The Here and Now [Legolas and...

By Forever1912

51.2K 1.5K 576

This is the sequel to What Once was Lost. After finding Aragon in the north, many months passed by. Legolas g... More

1: Journey to Rivendell
The Council of Elrond
Mines of Moria
Yet Hope Remains
Our People
The Breaking of the Fellowship
2: The White Wizard
Home of the Horse Lords
Warg Riders
The Brightest Stars
The Battle of Helm's Deep
Worth Fighting For
3: The Death of Saruman
The Victorious Dead
Minas Tirith
Flame of the West
And the Dead Kept It
The Pelennor Fields
Men of the West
"All Turns to Sliver Glass"
The Days of Peace
Epilogue: The Sun Sails
Author's Note: A New Book
Author's Note: Sneak Peak

The Unexpected Courage

1.7K 66 30
By Forever1912

Here it is! Sorry if this might be a big shorter than normal. But trust me there is something in the chapter I think you are dying to see happen. And it does..I hope you enjoy this chapter! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3

The smoke drifted into the air, as the city of Kings took their victory. The Army of the Dead stood before Aragorn. "Release us." The King muttered as he and his people waited. Gimli shook his head in disagreement, "Bad idea. Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead." The King sneered, "You gave us your word." "I hold your oath fulfilled. Go. Be at peace." Aragon smiled as the King of the Dead closed his eyes in relief, the dead shimmer, and then disappear, as if blown away by the wind. Soldiers walked around the battle-field, including Éomer and Pippin, to see if there is anyone still alive. Pippin spotted Merry's Elven Cloak and picked it up. "Merry." He whispered.

Eomer ran in severe despair, "No!!" He dropped his helmet and sword and ran over to Eowyn, "No!!" he screamed and cried bitterly. Aragon watched in grief. He walked through the field and sighed. He kept walking till he tripped on a certain object, he looked down with curiosity. He held up the dagger, gazing upon it's shape, design and color. His eyes widen as he whispered, "Tauriel." Then he turned around viewing the field. Then he shouted, "Tauriel!" He walked with haste looking at every single body, none had long red hair, nor is a girl. He thought, Tauriel where are you, where did you run off to? His eyes trailed off to an Orc. It was not the filth that attracted him, it was the shimmer that was grasped in his hands. Aragon bend down and took out the small object. He held it high by the chain to gaze upon a pendant, silver that crowned the jewel in the center. He knew who it belonged to.

Aragon quickly ran back to Legolas, Legolas turned around with uncertainty, "you looked troubled? Are you?" Aragon came closer and placed Tauriel's pendant in his hands. Legolas quickly looked up, "Tauriel. Where is she?" Aragon shook his head breathing, "I do not know." Then he placed a hand on Legolas, "we will find her. I will not rest till we do." Legolas quickly ran out shouting her name knowing it was no use.

The sun started to fall as the sky turned into a wash of pure color. Aragon pulled out a dagger and threw it shouting in frustration. She can't just disappear. He fell to his knees, his breathed was a steady rhythm. He looked to his side and frowned. He saw red, red hair. He quickly pushed away the orc to reveal Tauriel. He smiled not just because he found her, it was because she was breathing. She was alive. Aragon looked down to see her wound then the arrow in her hand. He whispered, "a shaft." Aragon quickly picked her up and ran calling, "Legolas!" Legolas turned around, he breathed before he ran towards them. Legolas brushed his hand on her hair, "she is alive, barely. She was stabbed with a Morgul Shaft. She is fading." Aragon whispered. They took her into the city among the wounded. They placed her in a room and on to a high bed. "We have no healers, no healers high enough to help her." Legolas muttered. "That I may be of use." Aragon and Legolas turned around to see Elrond, "my lord." Aragon whispered. Elrond smiled, "I will heal her."

Outside where Tauriel was, lay the Houses of Healing, Aragon walked through till he gazed upon Éowyn. He came up to her and placed a damp cloth on her head. Aragorn healed Éowyn of her wounds. She began to breathe normally as she opened her eyes.

Dusk fell over the sky as Pippin still looked for Merry. "Merry! Merry!" He glanced over towards a dead Mûmak and pushed a dead body off of Merry. Pippin took Merry in his arms in relief, "Merry! Merry, it's me. It's Pippin." Merry weakly opened his eyes, "I knew you'd find me." Pippin smiled, "Yes." "Are you going to leave me?" Pippin shook his head, "No, Merry. I'm going to look after you." Pippin grabbed a cloak and covered Merry with it.

Legolas stood gazing at Tauriel as Elrond placed the bowl aside. "She shouldn't be this still. 60 years ago, I saw the same wound. It was different he wasn't this still." Legolas remembered when Tauriel stayed back to help that dwalf. "That is because she is at a point of death. If she wasn't brought sooner she would have bin beyond my aid." Elrond sighed. As he left the room he looked back to face Legolas. "She will be alright. Hopefully, it is uncertain from here. I wish you both well." Legolas nodded his head for a sign of respect and thanks. He sat there gazing upon her. She wasn't the fairest face he has looked upon. She was not perfect..but yet in his mind she was. He did not love her for her appearance. To Legolas, love was layered. Love was a mystery to solve. It seemed to him that love was to painful. To much to bear. For years he did not allow himself to feel. But then he realized, immorality was lonely. It was empty. He looked up to see Aragon, "how is she?" Legolas looked at Tauriel, "uncertain." Aragon smiled, "you are not leaving her side..are you?" Legolas grinned as he breathed, "I am not planning to."

The morning fell over the sky over land of Middle Earth. Éomer, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Gandalf stood in the hall at Minas Tirith. The hall of kings. Gimli sat in the steward's seat piping his pipe. "Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deepening." Gandalf muttered as he walked back and forth. Aragorn viewed out the window into the light, "If Sauron had the Ring, we would know it." "It's only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping." Gandalf sighed as Gimli breathed out a puff of smoke, "Let him stay there. Let him rot! Why should we care?" Gandalf stood forward, "Because ten thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom. I've sent him to his death."

Aragorn uncrossed his arms, "No. There is still hope for Frodo. He needs time and safe passage across the Plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that." Gimli questioned Aragon "How?" "Draw out Sauron's armies. Empty his lands. Then we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate." Gimli coughed out smoke in surprise. Éomer muttered, "We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms." Aragorn looked at all the people that stood in the court, "Not for ourselves. But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's Eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves." Legolas smiled as he raised his head, "A diversion." Gimli laughed, "Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?" Gandalf stood aside to Aragorn whispering, "Sauron will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait." Aragorn faced Gandalf, " Oh, I think he will."

Aragorn walked toward the palantír with Anduril in his hand. He uncovered the palantír, showing the Eye. He reluctantly puts his hand atop it. Aragorn breath hitched, "Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more." He held up Anduril, "Behold the Sword of Elendil." But on the orb was not the eye, it was far worse. Arwen dying on her bed. Aragorn despaired and dropped the palantír and fell back. Alike his dream, he also dropped the Evenstar.

Before they all departed Legolas walked into the room where Tauriel lay. Many years ago he never understood why The Unexpected Courage was her favorite read. Then he realized that the unexpected courage was the thing you where most scared to do. The courage you never thought you had. His fear was allowing himself to love. His father said love was all nothing, just pain. It was a burden Thranduil never wanted his son to bear. He was afraid to feel. Legolas placed a hand on Tauriel's cold, pale face. "You will be fine. You will be safe. You've deserved better." He knew that his love for Tauriel just came. But he new it was not love at first sight. Their friendship, their unbreakable bond was the key. The path to his heart.

Legolas placed her pendant in her hands. Everyone has their unexpected courage. Legolas leaned down, gently. Their lips softly touched. It was an act of love. But it was delight. And when his lips touched hers, that was the moment his unexpected courage shawn through.

There it is! What did you think? Please comment and tell me what you thought about this chapter. For me I am very proud of it. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3xx forever1912

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