Love at Last Sight

By RivaFong

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"Tell me you love me." "Before you go tell me you love me." "I love-" ------- I lost when I had her. I loved... More

Chapter 1: A New Friend
Chapter 2: Partnership
Chapter 3: The confession
Chapter 4: Jealousy
Chapter 5: Common Interests
Chapter 6: Privacy
Chapter 7: An Old Friend
Chapter 8: What a day!
Chapter 9: First Date
Chapter 10: We need to Break-up
Chapter 12: We're not meant to be together
Moving on
Chapter 14: I choose.....
Chapter 15: Prove to me that you love me
Chapter 16: Girlfriend?
Chapter 17: Vanilla Chocolate Swirl
Chapter 18: I love you
Chapter 19: I know what love feels like
Chapter 20: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 21: You broke me
Chapter 22: The end of Alison and Edward
Chapter 23: Friends
Chapter 24: Change
Chapter 25: Love is a distraction

Chapter 10: A 'Friendly' Hangout

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By RivaFong

Alison's P.O.V.

Yesterday was probably the best day of my life. It was our first date and it was so romantic and special. I'm so lucky to have a guy who cares about me but the question in my mind is "Why did he pick me, Why me?". So many thoughts about that came through my mind, it's really syncing through my head and I know that it shouldn't question myself about it but it just does and I don't know why. I mean he gave me a necklace, a song, his secrets, his trust and his love and I, on the other hand, didn't really give anything. Probably I'm acting this way because it's my first encounter with love. For me, love is still strange and wonderful at the same time. I used to be scared of love because I thought that love isn't real and the feelings you get aren't real but now that I'm experiencing it, love is real, beautiful and magical. I wandered about these thoughts for half an hour until I get interrupted by my phone buzzing.

-Text Convo-

Edward: Hey, are you up yet?

Alison: I am, why?

Edward: Because I feel so lonely without you?

Alison: Aww, that's sweet.

Edward: So what are you doing?

Alison: Nothing much just thinking?

Edward: You want me to come over?

Alison: I'm not sure, I have to ask my mom first.

After 2 minutes.........

Alison: My mom said yes.

Edward: What's your adress?

Alison: I thought you walked me to my house a lot of times.

Edward: I know but I don't look at the street and the number of your house.

Alison: 42 Harper Drive

Edward: Okay, I'll be there at 5 minutes.

Alison: Okay, bye!

-End of Text Convo-

Edward's P.O.V.

I arrived at her house 5 minutes later and knocked on her door. It opened and it was a tall blonde male with some of Alison's facial features so my guess is that this is her older brother.

"So I guess you must be Edward?" He said and I nodded.

"I'm Andy Jasper, Alison's oldest sibling and brother." He said.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

He moved aside so I can enter. As he moved inside, he was wearing a pick necklace (neck pick) so I guess music runs in the blood of Alison's Family. I wanted to at least small talk so when I come over, I would be comfortable talking to her family.

"Do you have anymore siblings aside from Alison?"

"Well, I have a sister that is one year younger than me and 2 years older than Alison and her name is Alice Jasper. I also have a brother named Arnold Jasper and he is one year older than Alison and 2 years younger than me. Alison is the youngest among all of us." He said.

"I never knew she had siblings, how come I don't see you guys at the bus or at school?" I asked.

"Alison is the only one who takes the bus. We have friends who take us to school and they offered us so we're not exactly taking advantage." He replied.

"Oh, okay so I'll guess I'll see you around." I said as we did a bro-fist. I went upstairs even though I never been here before, I can tell which room is Alison based on the designs on their doors. I knocked on the door with a floral design and a nature background and there were tiny stickers of instruments.

"Oh, you finally got here?" Alison asked as she moved aside so I can enter.

"I got here earlier but I had a little chat with your brother Andy and I thought you were an only child?" I asked.

"Well, I have 3 more siblings and now you know." She responded.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"I am listening." She replied.

"Do all of your siblings have a passion for music?" I asked.

"Yeah, we all do. My dad is a retired conductor of the orchestra and my mom was a violin player there so that's how they met. Ever since, Andy was born, my parents know that music runs in out family." She replied.

"Wow, you're family is awesome." I said.

"How about you, any siblings?" She asked.

"No, I'm an only child. It kinda gets lonely sometimes." I said slightly being sad.

"So why did you wanna go to my house?" She asked curiously.

"I wanted to spend time with you." I answered.

"Alright but I need to ask you something." She asked.

"Go ahead." I answered.

"Why me? I mean why do you pick me instead of all those other girls that are more prettier and talented than I am?" She asked while looking down. I approached her and lifted her head with my index finger.

"They may be more prettier or talented than you but in my eyes you are the most beautiful and talented person I've met. You are perfection itself. I chose you on how you smile. When you do, it brights up my day and when you're sad, it makes me want to become also. I chose you for your passion in music. For years, I never thought people would understand me the way you do. Remember that you are perfection in eyes." I said. She looked at my eyes and I looked at her. She smiled and I smiled back.

"So you ready for our 'friendly' hangout today?" I asked and emphasize 'friendly'

"Sure, let me just fix up." She said and walked away. She entered the restroom and closed the door.

I looked at my watch and it said 9:37. I planned everything for the day and decided to take her to the carnival.

"I'm ready" she said. She just made loose curls on her hair and added lipstick.

"Ok, let's go." I say as I extend my arm for her to link with my arm and head downstairs. Before we left her house, she told her siblings and mom that we are having a friendly hangout. When she said that I feel like I'm falling to pieces. It's just that even though we had a date, it still feels like I'm stuck in the friend zone forever. I walked her out and we walked there. It wasn't that far, I guess it was a 15 minute walk but it was a fun 15 minute walk. We talked a lot and we made jokes.

Alison's P.O.V.

After 15 minutes, we stopped by the carnival. We played game booths first and it was really fun. I'm happy that Edward is a fun guy instead of those boring guys. After 1 hour, we decided that we would ride the Ferris wheel and enjoy the view. When we were at the top, it was so beautiful.

"Isn't this the most beautiful view you've ever seen?" I asked

"Second most beautiful." He mumbled as he looked at me. I could tell because of peripheral vision. He thought I didn't hear it but I did. I could tell that he really likes me but I'm not ready to say that I like him back.

After the 30 minute, we decided to go to the mall. When we arrived there, we headed straight to the food court because it was already 11:42 including the 20 minute walk to the mall from the carnival. Edward went to get us pizza and drinks. He gave me my coke and got paper plate and put on slice of pizza there. The pizza's size was medium so we were able to finish it. It took 30 minutes to eat so it was 12:12 already. We looked around at some stores but I saw this one dress in the manikin which caught my attention. It had 2 toned dress with orange and peach. I went in the store, got the right size and did the fitting. I looked at Edward, he didn't look bored, he also looked for some jackets there. He bought a black leather jacket and I bought the 2 toned dress. We were at the cashier, I was about to get my cash to buy this dress but Edward payed for the 2 items. We walked out of the store with the clothes we just bought.

"You know, I could've paid." I said.

"I know but I didn't want you to pay." He said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you should save your money for a rainy day." He said.

"How about you? You should save it for a rainy day too." I said.

"When I have a rainy day, you'll be there and everything will be sunny again." He said and I blushed when he said it.

We were talking while roaming the mall until we saw the music store. We went inside because I wanted to look at the instruments and Edward needed a new pick. They really have guitars here but a little pricey though. I suddenly saw a big poster of the band "The Beatles". Someday, I want to be like them. I want to do music for my entire life and knowing that people actually listen to it makes me feel like they understand the message of the song. I want to make it in the music industry but my Mom said that it's one in a million that I'll actually make it.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked and interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm fine. Did you get your new pick?" I replied.

"Yeah. I like it." He said as he took the pick out of his neck.

He showed me his pick necklace and it had something engraved, it said 'Alison'. I blushed when I saw it.

"I engraved your name on it because whenever I will play, I will always think of you." He said and I blushed.

"Awww, you're so sweet." I said and he started blushing too.

We stayed in the mall until 3:00 pm and we decided to go to the park. We went on the swings and talked a lot. I really had a fun time at our 'friendly' hangout. We went back to my house and stopped by the front door.

"So I'll guess I'll see you around." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said as I walked away.

He waved goodbye and I waved back. I went inside my house and closed the door, I leaned on while sliding down. I blushed at what I remembered today. It was a fun 'friendly' hangout.

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