Always You || Patrick Cripps

By gobluesss

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Georgia Kelly, sister of Josh Kelly, the GWS superstar. She grew up best friends with Patrick Cripps all the... More

characters :)


228 9 138
By gobluesss

Georgia's POV


Something I seemed to have had a lot of throughout my life. Bottling them up, refusing to share, not even with those closest to me.

I usually don't like telling people about these mental barriers. Because that's what they are. They are just in my own head, and should be easily fixed.

Me vs me most of the time. As the saying goes, I am my own worst enemy. I tricked myself into thinking Pat and I were better as friends.

It's funny how that happens. How your mind takes something so happy and makes you think otherwise about it.

Why was I ever doubting this 'thing' that I knew was so special. My relationship with Pat was and nothing good came of that.

Until something did.

Finally talking to him about how worried I was, I think was the best decision I had ever made. Not only did I forget all of the stupid insecurities that I was bringing into our relationship, but somehow fell in love all over again.

Not only that night, but everyday that followed. I was seeing him in a different light, one which brought out the best in him.

The past few days had meant a lot. My feelings had grown and I felt closer to him than ever. I guess that happens when you spend almost everyday with one another.

All of his quirks and trademark characteristics which have only recently shone through.

Like the way he glances at me every so often, bashfully looking away once I notice. Those little mannerisms that reiterate his clever charm, one that no other can match. I will never get enough, it's adorable.

But most of all, the way he has the upmost respect for me. The way we can talk for hours on end, staying up all night ranting about our seperate lives. He just gets me. I never thought he understood me as well as he does.

Until we became 'us', I never saw clearly how he stood up for me. And how he knew me like the back of his hand. Our relationship or whatever we chose to call it was stronger than ever right now.

I suppose I have Bella to thank for that. She encouraged me to talk to him, to lay it all out in the open. If it wasn't for her, I would probably still be stuck in my own head.

After speaking to him, and overcoming our first proper hurdle, I had never felt better.

I now know that problems are not the end of the world and they're impossible to avoid. I realise I don't have to be afraid of things not being perfect. Because it's normal.

And with Pat by my side, I was letting my guard down, with no more fears about him breaking my heart.

Individually, him and I are made of mistakes. Our pasts haven't treated us well, but I know our future together will. I'm satisfied with the fact that he might be the only thing I manage to get right in this lifetime.

And I'll be okay with that. Because I finally get to feel something that I never thought I'd deserve.

I could now get back to everyday life, properly this time. There would be no more distractions at work like there were before. No more tuning out in class as I tried to figure out what to do.

Everything that had previously distracted me, had now gone away. Now I was past that, there was so much to look forward to.

Today for instance. A day which I didn't think I would be part of. But staying in Melbourne brought me that opportunity. And I was more than thrilled to grab it and run with it.

A regular school day for some, but for me and my class, it was an exciting time to attend. As it was the day Pat and his teammates were coming.

Initially it was Emma who volunteered to take on the visitors, but after reconciling with Pat, I'd taken the reigns. She was more than happy to step aside, and I was even happier to take her up on it.

Having a bunch of footy players come in to talk to the kids was exciting enough. Seeing their eyes widen as they are introduced, and watching them listen so intently when they speak. It was a good feeling. But to have Pat come in made it even more special.

I don't know why, but there is just something about seeing the man you love interact with kids. Especially kids who were very special to me. I don't know if it was even possible for me to love him anymore, but I had a feeling that I would.

That is just one of the many reasons I was excited for today. So getting up to head off to work this morning was no problem. In fact I got up almost an hour earlier than I was supposed to.

Now, a few hours later, I was sat at my desk waiting for 1:00 to roll around. The kids all read their books around the room, anticipating the boys arrival in any second. I typed away on my computer, finishing off some planning for the rest of my week.

Of course I didn't end up making it very far in that particular work, putting it down as soon as I heard a knock at the door.

I tried my best to contain my excitement as I looked through the glass door to see them all gathered in the hallway.

Getting up from my chair, I placed my metal pen down which instantly got the attention of all my students. All of their little heads perked up from behind their books. Then looking towards the front of the room where I was opening the door.

As I did, one by one they entered the room with grins of enthusiasm. SOS, Fish, Pat, Kempy, Stock and Walshy.

All familiar faces to me, ones I enjoyed seeing on the occasion. I was unaware of who would be attending the day but was pleasantly surprised with who turned on.

Mostly young boys, and ones I knew liked kids, or at least tolerated being around them.  Not totally surprising considering they interacted with young fans weekly.

But it put me at ease as it was one less thing I had to worry about. I trusted Pat to pick a good group, and he pulled through.

Once all the boys came through, all the kids all filed back into their seats. I positioned myself at the front of the room, letting the boys all file into a line, facing the smiling kids before them.

"So, as I told you we do have some special guests here today! One of them you have met before. Everyone say hi to Patrick" I announced to them all, their eyes following as I pointed Pat out in the group.

All of their little hands went up from the carpet, waving at Pat then joined with a harmonious hello.

"Hi guys" He smiled down at them, pulling out all stops to impress. Including his infamous wink at a few of them.

I then stood back and observed as Pat introduced all of the other boys. After that, the activities began. The class split into groups, each joined by one of the boys.

Placed around the room, there were stations which they would all rotate to by the end of the day.

I planned on spending my time walking around the room, stopping to check in with them a couple of times as I did so.

The kids all sprinted over to their assigned spots. Two of them dragging Pat over by his arms to the far side of the room as he jokingly resisted.

They all sat down together, Pat trying to fit in one of the tiny chairs beneath him.

Almost falling flat on his face as he did so, and therefore making the kids all giggle in amusement at his almost fall. I watched carefully as he joked with them, continually getting the laughing to reach a new volume.

He even caused a chuckle to escape my mouth. Admiring how he acted in a situation which can at times be stressful.

I didn't really think about it until I saw how he interacted with my students. He was so good with them. So patient and caring, definitely brining out all of their good sides. It definitely made my heart flutter for him a little extra today.

Moments like this carry me through the ebb and flow of life, loss, and longing in a way I've come to relish. They help me decide though I don't have kids of my own as of yet, I have this guy who could one day make that dream a reality.

To this day, I still feel the desire to have kids of my own. I know I'm going to have kids one day, it's what I am destined to do. As of now, I don't feel any pressure to rush it. That would be the worst thing I could do.

But the universal clock is always ticking on any woman's age. But the fact is, I feel closer to that dream than I ever have before. It provides great comfort for me.

Little things like watching Pat and the kids lean in close, cheek to cheek to work together to puzzle something out. In response to this subtle display of love in action, my heart melted into a puddle of gooey adoration and grew a size at the same time.

Moments like these are made large for me and of high importance because I can picture him so clearly as a Dad to his own kids.

For as long as I can remember, my main goal in life has been to create a loving family and for my children to have a dad who will love them unconditionally. And seeing Pat talk to my students, it gave me hope that maybe one day it could be us.

He would be an amazing Dad, to anyones children.

He's made mistakes though. Big ones. In knowing him for over 20 years and in approaching failure a time or two, I've come to realise I have so little control over how he behaves, the choices he makes and whether or not he has the same desire to have a family.

I do realise I play just one role in our comedic-tragedy of a love story. And Pat plays the other. Yet even if he doesn't want kids the same way I do, I don't think I could ever get over how he has made me feel in this moment.

Ones ability to be good with kids isn't necessarily a deciding factor. What is a factor though, is kindness.

I think that by being good to kids and to animals it shows something positive about ones character.

And God had he done the day justice. If only he knew how happy it made me seeing him involved in such a big part of my life.

This is my job. It's what I do to pay the bills. But it's also one of my biggest passions. So not only was today a success due to the fact that I swooned over the guy I loved with a bunch of cute kids.

But also because of his willingness to involve himself in my life. I go to his games, which are enjoyable, don't get me wrong. But it's a two way street. And I think we took a big step today.

It was still early days in our quest towards the bigger picture. But I enjoyed us trying not to force it. As much pressure as there was, we had already come so far. Giving me so much confidence for our future.

As time drew to a close, we wrapped up the day with a group activity which saw us wave goodbye to our special visitors. Not one of the kids hesitating before yelling goodbye.

Then, it was their time to head out. The bell went and they all rushed out as normal. I followed behind, locking up the class and waving to a few parents as I left.

After that, I went and met Emma on my way out. The two of us looking for Pat at reception so the three of us could head home together.

When we did eventually locate him, we headed out to my car parked on the far side of school.

Walking hand in hand with Pat, I thanked him for all of his help with the day, trying to show him just how much it meant to me.

After that, we endured the trip home to Pat and Marcus' house to enjoy dinner. When we rocked up, the place was already filled with enticing smells.

Marcus and Josh had cooked up a storm for our last family dinner before Josh headed back. His flight was in the morning, so we all had to say our goodbyes soon.

As hard as it would be to see him go, I had a feeling I wouldn't feel as alone this time around.

The boys had just finished preparing the table as we walked in. Noticing our return, they both grinned from ear to ear, ready to get stuck into the food.

All 5 of us sat down around the table, catching up with each other after our long days at work.

Just before we dug in, with Pat right by my side, he picked up my hand and pressed his lips to it gently. Then he placed it back under the table, squeezing it gently.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Josh lean over to kiss Emma on her cheek, making her cheeks stand out.

Following the completely adorable displays of affection, we all tuned in as Marcus took a heavy sigh, then sinking down in his chair.

"I love being the only single one" He joked, causing us to all chuckle under our breath at his disapproval.

Josh pat him on the back reassuringly as we all tucked into our meals. Marcus continued to shake his head and smiled. While Pat and I tried not to laugh at him.

Right then, right there, I realised the decision I made was the best thing I could have done. Special days like this are what make me glad I stuck around.

As there would be plenty of belly laughs and memorable moments in our future. As long as I had these 4 people surrounding me, I would be nothing but happy.

I felt even more grateful to have times like this to look back on. Something so simple, but so delicate in it's importance.

I couldn't have asked for a better twist of fate after the hard yards I had endured. Proving everything I once thought about this group of people.

They are incredibly special and I couldn't love them anymore than I did.

I know now that this is exactly where I am supposed to be.



Awwwww how cute was that! A pretty wholesome chapter I must say. Lots of cute Crorge moments for you to enjoy! 😍

How about George talking about having kids! Let's hope that is in their future 🥺

Anyway I really enjoyed this chapter so I hope you did too!

3 chapters left!

See you Sunday!

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