More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 61

1.6K 15 4
By snowfluke

Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up, still uncontrolably buzzy and happy. Last night was really awkward, yet, that was the first kiss I got in a long time. Not that I've been kissing anyone...well yeah but don't judge me!

I kissed Kasie, a girl that my favorite girl met at a restaurant. But it just mixed up, so was the one who met Kasie. Well Niall met her, then just introduced me to her. Maybe I knew her in the other life and just met her in this life? Okay that is just so confusing in 5 ways.

1. Its confusing because explaining it doesn't make it any better.

2. Well I don't know who met her first, me or Niall? Niall or me?

3. It hurts to think a lot.

4. I can't clear my mind at the moment, so...its difficult for me.

5. And thinking of it, may or may not cause me to forget something important.

I could add more reasons but I don't want to bore anyone. And I still have some business to attend. Not business business, just normal everyday business. 

I walked into the bathroom, looking for my toothbrush. Since Liam doesn't want us to use each others' toothbrushes, he labeled each one with our names. How totally embarrassing, Likae I'm five years old.

Sighing, I searched for my orange toothbrush. Yeah, orange. I found the toothbrush next to this maroon one. Huh? If Louis has the blue toothbrush, Liam has the purple, Zayn has the red and Niall has the green toothbrush. So whose the maroon for?

After brushing my teeth, I went downstairs for breakfast. 

"Morning..." I yawn and stretch my arms.

As I walk in the kitchen, I noticed the Christmas tree hung up, and presents under it. To count the presents would be torture because there's a lot and literally a lot. I wasn't expecting too much presents though.

"Aye, morning lover boy." Niall said and gave me a sneaky wink. 

"Morning..." I sigh awkwardly. Well I am not a LOVER BOY.

Then suddenly my three other idiot mates walk in.

"Morning lip pucker." Zayn smirked at me, and gave me that freaky wink too.

"What's up kissy face." Liam slapped me on the back and wink, as well. 

"Ouch!" I complain. It was painful and clearly, I can't take a back hit.

"Are you enjoying your girl?" Louis smiled with dimples popping out.

"My WHAT?"

Then five seconds later, "Guys, do you know where the syrup is?...Oh uhm...nothing." Kasie said and left again to the kitchen. I look straight at the others and back to the kitchen door and back at the boys.

"Is the maroon toothbrush hers?"

"Yeah, never thought you would care." Niall chuckled.

I face palmed and let myself fell to the couch. "How did I end up with these people..." I mumble to myself. But I put my money that they heard me.

"Man, chill. You know that's like an arrow to the heart." Zayn said calmly.

"Okay," I said. "How did she get in the house? What happened last night? AND BREAKFAST!" I asked and demanded on them. I better get answers.

They gave each other looks, like forcing one to spill. "Well long story short...her dad was really mad that the garden was messed up. And he also had this whatever convention, so we let Kasie stay with us." Liam spoke up. Ugh...kill me now.

"Second, Louis pushed you to kiss Kasie. And you danced with her, also got drunk and that's pretty much your whole night." Niall said eagerly...wait. I GOT WHAT?

"Wait, wait and wait. I got drunk?"

"Yep, everyone did, but mostly just you." Louis chuckled. 

"And if you want breakfast, I suggest you beg from Kasie." Zayn smirked evilly. Okay, I take that as a bit disturbing because....reasons and explaining won't actually help. And if you understood it, you're a dirty minded fan.

"I CAN HEAR YOU KNOW!" Kasie shouted all the way from the kitchen. 

The living room became silent for a while.

"Why don't you go and hug her or something?" Liam asked me.

"Well, she isn't my girlfriend..." 

"Oh really?" Louis said in a high voice.


Louis snapped his finger at Niall. Then Niall shuffled through his pockets. And got his phone, then showed me a video.

"You know, you're different."

"How?" Kasie asked, in the video.

"You're the first girl I kissed that didn't make the kiss a french kiss."

"Very funny."


"So...what now?"

"Well...uhm..." Video me was blushing a lot. "Will you e my girlfriend?"


Video ended.

Oh my goodness.

"I really said that?"

"Yes, and the proof is all here." Zayn smirked.

Face palm and just marched to the kitchen. I feel laughs and smirks behind me. Oh save me because I am disoriented now. Blame my 4 twat friends.

I sneaked behind Kasie, without her seeing or noticing me. I was crawling and when I was behind her, I stood up and covered her eyes with my hands. This reminds me from those movies I've watched, the couple is really uhm...lovey dovey. Yeah, I don't know or what to expect from the outcome of this.

She giggled. "Come on, let go. The pancakes will burn."

"But first, guess  who." I said in a very deep voice.

"Hmm...let me guess Niall? Nah, just kidding, Harry. I know its you." She joked. I let my hands down and she turned to face me.


"Yeah, hey. So what's up with you guys in the living room?" She asked me.

"I woke up and they kept messing with me."

"Ah. Is that all?" She said.

"Well they also showed me a video from last night..."

"They showed me too..."

It was really awkward for a few seconds...

"Uhm...the pan is...on fire." I pointed.

She turned around, facing, once again, the stove. "OH MY GOD! SOMEONE CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!!" She panicked and started to run into the living room.

I followed her, of course. Wouldn't want her to hurt herself. She was running around crazy and every time the lads would ask, "What happened?" I would directly answer, "Kitchen, take a look." Then when they did, they started to panic too. 

"SAVE US!" They all shouted.

"Guys, the fire is like smaller than a bowl of salad..." 

"BUT ITS STILL A FIRE!" Louis shouted.

"I'm going to put it out now..." I walked in to the kitchen, leaving them on the couch hugging each other.

I opened the cupboard and got the fire extinguisher. I pulled the tab and extinguished the fire. So bad for thepancakes though. But at least the fire didn't spread too much or there will be more deaths than there are nipples on my body. I threw the empty extinguosher to the side and walked back into the living room.

"Fire's dead."

"OH MY GOD! OUR SAVIOR!" Niall jumped up from the couch and gave me a Horan hug.

"I still remember Niall from the X Factor." Kasie laughed. "I ship NARRY" She giggled.

"ME TOO! HIGH FIVE SISTAH!" Louis said sassily.

"Uhm...wait." Zyan said interrupting.

"Yeah?" We all looked at him.

"Isn't today the day of the wish?" Zayn said.

Oh no, yeah it is. No no NO! This could no happen. Not when my life has turned for the best. Not when everything was going my way for once. But a promise is a promise. For Niall, for Dani and for the sake of our future.

"Yes, it is today." Liam said seriously and faced me. "Harry, today is the day. Time for you to make the wish and return everything back to normal. Are you ready?"

I took a minute to think upon what I will do. 

I made a promise. A vow. And breaking it would just make the world go round and round with promise breaking people. But my happiness is on the line. But best friend. And One Direction. What will happen if I don't make the wish? Nothing is the same anymore...

I'll wish for something close to what they want and what I want.

That's final.

"Yes, I am."

"Well, we better get you ready." Louis said.

"WAIT!" Niall complained.

"Yes Niall?" Kasie asked.

"Before making the wish, CAN WE HAVE BREAKFAST?" Niall said and ran into the kitchen.

"Sure...well no one's stopping you anyway." Zayn said after Niall was in the kitchen.

---------------3 Hours Later----------------

"So...should we make the wish now or later?" 

"Now." Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn answered.

"Later." Kasie fought back.

"Ooh wait. Why later?" I ask Kasie, we were seating on the love seat together. My hands wrapped around her waist.

"Because...I don't want everything to end so quickly." She said sadly. "Everything just lightened up and now...I don't know."

"Okay babe, I'll wish for it later."

The lads didn't argue anymore. They knew I was happy at the moment.

---------------3 More Hours Later-----------------

"Harry, its time." Niall told me.

I woke up with Kasie beside me. As much as I didn't want to leave, I wanted to fulfill my promise. I woke up Kasie first and she quickly stood up. I stood up after her. She had dry tears on her beautiful face. Has she been crying while I was asleep? 

"Kasie, have you been crying?" I ask her. I had my hand on her cheeks and feeling the ddry tears. She did cry...

"No, I just caught something in my eye earlier." She said. "And I still have it in my eye." She was crying again. 

"Kasie, don't lie. I know you have nothing in your eye."

She cried even more and I enveloped her in a warm hug. She was cold and I was hot, it was perfect. It was a perfect combination.

"Harry, sorry for interrupting. But its time." Liam told me. 

I let go of Kasie and instead held her hand. We walked toward the others and they saw me. Crying as well. Its really bad for a guys to cry, but it shows that you don't have a heart of stone.

"Thanks for the help guys, it means a lot." I said, sucking up and wiping every last tear on my face. "And I'll make sure that my promise will come true."

"Very good Harry. But it is time." Zayn said.

I gave everyone one last final hug and of course, gave Kasie a kiss. 

"Merry Christmas everyone." I said. And the last thing I wanted to do was kiss Kasie. "I love you." I kissed her and went on with the wish.


I waited for the wish to come true.

When I opened my eyes, I was in another place.

Dani's P.O.V.

Its the 25th of December and I'm spending it all alone. 

Remember, I'm in London. Which means, parents are in another country.

I'm not totally and utterly alone. Taylor is here with me so...its a heck of a lonely day. Not day about weeks or something.

But I must say though, its bene one of the most peaceful weeks of my life. No drama, nothing. Well the fact that on Twitter people are like going crazy about Harry being gone and out of sight. Then there was, yesterday, Louis' birthday.

Talk about spamming yesterday. It was like a riot, Directioners tweeting #HappyBirthdayLouis #LouisGone20 and more. You wouldn't believe the happiness of fans. There were also hate too, but I guess they didn't mind it.

" planning to meet up with the boys?" Taylor asked me.

"What? No,"

"You sure?" She said in doubt. "I think you should."

"Yes I am sure and no way. I will not visit them. I just won't."

"Fine." She answered. "Lets just get something to eat." 

I nodded and we rode in my car. I have a license but I don't drive too much, since I just hate it. Reminds me of so much. Like when I was still with them. They would drive me anywhere. And when we fought and more. I don't want to remember too much.

"Can you drive?" I asked Taylor.

"Sure hun." She said. I got in the back so whatever I do, she can't judge me.

She started the car and cruised to where ever.

I signed in into Twitter.

@AndreaPotata: Its Christmas and I'm alone.

1 Mention!

Popped on my screen. I clicked the notification and saw a mention from some dude.

"@ImAnIrishPotato: Hey! New Twitter!!! And I'm stalking! @AndreaPotata"


Who the heck is this guy? (A/N: I don't know who owns @ImAnIrishPotato sorry if any of you owns it.)

I replied to the tweet.

@AndreaPotata: @ImAnIrishPotato Who are you?

Then a few seconds later, a reply from the mystery person.

@ImAnIrishPotato: @AndreaPotata Hi! Thanks for replying! I'm JH :) Its my nickname.

@AndreaPotata: @ImAnIrishPotato Oh hi! Nice to meet you :) I'm Andrea or call me Andy if you like.

@ImAnIrishPotato: @AndreaPotata Cool! Hey Andy! So where are you from?

@AndreaPotata: @ImAnIrishPotato I'm from London :)) But I'm Irish ;D How about you?

@ImAnIrishPotato: @AndreaPotata OH COOL! Same as you! Haha 

@AndreaPotata: @ImAnIrishPotato What a huge coincidence haha. How are you?

@ImAnIrishPotato: @AndreaPotata I'm great! Thanks for asking :) How about you?

@AndreaPotata: @ImAnIrishPotato Fabulous! Well, I'll talk to you later. :)) 

I signed out of Twitter. And the car stopped too.

"We're here." Taylor told me.

"I know."

I opened my car door and got out.

"Welcome to Pollen Street Social." A person from the door said.


"Isn't this place magnificent?" Taylor asked me happily when we walked inside.


We got a table and the kind people who worked there gave us our menu. To be honest, this is the first time I've been here. I may be rich, but fancy restaurants ain't my thing. I just usually go to fast food places or just get someone to order for me.

"Is it your first time here?" Taylor asked me while I was checking out the menu.

"Yeah and honestly, I have no clue what I'm ordering." I chuckled.

"Well you're wearing an expensive dress, that I got. So its going to be an expensive dinner." She said, getting the menu from my hands.

I sighed and just looked at what I am wearing. I don't want to describe it because I like baggy shirts and denim shorts. I don't do dresses too much. And I hate being seen like this. In a dress and can't help but judge myself. Judging is better than cutting.

"Waiter!" Taylor called out.

"Yes ma'am?" The waiter asked Taylor.

"We'll get mostly everything on the menu." Taylor ordered.

"Okay. The order will be here in an hour or so." The waiter said uneasily and then walked away.

I was silent but I was listening. Like you can hear the jingle of bells from outside. The laughs of children playing in snow. The boiling of pans in the kitchen. So much sounds and at the same time. It does confuse you sometimes.

"Why so silent?" Taylor asked me while taking a sip from her glass.


"Come on, tell mama Taylor."

"One word: understatement."

Before Taylor could reply, the jingle of the bell signaled someone just entered. I was facing the other way around so I can't see who just entered. And I would and could care less. Taylor began to have a smile on her face. Yeah, I don't know what's happening or she's gone crazy.

I felt some one seat on my left and on my right. Now its really tight here. And two other people sat beside Taylor. Then someone came pushing a table towards our table, putitng it together. Then the others moved a bit for more space. You wouldn't believe the people who are here with me and Taylor. Well I think Taylor knows who.

"Hello love." Niall said.







Okay, here's a little secret. Well not secret.

I have this friend, well not not never have been friend. She's really a big twat and is really annoying. She lies a lot and blames me and my other friends for everything. She always does what I do and has no originality. And hours ago on Twitter, she was like indirect tweeting me. 

She says I was plastic, well she's the plastic one. I tell everything and she lies. I was always there, she always left me alone.  And she's a show off, attention hog and above all FAKER! She manipulates people then just hurt you in the end.

So now, I'm so annoyed and mad at her. 

She gave me a bracelet before, the ones cheap and can be bought anywhere. Me and my other friend had it in our bag so we took it and tried to break it. With other people who also are annoyed at her. Sadly, the bracelet didn't break, but we hung it up high on a tree. So no one will get that bracelet.

And you know what she told my other friend on an letter. "I REJECT YOU AND I AM NOT LUCKY OR BLESSED TO HAVE U" That's really mena right? Of course it is.

So now she has no true friends and she's staying with the bad people in our class. What a twat.

Never ever ever follow her on Twitter. 


She sometimes lies to me just for attention.

Okay so back to the story.

So Harry made the wish, where do you think he is?

Will Kasie love Harry like she loved Harry in the other life?

I don't know yet haha well I do but answer it :))

And thanks for the 41,000+ reads :)))

And votes too!!

Please vote!!

So I can reach 410 votes already :D

Please comment!!

So I can reach 200 comments!!! :)


Yes please do!!




<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Heart heart ;)


Love you all my lovelies!

Rissa <3 xxxx ;)

P.S. Give yourself a virtual hug for me hehe <3

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