Ours is the Fury | Game of Th...

By dianageorge2021

98.4K 3.1K 95

Lya Baratheon is the oldest and only biological child of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon, but unlike he... More



1.9K 71 0
By dianageorge2021

I spent the rest of the journey keeping a close eye on the elder Stark girl, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep her away from my brother.

One afternoon when we were staying at an inn, I was strolling down the main path with Marin and straight past Lady Sansa and her beautiful direwolf Lady. I craned my neck as we passed, watching her go until she bumped straight into Ser Ilyn Payne and she paused with a look of fear.

I tapped Marin's arm to get her to stop, she sighed and pretended to brush imaginary dust off my dress and I subtly watched the encounter. I couldn't hear what they said but Sansa looked frightened, even more so when Sandor Clegane walked up behind her with his usual frown.

He wouldn't hurt her, if anything he would protect her so I took a deep breath and widened my eyes for a second at Marin and she stopped fussing.

"What's happening?" She whispered, fiddling with my bracelet clearly.

"Nothing yet, but- oh no" I breathed, Joffrey was stalking towards the poor girl and I grabbed Marin's sleeve, "Look!"

"We should go, your grace" She tried to tug me forward but I shook her off.

"I told Lord Stark I would end this union before it could begin and I'm going to do that" I glanced back at my brother who was making faces at both Sansa and Clegane.

After a few more moments, Joffrey turned to leave and I felt myself calm down until Sansa petted her direwolf and followed my brother. Marin hung her head and scowled, I followed the couple quickly and didn't bother to see if Marin followed.

The two walked down towards the river with me close behind, thankfully Joffrey didn't see me or I knew he would probably kill me. So I kept a safe distance, hiding behind tree trunks and bushes.

When they stopped, I inched closer and began to hear what they were saying. Joffrey had been offering her wine when she decided to refuse.

"I probably shouldn't have anymore, Father only lets us have one cup at feasts" She admitted meekly, but Joffrey wasn't impressed.

"My princess can drink as much as she wants" He smirked and I could've gagged but Sansa simply drank more and I really realised how foolish she was. Then I heard them too, the clashing of wooden swords in the distance, but I wasn't the only one who heard it.

"Don't worry, you're safe with me" He winked at Sansa and she blushed uncontrollably, then he took off towards the sound and she followed like a little puppy. I uprooted and trailed after, pulling twigs from my hair with a scowl.

Their voices were drowned out by the stream as we got closer and the sound of wooden swords clashing against each other. I breathed in deeply, glancing at Marin who had a grim expression, then her eyes widened as the sword holders came into closer range.

It was Arya Stark and a little ginger boy, the whole thing seemed good-natured but if he was caught potentially harming the daughter of Lord Stark? I couldn't even imagine his punishment.

"Joffrey no" I hissed, trying and failing to move closer, still unable to make out what they were saying until the young duo caught sight of my brother and Sansa, both stopping but not before the boy landed a hit on the younger girls elbow, she winced and held her arm tightly but didn't cry. Brave girl, I thought to myself.

"Your grace, this isn't a good idea" Marin insisted, taking my arm and willing me to move away, "I can only imagine the anger your brother would display if he caught you eavesdropping"

I turned to face her, "I promised that I would watch young Sansa and I cant allow Joffrey to compromise her in any way just so that she will marry him due to no other option" I rambled quietly, finishing with a brief staring contest with my maid which abruptly ended when screams ensued.

We both whirled around to see the commotion, Joffrey was swinging his sword at Arya, the boy was running away and Sansa was shouting all sorts of silly things. But when he finally had her on the ground, his sword pointed down at her, something flew out the bushes and descended on my brother.

The young girls direwolf tore into Joffrey's arm, he fell to floor wailing and Sansa screamed her sisters name in anguish.

By the time she managed to detach her wolf from my brother, the damage was already done and the tables were turned. She held his sword and pointed it at him as he begged her to stop, Sansa continued to command her sister to no avail. Arya finally came to her sense and tossed the sword before taking off with her wolf in distress.

I watched as Sansa attempted to comfort my brother but he rebuffed her and sent her away, as she stood to go I could no longer help myself.

Rushing into the clearing, I called my brothers name, "Joffrey!", I collapse to his side and held him, he didn't fight me like he fought the Stark girl. He may be a monster but he was my baby brother once and sometimes I still saw that boy.

Sansa looked slightly bewildered, setting down the flask and taking a few steps back, "I'm sorry, your grace" she murmured.

"Never mind that" I muttered, clasping Joffrey's free hand and trying my very best to comfort him, "it's alright, brother, it's going to be alright"

"your grace" Sansa began but I interrupted.

"Go find help" I instructed, she stepped back a little again but didn't leave, "I said, get help!" I shouted and she scuttled away in fear.

"What did you see?" Joffrey spoke through gritted teeth, I followed his gaze to the Stark girls fading figure.

"I don't understand" I responded calmly, using the loose material of my skirts to try and stop the bleeding.

"You say nothing" He demanded, I drew back and made eye contact with him.


"The dog attacked me, nothing else" He winced and I paused with my fussing to think for a second, "Do you hear me?"

I pursed my lips and let my hands fall away from my brother, the sounds of help finally coming drew me out of my thoughts and Joffrey's cruel words.

"Listen to me, you little bitch" He growled, "You tell no one"

Mother flew into the clearing first and cried out, "Joffrey!", she dropped down beside him and I pulled back, stepping away from the boy and heading back to my tent where Marin waited, she cleaned off the blood and soaked my skirts. Before long, I was sat on the floor in a clean cotton dress, my long hair in a simple braid down my back.

Marin sat beside me, laying a hand on my back comfortingly, "Are you alright?"

I drew my knees to my chest and let my chin sit on them comfortably, "What will happen to the girl?" I wondered, glancing at my maid sadly, she just looked down and sighed, rubbing a gentle circle on my back as I just sat there and feared the worst. What could Joffrey do to that family?

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