Bastard Child(Annie leonhart...

By CaigerCascade10

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As great tragedy hit you as a child. You have devoted your life to finding out that truth. That is until you... More

Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: Fall of Shiganshina
Chapter 3: Cadet Corps
Chapter 4: First day of Training
Chapter 5: First year of Training
Chapter 6: Second year of Training
Chapter 7: Trost District
Chapter 7.5: Character Analysis of y/n
Chapter 8: Graduation
Chapter 8.5: First Time(Lemon)
Chapter 9: Battle of Trost Part 1
Chapter 10: Battle of Trost part 2
Chapter 11:Before the Retake Operation
Chapter 12:Battle to retake Trost
Chapter 12.5:Stress Relief(Lemon)
Chapter 13:Regiment Choices
Chapter 14:The Truth part 1
Chapter 15:The truth part 2
Chapter 16:Favour for Hitch
Chapter 17:Finishing of the favour
Chapter 18:57th Expedition(Small lemon at end)
Chapter 19:Battle of Stohess
Chapter 20.5:Some alone time(Lemon)
Chapter 21:Unlikely Visitor
Chapter 22:The Sea
Chapter 23:Eve of the Final Battle
Chapter 24:Battle of Shiganshina part 1
Chapter 25:Battle of Shiganshina part 2
Chapter 26:Marley
Chapter 26.5:Two on one(Lemon)
Chapter 27:Porco,Leonhart and Braun Family
Chapter 28:First Contact with Paradise
Chapter 29:Mr.Leonhart arrival on Paradise
Chapter 30:The day before the Three Years
Chapter 31:Battle for Fort Slava
Chapter 31.5:Teaching a Lesson (Lemon)
Chapter 32:Fall of liberio
Chapter 32.5:Character progression of Y/n
Chapter 33:Return to Paradise
Chapter 34:Beginning of the Coup d'état
Chapter 35:Coup d'éta
Chapter 36:Second Battle of Shiganshina
Chapter 37:270-Meters High
Chapter 38:Uneasy Alliance
Chapter 39:Battle at the Port
Chapter 40:The Battle of Heaven and Earth
Chapter 40.5:Epilogue

Chapter 20:Letters

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By CaigerCascade10

Marlo POV:

Marlo and Hitch were both assigned on cleanup duty after the massive attack in Stohess. They were both staggered by the amount of damage and death everywhere. There silence was broken as a military police member went up to Marlo.

Marlo:"Huh what's this??"

Mp:"It was the mask that one of the associates of the female titan."

Marlo:"And why does this matter??" The mp got really nervous before speaking up to Marlo.

Mp:"We believe it to be the mask of the vigilante that killed over 34 corrupt members of the military police in 1 month."

Marlo:"Huh what?? You said they all happened this month??"

Mp:"Yes. We haven't had the full report but the female titan and it's assailant are Annie Leonheart and Y/n L/n." After hearing this Marlo fell to his knees as Hitch quickly went over to him and kneeled next to him.

Hitch:"Is everything ok Marlo??"

Marlo:"Yeah I've just been working long hours. I'll be fine." In reality however, he fell to his knees from the immense emotion damage he was feeling.

Hitch:"Well if you say so Marlo." Hitch got up as a concerned look came on her face. Marlo got up afterwards and quickly tried to compose himself.

Marlo:"Alright let's get back to work. We have a lot off houses to check so get to it!!" Marlo left his group as he had to get back to hq and sort out all the paperwork for damages and repairs for his respected area. As Marlo sat down by his desk he saw a letter that was addressed to him. He grabbed it and opened it and begun to read what was inside.

'To Marlo

I know what I have done will not make any sense to you but please let me me explain. When we first met I saw a strong minded person in you. So since then I have tried to change this system we are in. In most likeness my methods have opposed the way you wanted to rise up the ranks. But the truth of this world is that you have to become a demon so you can stop other demons. When the time comes I need your help. We all need your help. I'm trusting you to keep my legacy alive. Remember, one man got you more power then most of those on this world.
Y/n L/n'

Marlo didn't know how to take it but just kept it in his Mind. He trusted you more then anyone and you knew this.

Marlo thoughts:"Huh well isn't that something."

Armins POV:

After the battle with Annie and you Armin and the others were stationed in the military tribunal building. Armin,Jean,Mikasa and Eren were all in one room together. Mikasa and Eren were both on separate beds healing from there injuries. Eren slowly opened his eyes and pulled himself up to look around the room.

Eren:"Hey Armin what happened??"

Armin:"Annie and y/n got away. Sadly though Mikasa got injured." Eren quickly looked over to see a resting Mikasa on a bed with bandages around her arms.

Eren:"Mikasa??" Eren tried to get out of bed but fell off with exhaustion.

Armin:"Woah Eren you need to rest."

Eren:"But Mikasa??"

Jean:"Don't worry, we've been looking after her." Eren was placed back in his bed as a knock can be heard on the door. Armin walked over and opened it to see a scout with a letter for him.

Scout:"You Armin Arlert??"

Armin:"Yes that's me." The scout handed him a letter which was addressed to him. He closed the door as the scout walked off and opened it. Mikasa woke up and looked at Armin.

Mikasa:"What's that Armin??" Mikasas voice was very quite and mellow as she was exhausted like Eren.

Armin:"Its from Y/n."

Jean:"Huh what?! What does it say?!"

Armin:"It doesn't say anything interesting though. It only says that when the time is ready would you sit and talk with me?? That's very strange don't you think."

Jean:"Huh yeah I guess your right but why couldn't he just talk when he was with us??"

Armin:"I don't know. Maybe they've got something on him that's making him do this."

Mikasa:"I don't think so Armin. When we were fighting he said that people died because they were weak. That doesn't sound very forced to me."

Armin:"In that case then I think he must have a different plan or ideology then those he's working with. But then that puts in question what his motive is." Eren looked at Armin as he was speaking and took in everything that was being said.

Eren:"Well we'll have to ask him when we see him next won't we."

Armin:"Yeah I guess we will."

Y/n POV:

You woke up with Annie still on your lap. As you were in your sleep she move her body around with her head now in your chest. You placed your fingers through her hair and begun rubbing her head. You looked around you to see you were now approaching the wall.

Y/n:"Where are we going??"

Pieck:"We're going to Shiganshina. There we will the leader of the warrior unit."

Y/n:"Let me guess that's Zeke??"

Pieck:"Yes he is in command over all of us titan shifter in the walls that came from Marley. I have no idea how you got here but I'm sure there's an explanation somewhere."

Y/n:"If I'm honest I don't really care how I got here. All that matters now is that I get back with Annie."

Pieck:"I realise you two are really close. Something happening between you two??"

Y/n:" Well something like that I guess." Annie begun to open her eyes and looked at your with her deep icey eyes. "Speak of the devil. Look who's up."

Annie:"Where are we y/n."

Y/n:"we're on our way to shiganshina to meet up with Zeke."

Annie:"Oh great Zeke." Annie scoffed at the mention of his name. You looked at her in confusion by her remark.

Y/n:" Well you don't seem to like him all that much, why's that??"

Annie:"He comes off as being fake to me. Sure he's a good leader but he never felt real you know. I always feel like there's more to him then he's showing."

Y/n:" Well I won't know till I meet him now will I."

Annie:"No you won't. I doubt you'd like him though." You laughed as you pulled Annie closer to you.

Y/n:"You know your too cute for your own good." Annie punched you in the stomach after you said that.

Annie:"Stop your gonna make me blush." You heard a laugh come from piecks titan.

Pieck:"Y/n you are the first person to ever make her show any type of emotion. I don't know what drug you gave her but it's working." You laughed at her comment but Annie didn't look as pleased by this.

Annie:"Hey Pieck can I ask a favour??"

Pieck:"Hmm what's that??"

Annie:"Can we have a little chat after our meeting with Zeke please."

Pieck:"Sure what's it about??"

Annie:"Oh nothing just girl stuff." You didn't try to push to know the conversation as you came to trust Annie and what she does.

Y/n:"Well I guess I'll have a bit of a chat with your friend Zeke."

Annie:"Yeah if you get anything out of him I'd be surprised. He's always looking into a book. At least that's how I knew him."

Pieck:"Yeah he hasn't changed at all. You might want to hold on to something. I'm gonna need to scale the wall now." Annie wasn't ready for Pieck to start climbing so you had to place your odm gear into the head of the cart titan as Annie held on tight.

Y/n:"You alright Annie??"

Annie:"Yeah I'm totally not shitting myself right now."

Y/n:"Haha did I just hear sarcasm from you Annie??"

Annie:"Just shut up and hold on to me would you."

Y/n:"Alright whatever you say boss." You place your Arms around her as Pieck continued up the wall. You got taken aback however as you felt Annie put her mouth on your neck leaving a massive red mark.

Annie:"Oh I think someone liked that."

Y/n:"Hmmm how you know that??" Annie moved her hand and placed it on your crotch.

Annie:"Well I know my man now don't I."

Y/n:"Your gonna be the death of me you know that."

Annie:"Well I prefer you to die with me then die with another woman."

Y/n:"Who like Ymir??" Annie scoffed as she went into a childish tantrum.

Annie:" I'm so happy I'll never see her face again. She came so close to stealing you I swear of it."

Y/n:"Well I've always had eyes for you Annie, I just didn't realise it sooner." Annie blushed as she put her head back in your chest. As Pieck went on the top of the wall you and Annie jumped off to be met by a tall blonde haired man with a very strange set of glasses.

Zeke:"Oh hey Annie. Long time no see." Annie didn't reply and just stared at him as Pieck exited her titans nape. "Pieck who's that??"

Pieck:"Meet y/n. He's been helping the warriors a in the walls."

Zeke:"Hmm so I take it that Reiner,Bertholdt and Marcel are all alive??" Annie looked down at the mention of Marcel.

Annie:"No Marcel is dead. I don't know where Reiner and Bertholdt are but are currently with the scout regiment."

Zeke:"Oh and what of the jaw titan??"

Annie:"We couldn't get to it in time so it's still unknown to us."

Pieck:"Oh no poor Porco. If he wasn't hot headed enough he's gonna lose it when he hears that."

Zeke:"Well we'll deal with that when the time comes. For now we need to know how we can trust y/n."

Pieck:"We can trust him enough Zeke, after all he helped out group out and got Annie out of Stohess. It also appears that he is Marlian by blood so we can't risk disposing of him anyway till it can be clarified."

Zeke:"Hmmm alright then I wouldn't mind you being here with us. We only have 1 tent though so your gonna have to share with Annie."

Y/n:"How about you and Pieck??"

Zeke:"We have something to do tonight so we'll leave you and Annie here for a rest. Does that sound good??"

Y/n:"Yeah that sounds good to me. Plus I don't have much of a choice either way."

Zeke:"Haha that you don't."

Annie:"Hey Pieck can we have our chat now?!"

Pieck:"Oh yeah sure come with me." Annie and Pieck walked away from your group as you sat on a box opposite Zeke.

Y/n:"So tell me something Zeke what do you want with the founder??"

Zeke:"Hmmm we just want it to be safe with the Marlien government. Why would you assume otherwise??"

Y/n:"Even an idiot wouldn't want to give up that power so easily would they. What would you do with it??"

Zeke:"I feel like I'm being interrogated here. What is the point of this??"

Y/n:"Well what I've learned is that you can learn a lot about a man by his goals in life." Zeke put his booked down and looked at you too fascinated by your answer.

Zeke:"So tell me Y/n what would you do with it??"

Y/n:"I don't know myself. But I'd probably find away to reduce the population of eldians and Marlians alike."

Zeke:"That sounds like treason to me Y/n yous house be careful what you say."

Y/n:"Why should I though. I don't take you as a guy who would easily reveal anything."

Zeke:"Why do you think that??" You leaned forward in an attempt to make yourself seem more smart.

Y/n:"You ever heard of the fishnet theory??"

Zeke:"No I don't think I have."

Y/n:"Well the main idea is this. The mind is the fishnet. The ideas that are too small just fall straight through but those to big cannot be caught. But those which are not to big but not to small are easy to catch."

Zeke:"I don't seem to know what your implying."

Y/n:"I'm implying this Zeke. You come across as someone who's ideas are large for sure but are possible. Your not an idealistic idiot but your also not and simple minded fool. Sure you have an ideal, everyone does, but I can tell that the one you want is possible. That makes you one of the smartest people I've met."

Zeke:"Oh is that the case. Now tell me, how do you plan to reduce these eldian and Marlian population??"

Y/n:"That I know how to do that. I'm like you Zeke. We both live by our own ideal."

Zeke:"That doesn't answer my question."

Y/n:"I'd need the founder. Rather I kill them or just stop them reproducing is still to be decided. I guess it depends on the time I got the power."

Zeke:"Hmmm fascinating we're more alike then I thought."

Y/n:"Yes that we are."

Annie's POV:

Annie and Pieck walked away from you and Zeke and made a stop. They were a distance away so you couldn't hear there conversation.

Pieck:"So what's this about Annie??" Annie kneed Pieck in the stomach as she grabbed her stomach in pain. "What was that for??"

Annie:"That's for the comment you made earlier on our way up."

Pieck:"Oh that about him putting you on some drug. I was only joking."

Annie:"But I didn't laugh now did I??"

Pieck:"No you didn't." Pieck got up and looked down at Annie. "Is there something else you wanted to talk about??"

Annie:"Well yes actually. Look." Annie placed out her hand as Pieck looked down in shock.

Pieck:" that what I think it is??"

Annie:"Yes it is. Pretty isn't it??"

Pieck:" I can't actually believe it!! Haha it's so pretty!! Who knew you would be the first to get engaged. I wouldn't of thought that."

Annie:"Yeah I guess I've changed a lot over these years."

Pieck:"You got pretty lucky in my opinion."

Annie:"Hmmmm what you mean??"

Pieck:"He's a pretty good looking guy. Plus he's been nothing but nice to me. If you weren't together I'd probably go for him myself." After Pieck finished her sentence a sudden cold shiver can be felt over her body. It's as if the weather had suddenly changed without explanation. She looked down at Annie who's face had gone a bright red. It wasn't with embarrassment however but pure anger.

Annie:"What did you just say Pieck??"

Pieck:"Oh ummm nothing." Annie slowly walked closer to Pieck as she slowly moved back away from her.

Annie:"Where you going Pieck, I won't hurt you." Annie voice became emotionless as did her face in a matter of seconds.

Pieck:"Hey Annie I was only joking. Please calm down."

Annie:"I am calm Pieck. I just want to show you who's his true love is. That's all." Pieck begun to tremble as Annie approached her.

Pieck:"Haha Annie...your starting to scare me." Annie was stopped on her way to Pieck as she heard you shout her name.

Annie:"Y/n?? Alright we'll finish off our change later alright."

Pieck:"Ye-yeah that's alright." As Pieck was about to pass by Annie, Annie grabbed her arm and emotionless stared her in her eyes.

Annie:"Don't every try to take him from me or you'll have hell to pay. Does that sound fair."

Pieck:"Ye-yeah it does." Annie sarcastically smiled as they made there way to you and Zeke.

Y/n POV:

You called over Annie and Pieck after you finished your conversation with Zeke.

Y/n:"Why did you want to call them over for??"

Zeke:"We have something to discuss as a group. If Annie got found out as you say then the other warriors will be here soon. Do you agree??"

Y/n:"Yes I've made that observation."

Zeke:"Good. Then we must come up with a plan for when they arrive." Annie and Pieck finally made there way to where you and Zeke were.

Pieck:"Something up Zeke??"

Zeke:"I have a plan to discuss."

Annie:"Is something wrong??"

Y/n:"Not necessary. They've found out your identity so it's a matter of time before Reiner and Bertholdt are found out. I know Armin will figure it out and it wouldn't shock me if he did awhile ago."

Zeke:"Great perception y/n. He is exactly right though. Pieck, me and you will go back to report to upper command. Annie and y/n you will place yourselves on Shiganshina upper wall. When they run they'd make there way to Shiganshina."

Annie:"And what if they don't??"

Zeke:"Well then we have to device another plan. We will be back in 3 days max. Pieck do you mind transporting the equipment??"

Pieck:"No problem it's what I'm for isn't it." With that you,Pieck and Annie packed up the camp as you placed it on the cart titans back. You,Annie and Zeke climbed on the back of the titan as Pieck made her way to Shiganshina. Zeke took the front of the Titan as you and Annie stayed in the back.

Y/n:"What did you and Pieck talk about?? She looked pretty shook up."

Annie:"Oh nothing just had to tell her who you belong too."

Y/n:"Ph so I belong to you now do I??"

Annie:"Well you put a ring on my finger didn't you. So that means your mine now."

Y/n:"Well you belong to me as well then."

Annie:"No that's not fair." Annie put her head in your chest as she was in a pretty playful mood.

Y/n:"Awww your so cute."

Annie:"No!! Stop it!!" You stroked her head as you smiled at her. You were finally at peace for once in a long time.

Y/n:"I love you Annie you know that."

Annie:"I know I love you too." You looked up to see Zeke looking at you.

Y/n thoughts:"He is a deceptive bastard isn't he. I wonder what he's planning??"

Piecks titan stopped above the wall of Shiganshina district. You looked down as you remember all the memories as a child. Your moms death,meeting Armin and Eren, finally seeing Bertholdts hand over the wall.

Y/n:"This brings back memories."

Annie:"Sad ones yes." Annie's mood changed as you saw a tear fall from her eye.

Y/n:"It wasn't your fault Annie. I'm here now ok. If you didn't do that then I would've never met you. I'd probably be in a horrible place right now." Annie was still sad but was slightly happier after you said what you said.

Pieck:"Right this is where we depart. Oh and Annie, don't smother the boy to death ok." Annie sneered as you took everything you needed off the titans back and placed it on the ground. Pieck and Zeke left after you did so. You and Annie begun to erect the tent as she started up a conversation.

Annie:"Hey y/n I have a question??"

Y/n:"Yes what is it??"

Annie:"Do you actually want to be with me or do you just want to use me."

Y/n:"Huh why do you think that??"

Annie:"It's just I find it hard to believe someone could truly love me. I was cold to everyone but yet you said you love me. I just...I just can't believe it." Annie looked down as you walked over to her to comfort her.

Y/n:"Annie I do truly love you alright. That's no lie. That's why I put that ring on your finger. Come on let's finish this tent alright. We'll talk when we're alone together. It's getting pretty late." Annie just nodded as you finished off making the tent. You placed down all the sleeping bags for padding as you knew that she would just sleep in yours either way. You both went into the sleeping bag together as her eyes stayed focused on yours.

Annie:"Will you finish of why you truly love me now??"

Y/n:"Yes of course. If I'm honest just because I was more open doesn't mean I wasn't as cold. I always found you beautiful in every way. The way you walk, you talk, your noise and your beautiful Icey eyes that always trance me. I put that ring on you because I love that about you. That's the truth." Annie's face quickly went into a large blush as she continued to look at you in your eyes.

Annie:"You know when you say that stuff you make me go crazy right."

Y/n:"Yeah I know that's why I say it." Annie giggled as her hand went down your body.

Annie:"Well we have some alone time so why don't we take this time to have some fun together. I have to repay you for everything."

Y/n:"Well your the boss."


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