. My period had started.

It didn't make sense. Quickly, I sprinted to my room to get a clean pair of underwear and a pad to change into.

I was beyond confused. You didn't get periods whilst you were pregnant. Especially not really heavy ones. My stomach ached beyond belief, like cramps but ten times worse.

Grasping at my tummy, I left the bathroom as realisation of what was happening dawned on me.

Why does everything bad always happen to me?

"Lindsy's just left and...uh, Ellie, are you okay?" He watched me as a tear trickled down my face from both the agony and the emotional pain.

"Can you call me a taxi to the hospital?" I asked, my voice shaky. Another tear fell from my eyes.

"Why? What's wrong?" He looked awfully worried.

"I...I'm having a miscarriage." I spoke the cursed words.


"Wait, what?" He seemed shocked. "You're pregnant?"

"Not anymore..." I sobbed. "Please. Just call me a taxi."

Holding my stomach, I slid to the ground and erupted into a pool of tears as Aaron dialled the number for a taxi and told them to get here as soon as possible.

Once he was done on the phone, he knelt down beside me and held my hand. I squeezed it tightly as tears leaked from my eyes.

"You're going to be okay." He promised.

"Why is it always me?" I whimpered.

I'd just helped someone out of poverty and this was how the world repaid me? What did I do so wrong to deserve all of this?

"Come here." He wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest.

It seemed as though I always ended up crying when Aaron was around. But I had good reason to cry.

I had lost my baby.


Awww, she lost her baby! How do you guys feel about that? What about her helping Spencer despite everything? Would you do the same? I want to know your thoughts!

Vote, comment, be awesome...

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