
By ZeroGlitchez8

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Seven tattered lost souls, seven problems each weighing on different shoulders, all brought together by the m... More

•Kim Namjoon•
•Kim Seokjin•
•Min Yoongi•
•Jung Hoseok•
•Park Jimin•
•Kim Taehyung•
First meeting
Liberty (Namjin)
Liberty (Yoongseok)
Liberty (Taemin)
Heineken The Healer
Well Damn
Loser Lover
I Fuck With You
Welcome To Hell
Lights out
The Revolution
On A Mission
On A Mission 2
It's Going Down Basement
I'm sorry
In Sync
Heineken The Healer II
Tree Climbing
Hustle Life
The Mall
Drunk Dazed
New Start
New Us
Beach Brawl
Let It Die
Thank You!

Tower Of Hope

242 10 1
By ZeroGlitchez8

"Alright...last photo." Taehyung mumbles, his eyes focused onto the camera.

"Let's get this bread." Jungkook smiles and takes a seat onto the soft, green cusiouned chair. He gazes at the camera and shows off his signature, charming bunny smile.

"In three..." Taehyung begins his count down.

"Kookie?" Seokjin calls out. "Saranghae." He shoots a finger heart at the maknae.

"I love you too Hyung." Jungkook replies dramatically, reaching his hand out towards Seokjin.


That finally sound concludes their final photo. The end of their long day of running around to different scenes, poses and a bit of arguments here and there.

"Nice." Taehyung whispers to himself as he shuffles through the pictures they've taken.

"Can I see?" Jungkook hops off the seat and to Taehyung's side initing in all of the boys gathering up around him to peer at the screan as well.

"Waaa~ Hobi hyung's hair looks so cool here." Jungkook ogles at the picture that holds him captive. Soon, hums of agreement emit from the group.

"Thanks." Hoseok beams at the compliment.

"Hey, wouldn't it be fun if we give each picture a title?" Namjoon suggests.

"Yeah, let's start with this one!" Jimin agrees.

"Hmm...Boy with love?" Seokjin suggests.

A silence falls apon them as they ponder over the words.

"Naaah." Yoongi drags out.

"Cutesy Hobi!" Hoseok burst in aegyo.

"Nope." Namjoon says, not meaning it.

"I got one!" Yoongi says. They all turn to look at him with impatient eyes.

"The boy who gave up on dating humans."

They six burst into laughter except for Hoseok who pouts, shooting eye daggers at Yoongi.

"'The boy who gave up on dating humans' it is." Taehyung confirms.

"What!!? You're seriously not going t-"

"Next photo!" They abruptly cut him off.

They continued to scan through the pictures coming up with titles like...

"Lamppost cheated on me. I'll never find love ever again." Yoongi once again caused the boys to cackle at his idiotic titles.

"Fuck dating, I'm a lone wolf now. Peace." - Jimin.

"Hottest human on this planet."- Seokjin

"Hottest human on this planet part two."-Seokjin

"Hottest human on this planet part three."-Seokjin

"Do I really wanna go home after stealing hyung's skateboard? I'm totally fucked."- Hoseok

"Bottom boy Tae!"- Jimin

"Maaan sippin lean got me leanin like..."- Yoongi.

"World's greatest pick me boy."- Hoseok.

"No! Sexy cool lovely guy."- Jimin.

"Soulmates!"- Jimin and Taehyung.

"They'll smash yo momma, yo father, yo sister and you."- Jungkook.

"Yoongi rubbed off onto my baby..." Seokjin rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"When you witness someone eating a KitKat without breaking it."

"Good boy tries vandalism for the first time. What the hell was he trying to do?"- Seokjin.

"Ohhh...Seokjin was the one who ate my pet crab..."- Jungkook.

"I should spray paint the word, 'Fuck' onto Seokjin's skateboard next..." - Taehyung

"Mint Yoongi!" - Seokjin

"Okay...get the fuck away from my Kumamon."- Hoseok

"Agust D's D is in the building. What up." -Yoongi

"Joon tops Yoongi!"- Jungkook.

Their activity is ended by rounds of smiles and laughter. None of them taking the disses to heart. Another reason I admire their relationship alot. Their not just boyfriends, lovers, or whatever but their also friends. Best friends.

"Alright, let's go home." Seokjin says while getting up from his seat which was Namjoon's lap.

A roar of cheers and "Yess!" are heard as the hyped up boys exit the abandoned train and out into the crisp air. A once perfectly warm weather with the sun shining brightly from the background of the blue sky turned into a grey sky, slowly turning darker and darker. A harshly wind bringing a hostile, cold temperature.

"I'm hungry." Jungkook pouts. The slightly rough wind blowing his hair off to the side. Jimin pulls his jacket tightly around his body and zips it up to avoid the glacial air.

"We still have the fish." Yoongi holds up the stolen bucket with a smirk. His pale cheeks as well as the tip of his nose turned pink.

"N-no thank you." Jungkook looks at the pale with a look of disgust while also remembering what they went through because of its contents. Yoongi shruggs at this and continues walking.


"Yoongi hyung~"


"Say lajibolala~" Jimin says in a singsong voice. Taehyung's camera in his clutches, pointed at the said man.

"What the heck does that mean?" Yoongi turns to look at him.

The boys are now just half way from home, now walking through the almost deserted streets of Daegu, chatting, enjoying the stroll and each other's company.

"Don't worry about it. Just smile." Jimin waves him off.

"No." Yoongi plainly says, swinging his bucket back and forth.

"Please?" Jimin once again tries.

"The stupid shoot is over. You already got pictures of me." He states.

"Yeah but you didn't smile enough...or once" Jimin whines like a child. Yoongi tries his best to ignore him and continue walking forward.

"Pleeeease." Jimin picks up his pace and walks right behind him, leaving almost no space between them and places his chin onto Yoongi's shoulder.

"No." Yoongi says firmly.

"Fine then." Jimin whispers in Yoongi's ear. His voice suddenly low. This send a shock of electrical current through the older's body. He then gulps harshly when Jimin circles his arms around Yoongi's waist and slowly nibbles at his neck.

"J-Jimin?" He curses himself for stuttering.

"Hm?" He innocently replies.

"What are you doing?" He licks his suddenly dry lips and stops walking.

"Nothing." Jimin's soft lips move against his skin before going back to peppering tiny sweet kisses from his shoulder, up his neck and to his jaw. Yoongi feels high from the touch. This was better than any drug he had taken in his life honestly. His eyes lose their hard, sharp look and turn soft and hooded. Fortunately, the streets were almost empty and no one witnesses the PDA.

"Just do it baby boy." Now says deeper ruble than Jimin's. Yoongi is shocked to see Namjoon has joined in. His hands warpped around his shoulders, his lips working on his ear.

He doesn't know how to react to this but as soon as he feels his blood rush to somewhere else he shakes his boyfriends off.

"Geez fine! I'll do it! Fuck." He bites his bottom lip and looks away shyly.

"Yes!" Nammin celebrate their victory together.

" for the camera!" Jimin beams, adjusting the device and focuses it on him.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." He growls before sighing. Yoongi then faces the camera and let's his lips morph into a tiny smile.


The sound of the picture being captured intiates Yoongi's smile to drop into a straight line.

"Aww~ Kyowo!" Jimin fangirls over the pic and shares a high five with Namjoon.

"Whatever." Yoongi rolls his eyes and walks faster to catch up with the others.

"Hyung I'm hungry~" Jungkook whines and flings his arms around Seokjin's neck from behind, attempting to climb onto his back... continuously failing.

"We're almost home baby." Seokjin replies sweetly.

"No~. I can't wait that looong. I'll probably die!" He throws a tantrum. His cheeks puffed out, his eyebrows furrowed and his nose flared.

"Aigooo~ Jungkookie is so cute." Hoseok pokes his cheek. As if his touch was a red watercolor coated paintbrush dipped into water, Jungkook's face turns the shade of the colour. Yet, he still keeps his expression, pretending to not be bothered while his body betrays him.

"Let's go." Seokjin tells him.

"I'm hungry." He stomps his foot on the floor. Seokjin sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose at Jungkook's bratty behaviour.

"Should I fix him up for you?" Yoongi asks.

"He gets like this when he's hungry... and tired." Taehyung informs Yoongi.

"Okay Kookie, what do you wanna eat?" Seokjin asks calmly.

"Hmm..." He taps his chin in thought.

"McDonald's!" He exclaims with a bright smiles.

"Fine. I think there's one near." Seokjin mumbles. "Kaja."

"Can I get a piggy back ride?" Jungkook asks. His doe eyes, growing wide, as he pouts.

"Come on." Seokjin suppresses an eye roll finding his prince cute yet a tad bit too much of a brat. Jungkook wastes no time and hops onto his hyung's back as he crouches down for him.


"Namjoon?" Seokjin says. Namjoon turns to face Seokjin with curious eyes.


"Why do you have fries shoved up your nose?" He tries to keep his voice calm. Namjoon simply shruggs and makes no movement to remove the food from his nose but instead takes a big bite of his burger. In the middles of chewing, his turns pink from his neck up. His eyes widening.

"Can't breathe!" He lets out as he chokes on his food and quickly pulls the fries out of his nostrils.

"What'd you think would happen? Seokjin facepalms but nevertheless rubs his back soothingly in circles.

"This is awesome." Jungkook whispers while dipping his fries in his shake and tosses it in his mouth.

"Did you just dip your fries in your shake?" Jimin eyes his weird food combo weirdly.

"Yep. It taste really great." He smiles and continues with his actions. "Wanna try it?"

Jimin is hesitant at first but nods. Jungkook brings the milkshake coated fries to Jimin's open lips. He feeds him the food and waits in anticipation for his reaction.

"It's actually not bad!" Jimin says, completely blown away by the odd combination.

"Told ya." Jungkook feed more to him. Jimin chews happily and turns to Taeseok.

"Guys you have to try th-"

"Shhh." Taehyung hugs Jimin tightly and whispers in his ear. The suddenly action causes Jimin's ears to pinken.


"Hobi hyung is about to do it." Taehyung says, his eyes never wavering from the table where you would find Hoseok stacking chicken nuggets into an approximatly 30cm tall tower.

"He's only got one more to go." He informs. Jimin's lips form on 'O' as he too is captivted by the scene. He taps Jungkook's arm to get his attention onto Hoseok too.

"Alright! The time has come. Tower of Hope is about to be completed. It's as breathtaking and strong as it is delicious. It could be possible that it's tastier than me!" Hoseok begins speech, grabbing everyone in the restaurants' attention. He stands up tall onto his chair, his chest puffed out, a look of determination and pride visible onto his face.


"I won't believe it!"

"Tastier than you?"

"I refuse to trust such a theory."

The boys comment dramatically. Hoseok nods at them, his eyes closed and lips pressed into a straight line.

"I know. It's hard to believe but believe it. Years and years of building and building. When I felt tired, I just thought of the finish line to keep me inspired. When I felt resless, I just pushed on and just thought of leaving you all breathless. And now we have...Tower Of Hope. Like Yoongi, salty, but the difference is that the nuggets are actually loveable." He pats a scowling Yoongi's back who has his cheeks stuffed with food. Hoseok's words earn laughter from the crowd. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all harmonise, their voices bringing praise to the tower but also, clapps from the "audience".

"Now...for the missing last piece."

Everyone watches closely as Hoseok carefully places the last chicken nugget with trembling hands.

Slowly inches closer and closer...

And then.

"Tadaaa!" He spreads his arms open as he takes in his success.

The tower stands tall and a round of clapps are heard and some whistles from the group members.

"Thank you. Thank you everyone I would like to thank MIN YOONGI!!!" Hoseok screams in terror when Yoongi is seen now on all fours on the table as he takes a bite right in the middle of the Tower Of Hope causing it to come crumbling down.

"You were right. It is tasty." Yoongi smirks while chewing.

"I'll fuck you up!" Hoseok tackles him off the table and they land on the floor with a thud.

"Get him!" Taehyung yells and the six boys proceed with throwing food at the boy. Yoongi can't hold his giggles in as he fights back. Soon their mini fight turns into a food fight, involving everyone in the building.


"Get out! And stay out!"

The manager harshly shuts the door in the sevens' faces. They flinch at the harsh impact of the door and remain peering through the glass at the mess they've caused.

"I didn't get to finish my burger. Don't you think he's overreacting just a tad bit?" Namjoon speaks.



"He's an asshole."

They agree with him.

"Like seriously. It was just a tiny little food f- oh he's actually doing it?" Taehyung and the other watch as the angry man sticks up headshots of them up the seethrough glass walls, which were taking earlier before they were thrown out. He than adds another sticker above their faces with the words 'BANNDED' in bold.

"Now you're going too far!" Seokjin yells at him. The man signals furiously for them to go away.

"Get away from my restaurant you retarded punks!" He scolds.

"No!" They yell in union. The man takes a deep breath in and out. Fury clearly shown on his face. He's about to speak but Yoongi cuts him off.

"I smashed your dog! Your father! And your sister too!"

The six laugh loudly at this as the manager glares sharply at them.

"Go away before I call the cops on you." He warns.

"This is what we think of the cops!" Taehyung fires back and in sync they all show the man their middle fingers. Along with a some funny faces, jumping around weirdly and...

"Hoseok, Yoongi, wait!" They crew run over to the boys who currently have their pants down, exposing their butts to the man. They drag he boys back and Taehyung and Namjoon each help them pull their pants up.

"I can't believe you mooned him." Jikook can't seem hold in their laughter as they use each other for support.

"Holy shit he's bringing a shot gun!" Taehyung informs.

"RUN!" Namjoon yells and they all scram. Running as fast as their legs could carry them.

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