Ours is the Fury | Game of Th...

By dianageorge2021

97.5K 3.1K 94

Lya Baratheon is the oldest and only biological child of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon, but unlike he... More



10.1K 160 18
By dianageorge2021

Fathers laugh boomed across the table as he made some awful rude joke about the women in the city, his face turned a strange shade of purple as he wheezed and gulped more wine. I glanced at him only briefly, not wishing to see his state longer than I needed to, I saw him messily shovel more food into his mouth and the scraps dripping onto his shirt. As usual, I turned away and focused on my own dinner, a simple plate like Mother had which consisted of simply vegetables and a little meat.

"Not in front of the children, Robert" Mother sighed calmly, pushing her food around her plate grumpily as she usually did when Father opened his mouth. I looked up at Joffrey in front of me and he was snorting at Father, banging the table with his fist.

"You're right, Father, they're all whores" He snarled, "If the children don't understand then it doesn't matter what we say"

"Joffrey" Mother began but he waved a hand at her and she closed her mouth, gritting her teeth, she knew she couldn't control Joffrey and the only reason Father could was because he was the king and Joffrey had to listen.

My father and younger brother continued conversing about the poor women that we ruled over while Myrcella and Tommen giggled and tossed peas across the table. When the clock in the corner chimed, Mother scraped back her chair and walked away and I tried to follow but something heavy and sweaty clamped down on my wrist.

"Now where are you going, Lya" Father chuckled.

"I'd like to get Mother's opinion on my embroidery before she goes to sleep" I lied calmly, really I preferred her company to my fathers unlike Joffrey. There was little point in my learning anything from him, I would never be queen despite my position as Fathers eldest child and so my time was better spent with Mother who could teach me to be a wife and a mother. That was all I was ever going to be, married off to one of the high houses, perhaps Loras Tyrell, Trystane Martell, Robb Stark or even a Frey son, there were ever so many of them I couldn't name one if I tried. I accepted my fate before I even understood it and I still didn't quarrel about it, there was nothing to be done, I was to become a pointless princess spinster stuck under Joffreys jurisdiction or the future matriarch of a high house where I had at least some authority.

"You girls, always fretting about something" He slurred drunkenly, "She's better off teaching you about how to get fucked by the right man" he cackled and Joffrey joined in as usual, Myrcella and Tommen looked up in confusion and I felt my cheeks flush a deep red.

"Your grace" A little voice popped up by my side, I turned quickly and nodded, hoping anything would deter this awful conversation.

"Yes!" I exclaimed brightly, the messenger was emotionless as he recounted the words.

"The Queen has requested your presence in her chambers"

"Very well." I smiled, "I'll be there shortly. Goodnight Father" I curtseyed perfectly, "Joffrey", I tipped my head in his direction and he scowled, "Myrcella, Tommen", I grinned at them and they waved excitedly, still flicking peas and giggling away like the children I wished they would always be.

I walked briskly out the dining room, letting the royal blue silk of my gown trail behind me, several servants glanced up at me but I ignored them, frankly I was tired and humiliated by my own fathers comments.

Keeping my face placid, I trailed through the corridors and across the courtyard to my mothers rooms, never letting my feelings show, not until I was alone or even with my mother or sister.

She was waiting for me when I knocked on the door, her long blonde hair braided simply over her shoulder and her velvet red gown was discarded for a nightgown and satin robe. Her eyes were emotionless as she usually was, but she ushered me inside quickly.

I took a seat on her long chair, angling my feet regally like the princess I was. Mother joined me slowly, running a long fingered hand through my deep brown ringlets and sighing.

"Your father" She began then paused, unable to find the words.

"I know" I whispered, meeting her gaze and she nodded along, "His opinion doesn't matter until it comes to a husband"

"A husband" She breathed sadly, tearing her gaze from mine but gently pulling my head to her chest and hugging me to her wordlessly.

A few minutes passed before she spoke again, still holding me close.

"That's why I summoned you, darling, you are nearly of age and they will come here, they will come from all corners of Westeros if they think they have a chance of marrying the princess"

I sat up quickly, "Suitors?" I whispered and she nodded with pursed lips.

"I cannot stop them from coming here" Mother admitted, neatening my hair with her hands and smiling sadly, "But I can weed out the weaklings, and the ones who are unworthy. I do not wish for you to marry yet Lya. I was too young and so are you"

"I want to, Mother" I insisted and she furrowed her brow, looking confused.

"You wish to wed?" She queried, "You never expressed any wish to?"

"I know it's what's expected, I'll do it whenever" I spoke evenly and without fault, but she said nothing and didn't show any flicker of facial expression that would give her away.

"Get some rest, sweet one" She responded after some time, I stood straight and walked out the room, closing the door with a click.

When I reached my own bed I tossed myself onto the sheets, letting the tears soak through to the very wood of the bed frame. I muffled my wails with pillows and my hands, all my emotions soaring out of me at once and pouring into my hands.

Marriage. Leaving home and going to where? Anywhere! My father could sell me to anyone, anyone would take me gladly, I was a young princess who was hardly ugly and I had all the graces of a lady. I was the top prize at an auction and it was only a matter of time before someone caught my fathers eye and all I could do was wait.

"Jon Arryn has died" The messenger announced in the throne room, it was empty of people except for myself, Father, Mother and Joffrey. Father put his head in his hand and I felt a pang of grief, Jon had always been kind and gentle to myself and my siblings. He didn't deserve to die and I would miss him so but it was Father who was torn up, he hid his sadness but I could see it plain as day, written across his face in ink. Jon was like a father to him and had been his Hand for his entire reign. I could only imagine what he was thinking, he was considering how he would rule without him and I was thinking the exact same.

"What a tragedy" Mother whispered, I sensed no sympathy in her voice at all and I guess Father didn't either.

"Shut up woman" He snapped and she set her jaw angrily, I jumped at his tone which earned a sharp sideways glance from Joffrey who had been surprisingly quiet for the entire conversation.

"Grand Maester Pycelle will investigate further into his death" The messenger finished and began to take his leave when Father spoke up again.

"Write to Winterfell" He instructed solemnly, "I must be the one to tell Ned, he can't hear it from anyone else"

"Very well, your grace" The messenger disappeared quickly and silence ensued, Jon Arryn had been a faithful and wise Hand and Father was well aware that the elderly man had almost single handedly run the kingdom for the past seventeen years.

"Children" Father began and we both turned to face him, "Go do something else"

With that we scattered, I went to continue my embroidery and Joffrey went to scare babies most likely. I didn't hear anymore of the matter until the next morning.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Marin was braiding my long dark curls when my sister barrelled into my chambers with an enormous grin on her little face.

"Oh Lya it's so exciting!" Mrycella rambled, "I won't even know what to wear or how my hair should be styled" I watched her pace with a frown, until my mother swept into the room and began sifting through my gowns.

"We're leaving for the North as soon as we're ready" She announced, plucking out some thicker dresses and a few cloaks.

"Pardon?" I exclaimed, swivelling in my seat to face my mother and sister, Marin was finished anyway and was busy beginning to pack away any essentials.

"Your father has urgent business with Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, we are to join him" She continued, laying out the clothes neatly, "Pack these", she pointed at them and glanced up at Marin who nodded quickly and silently.

"Why must I go?" I asked, "Bachelors from all over Westeros are on their way here and I am to leave?"

"Keep them waiting, dear, you're too big a prize to be handed over so easily." Cersei Lannister wisely spoke, moving onto the next wardrobe where she discovered boots and winter scarves, she began to toss those to the floor as well.

"How long are we to be away?" I grumbled, going over to the dresses she chose and turning my nose up at them all, "The cold doesn't agree with me"

"I like snow" Mrycella grinned, she was sat on the edge of my bed, almost shaking with excitement at the prospect of travelling north.

"You've never seen snow, Mrycella" I reminded her and she pouted very ungraciously.

"Not long" Mother responded vaguely, "Cold is good for you, all four of you have been trapped down here too long, you should see the North"

"I have no interest in the North. I'd much rather live here in the South at Kings Landing or even Highgarden" I complained, picking the fluff off the cotton dresses and pulling out a beautiful deep plum silk dress and adding it to the pile.

"I'd like to see the North" Mrycella grinned, but I was too disappointed to interact with my sister and my mother was too distracted.

"Nor do I but it's part of Westeros and your father rules over it and so will Joffrey, we must show support" She sighed, "Hurry along"

I perched on my seat and took a deep breath, I really did hate the North. I had been once before many years ago before Mrycella and Tommen were born and before Joffrey could probably remember and it was deadly cold with grumpy people. I can't imagine it's changed all that much.

"We can play in the snow" Mrycella beamed, coming up next to me and twirling a loose strand of my hair, I pulled her close and hugged her tightly, she returned to gesture effortlessly like the gentle girl she was.

Merely hours later we stood before a carriage, it was grand enough but more comfortable than beautiful but I ignored the design. Instead, I watched my brother clamber onto his horse, Uncle Jaime followed suit until the only unmounted person was my father. He staggered over to me and grabbed my arm, I could smell the wine on him already and chocked back my grimace.

"Take a good look at Robb Stark, he'll do fine for you perhaps" He grunted and then trudged away to his horse, a gentle arm ushered me into the carriage but not before I heard his voice again, "And you decide whether you like the Stark girl, heard she's a pretty thing"

I pushed my fathers words from my head, he was vile and I was sick of it. We were going for Ned Stark, not my future husband.

And with that, we set off for the North.


It's just me. the author.

A few little bits and pieces. Our lovely main character Lya Baratheon. If you haven't guessed then sadly she is named after Lyanna Stark so her name is pronounced Leah or Lea or like Lee-ah you know? Not Lie-ah. Anyway. She is the only biological child of both Cersei and Robert, born after their first baby that passed away :( and before Joffrey. Cersei doesn't dislike Lya for that, they're actually really close and Lya is seemingly a lot like Cersei so she attempts to protect her like she does Mrycella in the show.

I've decided to play a fun little game as instead of detailing my characters love interests I thought, why not guess?

Lya Baratheon will have one or two small love interests along the way but obviously one main love interests and I'd love to see as the story goes on who you guys think she might end up with so at the end of every chapter I'll put a little reminder and just comment you're new theories!! Don't worry I don't intend to steal anyone's ideas I have my plans sorted haha!!

Have a great day!! xxx

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