
By ZeroGlitchez8

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Seven tattered lost souls, seven problems each weighing on different shoulders, all brought together by the m... More

•Kim Namjoon•
•Kim Seokjin•
•Min Yoongi•
•Jung Hoseok•
•Park Jimin•
•Kim Taehyung•
First meeting
Liberty (Namjin)
Liberty (Yoongseok)
Liberty (Taemin)
Heineken The Healer
Well Damn
Loser Lover
I Fuck With You
Welcome To Hell
Lights out
The Revolution
On A Mission
On A Mission 2
It's Going Down Basement
I'm sorry
In Sync
Tree Climbing
Hustle Life
The Mall
Drunk Dazed
New Start
New Us
Beach Brawl
Tower Of Hope
Let It Die
Thank You!

Heineken The Healer II

303 14 0
By ZeroGlitchez8

The air is warm yet cool. Patient and graceful as it moves past the tall shedding trees. The night sky is at the perfect shade in between indigo and dim blue freckled with a billion glistening stars. An extraordinary sight to witness. Blessed are the seven souls under its blanket.

"H-hungs, you know what the sky looks like?" Jungkook drawls out laying on his back.

"What?" Namjoon tilts his head to the youngest.

Jungkook begins to giggle. "My fucked first grade art project." He laughs out loudly and the rest follow.

"W-wow. Thisss...thisss star. And that one and that one and that one and all of those look..." Yoongi pauses to laugh. "They look like the constitution of my ass." The boys crack up.

"I think you mean constilation?" Namjoon questions in English.

"Sorry, i-I don't speak Spanish." He replies and the seven crack up once again.


They're wasted again. On the day Jimin got kidnapped, they had completely forgotten about the loads of Heineken they bought that was untouched. They had bought out into the cave and due to their dilemmas, it completely slipped their minds. After Yoongmin came back, they informed the rest on what happened. From Jimin bursting in and blowing Donghyun's dick off to Yoongi disposing of the body. They spent some time in each others embrace until it was really late and decided to finish the alcohol they bought. They took it back to where they all first met. The hill.

"You know, life is like an ass." Yoongi begins.

"Er?" Hoseok questions.

"Like it's really bad but then it can be good. Sometimes time it throws shit out." He continues.

"I feel you man." Seokjin agrees and takes a big gulp of the drink.

"Wanna talk about it?" Hoseok asks and rolls onto his stomach and lays his cheek onto his elbows.

"Sure. A lot of people think I live this amajin life. I'm a famous male model and actor but, it comes with its shit too."

"Hm." They all hum in union.

"My mom, Hana. She's been using me for my body ever since I was five. Well my looks at first but a few years ago, my body. But not like that. Just to gain popularity. She bearly let me eat, intense workouts and aton of mental abuse. That's how I got my eating disorder." He stops to take another swig.

"I felt like a puppet, ya know. Not a mind of my own, just the exterior to present to the world. The worst part started when I came out as gay to her. She told me I was being ridiculous and it was a phase. Whenever I went through hair and makeup, the stylists would touch me, molest me and she'd do nothing. She said maybe it'd make me manly. Whatever the fuck that ment. Then after our fist meeting, during the two weeks, one of her friends raped me." He shruggs.

"Oh no." Namjoon gasps. Jimin shifts uncomfortably.

"It wasn't that bad. Well it was bad but what I mean is, I saw it coming sometime ago and it didn't come as much of a shock to me. But I still felt...dirty. Disgusting. It was fucked up really. And really, I hate being a model, it's filled with evil people." He yeets the now empty bottle out of sight.

"Wow. That's dark." Hoseok nods.

"Mmmh. Wait till you hear mine. It's really creepy." Taehyung begins.

"Once apon a time. Kim Yejun and Kim Sunghee had a son Taeyong who had a dream to be a pianist. They were thrilled and excited. Not for him but for the wealth and fame. So they pushed him, hard, to suicide."

"Damn." Yoongi comments and empties his bottle onto his tongue that is currently stuck out to catch the droplets.

"After he died, they couldn't deal with it so they looked for a replacement and that's when they adopted me. They got me into piano classes and made me practice non stop. They also started calling me Taeyong and instead of bedtime stories, I got Taeyong stories which are just stuff about him with photos included. They made me dress, eat, speak and act like him. I was just a ghost of what used to be and at some point I'd couldn't seperate him and me. It was like looking into a foggy mirror with a question mark on it. I couldn't see me nor Taeyong, I saw nothing. I don't know how to put in words. But through the foggy mirror, I could stil see my true dream of being a singer which drown me in guilt for some reason. It felt like living in a black hole of expectations and a million tons of pressure." He finishes and presses his lips together.

"Expectations and pressure, huh?" Namjoon whispers. "I know how it feels. Ever since I was young, my parents worked on moulding me into what I am now. Well...what I almost was, if I hadn't run away from home. Never seeing the outside world, homeschooled and being raised by the house maids. Books became my friend, reluctantly. I was really lonely. The worst of it came after I got ranked with the smartest people in the country. I already had the burden of taking over my father's business and now they wanted me to top the ranking. I felt like I was going crazy. One day, I read a book about poetry and I took a huge interest on it. I started writting my own. And one day, I accidently came across rap music. They wording, they lyrics, how the artist expressed themselves was captivating. Liberating. So I tried my own, in secret of course and it was...dope." he smiles and Yoongi and him lock eyes, weirdly.

"I wrote in secret and once I felt the freedom of rap music, going back to reality was a million times worse than before. I was loosing it, until Adora was hired. My favourite house maid but she was more of a best friend to me. She knew everything about me. But my parents treated her like trash. They didn't want us hanging out and one day, they caught us watching a movie together, which I wasn't allowed to do, so they insulted her and kicked her out. We argued and I left. Oh, they also threw my notebook of lyrics into the fire place." He finishes. "Nothing beats you up like your forbidden dreams blues."

"I know. My father wants nothing to do with me dancing." Hoseok begins. "My passion started when I was really young, only my mother supported me. She was my best friend. And my dad was an asshole. He abused my mother twenty four seven sometimes it would become physical and I felt really crappy that I couldn't help her back then. Mama would help me sneak to dance classes but years later, we got caught and dad sent her to Australia stating that she was a bad influence on me and standing in the way of my academic achievements or some shit, the dude even ban music and dancing in the house. He's supper obsessed with school. Before I met y'all, he caught me dancing and we had a... physical fight about it. And I threw a vase at him and I thought I killed him so I ran. When I came back, he wasn't there. But I found a note from him saying he was sending me off to a boarding school in North Korea. I broke down and resorted to my hope. I dialed her home number and this woman answered and told me she was dead. I couldn't believe it. I confirmed with dad and it turned out, she passes a year ago and he never told me."

"That's fucked up..." Jimin comments. Hoseok nods.

"On our way to the airport, I realised, I couldn't go to North Korea, I had this thing telling me I have to stay, I need to. So I jumped out of the moving car and ran right back here."

He ends his story with a slow blink.

"I lost my mom too." Yoongi says. " She was the badest bitch in this world. Super cool and nonchalant. I got it from her." He smirks. "She has been living with this unknown disease for a while and she couldn't go out to hustle. Her, my sis and I had no shit in our pockets and we spent our last pennies sending Yoonji to school. I had to drop out at like 9?That's when I took the decision to join the gang. Money came flowing in. I got in trouble with the cops alot. Selling drugs here, weapons there, mainly working as a hitman and all the worst you could imagine. You've seen my basement of course."

They shudder at the memory.

"I began to loose my mind. Seeing so much blood and killing people became a stress reliever." He looks at the others who stare at him in fear. He chuckles.

"Calm your tits. If I wanted to kill you all I would have a while ago. I told you, I fuck with you." The sigh in relief.

"Anyways...I would just kill people for fun too. Torcher them if I'm really bored. Murder rates rose a-"

"Oh my goodness it was you!" Seokjin widens his eyes.

"Yep." Yoongi says proudly. "I would laugh amused when people stressed and spoke about the serial killer. I was kinda famouse. But then last year, something changed. I didn't want to do it anymore. I had became psychotic and I don't really like the idea much so I thought I'd ditch the gang. But...I took some cash for the road and left a note but they wouldn't let me go. They wanted me to go back or pay their twenty five thousand dollars back. I thought they were dizzy but they were dead serious and then they shot Yoonji dead. That's the day I met you guys. Then weeks later, mom died and I was left alone with those assholes behind my back and the cops raiding the house every once in a while. I just couldn't go back home. It was too, hunting."

"Well, it's safe to say that our lives infact are constilations of shit filled asses." Seokjin shruggs.

"Aaaah!" They all scream/laugh outloudly.

"Hey Yoongles, w-what about the good part of our ass life you mentioned?" Hoseok asks.

"Well, what else could an ass do for you that is really pleasurable?" He smirks.

"Ewww!" They all gag.


"What? It's natural and one day I hope to have your ass as a pleasurable experience." He points at Hoseok.

"Oh my God Jimin hide me." He drunkenly crawls towards the giggling boy.

"Oh it's alright, I can take both of you. Or all six of you." He shruggs.

"Okay. I am shutting this conversation down right now." Seokjin speaks up.

"Oh come on, I know you want this Agust D."


"No!" He whines. "Don't wear it out. You'll be screaming that all night when I get to you."


"Just like that baby."


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