Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X...

By Baby_DJ38

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"What have I gotten myself into?" In which she sighed at her own question and rubbed her head in annoyance. ... More

Disney: Twisted Wonderland
+Quiinn Shadowrain+Y/N+
Happy Birthday Riddle! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
Chaos 1
Chaos 2
Chaos 3
Chaos 4
Quiinn's Birthday!! πŸŽ‰ 🎊
Chaos 5
Chaos 6
Chaos 7
Quiinn's missing?! #1
Quiinn's missing?! #2


656 21 0
By Baby_DJ38

Episode 5: The Beautiful Oppressor

Episode 5-48: The Opening at Last! + Episode 5-49: Onwards! The Festival Awaits! + Episode 5-50: Booth Tours! + Episode 5-51: Virtual Sports! + Episode 5-52: Virtual Game Play! + Episode 5-53: Overload Headache!


[Ramshackle Dorm - bedroom]

Quiinn P. O. V


"The apple has been perfectly soaked. In it lies its true nature. Be dyed red and tempt Snow White. Have some! Hahahahahaha!" The witch search through a book and said, "Should there be any way to reverse the spell....? "Love's first kiss?" How foolish! I need not worry. Once everyone thinks she's dead, she shall be buried alive! She shall be buried alive! HAHAHAHAHA.....!"

Okay, I think granny has too many naku weed.


Open my eyes, clean myself, and do the rest of the daily morning routine. As usual.


[Ramshackle Dorm - lounge]

"Morning, boys." I greeted the boys who finally here. "Help yourselves with breakfast while listening to Vil's announcement."

I sat down next to Rook with my breakfast in my hand and started munching it.

"Rehearsals shall start at 12 o'clock. We will be making our final judgements during the rehearsals today." Vil announced and everyone positively agreed.

Grim, with a happy grin, said, "Whoo~~~ we've been restless so all we could do is watch, yanno!"

"FR." I said.

"Indeed. Grim and our manager were of no help at all. I will feel distracted seeing you giddy next to us. I'm talking about Grim but our manager has an amazing skills in dancing and singing." I almost spit out my breakfast. "Why you had to mention this now..."

"It's unfortunate you're a girl, if you're a boy, I would've chosen you from the start." I stare at him. "That sounded racist, Villy. If you're gay for my gender ver, you should've told."

Vil gave me a look.

"Anyway, since we won't be helpful in any way. Me and Grim would like to roam." And he knows what I want.

"And that's why I'll give you a staff pass, so wear it when you enter the stadium. However, I shall expect you to be at the rehearsals at exactly---"

"12 o'clock, yes. I know, Villy."


"Eh? So lucky....I wanna check the stalls, too." I smirk and started flexing at Ace as he pouted.

"Me too!"

"Certainly not! Were you even listening to me? The cultural festival lasts for two days. You can go sight-seeing on the second day. Focus on VDC for now. Come, let us begin!"


[Side street - festival]

"Whoa! Quiinn! There are so many good stalls!

"Yeah! It's also so empty!" I exclaimed which made someone hit my head. "Kay, sorry...hey, let's go see the stage."

"What---?! B-but....! Funnel cake~! Hotdogs~! And takoyaki~!" I sigh as I dragged the cat in annoyance. "I heard you, I heard you! Also, no eating Azul!"


[Coliseum - special stage]

"Now that worth my attention." I say, hands on my hips with a big grin as Grim climbed up to my head. "Whoa~! There's a ginormous stage around the coliseum!"

We walk closer to the stage then heard a familiar voice so we turn our heads.

"Look, it's Savanaclaw! Hey~!"

When they turn their heads toward us, I wave my hand and walk towards them. "Well, if isn't kitties of Savanaclaw."

"Well, well, well~ if it isn't Ramshackle's little kittens."

I punch Ruggie's shoulder.

"Were you mocking me?" I crossed my arms and look at him with challenging eyes which says "come and challenge me you hoe".

Ruggie laugh and shook his head. "Forget about it. Did you come here to help with construction? Shishishi...!" There's that water bottle laugh.

"Weren't you two working with Ace and Deuce as managers?" Jack came with a question.

Grim answer Jack on my behalf because I sure am lazy to open my mouth. Actually, I don't, just don't want to. Actually.....is Y/N around? I've been looking for her, I just hope she comes back from wherever she's going.

"The Track and Field Club and the Magift Club were tasked with building the Purple Stage." Oh that's interesting. "Students make it? Wow, did you guys get money? Did Crowley pay you? Is he your sugar daddy?"

They sweatdrop slightly at my question.

"Sugar daddy........no." Ruggie shook his head.

I shrugged. "Meh worth a try."

"Chatting with the audience now, are you? I take it that you're done with work, then? Are the preparations going according to plan?" The second I heard the very familiar voice to my ear, I turn around, grinning from ear to ear.

"Riddle!" I throw myself at the redhead who's trying his best balancing himself after I crashed into him. "Whoops." I helped him before his butt kiss the ground.

"Quiinn, you're full of energy, as always." He chuckles as I shrugged. "Maybe it's because I saw you." I boop his nose and I laugh when he fake cough for some reason.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm checking on the preparation."

Ruggie puff his cheeks and glare at me. "Why are you so excited when Riddle came but not when you saw us?" There's a jealous tone in his voice.

"! Riddle-senpai! Thank you for your hard work!" Jack appears behind me with his hand on my shoulder, gripping on them slightly hard but it's not hurting me.

"Hello there, Management Director. Welcome to our construction site." I laugh at Leona's sarcasm.

"Thank you for working so hard this morning. We've brought you some warm things to drink." Trey show them the plastic bag that has drinks in it while my eyes shines when I saw him and I climbed on his back which made his other hand automatically went on my thigh to support me. "Trey, I miss you."

"And you shouldn't have done that. You could've hurt yourself if my hand didn't support you." He scolded me and give the plastic bag to Ruggie who glare at Trey but he didn't seem to notice.

I pursed my lips and only nod at Trey then proceed to play with Trey's hair and ignore their conversation.

Then I poke on Trey's cheek and Trey didn't seem to mind.

"Are you really telling me that? Good grief." Riddle place his hand on his head and shook his head.

"I will work my hardest to make sure no trouble happens!" Jack said, full of determination.

Riddle turn to me and and Trey. "Yes, let us check on the booths stall next, shall we? Customers will start arriving by 11. We need to make sure that trouble stays out of everything. Quiinn, Grim. We were going to inspect around the school...if you're interested in sight-seeing, I wouldn't mind letting you tag along."

I grin. "I'll go ofc, besides, Grim been meaning to stalk on 'em since we got here." I let one my hand down as Riddle reach out to it and grab it. I feel like a lil girl who got piggy bag from his dad, and I mean Trey, and I'm the kid, and Riddle's the mother. I don't ship them.

"Now, then. To those who are still working, please do your best."

"Yessir! Quiinn, Grim, see you later. I'll be watching the VDC since I got tickets from Epel, too. Tell those guys not to show anything embarrassing, okay?"

"You got it!"


[Coliseum - entrance]

"The exhibition booths are here to showcase the cultural clubs' works in hopes of selling them. There are booths that showcase the 4th years' research, so if you're interested you can check those out too." I think to myself as a question popped up in my mind.

"Say, where did the 4th years go? They are not often stay in school." I asked, trying my luck to dig some information.

"Most of the 4th years venture outside the school as part of their training. Next year, I'll have to go off somewhere, too. I'll only be coming back here once in a while." And I started tearing up like a lil baby, tears dwelling in my eyes as Riddle and Trey asked why I almost cried.

"Then next year I won't be able to meet you more often!" I hug Trey's neck not so hard because if I did, he can't breathe. Riddle pat my thigh as if to comfort me.

"Walk it off, Quiinn!"

"Shaddap, Grim! I'm emotional!"

Ignoring me, Grim turn to Riddle. "Anyway, what kind of training do they usually do?"

"There are some who train to be members of special government teams. There are also some who go around doing archeological surveys or those that venture to decipher ancient documents. There are also those who simply aim to be interns in magical companies."

So many choices bruh.

Then Trey explain that Twisted Wonderland's fire and police departments has team that are specifically made up of magicians. Magical Force is what they call them.

Even though I'm from here, I don't actually know that they were called that.

Guess I'm too busy in my own world.

"A café?! Does it have food?"

"It's a damn café, Grim. Ofc it has food." I smack his head as his mouth started watering. "I'll go!"


[Botanical garden - temperature zone]

3rd P. O. V

"Whoa~ There's a lot of tables set up here." Grim said while hanging on Riddle's shoulder as Quiinn poke Trey's cheek and told him to let her down so he obliged.

"Ah, it's Trey-senpai!"

"Thank you for your hard work."

The two students bow slightly and upon landing eyes on the girl next to him, the two blushes and wave at her. Quiinn know the two so she wave back.

"You too. Sorry for having you help me set up." Said the green haired guy to the two junior while Quiinn pursed her lips. 'This is boring.' Quiinn decided to wonder off around the café set up by the science club members, leaving the boys talking amongst themselves.

"Quiinn, what did you do...?"

Quiinn hold her head and gritted her teeth. 'That voice again———!' She decided to head back to the boys as her vision started blurring and her mind is like earth is about to crack into pieces.

"Quiinn? You okay?" Riddle come to search for her upon finding her absence. Quiinn hold on to his shoulder and held her head low. Riddle started to get worried and call Trey to carry her. "Quiinn, are you sick?" Trey ask the girl in his arms who's sighing. "I'm just dizzy."

Trey remove her bangs and place his hand on her forehead.

Trey shook his head at Riddle.

Riddle worry if anything happen to her again so he decided to not take her with them.

"Riddle, I'm fine. Really."

"No you're not, you're going to the infirmary."

"Who's gonna take care of Grim?!"


"We can, so—"

"I'm coming. I don't care. I'm fine. Besides it'll disappear."

Riddle can't argue with Quiinn so he just sigh and agree. "But if you feel unwell, tell me." She give him a thumbs up and about to tell Trey to put her down but Riddle slap his hand up to Trey's face. "And you're not walking."


"He'll break his bones!"

"Is that your way of telling me that I'm heavy, Grimm?!"


[NRC - Classroom]

"What is this...? Gargoyle Research Club....? There are so many monsters with scary faces lying around, yanno?" Quiinn take quick peek at the said gargoyle as her two senior talk to each other while she's distracted by...something laying on the ground.

"Who's the president?"

"Malleus-senpai but he doesn't seem to be around."

'Malleus?' Quiinn is rather shock to find out that Malleus has a club. "Let's inspect the next booth, shall we?"


[NRC - Lecture Hall]

"Aaaahhhh, only 2 more hours before the announcement....I've tried everything to calm myself down, but it's not really working. Why do I have to do it---"

"What are you doing?"


Idia screech and run to the other corner of the room, peeking slightly at his guests.

"WHA---it's just you guys...." Idia heave out a heavy sigh as Riddle step forward and ask him if his speech is ready. In turn, Idia nod his head and tell him not to worry.

"...? Okay......there are a lot of interesting prospects to your research in magical engineering, senpai. Especially for modern magic. I'm looking forward to your presentation."

"I-in any case, I'm still busy trying to set up here, so please go play with Ortho if you have time to kill." Suddenly, Ortho popped out of nowhere, scaring the cat and Riddle.

"AHH!!! My baby!!" Quiinn yell.

"Nee-san!" Quiinn hug the boy which got Riddle eye twitch in annoyance.

"Calm down, Riddle." Trey pat his shoulder as he turn away.

As Ortho welcome them and explain to them about VR Magical Device Game, Idia peek over to Trey who's holding Quiinn and click his tongue as Idia started pouting while continuing to set up what he needs to. When he look back at Quiinn he notices something is wrong with her.

Quiinn thought her headache had gone but oh how wrong she is. It seems that there's earthquake going on inside her head. She hold her head.

".....What is wrong with me today......?"

Quiinn just hold her head while standing, looking down at the floor while everyone is talking. And she doesn't even realise that Azul has entered the booth too.

"Quiinn.....why—WHAT DID—?!"


Quiinn frown at the screaming in her head. 'Y/N PLEASE—WHERE ARE YOU?!' There seems to be someone inside her head, screaming to get out. 'Ah god—I can't.....' Quiinn held Trey's hand tighter and he looks down.

Idia approach the group when Trey ask Quiinn if she's ok. With her holding her head and frowning and all. "Quiinn....is she alright?" He look at Trey.

"Quiinn, do you have a headache?" Azul approach closer to Quiinn and bend slightly to her level so he can meet her face. His face turn sad at how pained Quiinn's face is. He tuck her side bang behind her ear.

"I'm fine. Just a lil headache."

"Just a lil? Quiinn, you're frowning like you're in pain." Riddle said, taking Quiinn's hand in his because he's just mad that Quiinn forces herself to follow them. "You said it'll disappear."

"And it will." Quiinn smile at him. It's not a forced smile. It's a genuine smile. Yet Riddle can't help but gritting his teeth.

"Let's go." Quiinn walk forward but Riddle drag her back.

"You're going to the infirmary. That's final." Riddle drag Quiinn to the infirmary as she try to protest. "Trey, Grim, you two go on ahead of me first. I'll meet you later."

The whole way to the infirmary, Riddle kept on holding her hand and nagging to Quiinn and she just listens but there are time where she fight back against his declaration. Riddle also fights back against Quiinn's statement.

When they arrive at the infirmary, Riddle knock on the door but there seems to be no one inside when Riddle peek in. He turn around to look at Quiinn who's looking down. He turn again, bringing the gray haired girl inside with him and closes the door.

Riddle took her to one of the beds and make her sit. "Rest, Quiinn. Please. You can't force yourself." He said as he take the nearby chair and sit down in front of the glooming girl.

Quiinn didn't say anything and just sigh.

Riddle observe the girl up and down. She just doesn't feel like the Quiinn he knows. The one who always spat out curses. The one who always kick ass. Who always hug almost everyone. She just doesn't feel like that Quiinn anymore.

Riddle take Quiinn's hand and grab her chin so she meet his eyes. Usually Quiinn would do this and the she would smile. And he would blush. But this time is different. Riddle stare into her pink eyes that always fascinates him. Oh weak he is with those eyes.

Quiinn stare at him, confused. "Riddle?"

He fight back the urge to fucking smash his lips on her lips and hug her and tell her comforting words.

"Sorry. I'm just lost for awhile." He smile at her. "Lay down. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep. I'll come get you when the event's about to start."" Riddle pat her head before she slowly did as he said.

When Quiinn closes her eyes, she felt something soft on her lips. And a hand stroking her hair.

Then she felt the soft thing on her lips is gone and she heard the door open and close.

Quiinn doesn't know what happened just now. She doesn't know what should she do actually. She should really just follow what Riddle told her but then she also doesn't want to because it's nothing too serious. It will disappear soon.....it will....disappear soon.....it..will......diss—appe-...-—rrr.....——

But then again, her eyes really didn't open after she closed them. Maybe Riddle is right. She just needed re—....-*!!?_+*—st___r—es....——


"AH—?!!!" Quiinn shot up from the bed, screaming and sweating as hell.

Her chest goes up and down at a fast pace. Her eyes wide as wide at it can get. Her eyebrows almost forms a bridge. Her skin's pale, and her body is shivering. Sweats slipping down from her forehead to her chin. The screams in her head had catch on to her in her sleep. Her head feels heavier. And yet feels lighter too.

"What was.....that....?" Quiinn composed herself. Slowly breathe in and breathe out. Her chest started to calm down, her body doesn't shiver anymore. But her skin stay pale as a paper. She blinks her eyes and shake her head.

She gets up from the bed. After her sleep, she feels lighter and her head doesn't hurt as much anymore.

But the scream stays.

And she wonders why. Quiinn ignore it for now and head out of the infirmary.


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