
By MelyssaWhyte

1.5M 53.7K 11.9K

Cassandra Stone fell in love with a billionaire at age 18, but her Cinderella story took a dark turn when her... More

Before You Read
Updating Schedule
Chapter One - Cassandra
Chapter Two - Cassandra
Chapter Three - Cassandra
Chapter Four - Cassandra
Chapter Five - Cassandra *
Chapter Six - Cassandra
Chapter Seven - Cassandra
Chapter Eight - Cassandra
Chapter Nine - Cassandra
Chapter Ten - Cassandra
Chapter Eleven - Wade
Chapter Twelve - Cassandra
Chapter Thirteen - Cassandra
Chapter Fourteen - Wade
Chapter Fifteen - Cassandra
Chapter Sixteen - Cassandra
Chapter Seventeen - Wade
Chapter Nineteen - Cassandra*
Chapter Twenty - Wade
Chapter Twenty One - Wade
Chapter Twenty Two - Wade*
Chapter Twenty Three - Cassandra*
Chapter Twenty Four - Wade*
Chapter Twenty Five - Wade
Chapter Twenty Six - Cassandra
Chapter Twenty Seven - Wade*
Chapter Twenty Eight - Cassandra
Chapter Twenty Nine - Wade
Chapter Thirty - Cassandra
Chapter Thirty One - Wade
Part 2
Chapter Thirty Two - Wade
Chapter Thirty Three - Cassandra
Chapter Thirty Four - Wade
Chapter Thirty Five - Cassandra
Chapter Thirty Six - Cassandra
Chapter Thirty Seven - Wade
Chapter Thirty Eight - Cassandra
Chapter Thirty Nine - Xavier
Chapter Forty - Cassandra
Chapter Forty One - Cassandra
Chapter Forty Two - Xavier
Chapter Forty Three - Xavier
Chapter Forty Four - Cassandra*
Chapter Forty Five - Cassandra
Chapter Forty Six - Xavier
Chapter Forty Seven - Xavier*
Chapter Forty Eight - Cassandra
Chapter Forty Nine - Xavier
Chapter Fifty - Cassandra
Chapter Fifty One - Xavier
Chapter Fifty Two - Cassandra
Chapter Fifty Three - Cassandra
Chapter Fifty Four - Cassandra
Chapter Fifty Five - Xavier
Chapter Fifty Six - Cassandra
Chapter Fifty Seven - Xavier*
Chapter Fifty Eight - Cassandra
Chapter Fifty Nine - Cassandra
Chapter Sixty - Cassandra
Chapter Sixty One - Cassandra
Chapter Sixty Two - Cassandra
Chapter Sixty Three - Cassandra
Chapter Sixty Four - Xavier
Chapter Sixty Five - Cassandra
Chapter Sixty Six - Cassandra
Chapter Sixty Seven - Cassandra*
Chapter Sixty Eight - Xavier
Chapter Sixty Nine - Cassandra
Chapter Seventy - Xavier
Chapter Seventy One - Xavier
Chapter Seventy Two - Cassandra*
Chapter Seventy Three - Xavier
Chapter Seventy Four - Cassandra
Chapter Seventy Five - Cassandra
Chapter Seventy Six - Cassandra
Chapter Seventy Seven - Cassandra
Chapter Seventy Eight - Xavier
Chapter Seventy Nine - Cassandra
Chapter Eighty - Cassandra
Chapter Eighty One - Cassandra
Chapter Eighty Two - Cassandra / Raf*
Chapter Eighty Three - Raf
Chapter Eighty Four - Cassandra / Xavier
Chapter Eighty Five - Xavier/Cassandra*
Chapter Eighty Six - Cruz
Chapter Eighty Seven - Cassandra
Chapter Eighty Eight - Cassandra*
Chapter Eighty Nine - Cassandra
Chapter Ninety - Cassandra
Chapter Ninety One - Cassandra
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three - Cassandra
Chapter Ninety Four - Cruz*
Chapter Ninety Five - Cassandra*
Chapter Ninety Six - Cassandra
Chapter Ninety Seven - Cassandra
Chapter Ninety Eight - Cassandra / Raf*
Chapter Ninety Nine - Cassandra / Raf*
Chapter One Hundred* Cassie / Cruz

Chapter Eighteen - Cassandra*

16K 514 37
By MelyssaWhyte

Cassandra ~

I was hooked, intoxicated - drunk off of Wade's touch. I wanted everything he described and was willing to do anything he asked of me.

He led me down a long hallway with doors on either side, choosing one specifically and raising a key card to unlock it.

The room was dark with red lighting and various pieces of equipment and furniture scattered around.

I explored the room, trying to keep an open mind, but I knew I was in way over my head.

Another male voice stole my attention and I saw Tristan slip into the room, whispering something to Wade as he entered.

You can't be serious.

My gut instinct was to put up a fight and voice my disapproval, but the longer I watched their exchange the more I realized that Wade was asserting dominance over Tristan as well. He was reminding Tristan of the rules they'd apparently agreed to and Tristan was nodding in agreement at Wade's every command.

Tristan isn't here to participate...he's here to train me.

My ego screamed that I didn't need a man to teach me anything. That I was perfectly capable of pleasing Wade on my own, but I was quickly sobered by the insecurities that were still swarming in my stomach and the fact that I was way out of my comfort zone.

"What's your safe word Cassie?" Wade asked in a deep commanding voice.


"You can use it at anytime." He reminded me.

"Even with me." Tristan added as he stepped forward.

"And you're okay with this?" I asked, shifting my gaze around Tristan over to Wade.

Giving me a smile that made my toes curl, Wade walked toward me until he was towering over me.

"Asking permission? I like it."

He lifted my chin and ran his thumbs down the front of my throat, looking down at me like I was a meal to be devoured.

"Tristan isn't here to pleasure you." Wade said as he reached down and dipped his hand beneath the hem of my dress. "That's my job." He whispered.

"Tristan is here to train you...nothing more."

Wade's words stole my breath and I didn't want him to leave. I wasn't really looking forward to being trained, mostly because it was such a foreign concept, but I was in way over my head and I wanted to please Wade.

"Thirty minutes." Wade said in a deep voice as he planted a kiss beneath my jawline.

I watched him exit the room quietly, leaving only Tristan and myself. Tristan had left a large amount of distance between us, but I still had my guard up with a little uneasiness in my gut.

"You didn't like the idea of someone being a better fit for Wade, did you?"

Pushing out an irritated sigh, I held Tristan's gaze from across the room.

"Are you going to train me or just shit talk me?"

"That mouth." Tristan scoffed, shaking his head at me.

"Go sit on the edge of the bed."


"Bad start." Tristan said in a deep disapproving voice.


"You trust Wade and Wade trusts me. My intentions are to perfect you, but believe me when I say that I prefer my own submissive. I'm no threat to you."

"And does she know that you're in here with me?"

"Absolutely. She's next door." His answer was immediate and stern.

"I've read your file, you've definitely got some trust issues when it comes to men. Some well earned trust issues I might add." There was compassion in Tristan's voice as he spoke the words.

"Would you prefer a demonstration from my submissive? To learn by example?"

Nodding my head, let out a sigh of relief, feeling much more comfortable with a woman in the room.

"Fair enough."

Tristan fired off a quick text and within seconds an icy blonde with gray blue eyes entered the room.

"This is Liv." Tristan said proudly as he planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

My eyes scanned the breathtaking woman as she walked in. She was poised and confident with a peaceful calm about her that put me at ease. Her eyes swept over me then back to Tristan, waiting for directives. There was something electric between them, a sexual tension that could be felt from across the room and I couldn't pull my eyes away.

I was going to ask Liv if she felt comfortable showing me a few things, but it was as if she had forgotten I was in the room, with her eyes fixated on Tristan.

"What are you thinking?" Tristan asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Nothing." I shot him a pointed scowl as I tried to refocus.

"You don't like me much do you?" Tristan chuckled.

"You manipulated me and played on my insecurities, so short answer? No I don't."

Running his hands down Liv's arms from behind, Tristan lost some of the sarcastic edge to his voice and I almost saw compassion in his eyes.

"My intention wasn't to make you feel insecure. I was trying to make you realize how possessive you are over Wade. That deep down there's a part of you that wants to please him. If anything, his deviation from his usual selection only highlights how obsessed he is with you. For example, if you saw a vegetarian consume a steak. The drastic change in preference only speaks to the high quality of the steak and the vegetarians insatiable need for it. Don't feel insecure Cassandra, Wade is all consumed by you."

Did he just insinuate that I was a piece of meat? Normally I'd never allow a man to speak to me like this, nor would I take those words as a compliment, but here I am, swooning over the most ridiculous things. What's wrong with me?

The thought of Wade seeking me out over all others made me feel powerful and wanted in a way I'd never felt before, but I was still out of my element. There were so many rules and expectations that I didn't understand. So many unknowns.

"I guess I'm just overwhelmed by what I don't know." I admitted, feeling more comfortable opening up to Tristan now that Liv was in the room.

"We could show you." Liv offered in a genuine voice before sending her gaze up to Tristan.

"Fantastic idea, Cassandra may be a visual learner." Tristan said as he helped both of us to our feet.

And I prefer her over you.

He walked toward the door and I took a seat off to the side in a chair, determined to take in as much information as I could.

Liv lowered herself down into her knees slowly and gracefully.

"I wait like this until Tristan enters the room. Kneeling, sitting back on my heels, knees spread, chest out, and head down." Liv said as she demonstrated.

She looked angelic and beautiful as she positioned herself and despite being a demonstration, I could see how much the submissive pose affected Tristan.

"Sometimes I wait like this for a few minutes, or longer, but no matter how much time passes, I don't move from this position. It's the most submissive position." Liv stated, prompting Tristan to move as if he couldn't contain himself any longer.

His steps were heavy and he ate up the distance between them until he was standing over her.

"Look at me." Tristan ordered as Liv brought her eyes to meet his.

Reaching down, Tristan smiled at Liv and brushed his thumb harshly over her bottom lip.

"I can choose to play with her here, or I could direct her to any one of the pieces of equipment in the room. But I know what my little Liv likes."

Looking down at her, Tristan gave Liv a command in a deep voice that was similar to Wade's.

"Go lay on the bed."

Liv moved instantly at his order and climbed on top of the bed as if his stern command had aroused her.

"Lay face down and spread your legs." Tristan ordered as I watched.

Doing everything he asked, Liv positioned herself and closed her eyes with a small smile on her lips. She was so comfortable and relaxed with him, like she didn't have a worry in the world."

What I would give to feel like that...to feel that free.

"Do you see how there's no guesswork here? No hesitation or questions because I'm telling her exactly what will please me, so she doesn't have to overthink."

Nodding my head I watched intently, absorbing as much as I could.

"Do you have questions?" Tristan asked me as he ran his hand down Liv's back, causing it to arch against his palm.

They are so in sync and comfortable with each other. I want that.

"Did you teach her how to use this equipment?" I asked, looking around at some of the more complicated contraptions.

"No need. Like I said, if I want her to do something, I'll tell her. No guessing games."

My brows dropped before I could stop them, knowing all of these chairs and harnesses had to require at least a basic working knowledge.

Tristan took hold of Livs chin and turned her head to face him as he backed away toward a chair of some sort. I watched as she smiled, looking at him with nothing but desire as he commanded her around the room.

"Come here." He ordered with a grin as he pointed to the chair in front of him.

Liv stood and joined him and he gave her explicit instructions, just as he described.

"Put your hands here and let your knees rest here." Tristan instructed.

Reaching down, Tristan grabbed Liv's hips and pulled them up, causing her back to arch with her ass on full display for him.

"I could restrain her... or spank her." He said loudly enunciating the word as he grabbed her ass harshly, forcing a gasp from her lips. "Or fuck her."

"Either way, I tell her exactly what to do. I know everything about her. I know what she likes, I know what she dislikes, I know what she can handle and how to push her limits. I know exactly how to please her and what she needs because she's mine."

And tonight, I'm Wade's.

The thought sent a wave of goosebumps down my back and I watched the exchange of power between Liv and Tristan as he helped her to her feet from the chair and fixed her dress. It was nothing like I expected. She was elegant and poised, and he respected her - cherished her and in return she gave herself to him fully with no fear.

"Liv do you have any advice for me?"

"Your dom knows what you put on paper, but he can't read your mind, Tristan knows me because I let him, I communicate with him constantly. Don't confuse communication with defiance. They are not the same thing."

That makes sense.

"Thank you." I said nervously.

"Submission is simple, quiet your mind and trust him enough to give him complete control. Your body, your mind, all of it...We'll give you a few minutes to get ready." Tristan said, kissing Liv's delicate knuckles before leading her out of the room.

I still don't like him, but at least he has good taste in women. Liv was lovely.

I was acutely aware of the quiet that settled over the room once I was alone which caused my mind to race. The competitive perfectionist in me wanted to get this right and wanted to be perfect for Wade despite my lack of experience and disposition. Removing my dress, I admired myself in one of the many mirrors, loving the lingerie that Wade had picked for me, but quickly picked out every flaw that I possessed.

Maybe kneeling isn't the most flattering position. If I leaned against that chair, or maybe elongated my waist by laying on the bed or that small couch.

Unfortunately my time with Bennett had included severe critiques of my body and personality to the point where I simply disconnected dissociated when I had to spend any amount of time alone with him. I couldn't take his harsh criticisms and insults so I simply shut down when we were intimate which only made matters worse. My sharp tongue and biting attitude was my greatest defense mechanism, allowing me to assert dominance over my sexual partners so they were too intimidated to hurt me, but that wasn't going to be an option tonight. Wade didn't want me defensive...he wanted me vulnerable and that was terrifying.

My palms started to sweat the longer it took me to find a flattering position as I changed my mind several times, switching positions and huffing at myself with disappointment. It was only when I heard the lock disengage on the door that I finally stopped moving.

Wade's tall muscular frame entered the room slowly with his eyes fixated on me and it felt like the entire world had stopped moving. He had taken off his jacket and was unbuttoning his sleeves as he walked toward me, slowly rolling them up around his forearms.

Should I have picked a different spot? Dammit I knew I would have looked better on the bed. Why isn't he saying anything? Did I already fuck this up?

With my mind racing, I glanced over at the bed, then the mirror, trying to make sure I was standing in a flattering position that showed off my best features.

"Quit fidgeting." Wade warned in a deep voice that quieted my thoughts.

My body stilled, but my breathing was heavy and my heart was pounding against my rib cage as he approached me slowly.

"On your knees."

His command was stern and gritty and I lowered myself down to the ground as gracefully as I could, holding his gaze until I was settled on my knees.

Do I look okay from this angle? Maybe if I leaned back a little...

My eyes darted over toward the mirror again, checking my posture to make sure I looked acceptable for Wade, but I was quickly reprimanded.

Taking hold of my chin firmly, Wade manipulated my head up to face him as he towered over me.

"Stop. Overthinking." Wade said coldly, over enunciating each word.

You say that like it's easy.

"I...I don't know how." I admitted, remembering what Liv had told me about open communication.

His ears seemed to perk and his demeanor shifted slightly at my admission.

"Would you like my help?" His thumb lightly grazed my cheek as he spoke the words.

"Yes Sir."

Without another word, Wade went to get a chair and carried it over, placing it directly in front of the mirror that I had been obsessing over.


Rising to my feet, I made my way over to the chair and sat down, making sure to keep my spine long and my core engaged. I looked exposed and instinctively reached up to cover my nipples that could be seen through the sheer lace.

"Don't cover yourself or I'll bind your wrists behind your back." Wade warned me, sending my hands down and away from my body in an instant.

Standing behind me, Wade held my gaze through the mirror as I sat rigidly in the chair.

"Spread your legs." Wade said in a seductive voice that was laced with steel.

My knees parted, with the reflection of the crotchless panties that Wade had chosen for me on full display.

"More." He ordered, staring at me through the mirror until my legs were spread wide for him.

"Look how perfect you are." He said next to my ear as he held my gaze in the reflection of the mirror.

His words seemed to calm my entire body and I felt my muscles relax slightly as he spoke to me.

I felt his hands start at my scalp and move down my neck, then down my arms to my wrists before he returned them to my shoulders. His hands were rough and heavy as he ran them over my entire body, moving from my shoulders down my chest, grabbing both of my breasts firmly with a grip that stole my breath.

"So fucking perfect." He rasped in my ear before extending one of his hands down between my legs, causing me to gasp.

His fingers grazed my slick opening that was begging for his attention with his eyes fixed on mine, watching my every reaction to his touch as he explored my body.

"Don't think about anything except how this feels." He instructed, swirling his middle finger over my clit with enough pressure to steal my breath.

Soft whimpers and moans escaped my lips as he slid a finger inside me slowly, exploring me from the inside.

"My little Cassie's nervous." He said as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of my tight opening.

"Relax...Loosen up for me Duchess."

His words and movements had me melting and my head dropped back onto his shoulder, letting every muscle in my body loosen and relax for him.

"Good girl." He praised, slipping another finger inside me slowly.

I could hear how wet I was for him and moaned as he curled his fingers inside me, massaging my inner walls as he kissed my neck and praised me. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt and I lost myself completely in his touch.

"This is how I want you...relaxed and open...But in order to do that you need to accept that you're not in control."

Wade slid his fingers out of my opening, gathering wetness and using it to massage my clit, rolling it rhythmically beneath the pads of his fingers

"Say it." He commanded.

"I'm not in control." I admitted breathlessly, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off of me.

Increasing the pressure and pace of his fingers, Wade leaned forward, over my shoulder, allowing more leverage as he pleasured me with his hand. The change in rhythm caused my back to arch, but Wade held me firmly in place with the weight of his upper body, keeping me pinned to the chair.

"You're close...I can feel your needy little pussy tightening around my fingers."

His words had me gasping and panting as I writhed beneath the weight of his body, riding on the edge of ecstasy as he plunged his fingers deep inside me with one hand and pressed on my lower abdomen with his other. The sensation forced a loud moan from my lips as I gripped the sides of the chair.

Every time I felt myself build to the point of ecstasy, Wade would slow his pace and back down, edging me over and over again until my body could barely take anymore.

"Please." I rasped, throwing my head back against his shoulder.

"Would you like to come?"

"Yes! Oh my God."

My words were desperate and my body was aching and pulsing with need as Wade teased and pleasured my slick opening and throbbing bundle of nerves with his fingers. He kissed the side of my neck and spoke directly in my ear with a deep voice that peppered my skin with goosebumps.

"Beg for it." He said harshly through gritted teeth.

"Please. P-please...I need to...I...please."

I couldn't form a complete sentence. My brain refused to communicate with my mouth which was opened and gasping at the sensations between my legs at the mercy of Wade's powerful hands.

"Please what?" He growled, pressing his lips against my ear with an animalistic intensity that almost pushed me over the edge.

"Sir." I practically screamed. "Please let me come, Sir." I begged.

Wade locked eyes with me through the mirror and I watched the corner of his mouth lift into a smirk as he finally plunged his fingers deep inside me, pressing on my clit with his thumb and rolling it slowly and firmly until I completely unraveled in the chair beneath him.

My entire body contracted as an intense orgasm washed over me, rippling through every muscle as I let out one final moan at the ceiling.

Remaining unmoved, Wade watched me ride out my orgasm in the mirror with an intensity that I had never experienced before.

"So fucking perfect." He said as he pulled his fingers out slowly, sending his eyes down to watch as he broke the connection.

My inner muscles were pulsing and contracting as I tried to catch my breath, watching as Wade walked from behind the chair and took a hard stance in front of me. He leaned over, bracing his weight on the arms of the chair as he hovered his lips over mine.

"You're mine." He stated firmly, with his lips brushing against mine as he spoke the stern words.

I wasn't sure if it was his words or the primal tone of his voice, I wasn't sure if it was his scent or his muscular build or his powerful stance, but I felt his words deep down in my soul and I believed them. It didn't matter that our agreement was temporary, it didn't matter that the next day we'd go on with our lives as if none of this had happened...tonight, I was his and I'd never felt so satisfied. 


Lots more smut to come! (no pun intended). I should have another bulk update next week! Love you! 

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