TheFamousFlims One shot

By EclipseDragonSushi

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Give me request about any of the Famousflims characters. *Most of the characters do don't belong to me and no... More

Info Page
Moon's Glaze (Kaiba x Sedative Rose)
Moon's Glaze-Part 2 (Kaiba x Sedative Rose)
Moon's Glaze-Part 2 (Remastered)
Cookies (Bryan x Allumos)
Cookies-Part 2 (Bryan x Allumos)
Cookies-Part 3
Cookies- Part 4
Jackal In Heat (Bryan x Inpu)
Where's Baba (Kaiba x Ashera)
Master and Servant (Kaiba x Meri)
Dungeons & Dragons (Bryan x Inpu)
Dungeons & Dragons-Part 3
I'm Sorry (Shino x Artemis)
I'm Sorry-Part 2
I'm Sorry-Part 3
More (Bryan x Jakey)
Mafia (Bryan x Inpu)
I am one hell of a butler
Goal of a King (Kaiba x Mors)
Goal of a King-Part 2
Goal of a King-Part 3
Kinks (Bryan x Molten)
Kinks-Part 2
Dragon Slayers (Bryan x Allumos)
Dragon Slayers-Part 2
Day With Friends (Bryan and Devin just friends)
Eternal Family (Bryan x Jakey)
Scraped writings

Dungeons & Dragons- Part 2

574 3 10
By EclipseDragonSushi

If you guys haven't noticed yet. 'Dungeons & Dragon', and 'Where's Baba' are connected. Granted, different times from each other but same universe. 'Dungeons & Dragons' takes place two months after 'Where's Baba' with that cleared up, enjoy.
The breeze cooled the warm afternoon, flowers gleaming their beautiful colors of the Aphrodite Mansion.

"Checkmate" Femi giggled, moving the carefully chiseled white, marbled queen pawn to the left, four squares away in front of the Inpu's king pawn. Her bishop pawn six squares away, diagonally aimed for the the opposing king pawn. The white marbled pawn tower aimed five squares to the left. Inpu analyzed Femi's flawless strategy, slouching over on the living room couch, chin laying on his hand.

Truly a flawless plan, even if Inpu did move his King from the three attacking pawns, mere pawns, and the queen pawn will still get him. With a deep sigh he tipped his King pawn over, a loud thug from marble hitting marble. Inpu rubbed his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger as Femi giggled from her victory.

"Don't worry dear" Bryan message his shoulders. "You can play Candy Land with the boys and I."

"It's fine" Inpu groaned, grabbing a kleenex from the tissue box, blowing his nose. "Whose winning by the way" he asked, throwing the dirty tissue in the small, sliver net trash can beside him.

"I am" Lotus cheered, throwing his hands in the air.

"Think again" said Atlas, moving his carbroad piece to the candy castle.

"Again" Lotus complained, drooping his shoulders, ears platting against his head. "This is the tenth time. . .in a row"

"This is too easy" Atlas laid back on the couch, his shoulders and wings limping to his sides, an bored expression showing. "I want to play D&D."

"Same" Femi and Lotus said simultaneously

"We don't have a Dungeon Master" Inpu explained, grabbing another kleenex.

"Can't we play without he-" Atlas began, being interrupted by knocking.

"I'll get it" Bryan immediately said, walking over to the arch doorway, disappearing beyond it.

Small talk started in the living as they waited for the departure Brypu member. Minutes passing by until Bryan reappeared at the doorway with the Bastet-Shiva family piling behind him.

"We have guest" Bryan clarified the obvious, moving to the side revealing the family behind him.

"Salutations" Ashera greeted, weakly waving. His hair neatly comb in it's traditional style, high ponytail. He wore a plain red, short sleeve crop-top, with gold outline, revealing his chiseled abs, even the part that the shirt covered. He wore black baggy pants, a golding-ish slash decorating his waist with the ends hanging from the side. Black three strapped sandals adorned feet.

"Hello" Kaiba plainly greeted, giving everyone an pleasant, warm smile. He wore a golden necklace with an amethyst oval gem in the middle. The necklace acted as a choker, hugging nicely against his neck. A blue cape connected to the necklace, the ends attached to the gem as the rest of the cape went under his arms, hanging loosely behind him. A light blue crop-top laid underneath the cape, only covering his chest area. A layered skirt decorated his waist, cream being the first layer, the second layer barely showing but showed lavender, and a small blue banner going down the middle of the skirt where the layers split. Wearing cream sandals on his feet, his wrists adorn with pearl bracelets, a single golden ring or bracelet you could say rested on his upper part of his left arm, and a golden hoop earring pierced his left ear.

"Hey" Rina greeted next, smiling, her canine teeth showing making Atlas breathless at her beautiful sight. Her black fading red, long, wavey hair was down. She wore a red, sleeveless crop-top with golden wave patterns, a single strap over her right shoulder. A red banner skirt with gold outline decorated her waist down, wearing the same sandals as Ashera but smaller. Black metallic armbands with emeralds the color of her eyes, rested in the middle. A black metallic choker wrapped around her neck, tiny golden chain hung from it like fairy lights.

"Say hi" Kaiba kneeled down, minimizing himself to Khepri's short height, speaking in a baby voice. Khepri waved her tiny little hand wildly at the Brypu family with a stick in hand in her smile, Bryan awed at the baby. Her short magenta hair was down, wearing a grey shirt that acted as both a shirt and skirt that said 'Little Princess' in gold lettering.

The Brypu family each did their own greeting, inviting the family to sit on the snow plate couches. Once everyone was sited, Bryan and Inpu next to each, Kaiba and Ashera next to other across from the couple, Khepri on Kaiba's lap. Lotus and Femi sat together next to their parents, as Atlas and Rina sat across from them. Six Eygptain soldiers entered the marbled piller room, metals spears mounted in their right hands.

"The perimeter is clear" Spoke a soldier, standing straight, spear in hand like a scepter. An intimidating slight to behold, bolds eyes scrutinized the blank room for possible threats. Even when their eyes moved their bodies didn't, not even a single hair particle lifted.

"Have you double checked?" Ashera asked, the head soldier nodded staring at nothing inparticular. "Very well, return to your positions."

The soldiers instantly moved at their King's order, four repositioning themselves behind their King's and smallest heir, as two correlated behind Rina and Atlas. Kaiba shifted, tension in his muscles.

"Ashera, this isn't necessary" Kaiba held tightly onto his husband's hand. Their eyes locked, amber and emerald staring at each other. Kaiba's amber eyes showed tension, sadness, supplicating Ashera to reconsider. The emerald eyes broke, blinking excessively at the amber eyes as if the expression was going to change, they didn't.

Ashera reluctancy sighed, closing his eyes. "Protectors stance" Ashera ordered showing his emerald eyes to the world again. The soldiers shuffled, thugs after every step they took. Two thumping to the archway, standing at the sides, as the rest stood by a marbled piller in the room. Spear still in hand.

"Sorry for being perturbed" Ashera apologized, stroking Khepri's head. Giggles filled the room the tension fading. "There is a friend, if you can even call him that who doesn't have the best intentions for my family." Ashera clarified, shifting his attention to Kaiba. He placed his hand behind his husband's furry ear and gently blushed the soft fur.

"Understandable" said Inpu taking a deep breath, a sniff later on. "I wouldn't let my family out of the mansion when my time variant was around, unless two guards were with them at all times. Even then, I would limit them from stepping outside with the guards." Bryan softly groaned, nodding his head as he fell back on the couch. The kids nodded, looking at Inpu with an annoyed expression plastered on their little faces.

Ashera noted the family's reactions. "I would have done the sa-" Ashera stopped, intimidated by Kaiba's piercing eyes into his soul, accommodated by Rina's sadden soft emerald eyes. "B-but Kaiba would probably fight me." Ashera explained,  watching as Kaiba's death stare faded and Rina's eyes rejoiced. Though it would be the safest option, he knew the dire consequences that came with it. Rina loved playing with the children and Kaiba liked helping the orphans, both requiring to be outside the palace. If he concealed his family in the palace Rina will probably grow depressed, and for Shiva's sake Kaiba will riot against him. So he decided not to, but that didn't mean they would walk around freely. Two guards were to be stationed by their side at all times, except Kaiba. He had four guards since Khepri is always with him.

Bryan laughed, "I would've done the same, but Inpu is too stubborn."

"I am not" Inpu argued, crossing his arms.

Rina giggled placing a hand over her mouth, "What were you doing before we arrived." Rina asked, unintentionally blushing her crimson tail against Atlas's wing, his face flooded with many shades of intensifying red.

"Oh, we were playing broad games." Lotus responded, pointing to the candy land and chess broads on the oak wood coffee table.

"But we're tired of playing" Femi added, her left ear flicking once.

"Maybe we can help" Rina smiled

"W-we want to p-play D&D" Atlas flustered out, staring a Rina's queering eyes.

"Oh I never played, why don't we play? Rina asked, softly clapping in front of her face.

"Well, our Dungeon Master isn't here" Lotus answered, scratching that back of his head.

"Can't we play without the Dungeon Master?"

"No" Inpu shook his head, grabbing another kleenex.

"Why not?" Rina asked, eyes full of curiosity.

Inpu blow his nose, dispensing the tissue into the small trash. He opened his mouth to answer, interrupted before he could speak.

"A Dungeon Master controls the game. It's like reading a book with no words, the author has to write in order for there to be a book." Eclipse spoke out from the kitchen doorway, her banner skirt twirling to the sides as she stopped, her dark, curly hair bouncing. The soldiers immediately raced to her, spears fixated at her. Ashera rose from the couch, taking Trishul out of thin air. Pointing it at Eclipse's head, she raised her hands half way, an bored expression mustered on her face as if this was a daily occurrence.

"Stop!" Bryan shouted, standing up and walking over to Eclipse. "She's a friend."

Ashera lowered his Trient, slowly, the soldiers doing the same. "Sorry for being agitated." Ashera apologized, waving his hand to the side, singling to the soldiers to move. The soldiers moved back to their positions 'Protectors stance'.

"No, it's my fault for not announcing myself." Said Eclipse, shaking her hands in front of her wildly. "I'm Mētztil'Icualōca, daughter of Mictlāntēchtli, Aztec God of Death." Eclipse calmly introduced herself, taking a small bow as if nothing had just happened.

"I'm sorry what?" Kaiba baffled out, crooking an eyebrow.

"Pretty" Rina called out

"She goes by Eclipse" Femi stated, earning an frown from Eclipse.

"I wanted to say that" Eclipse huffed, moving her dominant hand over her waist.


"It's fine, but if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Eclipse gestured to the unknown family in the room.

"My sincerest apologies, I am Ashera, son of Ashwathama, partial incarnation of Lord Shiva, God of Destruction." Ashera introduced himself, Kaiba stood up holding Khepri in his arms.

"I am Kaiba, son of Bastet, Goddess of Feline and this is Khepri, our daughter." Kaiba greeted, brushing himself against Ashera's chest. Eclipse nodded turning to Rina.

"I am Rina and their my parents" Rina pointed to Kaiba and Ashera.

"Greetings" Eclipse waved, "I like your accent." Eclipse complimented Rina. Rian thanked her.

"So" Atlas extended the o, "Can we play D&D?" Atlas slowly spoke out.

"Why not, it's been a bit" Eclipse nodded, the children all hissed 'yes' "I already set up the game."

"Planed ahead, I'm surprised" Inpu teased.

"Alright let's go" Eclipse ignored Inpu and walked into the kitchen, everyone else following behind.

"So how do we play?" Rina asked once everyone was sited, the guards standing by the arch doorway. Pitchers of water, orange and apple juice aligned the middle of the long dinning table. Empty glass cups to the right of every person.

"Well first, you need to create your characters." Eclipse explained, pouring herself a cup of water, letting a bit of the ice slide into her cup.

"How do we do that?" Ashera asked, Khepri playing with her rattle stick on his lap.

"Just of something you wanted to be, a sorcerer, vampire, zombie, or a hybrid of some sort." Eclipse listed, taking a sip from her cup when she finished. "Also, you don't have to be related in the game."

"So we can basically be anything we want?" Kaiba asked, leaning over the table.

"With some limits." Eclipse nodded, tapping the end of the wooden pencil against the sheets of paper in front of her.

"What are the limits?" Kaiba asked another question.

"Just nothing too op." Eclipse simply explained, shrugging her shoulders. "How much time do you want?"

The family glanced at each other, uncertainty showing on their faces.

"10 would be fine" Ashera spoke for his family. Eclipse nodded, laying back and taking another sip from her cup.

—————10 minutes later—————

The chattering continued among both families. The giggling of Khepri as she rattled her piñata colored stick, the flirting of Atlas to Rina distracting her from ideas, then hearing the flustered words of Atlas as Rina flirted back. The grownups talked about character ideas and the jackal children having an civilized conversation. The soldiers stretching out every few minutes or so.

"Not to rush but are you done?"  Eclipse loudly spoke over the talking, laying back on the chair tapping her fingernails against the armrest, everyone's attention on Eclipse.

Ashera glanced at each family member, each nodding their heads. "We're ready." Eclipse sat up, shifting the cup from side to side in front of her.

"Rina" Eclipse started, staring at the host of the said name. "What would you like to be?" Rina opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly, rethinking about her character. 'umm' is all she could say, hesitating her next words. "I would like to be a summoner." Rina quietly mumbled, sinking down in her seat.

"I'm sorry what?" Said Eclipse, unable to hear Rina's inaudible words. She slowly rose from her sit, tail wrapped around her waist.

"Summoner, I'd like to be a summoner." Rina repeated louder, shrinking back into the chair.

"Is there a background you have for your character?" Eclipse asked, choosing to ignore Rina's odd behavior. She shook her head hiding behind one of Atlas's dark wings.

"Do you want me to make a back ground for you?" Eclipse asked, feeling slight guilt. As she saw Rina in a scared state, believing she was the was the cause. Rina nodded, lifting herself up. Eclipse flashed a smirk, an idea popped into her head which can lead to getting scolded or thanked. "In a kingdom where the flowers bloomed variously, trees grew to touch the sky, stars drizzled the night sky, crops flourished rich nutrients. The kingdom of Nicena strived to save their only princess, with knights returning empty handed and the princess's state growing weaker. She decided to search for the cure herself, an finale attempt to save her life." Eclipse smiled as Rina nodded, clapping her hands. "What about you?" Eclipse turned to Kaiba.

"A warrior"


"I am a warrior seeking vengeance." Kaiba grinned his teeth, balling his hands, his eyes gleaming fury yellow.

'This is personal, I love drama' Eclipse mentally noted to accelerate that vengeance. "How about you?"

"Well" Ashera chuckled sinisterly, "I would like to be a mere thief, taking out corrupted nations." Ashera said, slowly, a glint of anger in his voice.

'More vengeance, wonderful' Eclipse grunted, "Shall we begin?" Eclipse grabbed the wooden pencil, ready to write.

"Yes" the children abrupted. Eclipse started writing the words she spoke.

We return back to our heros at the village of Tempiposh after surviving the ruin. After walking around buying armor and spell books, our heros stop in an inn to rest. However; upon entering the inn our heros meet unexpected guests. Atlas, the Warrior from Nicena stopped. The one and only princess of Nicena in his presences. Lotus immediately recognized an old partner, Ashera, a thief well known for his stealth and common devery in Saive. The curse dragon couple thrilled to see an old friend, Kaiba, a warrior from Saive. Femi, the Great elf sorcerer left in the dark. After introductions, our heros and the new comrades rested, what is their first move?

After Eclipse finished writing she handed the dice to Inpu.

"Search for ruins" He rolled an one. Eclipse wrote the roll, when Inpu's name underneath the storyline paragraph.

Inpu suggested to the group for the search of more ruins. Forgetting the fact that there are no ruins in a village.

Inpu huffed, glancing at Eclipse with an irritated expression. "Should've planned ahead, I'm surprised you didn't." Eclipse mocked, payback from earlier. Inpu playfully rolled his eyes a small smile formed, karma really did get him. Passing the dice to Bryan.

"Ask around for any information that can help any of us." He rolled an ten, noting the count on the sheet of paper.

The team slip searching for information. Ashera, the common thief eavesdropped on two soldiers, apparently there is a cure for the weaken princess of Nicena. Returning to the group and sharing the said information.

Bryan passed the dice to Lotus. "Umm" Lotus hummed, shifting uncomfortably at the glaring eyes at them, dice rambling in they hands. "G-get more i-inf- information." Lotus stuttered out, rolling the dice out. 10, roll noted.

Ashera, elected by the group. Was sent to gather more information about this possible miracle cure. Information flowed through the thief's ears. In the forest of Zriumph, a cave the shape of a head of jaguar rested under it's canopy, and deep in it's stomach the cure for the princess of Nicena.

Lotus sighed, relief they turned has passed. Passing the dice to Femi. The pink jackal's eyes gleamed, a widening smile covered her face. "Plan for the journey!" Femi enthusiastically said, surprisedly. "You were excited for that?" Atlas crooked an eyebrow, laying his arms on the table. "Yes" Femi squealed releasing the dice from her tight grab. Four. Femi frowned.

Femi had planned for the journey, forgetting crucial things like blankets, tents, and water. But were well stacked with food and weapons, luckily the journey was short for the travelers. Reaching the forest in a night.

Femi huffed, passing the dice to Atlas. "Is there a nearby village?" Atlas asked, Eclipse signalled 'no'. "What about a small camp or something?" Eclipse looked down at her half full, glass of water. Gracefully thinking of ideas, "There is a wealthy merchant nearby?" Eclipse spoke, flimsy making the response said like a question. "Go to the merchant and buy camping supplies." Atlas rattled his hands in a circular motion before opening his palm, allowing the dice to slide out. Five.

Cain, a merchant that Atlas had traded with countless times was also passing by the dangerous forest. However; the group could not find the merchant, they only found either broken, or eroding camping supplies.

Rina carried the dice now, "So, do I just say anything?" "Whatever you think is best." Eclipse shrugged, taking a gulp from her glass, finishing the drink. Rina held tightly onto the dice in her small palm, thinking, wondering, planning. "Have Inpu and Bryan scout the forest from the sky for the cave, while Lotus, Atlas, and Dad wonder the forest but not too deep. In the meantime Femi, Bubba, and I will set up camp, collecting materials if needed to set up a stable campground." Rina calmly ordered, leaving most of the group wide eyed, shocked.

"We raised her well." Kaiba smiled, wiping away an imaginary tear. "That's our daughter already for throne." Ashera proudly smiled, hooking an arm around Kaiba's neck. Khepri stuck the colorful rattle stick in her mouth, unaware of her surroundings. "How old are you?" Eclipse asked after snapping out of her shocked state. "It's rude to ask a lady her age, you know." Rina huffed, crossing her arms and turning away. 'You fell in love with this girl because why?' Eclipse glanced at Atlas, no response as expected. Khepri 'yepepd' as if agreeing with her sister. Rina rolled a perfect double six.

Rina's plan played out perfectly. As Femi, Ashera and herself gathered perfect material for the camp. The others located the be told cave in the forest, returning to share their findings with a righteous meal.

Rina grinned, sitting tall like a queen on her golden throne in a successful kingdom, and all the people were plebeians before her, she looked down upon all with her eye of wisdom, no wrong in her eyes. Eclipse almost gagged, a disgustful act in her opinion. Rina flashed her canine teeth as she passed the dice on. "Pack all that is needed and head in." Kaiba commanded, rolling an six.

Everyone was now packed and ready for the great adventure, wondering into the forest sticking out like a sore thumb.

Ashera took possession of the dice. "Set a small camp near the cave." Eight.

As the group grew tried and the day grew old, reaching a reasonable walking distance to the cave they set up camp.

Inpu once again took the dice, "Next morning, at the crack of dawn we enter the cave." Three.

The sun rose, Inpu was the first up desperately trying to wake the others, but the poor celestial dragon couldn't wake a single soul.

Inpu groaned, glaring at Eclipse hating her guts and this game. She just shrugged, amusement in her eyes.

The poor soul gave up on awakening his companions and returned to his slumber, right next to his husband.

Eclipse flashed a mischievous grin, "Ok that's enough for today." Inpu stood, slamming his hands on the table, harder than he had anticipated "What" Atlas shouted, wings flaring up. Rina held her ears down from all the shouting, everyone else flinched from Inpu's sudden outbrust even the guards. Eclipse rested her head on her palm, seamlessly smiling at the chaos unraveling before her, happiness content at the drama.

"I think we played long enough" "We hardly played ten minutes." Atlas accused the statement, "Atlas that's enough." Inpu ordered, "Love calm down." Bryan reached for his arm only to be slapped away, he rubbed the stinging skin. Ashera covered Khepri's eyes, immediately as Kaiba pulled Rina into a hug, making sure to cover her ears. "L-love?" Bryan stuttered, not bareing to stare at his husband in humiliation. Inpu scoffed walking out of the kitchen with a loud stomp in every step. Silence filled the thin air.

"I'm so sorry" said Bryan, still rubbing his stinging hand, tears at the verge of falling.

"It's not your fault." Kaiba reassured, letting go of Rina.

"If you'll excuse me" Bryan stood up, "I need to talk to Inpu." With that he walked out. Silence once again in the room.

"Hey want to play outside?" Atlas offered his hand to Rina, she nodded accepting his help. Eclipse sighed, sadden by the fading drama as the kids walked out, leaving the parents and their baby. 'Maybe next time.' "I better be taking my leave as well." Eclipse excused herself, grabbing the papers and pencil and walking out.

Eclipse walked about a mile away from the mansion, before being stopped in the middle of the Oasis desert.

"You aren't supposed to do that." The unidentified voice spoke through the help of the bleeding air, picking up particles of sand.

"I was bored and you ne-"

"SILENCE" The voice shouted, enraged by Eclipse's poor wording. "As easily as I created you, as easily I can take you out!" The voice threaten, sand flying in Eclipse's face.

"You don't think I know!" Eclipse argued, stomping her foot on the sand, wiping the sand from her eyes. "I am a slave, a puppet for you to control. I have no free will."

"You are in a world where you shouldn't exist. What I'm doing is keeping th-"

"KEEPING THE BALANCE. I KNOW! You engraved that damn phase into my head a dozen fucking times!" Eclipse shouted at nothing, "I am your prophet, you need me."

"Need you" The voice laughed, "You'll be surprised at the things I can do without you. I am a God, higher than any other God in this world or universe."

"Oh really" Eclipse grinded her teeth, wrinkling the papers in her hand as her hands balled. "You think that highly of yourself."

"No character I write about can ever touch the pencil, I write with. Nor are you the first to think highly of yourself." The voice stated, "As much as I cared for them I had to get rid of them. The same applies for you."

"Rina and Khepri, they are not supposed to be part of this fantasized world."

"Correct, however unlike you they are not aware of my existence, thus they aren't breaking any order I give them. Also cause one is a baby."

"Fine" Eclipse hesitated, continuing to walk. "I'll go with the script next time."

"See that wasn't too hard." The voice rejoiced, Eclipse sweared to The voice under her breath.

"Oh Eclipse" The voice called. She halted, not caring to look up, she knew there was nothing to look at. "Next time I won't be so merciful. I am growing tried of these games of yours, I don't think I should give my reason? Just because I'm letting this go doesn't mean continue playing, I'll be careful with your next step, you're on thin ice."

"Very well" Eclipse sighed, letting her shoulders drop.

"Jolly good, have a great rest of your evening." The voice chriped.

Eclipse burst out, roaring into the blazing sun's rays. Once the presence of The voice was gone. "Jolly good indeed." Eclipse spoke, coldly, eyes sparked with fury. "Let's see who wins in this game." Malicious laugher erupted from her lungs, "And I'll win. Then we'll see who is the supreme God."

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