Karl in Napity's Arms and Zak...


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What happens when Karl, a cat shifter, is caught and given to the prince as a pet. Or when the prince's secr... Еще

Why Being Mute is a Good Thing Sometimes. (Edited)
Hold On. (Edited)
Naps, snacks, and being stuck. (Edited)
Nick and Niki. (Edited)
Shelves and Bubbles. (Edited)
Outfitted for the Princess. (Edited)
Stuck, Party, and No Shirt. (Edited)
Cornered and Decisions. (Edited)
Collar and Shattered Imp. (Edited)
Book and Da Stick. (Edited)
Water and Bloody Cats. (Edited)
Flashback, Part One. (Edited)
Flashback, Part Two. (Edited)
Flashback, Part Three. (Edited)
ANOTHER?! (Edited)
The Soot House. (Edited)
Pain and Nick. (Edited)
Healing the Kitty (Edited)
Techno and a Royal Dinner (Edited)
Cutie and Alleyways. (Edited)
DON'T Mess with Baby Dragons. (Edited)
The Morning. (Edited)
Karl's Good Hard... (Edited)
Princess and Kitties. (Edited)
'Let Me Out', and Pain. (Edited)
Scared, Distra, and Worries. (Edited)
Healing and Makeout. (Edited)
Kidnapped, Again. (Edited)
Where the Muffin Am I? (Edited)
Dinner and Flying. (Edited)
Living Void and Tower. (Edited)
Brother and New Friends. (Edited)
Human Zak. (Edited)
Can't Thing's Easier. (Edited)
Head Rubs (Edited)
Morning and Castles. (Edited)
Their Better Half. (Edited)
Safety (Edited)
Tattle Tales. (Edited)
Kills?? (Edited)
The End. (Edited)

Dead Pain and Plans. (Edited)

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Techno. (May he rest in power.)

(A year and a half ago.)

There was a foreign family here. Alex was sitting next to his father, Niki was sitting the princess of the other kingdom. The queens were talking.

I stayed quite till the door burst open and a few people ran in. I grabbed Nikis arm and gently pulled her back and stood in front of her.

The people who just run in were the guards that were stationed at door. They spread in a semicircle and fall in fighting stance. I grabbed the hilt of my sword hanging at my left hip.

A few seconds later a man ran in and screamed pointing to the king. "You hater! You killed the true heir to the throne of Las Nevadas! You threw him out because you like Alex better!" he scream.

I frowned as Prince Alex sighed. He slid through the ring of guards, and grabbed the mans arm. The man calmed a bit and relaxed.

"Please come with me." Alex said calmly. He slowly started walking out. Nick was quick to follow. "Ill deal with it, Father." he said over his shoulder.

The men froze and spun, going to punch him. Nick jumped forward and grabbed his arms. He pulled them behind him. Alex let him and then led him out.

I sighed and relaxed. I wasn't needed as much as the queen thought. Niki knew self-defense, but I did it because of the other people in the room.

I stepped back behind Niki. As you came see the protection here is high and well. We are good at defending things and people. the king said.

I rolled my eyes and watched as Niki started moving. She took the arm of the princess she was talking to and lead her to the couch.

She sat her down and asked her if she was okay. "Yes, Im fine." the other princess answered. Niki straightened and turned to her father.

"Father, my I go help Alex with questioning the intruder?" she asked. "Techno?" the king asked turning to me. I bowed my head. "I'll go with her." I said.

"Very well then Niki. You may go." he said. Niki bowed to the rest of the people in the room, then gracefully walked out.

I fell in step as she walked up to Alexs office. She opened the door and walked in leaving it opened for me. I closed it and grabbed her arm holding her back.

Alex looked up as we walked in the rolled his eyes. The man was sitting on his knees balling his eyes out. Nick was standing annoyed behind Alexs desk.

The mans crying slowed to sniffles as Niki put on a sympathetic act. She knelt next to him and did a little act to calm him the helped him to his feet in front of Alex.

:There now, your fine. Will you answer a few questions?: she asked. He nodded and rubbed his nose with his sleeve. Alex thanked her with a smile.

"Now, sir, what did you mean by what you said about the rightful heir to the throne?" Alex asked. Nick straightened a little as the man slowly answered.

"The Queen gave birth to twins. The named one Alex and the other Darryl. He let them grown till they were a year old then gave Darryl to a friend and banished everyone who knew about the second child. Prince, You're a twin. And I know where you twin is." He said.

Alex cocked his head. It was clear he didn't believe a word of this man. "And where is my Twin?" he asked. "Hes living with Duke-"

I grabbed Niki and jumped aside as the door came banging open. A person in black ran in the slayed the man where he stood.

Alex yelled as Nick grabbed his collar him backward across the desk. The person grabbed the man as he fell and stabbed him a few more times.

I turned and blocked the view from Niki who buried her face in my chest. I looked over to see that Nick was doing the same with Alex.

Once I heard the thump I gently shoved Niki to Nick and turned to face the person. "Now that you four know I have to kill you guys too." he said.

I drew my sword and fended the man off a bit before he jabbed his sword into my stomach. Die. I hissed and pulled his sword out of my stomach.

I grunted and collapsed. "Techno!" I heard Niki cry as I hit the ground. Nick growled something to Alex, before I heard the hissing as He drew his sword.

It was a little long then me before Nick was tired out. I force my-self up and slowly stumbled behind the man. Nick panted and gave me a look of horror.

I straightened enough to meet the man's face as he turned with my fist. He stumbled back and hit the floor with a thump.

I painfully walked over and pinned his down with a foot on his chest. I grabbed my sword and slammed it into his head. His insistently blacked out.

I grunted and fell over. Niki was next to me in a minute. Tears streaming down her face. Nick sheathed his sword and quickly stanched the blood flow.

"Thanks." I muttered. "I bet the healers could do it better." he said I chuckled through my pain and gesture to the man. Alex was kneeling next to him.

I painfully sat up and frowned. "Is he dead?" I asked. Alex shook his head then pulled the hood and mask off the man face. "Is that Dads chief adviser!?" Niki cried.

"He was going to kill us." Alex asked in a thinned voice. "Nope. He was mostly going to kill me and Nick then threaten you two." I cried out so the pain in my stomach doubled.

"Stop talking." Nick hissed. Just then five guards ran in. Nick nodded. "Couldve used you a few minutes ago." he said then nodded to Niki.

"Get her out please and dont let her go. Someone watched the prince and another help me get him to the Healers." I smiled as the five moved at once.

(Present time.)

I thought back on this and then realized that I was still stuck was the problem at hand. Id found out after I healed that the man wasnt wrong.

Id found a document that the queen did indeed have twins and the king rid the kingdom of the first. I'd gotten a hold of a black-market address said I needed bounty hunters.

Distra and her brother Clay wanted to do it. So I hired them. It took a year but we found the missing prince and they went after him.

But the father wouldnt let us see him. Then they got lost on the trip back to the castle and then they tracked him down.

Then Clay decided to be friends and not kidnap the boy. So Distra left earlier to find them. Id had to find a place to put him once she got back with him.

Our plan was to after getting the other boy were going to introduce Alex. The only problem was Alexs attachments, being Nick, Niki and now the princess Puffy.

"Dang it where do I find a place to keep a person of Alexs build. Thats not going to brake with his strength since the kid grow up on a farm. Hell be a lot stronger, then Alex."

I realized that Tommy was walking past and continued wanting to know what he'd do. "And of course Ill need to find some strong rope. To keep them under control." I said.

He stopped, glanced back then ran when he was me watching him. A thought clicked in my head.

"The south tower basement no one but me and a few others knew it was there, and no one would think to check there." I smiled. My plan is perfect. Nothing could ruin it.

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