More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 60

1.6K 12 2
By snowfluke

Kasie's P.O.V.

I can't believe or even imagine that. Someone dies before you even get to meet them. 

That's just Irony right there.

She is, was and always will be my hero. I envied her, yes, but she was really lovable. You can hate her, but never forever. Before, back then, I didn't like her, but from till then I realized who she was, I started to like her.... Its like a natural thing, we all fall for her kindness.

Still crying after 3 hours of her death...I mean passing. I feel guilty for no reason and that's just strange for me. I think its getting to me, just like its getting to them. 






And now I'm crying. 

But let me ask you this, who wouldn't cry after someone died? I'm not crying out of sympathy, I'm crying because I'm affected too.  She is part of my life too. Its like I already know her before, yet it feels like I haven't met her.

"Let her spirit be in peace." Liam whispered in a soft sad voice. It really pains me to see my favorite people in the whole world cry. Well I just met Niall, but he seems really nice.

"I still love her..." Niall said, heads down and facing the floor.

"I'll make sure that it stays that way.... Even if it causes me to die inside." Harry ran his hands through his hair. I feel bad, and jealous. But other than that, I just can't explain the feeling.

"I wish I met her know..." I said unsurely. Because I do not want to remind about it and its not good to remind them of the passed away.

The room went to silence and no one made a sound. All you could hear is their heart beats and breathing. The silence is really unbareable. But what can I do? I got trapped in this situation without knowing the real truth. 

After a few more hours, the hospital had to kick us out. On the account of that we've been there and its now really late at night. Its still Louis' birthday though, maybe we can get rid of those sad faces.

"Don't let that get to you, we still have Louis' party so don't let it get to you." I suggest.

"Don't let it get to me?" Niall asked in frustration. "WHAT IF YOU LOST SOMEONE VERY DEAR TO YOU? HUH? WHAT WOULD YOU DO? DON'T SAY THAT YOU WON'T CRY, EVERYONE CRIES. SO STOP MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE." He shouted aimlessly to the point.

What he said was right, I would cry.

I cried once when Harry was taken.

I cried a lot mom was gone and left me with dad.

"Okay fine! I would cry, I would. Just like every teenage girl or boy out there! I'm only like that because I hate seeing people cry. I've cried a lot and I hate going back to that faze. You do not know the whole story! You cried because Dani died! And I cried because my very dear mother died! What do you think I feel? Its not like you understand! I also cried becuase of him!" I pointed to Harry, WHAT?! Oh no I just did not do that. I'm so dead and so cleared.

Their eyes on me, glued like wallpaper to the wall. I am who I am, judge me if they will. But they will never understand me. I feel like a criminal, I just broke stuff and stole it. 

"Why me?" Harry asked, breaking all the odds on the planet. "What does it have to do with me?"

"Uh...I...uhm...need to go..." I say, avoiding his question. Why would I tell him? I wouldn't want to make him freaked out. I want to tell him but can't.

My hand held back, I tried to get my hand loose but it was stuck there. "Tell me, the truth won't hurt." Harry said sincerely. 

"I can't, it wouldn't make thing better if I did."

"Well here's something more intense. Tomorrow I'm leaving for somewhere and if you don't tell me, it'll be too late. So spill." Harry ordered, he's leaving? To where?

"Its that...I really really and sincerely love you. And I am not joking about it. I would've told you but you were really concerned about Dani and I didn't want to distract you from her. To be honest, I was sort of jealous but I didn't hate on her. She was perfect and you were happy. I wanted you to be happy but now...its just hard for me to see this. I'm really sorry if I just messed up everything." I said and his grip on my hand was loosened. 

I was free to leave, but I couldn't.

After that, my dignity was just stripped away from me.

I walked slowly away, like I was torn and broken. Well I am. 

I didn't dare to look back, instead I went back to the garden to finish my duties for today. I already soiled my day, I might as well finish what I started.

Harry's P.O.V.


She just said

I didn't expect that from anyone since people call me a womanizer. But she just said that...oh help me because I am so messed up at the moment.

She told me she loved me, and she just walked away. I am, at the moment, confused, meassed up and just surprised.

"I...I...can't understand anymore..."

Niall slowly came by my side and ceased the tears and left him with red eyes. "Harry, to be honest with everyone. Well you and Louis because Liam and Zayn know or they forgot. But back to the point to tell you all the truth, Kasie really likes you Harry. She told me earlier when we met her. She really likes you and she isn't a hater either. It really seems like she's innocent yet its different." Niall explained, is it true? 

Let me define Kasie, in my eyes.

She's pretty and nice. I will say this, she's different, just like Dani. Her hair, reminds me of Dani. And she looks close to Dani but.... Ugh...its hard. She reminds me so much of Dani because she's nice and cheerful. And she has potential and she doesn't flirt like some girls I've met. What have I done... its a messed up world.

"Well...its just messed up now." I confess honestly.

''Do you like her?" Liam asked as he snuck up behind me.

"I sincerely do not know."

"Hey guys, we got this letter from the hospital." Eleanor came to us, didn't notice they were here...

"What's inside?" Louis asked, reaching for the letter and handed to him.

"We haven't checked yet." Danielle answered.

"Can we open it?" Liam asked, he wants to open it really badly. He's curious and responsible.

"Sure sure." Perrie answered.

"Thanks." Niall got the letter from Louis and liffted the flap open.

"HEY!" Louis complained like a kid from kindergarten.

"Well I opened it so boo you." Niall smiled and got the letter.

We gathered around Niall and looked at the letter. He was very awkward at the moment but he didn't care. So we read the letter.

We are very sorry for the inconvinience.

Condolences to you and please do not take it so badly. She is out there somewhere and watching over you. And she will always be with you, in your hearts and in your minds. As long as you don't forget her.

We also have a last testimony from her. It was her last 3 three words.

Last three words.

"Smile for me." -Dani

That is all.

Thank you for understanding and do not be sad.


Hospital customs.

Her last words...

I failed to do it.

I'm not even smiling right now...

But I want her to know that she means a lot to me...

I, Harold Edward Styles, will now smile. And I will remember her forever and I am sure she wants me to find someone. 

Well I'm just crazy because tomorrow, I have a chance to change this. And, as promised, will do everything fairly and not go through  it the easy way. And I want Niall to be happy and I wouldn't want it the other way. Niall has been fair all the way, so I should let him get the glory. 

"I will smile..." 

"Me too." Niall smiled and cleare dup the rest of the tears that dripped when he read the letter.

"Hey guys! I know how to make us all smile!" Louis suggested with a smirk and smile. He's happy, that's for sure.

"WHAT CAN?!" We all shouted at him.

"Sheesh, didn't need to be all hissy on me." Louis pouted.

"Well, just tell us." Zayn said.

"Okay. So today is still my birthday, so I think we should finish celebrating it. And I know Dani would be psyched to know that we're enjoying today without any complaint or tears."  Louis smiled immensely and happily.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to waste all our effort. Now would we?" Liam chuckled.

"Oh alright, lets go." Danielle said and we headed for the car.

Well they told me they came in a car so I assume they have a car. 

Liam started the engine and we went back the garden thing. It took a while because Louis left his carrot at the hospital parking lot. Its really pathetic but its Louis. Carrots are part of his whole life.

We arrived at the garden thing and rushed inside. The party was still there, and Kasie was there too. Sitting on one of the benches, on her phone. Doing something that I don't know because I can't see it.


"Oh...hi." She said and sat down. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked...uhm....

"Louis wanted to finish the party and...we were worried too."

She sighed. "Worried about the part and Dani? Oh I completely understand."

"No." I answered her. "We're not worried about any of those, well a bit for Dani. We were worried of you. You ran away which left me confused at the moment."

"You were?" She sniffed.

"Yes and everyone else too. So don't cry anymore."

"I wasn't crying." She laughed and sniffed a bit. "Well I did but not anymore. I was on Twitter." She said and showed me her phone.

"You have Twitter?"

"Yeah but I'm not that active because I don't really socialize." She chuckled.

"Why not? You seem like the girl who has friends that follow you around." I say to defend myself. Well she seems like that type of girl though.

"Well for starters, I suck at making friends. Then there's the problem of girls being jealous of me? I got lots of Direct Messages from my school mates and guess what, hate. Hate hate hate." She said, I wonder why all the hate though.

"They can't possibly hate you. And leaving you alone won't help them." I state, what am I already saying? "And look, you have friends. Eight friends to be exact. Which concludes, you do not suck at making friends." I smile vividly and laaugh at her little chuckle and snort. That's just cute.

She blushes a bit. Oh...I should have thought this thing through first. Because you know...she said the L O V E word to me first, and that's a first except from fans. Hers was sincere and sensitive though and that's Kasie.

"That's very unexpected from you." She giggles. "But thanks though, you made me feel less insecure about myself. You should take that as an achievement though."


"Well its like the hardest thing to do to me and you were the first." She touched the tip of my nose, yeah. Teasing me.

Heart beating and heat rising to my cheeks. Second time to feel the feeling...what feeling do you call it again? Uhm...spit it out Harry, come on. It won't be that disappointing if you do...well it will and just now, I noticed, the lads are in the background. Okay, this is like romantic in a way.

"GO HARRY! MAKE A MOVE ALREADY!" Louis shouted from the back. I heard someone cover his mouth with tape...uhm...where did they get the tape? Never mind.

"Don't mind him, you two just talk and talk." Eleanor said glancing at us then looking back at Louis. Oh goodness....

Make a move?

What move does Louis want me to do?

Or what does he advise me to do? he thinking that Kasie?

Even I can't explain the feeling...second time I've felt like this but...its not as strong. But its close enough and its rare that you can feel this way at all. Okay...take Louis' advice or...keep this normal?


"I err...uhm..." I stammer, what to say? Louis already embarrassed me, what else can I do to make this normal? Okay, I ain't good at this alright. Save me, I like being here but come on. LOUIS EMBARRASSED ME.

It was quiet between me and Kasie, at the moment. But I heard foot steps thud against the floor, it keeps getting louder and louder. Okay, who's that now?

"You should thank me for this." I heard a British posh accent.

"Huh? Wh-"

Without any objection, my head was forced to Kasie's. And BOOM! Fireworks! I felt, never felt like this before.

A magical kiss.

A dramatic day.

An amazing ending to my amazing day.



Long time no update, sorry hehehe.

I was really busy and this Saturday we went to my province and Sunday, we went shopping.

But I hoped you liked this long awaited chapter that I wrote and if its cheesy, sorry too.

And I'm happy because the girl who was mad at me, isn't mad anymore.

She forgave me today, because I gave her a stuffed dog sincerely.

So yeah, great day!!!

And to those who knew this was going to happen, you were sooo right. haha

Please vote!!!!

Please comment!!!!

Please VOMMENT!!!


A few more before 170 comments c:


May remind you too, MY BIRTHDAY IS A FEW DAYS AWAY!!!

Okay, I'll update soon!!!

Thanks for everything!!

Love you my lovelies!!!

Rissa xxxx :) <3

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