The Wildcard - Katsuki Bakugou

By daydreamingtwizzler

289K 11.1K 6.2K

"You're giving me the look." "What look?" He asked in confusion. "Your 'I really wanna kiss you' look." ~ Gr... More

~The Wildcard~
Art break!
Thirty-Nine Bonus
Q&A + New Art!
The Epilogue
Author's Note
I'm back!
.Extra One.
.Extra Two.
.Extra Three.
.Extra Four.


3.5K 128 46
By daydreamingtwizzler

Finished this up today, so I figured I'd publish it early as well!

{Mirko Hero Agency}

Word Count : 6,234

Everyone was aware of that feeling- that one feeling before a huge test or even before finding out if you got into your dream school. It was the kind of feeling where you weren't sure whether you were going to shit your pants or pass the fuck out. Honestly, it felt like both at the same time for Costa.

She stood frozen the second she stepped off the train, staring down at her shoes as she fought that feeling. It wreaked havoc inside of her body, her mind running a mile a minute with anxious thoughts and assumptions.

The summer sun beat down on her, warming the back of her head. She was sweating now, breaking out into a full on stress fever from the heat and pressure of the situation she was currently in. Swallowing deeply, she squeezed the strap of her bag with a sweaty palm.

After two weeks of studying and training for finals, stressing out over whether her recommendation had been approved or not, and passing said finals- summer break had finally arrived. Given how much had been going on between work studies, school, the recommendation, and Bakugou- Costa had nearly forgotten the one thing she'd been shitting her pants over.

Her first independent work study of the year... with Mirko.

It was a work study she'd be spending her entire summer break over. That's right- six entire weeks spent training and learning from her favorite hero of all time. Six weeks away from Hana, who'd hugged her for five minutes straight at the train station in Musutafa. Six weeks off from school. Six weeks of pure distraction. Six weeks of extensive hero work. Six weeks of grinding her ass.

But it also meant... six weeks away from Bakugou.

They'd had an... interesting goodbye the night before, when he'd stopped by the apartment. Hana was there. In fact, she'd been the one to answer the door as soon as the doorbell had rung.

"Uh... Costa. There's a boy here for you..." She'd called out. Costa could hear the smile on her aunt's face all the way from her bedroom. She halted her packing, quickly throwing a folded sweatshirt down on the bed before sprinting out of her room. With socks on, she slid on the hardwoods, entering the living room in a frantic manner.

Hana leaned against the doorframe, one hand on her hip. She grinned cheekily, looking back and forth between the two teenagers. Bakugou hadn't come inside and instead stood in the doorway with his hands shoved in his pockets, a signature scowl on his face. Costa immediately approached him, grabbing the door as she pushed him out onto the porch.

Hana protested, "Hey! Aren't you going to introdu-"

"No." She said before shutting the door closed, stepping out into the cool night air. She heard Hana make an annoyed retort from the other side of the door. She decided to intentionally ignored her as she turned to Bakugou. "What are you doing here?"

He scoffed at her, a look of offense taking over his face. "What the fuck 'what am I doing here'? We're leaving for our work studies tomorrow- that's why," He lowered his head so that he was looking down at the ground, "Dumbass."

Costa couldn't help the smile that formed on her face as he kicked a rock, sending it flying across the corridor. When he finally looked up and saw that smile she was wearing, he grumbled. "Stop smiling at me like that. I'll leave right now."

"No-" She stepped closer to him, lips pressed together tightly. "I'm glad you stopped by. I just... didn't expect you to."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Cause-" She shook her head, "Goodbyes aren't really our thing. I didn't think we'd make a 'thing' out of it, ya know... But I was kinda hoping you would." He clenched his jaw, trying not to show any real emotions on his face. But she could see it clearly, his bashfulness, by the way his cheeks tinted. Not to mention the way his eyes darted around nervously.

"Whatever, it's not a fucking thing. Bye." He started to turn around. Costa rolled her eyes, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him around to face her once more. She yanked him closer, utilizing a decent amount of force, given how heavy he was. With widened eyes, he let her pull him in for a hug.

Resting her head on his chest, she wrapped her arms around his waist. He stood there, his arms hovering over her as he blinked back his surprise. Costa only melted into the scent of him, her nose digging into the folds of the sweatshirt he was wearing. "As much as I'm proud of us for bagging individual work studies with the #2 and #4 heroes, I'm still gonna miss doing them together."

He relaxed, his shoulders sagging as he finally laid his arms over her back. As he fully pulled her closer to his body, his breath hitched. The aroma of toasted coconut flakes mixed with the way her soft hair tickled his jaw had him closing his eyes shut. He was sure as hell gonna miss doing this. Being like this, with her. Just the closeness, the comfort of being with Costa had quickly become imperative to his routine.

He hadn't realized how used to it he was getting.

The thought of being away from it for six weeks felt like withdrawal. He squeezed her harder, his nose dipping to brush against her hairline. "Yeah, me too."

She hummed a laugh, shifting so that her chin was propped up on his chest and she was looking directly into his eyes. Their noses bumped and a smile blossomed across her face. His chest spasmed with excitement as he fought back one of his own. She scratched a spot on his back with her nails, eliciting him to jerk a little bit.

Her eyes widened and she smirked, "Did you just flinch?"

"Don't fucking do that," He growled at her, his hands moving down to her waist. She flattened her palms across the middle of his back, purposefully bumping her nose against his again. He glared at her but then her eyes dropped to his lips.

"I can't kiss you for six weeks." She said, her tone deflating. "I guess you'll have to make it up to me somehow."

A sly smirk quirked the corner of his lips. "How?"

"Give me six weeks worth..." She looked up through her eyelashes, knowing exactly what she was doing. "Right now." He rolled his eyes at her, eliciting a cute laugh to fall from her lips. Then after a moment of staring at each other, he gave in.

"You're so dumb."

Backing her up against the wall, he rose one of his hands to cup her chin. She let out a low breath as he tilted her head back, fingers combing through her roots. Electricity ran down her neck and spine, causing her eyes to flutter shut. Then he brushed his lips against hers, ever so lightly.

She pulled her arms back so she could lay her palms flat on his chest. He dipped his head and slowly connected their lips. Costa inhaled sharply through her nose, hands sliding up the base of his torso as he placed his on either side of the wall, caging her in. She moved her lips against his at a steady pace, soaking in the feeling of his hot breath and soft lips while inhaling the rich scent of him.

He moved one of his hands to grip her chin, pushing her further into the wall as he kissed deeper. Costa groaned and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue between her lips. The feeling of his tongue brushing hers sparked a reoccurring electrical storm deep inside her core. The lightning fluttered and danced on each one of her sensitive nerves. She furrowed her brows in concentration, meeting each stroke of his tongue with her own.

God, it was hot. She couldn't help the way her body pushed up against his. His mouth moved in sync with hers, tongues lapping up the sweetness of the others. Their breathing picked up as the kiss began to grow deeper and more intense with each second.

Out of all the times they'd kissed, Costa had never felt so... lost in it.

Maybe it was the heat of the moment, or the fact that they knew they wouldn't be able to touch each other for the next few weeks. Or maybe it was the unexplainable sexual tension that always hung in the air around them, taunting both of them with dripping, hot possibilities. Or maybe it was the fact that neither of them had ever touched- or been touched so intimately. But suddenly, Costa had gone into some sort of heat where she only wanted one thing. Him.

He made a deep sound that came from the back of his throat, pushing his body closer to hers as his hands balled into fists against the wall. Costa's hands wandered, her breathing picking up as she explored his shoulders, his arms, and then his abdomen. She had no sense of where they even were as his tongue swirled around hers in a steady rhythm, his lips capturing her complete and utter attention.

She gasped for air, breathlessly whispering. "God."

His grin was feral, hands leaving the wall to grab each side of her face and pull her in for another hot, wet kiss. She melted into it entirely, stretching on the tips of her toes to meet his lips as he explored every inch of her mouth. Costa suddenly found it hard to believe he was new at this whole kissing thing, especially when his tongue swirled and stroked the inside of her mouth so confidently. She was right, he was a fast learner.

She wrapped an arm around his neck, which pulled him down. The gravity of his body weight had her stumbling backward, head smacking against the wall. Her face contorted in pain as he pulled away. His eyes widened and she cringed. "Ow."

He laughed, a beautifully wicked thing, as his hand came to lightly stroke the back of her head. "You okay, dumbass?" She chuckled as she nodded, her face flushed in a pretty pink, mocha color. "Yeah, yeah. Keep doing what you're doing."

He grinned cockily, stepping closer so that their breath mixed. His tone dropped, turning huskier. "You like that, eh?"

A sharp bolt of lightning struck her right in the gut and she squirmed. "Yes, God yes." Her voice came out breathless, slightly whiney. It caught him by surprise and without hesitation, he pulled her right back in for a ridiculously sexy kiss that had Costa feeling things she'd never felt before. Somewhere in the kiss, she'd become touch-starved, as if no matter how many times he kissed or touched her, she could never get tired of it.

It was as if this greedy, lustful creature had awoken inside of her with only a few brushes of his flexible tongue. It evoked inappropriate thoughts and wishes to flood her mind.

When they'd kissed so aggressively that both of them had hair going in all different directions and clothes crumpled from excessive grabbing, Bakugou pulled back to look at her. She was a flustered mess, her chest heaving as she leaned in for more. He stopped her by grabbing her shoulders, "Was that what you meant by six weeks worth?"

"That was so much more than I meant." She snickered, fingers curling around the fabric of his sweatshirt. "But I think I could do that for hours longer."

He shook his head in disbelief, cause he could too. He felt fused with her, the taste of her mouth still sweet on his tongue. Like honey, she tasted like honey. He could become addicted to it, he feared he already was. He placed a far more innocent kiss on her lips. She followed him as he pulled back, trying to keep their lips connected. He chuckled as he finally pulled back far enough so that their lips parted with a soft 'smooch' sound, "I'll see you in a few weeks, okay?"

Costa smiled because it was so rare for him to sound so gentle. Only with her, she'd realized. It made her feel like the most priceless thing in the universe. Nobody could convince her otherwise because this one boy, that had captured her in ways she'd never be able to understand, thought so. She knew it from the way his scarlet eyes looked at her with such need. She spoke before she could think, "I wish I could take you with me."

He flicked her cheek and she yelped, pulling back. "Oi! Don't say that, idiot."

She huffed, "Yeah, yeah. I know... but I'm allowed to miss you while wanting to be independent at the same time."

"We have phones, ya know."

"Yeah, but I suck at texting." She pouted her lips in frustration and he thought it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. "But we could-" He leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She blinked slowly as he pulled back to listen to the rest of her sentence. "Uh- anyways... what the hell was I saying?"

"We're supposed to be saying goodbye or whatever," he grumbled as if it were the last thing he wanted to do. Costa nodded, her expression deflating as she realized. "Right..."

"Don't be sending me cringe ass texts or anything-" He smirked, leaning his forehead against hers. "Or I'll come beat your ass for it."

"Hmm, maybe I will just so that you'll come visit me." She planted a kiss on the underside of his jaw. Tingles raced across his skin, causing him to inhale sharply. When she pulled back, she peered up at him with eyes of melted honey. "I'm excited to hear all about your time with Hawkes. You ready for it?"

"Are you kidding?? Hell yeah, I am." Bakugou's eye lit up as he scoffed. Costa smiled, enjoying the side of him that no one else got to see. The geeky, fanboy side he'd swear up and down didn't exist. "They say he's too fast for his own good. Next time you see me- I'll leave your ass in the dust on those morning runs."

Costa shook her head defiantly, "I thoroughly doubt that. I have always been faster than you and I refuse to give that flex up."

"No, you're not! Crazy ass..."

The door suddenly swung open. Costa's eyes widened as she shoved Bakugou off of her. He stumbled back, hands immediately sliding into his pockets. How he managed to suddenly look casual, Costa would never understand. Hana stepped out onto the porch, brown eyes glinting with amusement as they flicked between Costa and Bakugou.

"Uh..." Costa bit her lip.

"Wrap it up." She looked right at Costa. "I just got a call from our neighbor about your activities out here."

Costa slapped a hand over her mouth as Bakugou's eyes widened. Hana fought back a full on cackle as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You seriously aren't gonna introduce me to your boyfriend but have a full on tongue-war with him on our front porch?"

"Oh my god, Hana!" She was full-on covering her face now, blushing with pure embarrassment. "Please leave!"

Hana ignored her, turning to Bakugou instead. "I'm Hana, the cool aunt."

He scoffed, "Katsuki Bakugou."

"Wait-" She furrowed her brows as if she were trying to remember something. Then her eyes lit up as it clicked. "Ohhh you're that kid." He scowled. "That kid?"

"Yeah, yeah, the angry one that Cos complains about sometimes." She nodded, scratching her chin. "I always knew she was secretly into you."

"That's it!" Costa began shoving Hana through the doorway, "Stop. Right. Now." Hana grabbed onto the doorframe, keeping herself from being pushed inside. She continued looking over Costa's head at Bakugou. "Hey, kid! You should swing by for Paella sometime- Cos and I whip up a pretty dope recipe."

"Is it spicy?" He asked as Costa shoved hard against Hana, earning a grunt in response. Hana's grip on the doorway was locked with steel, unyielding.

"Oh abso-fuckin-lutely!" She grinned, shoving back against Costa. "Cos usually doesn't tell me much about her social life, but you should know that you're the first boy that's ever come around here."

"HANA!" Costa grit her teeth, looking up at her aunt with desperate, crazy eyes that told her to stop talking. Hana ignored the warning, continuing to talk to Bakugou as if she weren't even there. "Come around more! She's too shy to invite you, but given it's just the two of us- you can come over whenever you wanna."

"Shut up!" Costa grunted. "God- why are you so strong?!"

"I'm a Mirirara- we're all strong," Hana said in a 'duh' tone. With a final wink at Bakugou, she let her niece shove her back into the apartment. As Costa went to shut the front door, Hana yelled. "NICE TO MEET YOU KATSUKI BAKUGOU!"

Costa leaned against the door, huffing and puffing. Her hair was a mess, her face was flushed, and she looked completely fed up. Bakugou only blinked at her as she caught her breath. He had no idea what dynamic Costa had with her aunt/legal guardian or whatever, but that wasn't exactly what he was expecting.

But the fact that she lived with someone who pestered her in almost the exact same way she pestered him- made so much sense. He wondered if her mom and her were the same way. She pushed off the door. "Don't listen to a word that crazy woman says."

"So, I'm the first boy, huh?" He smirked. "Ever?"

She let out a long sigh, as if this was the last thing she wanted to talk about. "Yeah, you're the first. Don't let it go to your head, you punk."


They stood there, staring at one another for a few seconds until Costa laughed awkwardly. "Well, I guess I'll see you later, then."

"Yeah," Bakugou cleared his throat, forcing his expression into neutrality. Costa smiled at him again, her features soft and relaxed. The porch light cast shadows in the grooves of her face, highlighting each line and curve that he'd had ingrained into his memory. He hoped he'd remember each detail of her face while he was away.

"Goodnight Bakugou." She said, voice ringing with tender resolve. He sighed, dreading this part of the visit, saying goodbye. He was still wishing he could stay longer. But it was late and they both had early mornings awaiting them.

"Yeah, yeah. Night." He replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets. She sent him one final wave as he turned to leave. As he was about to step off the porch, Costa lunged and wrapped her arms around his waist. His eyes widened, "What the-"

She stretched so she could kiss the back of his neck. "Call me tomorrow night when you're off or I'll dump your ass." Then she slipped inside and shut the door without another word. And that was the last she'd see of him for the next few weeks.

Now, she was standing across the bustling street of Tokyo- peering up at Mirko's Hero Agency with anxious eyes. Her right hand wouldn't stop clenching and unclenching as she just stood there, staring holes into the building.

She couldn't believe it- that she was here. She'd dreamed of this exact moment ever since she was a kid. Just a little girl- filled with hopes ands dreams of a better life than the one she was currently living. She shook her head. None of that mattered- not right now, at least.

Because right now, she was about to meet her idol.

She swallowed hard, lifting her chin high as she strode along the cross-walk. Her eyes stayed fixated on the agency, her left hand gripping her briefcase tightly. Each step closer elicited an increased pounding against her chest.

She was nervous, of course. But excited as hell as she stepped onto the sidewalk and faced the revolving doors that made up the front entrance. Mirko's name was plastered in beautiful cursive letters across the top of the archway. Costa smiled up at them, examining the dips in the lower-case writing.

Okay, now she was stalling.

She shut her eyes, inhaling deeply. She called on that calm state she could bring herself into. Her breathing slowed, her heartbeat falling with it as she centered herself. She focused only on the present, shooing away any other thoughts or anxiety.

"Are you just going to stand out here or come inside?"

Costa's eyes snapped open at the voice. The very very familiar voice that came from directly behind her. Her muscles tensed, her heart speeding up like crazy as she slowly turned her body around.

There she was, in the flesh.

Mirko was clad in her hero-uniform- which was much more scandalous than Costa's taste but she wasn't one to judge. She leaned against a lamp-post with an arm propped above her head, fingers brushing back her long, white hair. Her bunny ears perked straight up, on full alert as she casually slumped against the post. She was panting slightly, as if she'd just ran over there.

Costa's mouth went dry.

"Sorry about the late arrival-" Her voice was just as Costa had remembered it from the recorded interviews. "I got caught up with these jackasses trying to rob a bank on fourth street. But you're late too, so I guess it doesn't matter."

Costa's mouth hung open as she stared at the hero. Clear admiration and shock was written all over her face. Mirko blinked back at her, lips curving up into an amused smile.

"You're Apollis-" She pushed herself off the lamp-post, now standing at her full height. Her ridiculously muscular physique became even more visible as she strode toward Costa. Jesus Christ, her thighs were ripped. Costa couldn't stop staring, not knowing what to even say. Her cheeks heated up from the pure embarrassment of the internal freak out she was experiencing.

Mirko only chuckled, already accustomed to this reaction- although she didn't expect it from Costa. "I'm Mirko- as you already know. I've been looking forward to our meeting these past couple a' weeks."

Costa blinked twice, then cleared her throat. Words, she needed words. Where were the words?

"I- uh- yeah!" She shook her head, bringing her hand up to touch her forehead. "Sorry- I uh-"

Mirko started laughing at her, crossing her arms over her chest. Wow, her biceps were ripped too. You could see the eight-pack she'd built right through her leotard as well. Costa dug her nails into her skin, trying to get herself to snap out of this nervous trance she was in.

"Y-Yes! I am Apollis and wow-" Costa inhaled sharply, finding her words as she pulled herself together. "I'm sorry. I'm just- I've wanted to meet you since I was like six years old and I thought I'd at least have a minute longer to mentally prepare myself-"

"Woah, slow down." Mirko smiled a toothy grin. She was an adult, yet she exuded a youthful aura whenever she smiled- it was rather charming. "You're a fan, as I've been told. Don't worry about it, I've been excited to meet you too! No use getting choked up over it, right?"

Costa's eyes widened, then narrowed into irritated slits. "Who told you I was a fan..."

Mirko slung an arm around her shoulders. It felt heavy and Costa tensed. Holy shit, she was touching Mirko right now. Like literally touching. Holy crap, she was freaking out.

She tried her best to conceal her panic with a tight-lipped smile. Mirko strolled forward, bringing Costa with her as she entered the agency. "That homeroom teacher of yours, of course. He said you circled my name as soon as you saw it and immediately slapped that form right on his desk with nothing but determination written all over your face."

Costa covered her eyes with her free hand. "Oh my god, he did not tell you that..."

Mirko made a cheeky expression. "Oh he did, kid. He did." When they stepped through the threshold of the building, Mirko pulled Costa's arm away from her eyes. Her golden gaze hesitantly flicked up and she inhaled a gasp. "Woah."

Costa gawked as she peered up at the colossal inside of the building. It was all pearly marble, dark wood, and sharp-lined architecture. It was a giant open space, revealing three different levels that all connected by two glass escalators on either side. The walls were all made from black-tainted glass that kept outside, wandering eyes from seeing the inside of the agency. Men and women wearing high-fashion business attire came and went, speaking on headsets in a professional jargon, and swiftly transmitting messages.

"Yes, woah." Mirko held an arm up. "Welcome to my agency, Apollis."

The interior reflected a modern vision of minimalist contemporary design mixed with warm tones that kindled a homey ambiance. And yet it still remained a professional environment. It was amazing.

"Holy crap-" Costa twirled around to get a good look of the place. "Your interior designer is a godsend."

Mirko stifled a laugh, placing her hands on her hips. "I know right. He's the best in Japan- only for the best agency in Japan." Costa turned on her heels to look Mirko in her eyes. They reminded her of Bakugou's, who at that very moment, had been far from her mind for the first time in months.

"Screw the rankings, right?" Costa smirked, running a hand through her hair. Mirko snorted, cocking her head to the side as if she were trying to pinpoint something about the girl. "Screw the rankings, indeed." Mirko replied, nodding at Costa to follow her as she moved through the lobby. "As far as I'm concerned, this is the center of the universe."

"Honestly... I'd agree with you on that." Costa was still gaping at everything. The receptionist, who looked like she'd stepped right out of 'Devil Wears Prada' smiled at the both of them as they passed. "Welcome back, Mirko. I see your intern has arrived?"

"Yes. Cordelia this is Apollis, the UA student who won the Sports Festival." Mirko slowed her pace as Cordelia nodded in understanding. The red-haired woman bowed in Costa's direction. "It's a pleasure! I look forward to your involvement in our company over the summer break!"

"I'm sure that no one's looking forward to it as much as she is," Mirko grinned knowingly over her shoulder. Costa stood up straight, clearing her throat as she blushed. "Oh definitely. I'm freaking elated."

The two adult women shared a laugh before Mirko winked at her receptionist and moved on. Costa followed her, stunned by the way she walked as if she owned the place. Because she DID own the place. Mirko had built that agency from the ground up. She was the heart and soul of it. Costa followed in her stride with her head held high, a smile plastered across her lips.

This was exactly where she wanted to be. It was exactly where she was meant to be. With Mirko, taking on this career like she owned it.

Mirko led her down a long hallway with walls made out of marbled stone and shiny white floors that her boots clicked against with each step. Each door lining the corridor was huge, made from an expensive dark oak and carved in intricate patterns. Every feature Costa passed was lovelier than the one before.

They eventually came to a set of double doors at the end of the hall, to which Mirko threw open. She walked right into her giant office with Costa trailing right behind. Costa's eyes widened even larger than when she'd walked into the agency lobby.

Mirko's office was crafted from the luxury she'd grown accustomed to as a famous pro hero.

The floor was smooth, a grey marble stone like in the corridor. They passed a set up of snow-white, leather couches that sat atop a fur rug- that was probably the width of a large truck- running across the room. A circular glass table sat in the middle of the set. Mirko swiped a finger across it as she passed, stepping up onto the platform to which her desk sat. Her hips swung side to side, her little bunny tail moving with it.

Her desk was a simple dark wood, with a large black, leather chair behind it. Two, velvet blue plush chairs sat on the opposite side of the desk. A circular chandelier hung over her head, accented with ringlets of gold that cast a warm light across the entire office.

Costa let out a low whistle, stepping up onto the platform as Mirko slipped into her office chair. She waved a hand in the direction of the plush chairs before her. "Take a seat, Apollis."

Costa felt a giddy surge arise in her stomach as she slowly lowered herself into one of the chairs. They were ridiculously comfortable and Costa found herself sighing in relief as she pressed her back into it. Mirko grinned knowingly, crossing one of her shiny, toned legs over the other.

"Finally we meet." She rested her elbows on the desk, interlacing her fingers together. Costa huffed out a breath, not entirely believing her current situation. One of Mirko's long ears twitched. She reached up to scratch the back of it. Costa's eyes narrowed on the action, curious about her animalistic features. She had so many questions.

"You know, when All Might told me one of his kids reminded him of me- I was intrigued." Mirko sat back in her chair, resting her hands in her lap. Costa perked up, eyes lighting up with shock. All Might had talked to Mirko... about her? He said she reminded him of Mirko? Wait what? When-

"But then I watched you in the Sports Festival," Mirko continued. Costa hushed her brain, willing it to only focus on Mirko. The white-haired hero swiveled in her chair slightly. "And color me impressed, kid."

Costa couldn't help the elated smile that broke out on her face. "You have no idea how much that means coming from you."

Mirko chuckled in amusement, lazily leaning onto one of her elbows. Her sharp, scarlet eyes bored into Costa's, squinting slightly. "I do have a few questions for you before we begin working together, if you don't mind."

Costa shrugged, "Not at all."

"Great. I'm sure you and I will become familiar by the end of this work study." Mirko nodded, her actions dripping with nothing but unrelenting confidence. Costa had never been in such a position of admiration before, her inferiority exuding through an excited gleam in her eyes. Mirko continued, "But I would like to get to know you a little better before we start. For starters, you're a second-year high schooler, correct?"


"How are you enjoying UA?" Mirko asked, her formal tone dropping into casual coolness. Costa blinked. She fired another question. "Are you enjoying your time there more than your time at Shiketsu?"

"Oh, you know about Shiketsu?" She asked and Mirko nodded. "Yes, I'd say UA's been a better experience for me thus far."

"And why is that?"

A tinge of nervousness pricked at Costa's skin. She ignored it, willing a calm smile onto her face. She knew the right answers to these questions by now. "It's a far better environment and I like the people more. Plus, all the best pros went there. I'd say it's a better education, as well."

Mirko nodded, believing her answer. "You're- what? Sixteen, seventeen?"

"I turn seventeen in September." Costa answered. Mirko let out a soft hum of understanding, "So young. How many pros have you worked with so far? I saw earlier on your resume but I've forgotten."

Costa twisted her lips to one side in concentration, trying to conjure up her memories. "I've worked with at least three this year and couple at Shiksetu my first year."

"You just completed a case with Kamui Woods by my understanding." Mirko pulled back in her chair to shuffle through the drawer in her desk. Costa nodded her head as she searched, "Yes. I was working with my partner, Dynamite. The second years have to work on monthly group case studies at different agencies throughout the year."

Mirko finally found what she was looking for, letting out a cute 'aha!'. Costa watched as she splayed the vanilla-colored folder out on her desk. She examined the first sheet of paper tucked neatly inside with a slow nod before glancing back up at Costa. "And your quirk- I know how it works. I mean, I've seen you use it. But I want to know what YOU have to say about it."

Costa cleared her throat, sitting up straight. She had this question down, for she'd been mastering the art of her own quirk for years and years. "Well, as you know- I can manipulate light as if it's a physical form. I can shape it however I want- create shields, armor, weapons, ropes, literally make anything with it really. I'm still working on long-range attacks. The only thing I've really mastered is-"

"Those light stringy things-" Mirko nodded, remembering her using that move during the festival. "And what do you want to work on?"

Costa sighed, an image of her nearly crash landing into the stands flashing through her mind. "I also have mastered this 'light skateboard' move that increases my speed. But I've been really bad at stopping the momentum I create with it. Oh and also- my quirk is pretty much useless in the dark."

Mirko's gaze narrowed. "Not useless- weaker, yes. But don't say useless. I've seen your close combat abilities without a quirk. Also, that's something we can work on- preventing your crash landings." The two of them shared a chuckle before Mirko flipped a page in the file she was examining.

"Have you tried using your quirk to create fire?"

Costa pursed her lips before shaking her head. "It's not possible. The most I can do is create some heat but never fire."

Mirko hummed, tapping her chin as she thought about something. Costa placed her hands in her lap, realizing she'd finally relaxed after minutes of panicking. Maybe it was the warm lighting, or Mirko's casualness, or the entire atmosphere. But Costa had suddenly felt like a puzzle piece that'd locked into the right place, at the right time.

"I don't think it's impossible at all." Mirko shrugged. Costa furrowed her brows. The pro-hero continued her explanation, "What I'm hearing is that you haven't stretched your quirk to utilize enough light into one concentrated burst- thus creating a flame."

"I guess not?"

"Then try." Mirko shrugged as if it were easy.

Costa bit her lip, scratching the back of her head. "So, you want me to try and do what? Create a flame with my quirk?"

"Over the next six weeks, yes." Mirko closed the file and rested her forearms on top of it. "I want you to concentrate more and more light energy into one burst each time you train your quirk. I think you can easily create a flame in that time span. Other than that, we're also going to figure out how to not run into walls after using that light board of yours, okay?"

Costa's heart fluttered in excitement. Mirko was not only cool, but determined to whip her into shape by the time they left each other. She could not be more excited for this summer break.

"Okay," She grinned widely, her entire body glowing with a warm light. It was the same shade as Mirko's golden chandelier. The pro's eyes widened.

"Oh- you light up." She clapped her hands together. "Like a glow stick. How cute!" The memory of Bakugou's gruff voice as he used that nickname on her filled Costa's ears. She awkwardly chuckled, trying to get the memory out of her head.

"Oh also-" Mirko sent her a stern look. "I'm giving you homework that I want you to work on your own time with. Three new moves, by the end of this six weeks. I'm not talking something you've already been working on- but three completely new and original moves. This summer is gonna be about completely wiping everything you know about yourself and starting anew. That means looking at your quirk in a completely different light." Mirko realized what she'd said and then snorted. "Aha, see what I did there?"

Costa let out a shaky breath before nodding.

She could feel the challenge of this work study creeping up on her. But it was what she'd been praying for and Mirko, her childhood and current idol, was sitting in front of her- ready to give her the chance to become something. To become great, the best she could be. To grow into her full potential and stop holding back.

No more excuses. No more blame-game. It wasn't gonna cut it anymore.

Mirko saw the tinge of fear in her expression and sighed. She reached a tan hand across the table. Costa stared at it.

"Are you ready for this?" Mirko looked deep into her eyes. The scarlet color of her irises exhibited such fiery promise, laced with determination and resolve. Costa inhaled sharply, an intense feeling of satisfaction settling over her. The fighting calm had infiltrated her bones. She grasped Mirko's hand in hers. "I've been ready since you gave me the offer."

The two heroes grinned at one another, thus sparking the start of a new beginning.


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