How did I become a God ?

By AstralArmstrong

16.7K 978 20

If you were given one more chance, far from the cruelties of Earth, would you chose to remain indifferent or... More

1.Boring death, venturing afterlife
2.War God's relaxing bath
3.Library's guest
4.God in disstress and drunkards party
5.Eyes sharper then steel, hands more graceful than butterfly wings
6.Escape and false glimmer of hope
7.Bones eater's well
8.Bones eater's well 2
9.You are a magnet for trouble
10.Attacked, soldier and zombie
12.A pact with the devil
13.Who shall Drink and Who shall Die
17.Destiny and decision
18.War god and medicine
19.Do not forget who you are
20.Battle of Hai Su 1
21.Battle of Hai Su 2
22.Medical help
23.Not everything is as white as it seems
24.Not everything is as black as it seems
25.Emotions, thoughts
26.Familiar voice inside my head
27.War god's and well-ghost's story
28.Flaxen Palace
29.Draining training
30.Pride - Words spoken in anger
31.God starring in the capital
32.Red lanterns district
33.Dance with the Devil
34.Great plans
35.History likes to repeat itself
36.Demon and spirit join forces
37.Ash painting the road
38.The ballad of the scarlet lily - a path to disaster
39.The dumbest idiot the earth has ever carried
40.Byakko and his problems
41.A Collector
42.A town of two ghosts and Demon
43.Sinner's tears
44.Better take risk than be dead
45.Playing hide and seek with fragrance
46.Priest and Devil
47.Master of mimicry
48.Soul's illness and restless blade
49.Sparkling feelings in anger's fire
51.Young face's blooming crimson flower
52.Rice fields in twilight
53.Crazy Luo
54.In order to stop believing in gods you just have to met one
55.The stronger your love the bigger your pain 1
56.The stronger your love the bigger is your pain 2
57.The stronger your love the bigger is your pain 3
58.Untamed thoughts flooding the bitter emptiness
59.A woman with golden strings
60.A woman with golden strings 2
62.Drowning silver in an icy blue
63.Smothered flame
64.New purpose
65.Three seals

14.A Way Out

256 18 0
By AstralArmstrong

He had a bad dream.

He has done something stupid.

That's all Shi Shuan could recall when he woke up.

He came around well past lunchtime, but a steaming warm meal awaited him by the head of the bed. He stared at it for a period of time enough for it to grow cold.

'What are you waiting for? Oblivion?' a familiar voice jarred him aware.

Well's ghost returned whole and well. A normal person would scold the ungrateful creature for leaving him alone last evening, curse his cowardice and show him back to his place, but there were no people here - especially normal ones.

He curbed himself to simply stare back at him.

'Holy cow! You look more like a ghost than me.' well's ghost exclaimed at the sight of his face.

Shi Shuan didn't respond.

'A bit haggard after partying all night, aren't we?' the flame snickered, 'At least eat something.'

He picked up a bowl of light congee and slowly forced it to go down.

'What happened yesterday?' he asked when finished.

'I though you would tell me. All I know is you were passed out on the bed when I came.'

'I've been drinking.' he said vaguely. After a while of thinking he smirked, 'He was asking for it.'

The 'he' was obviously referring to only other resident in Demons Lair - it's owner.

'Why would you go drinking with that old demon?' well's ghost said disgusted.

Shi Shuan ignored the question, busy sorting out the mess in his head. After a long while of tidying he finally spoke with regret in his voice, 'Tsk, it's a pity we didn't get to know who the rightful winner is.'

'Why did you agree in the first place... WAIT, hold your horses. What did you say? What competition?'

'He accused me of being unable to take him on in drinking. The alcohol was sort of already there, so... I took the challenge. You know, the kind of 'who's better at drinking'.'

'Spell it out for me. You challenged a demon to drink with you? And you didn't decide a winner?'

Shi Shuan shrugged, 'As I said. He was asking for it.'

'That's not it.' well's ghost stared at him as if he was a frog ridding a tiger. 'You know what, right now I'm genuinely scared of you.'


Well's ghost chewed on the right way to phrase the information he had to pass.

'Have you ever heard about a saying 'fight like a tiger, die like a demon'?' he shook his head, so the other carried on, 'It simply means to not die at all.' Now Shi Shuan was really puzzled. 'Demons are species famous for their legendary self-regenerating abilities. That's why in human legends demons are monsters who can go up against the heavenly order, they are considered immortal. No blood is enough for their thirst, no mortal blade can cut them and no poison affects them. What follows, it's impossible for them to get drunk. They heal at the speed fast enough to clean the alcohol from their system before it manages to kick in.'

'Oh' he didn't know that, but it explains much.

'Just how much exactly did you drink to get him wasted?' well's ghost was horrified.

Shi Shuan would like to rest some more to pass the twinkling headache, but his hands felt itchy.

The change of clothes laid neatly folded in cube next to the now empty bowl of food.

Little back fellows somehow made the set look exactly the same as the one he wore now. Plain white with hight collar, consisting of two thick layers. He pulled the clothes over his person.

'What? Why are you taking so long?' well's ghost lost his patience when his companion wasn't done for enough time for him to get bored; he wasn't patient in the first place.

Shi Shuan turned his head to stare at him, his expression unreadable.

'Boots.' he spelled.

'What boots?' the ghost repeated confused.

'I left my boots.'

The puzzles clicked together. 'YOU LEFT THEM IN HIS ROOM?!' his flame erupted and burnt the ceiling.

If well's ghost had hair, he wouldn't have any left now. He would have pulled it all out because of the nerves.

He took a while to calm down. 'Okay. It's easy. A pice of cake! You just have to go back there, knock on the door and ask him, a callous, bloody demon with a hangover to return the shoes. That's easy right?' he breathed so loudly, Shi Shuan suspected he was hyperventilating, if not for him being a ghost.

'Let's just live without them.' he decided hollowly.

'NO.' well's ghost snapped, 'You can't go without shoes!' he sighed in resignation, 'Just let's get over with this. You know the way right?'

'Of course.' he said and left the room barefoot, before the courage leaves him.

The corridors were empty, without as much a whiff of a living being. Long windows let the sun pour inside without obstacle, which made Shi Shuan's tired eyes uncomfortable. He walked by the wall to avoid it as much as possible and put his hand to his forehead to block the rest. Good thing he was alone. If anyone saw a lone swaying figure climbing the corridors while supporting on the walls and shying from the common daylight, barefoot additionally, the person would have immediately labeled him a weirdo or a psycho, without giving a chance to explain.

The funny thing about the demon's castle was that everything looked exactly the same. Every corridor had the same carpet, every curtain was neatly tied to the sides, every room's door was properly closed. It was indeed a maze.

'You don't remember, do you?' well's ghost asked at some point.

Shi Shuan gave him an impatient glance, 'I already said I  know the way.'

'We have been going round in circles for an hour already! You have to admit it!'

'No, we are not. Look.' he pointed at a statue next to one of the doors.

It was a bizarre mix of random animals, a chimera of doberman's head, tiger's body and horse butt, reaching his elbow in height. It stood guard by the right side of the door. The creature was carved in black stone with such precision, one would think it's a living, breathing thing. 

'That definitely wasn't here yesterday.' well's ghost flew closer to inspect it, 'And why is there only one? Where's decorum in this?' he said with ridicule and overly-showed distaste.

Shi Shuan saw it once before, when he was trying to get back to his room. He almost tripped over it while taking a turn.

He patted the animal's head and went to check out around the corner. When well's ghost followed, he skewed him a smug look over his shoulder.

'Didn't I say?'

Those striking red door, with ghostly faces and terrifying scenes carved on every inch of it's surface were impossible to mistake.

He approached and automatically brushed a hand over them.

'I've got your back.' well's ghost reassured, keeping a safe distance from the door.

Shi Shuan knew he will have to go in on his own.

He knocked once.

There was no response.

He knocked again, this time a little bit louder - still, there were no signs of movement on the other side.

He cracked the door open to inspect the inside.

The room was in the exact same state he left it in. Empty bottles, sometimes even shattered glass carpeted the floor. The heavy curtains were drawn, suffusing the room in a pleasant darkness. Did little ghosts were prohibited from entering th demon's personal quarters? On the couch, blending into one with the dark surrounding laid a familiar black-haired figure. His eyes were closed, his breathing even - he was asleep. Even opening the door didn't alert him. But that wasn't what he came here for, he let his eyes slip away from his form and search.

There they were - his boots, right beside the other couch, thankfully the one closer to the door.

Shi Shuan gently tip-toed to take his belongings back.

The operation went smooth.

When he was back by the door again, he threw one last look at the sleeping man and left.

'You have them?' well's ghost asked in a hushed voice.

Shi Shuan dangled the boots in front of him in response and flashed him a smile.

He was eager to leave quickly, before the demon woke up, so he strode briskly. His long sleeves fluttering behind him.

'Ah!' was what escaped his mouth when his sleeve got caught on something. It was the black-stone chimera from before. The material locked itself at one of its pointy ears. He reached to get it undone.

Suddenly the dog's eyes flashed, Shi Shuan was too slow to yank his hand back. It was caught in a steel grip of the beast's jaws.

'Drop it!' he strugled to get his hand back, but the dog didn't let go and even dragged him after. It's back hoof punched the door open and Shi Shuan was pulled inside one of the twin rooms. Having completed his task, the dog let go, leaving him to stagger a couple steps forward from the impact.

The creature turned around to push the door closed. The lock clicked. Shi Shuan's head snapped around at the sound. The sound was carved deep in his bones. He was ready to bolt for the window, no matter which floor this was.

But then he froze mid-movement.

'Senior?' he tried uncertainly.

'Shi Shuan.' the beast was nowhere to be seen, in its place stood a tall man in haggard dark clothes and leaned on the door. 'How? What the holy chickens is going on?!' his eyes were darting around, he seemed on the edge, angry and frightened at the same time.

The newcomer was indeed Feng Tao, the man who he regularly met at the library. The kind senior brother in talent who taught him the very first spell in his life.

What was he doing here in the middle of a demon's lair? He should be safe and sound at the capital, studying for finals in Jue's best magic school, Hellmut Academy. Was he working for Shen Yuan? Spying back at the capital. That would explain how the demon knew who he was and how he managed to kidnap the god the whole capital guarded.

'What are you doing here?' Shi Shuan asked warily, 'Do you work for Shen Yuan?'

'That's what I should ask. What are you doing here, junior?' the tone suggested reserved hostility.

Ah, my situation is the same. He should also be at the capital, even more than a trained mage from combat mayor.

He ignored the question. 'But you hid from High Priest back then.' the first time they met, he vanished right before the High Priest stormed into the library.

Feng Tao scratched a behind of his ear, 'That's... complicated. But I work for him.' he reassured quickly, 'I am here on an important mission. What about you? How did you end up here?'

He shrugged.

'I was kind of forced to be here, kidnaped to be precise.'

'Gosh, this place is full of hidden dragons and phoenixes.'

'Am I the phoenix?' Shi Shuan's voice took on a dangerous sheen. There was already one dragon in here, currently asleep.

'Haha! Of course you are a dragon!' that was a close call. He quickly changed the topic, 'Sorry to bother you, junior, but I'm currently looking for someone. Did you perhaps came across any man with silver eyes, wearing all white? At least that's what he wore when he was seen last.' he added at the end, 'He goes by name Byakko.'

Shi Shuan stared at him expressionlessly, 'Yes.'

'Really? That's perfect! May I ask where have you seen him?' he brightened up and clapped his hands in front of him.

'Right here.' he said.

Feng Tao looked around confused. There were only two people in this room, he was sure of it. He didn't feel any presence when he checked before. And a god's presence was hard to miss. It burned bright like a lighthouse illuminating the black waters during a storm at the sea.

Then he looked back to the white-clad man in front of him. Then it clicked.

The friendly grin, that bloomed when he met a familiar, interesting man again immediately vanished. Fear crept into his pupils.

He knocked his knees on the floor and cupped his hands in front of his bowed in respect head.

'Lord Byakko. Mighty god of war, the saint with a broken sword,' his tone of voice was nowhere near joking anymore, it was grave and filled with awe. 'I'm terribly sorry for not recognising you right away. And...' he looked as if he tried to make himself look smaller, 'For my earlier disrespect.'

'What disrespect? Get up.' Byakko waved his hand for him to rise.

He was unhappy about loosing the only peer he had made while being simply 'Shi Shuan', so he didn't bother to act joyful.

'My sins deserve to be punished. I tried-' he stammered, 'I tried teaching magic... the art of gods... to a god himself.' he squeezed out, staring at the floor. 'I offer my life to you, and I have no regrets left. I am content with whatever punishment you will choose for this incompetent subject, My Lord.' he stayed in the kneeling position, drops of sweat rolling down his back in the long silence. Waiting for a response was killing him.

'Are you a dog?' Shi Shuan blurted and winced at the way it sounded.

'What?' Feng Tao's head snapped up.

'No, I meant the one from earlier.' he rephrased the question. 'You can shape-shift?'

'Yes, My Lord. I'm a heavenly beast, the messenger of between heavens and the country of Jue. I am responsible for granting safety to the palace and the whole capital ...And I failed in my duties. So now I'm here to rescue and bring you back safely.' he said as if reporting on duty to his commander.

Shi Shuan was deaf to the whole rescue part, but his eyes shone with interest when he heard who stood before him. A mythic beast, he only knew from books and pictures. Every country had one. We wondered what happened to the Great Guardian of Jue, back at the palace, yet it turns out he was right in front of his nose. It was like looking at a living legend. He tried to carve into his memory every part of it. He would love to see the beast form again. Touch it to check whether it was real.

'Can you show-'

'Look who do we have here.' a new voice cut in his sentence, 'A little rat.'

They both jerked around at the sound. Shi Shuan forgot about the beast.

The demon soundlessly entered when they were busy talking. He leisurely strolled inside, like a master of the house, whom he was, not a strand of hair out of place. He paused by Byakko's side, but not too close to make this uncomfortable. His eyes were sparkling with amusement. That's not how a person with a hangover looks.

The sleeping prince woke up and honoured us with his presence.

Feng Tao's mind processed with rapid speed. In a split second he weighted his options and consequences. 

'FOR THE GLORY OF KINGDOM OF JUE!' Feng Tao bawled and threw himself at the demon, his hands shifted into those of a tiger, sharp claws aiming for the eyes.

'My Lord, run! I will distract the devil.' he shouted, not looking behind.

'That not how-!' Byakko shouted.

But before beast's vicious claws could make contact with the enemy's face, a hand grasped it by the back of its head.

Demon's eyes flashed yellow. He didn't like being called a devil.

'Wait!' That's all Shi Shuan managed to say, before the shapeshifter's face met the ground.

The 'wait' wasn't directed at  Feng Tao; he wasn't worried about the demon taking damage. He was frightened Shen Yuan is going to kill the precious heavenly beast in one blow. The shout was meant to stop him, but he didn't.

The demon single-handedly slammed the attacker into the ground, leaving a face-shaped crater.

'I said wait.' Byakko glared at him tiredly.

'Whoops, sorry. An instinct.' having said that, Shen Yuan peeled him off and turned his face to take a look.

Feng Tao coughed and spat out pieces od wood. Unluckily, he had his mouth open in a shout when he hit the ground and he ate some dirt and broken from the enormous force flooring.

Even though his winced face was covered in dirt, he suffered no real damage. His heavenly physique as a beast made him sturdy as Mount Tai.

Having made sure that the dog was still breathing, Shen Yuan let go. Feng Tao heavily dropped to the ground.

'Bow down.' the demon commanded.

Feng Tao props himself up on elbows and spits at his boot. 'Dream on. I would rather die, you devil.'

He made the same mistake twice.

Demon's eyes glimmered yellow again. He was enraged and let his aura seep out. 

Feng Tao saw stars from the frightening pressure. He was forced to the ground another time and couldn't get up again. His breaths grew short and hoarse, blood dripped from his nostrils, but he couldn't even wipe it.

He wasn't weak, he was a heavenly messenger, a guardian with Jue's soul. He faced gods and devils with courage alike. He visited pantheon with full council of ennead watching from their thrones and managed to stand tall. How could he admit defeat under pressure from a mere smelly demon?'

He glared at his oppressor viciously. When he looked at the entity before him, he saw flames. A disastrous fire, hungry for destruction, ready to swallow the world whole.

'Wow, he really is no joke.' well's ghost commented slipping back inside Shi Shuan's head for cover.

He was small and fragile right now. Wading off such a pressure was exhausting for him.

The god was doing much better than the beast. What he felt was a slight nudge of force trying to crush him from above, not life threatening in any way. His body reacted on an impulse and released just a bit of power, enough to deflect Shen Yuan's fiery temper.

What he saw on the other hand, was an entirely different matter. A golden-eyed devil, standing covered in soaring flames, protecting him like an armour - as if he was the most beloved child of a phoenix.

Beautiful, he thought.

Feng Tao kept his eyes on Shen Yuan as throwing invisible daggers at him. He wasn't going to back down.

Shi Shuan snapped out of his daze.

'Feng Tao, that's enough. Shen Yuan you too, stop, please.' He covered in front of the bleeding form pitifully sprawled on the floor.

'You are going to kill him.' he released a wave of stronger force, threatening to step in if the situation took the wrong turn.

It was just an empty threat, his magic may be magnificent, but he couldn't make use of it.

The demon backed down reluctantly. He didn't seek trouble with the god.

Feng Tao curled into himself and coughed, desperately gasping for air.

Shi Shuan retracted his aura into himself. He needed to concentrate hard to extinguish it, he was still learning the ropes when it come to his magic. This gave time for the other two to calm down and fix their demeanour.

When he was done, he turned to face the heavenly beast.

'Feng Tao, vow your loyalty to him.' he commanded cooly.

'What? But-' he wanted to argue, but lair his ears flat and obediently shut up as soon as he saw the look Byakko skewed him. Eyes ignited with furry, burning so hot, they were almost white.

'No buts. That's an order.'

The other grimaced but did as he was told. He wiped at the blood under his nose, which did nothing to get rid of it, only smeared it to the side and picked himself up to approach Shen Yuan. He stoped a few inches before him and glared for a good while, then without breaking the eye contact dropped to his knees and murmured the right words.

When the vow was completed, he instantly sprung up and went to stand on Byakko's left, a respectful step behind. 

'So, why do you need him?' the god asked Shen Yuan.

The demon glanced at him, 'He's our way out.' he said, as if it explained everything and turned around to leave, 'He will take us back.'

'Why would you need his loyalty for?' Shi Shuan was confused.

The demon glanced behind. 'The look in his eyes. I don't like it. Besides, I need someone to confirm a certain general's existence.'

'What general?' new he was totally confused.

'Me, of course. I am going to be your right hand general.' he said it as a matter of fact at the door step and disappeared.

Shi Shuan sighed in relief. He rubbed his aching temple and looked back at Feng Tao.

They exchanged a look.

'Should I just kill myself?' Feng Tao asked innocently, as if it was the most obvious question in the world.

'You should what?' Shi Shuan choked on his salvia, 'Why would you even suggest that?'

Feng Tao shifted awkwardly, 'But you looked at me as if you wanted me dead.'

Shi Shuan gawked at him gobsmacked.

'No, I didn't, senior. Where did you get that from?' he said expressionlessly.

The other hesitated, but eventually didn't dig the matter.

'Please, don't call me that, My Lord. It sounds wrong now.' He said embarrassed.

'Ah, sorry. It became natural, but I'll try to not put you in a difficult situation.' Shi Shuan waved his hands in front of him and smiled apologetically. 'Should I go with Jue instead?' he asked.

He knew that the man's full name and title was the Great Guardian of Jue, however the name was simply too long and difficult for common people to pronounce. So to make it easier, people commonly referred to him simply as Jue. He thought, the nickname would sound more familiar to him that way.

The other's brow twitched and he slightly bowed his head, 'Feng Tao would be enough.'

Shi Shuan nodded and didn't pry.

'I will call you Feng Tao, then.'

After a while of silent and careful calculation, Feng Tao spoke again.

'Neither way, I should do it. I won't that devil slip inside our army!' he stated once more.

Shi Shuan eyes widened.


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