BLUE (21+)


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Laura Terrawater of Crystal Pearl, the first Alpha doctor in the entire werewolf race. She was not only the f... More

Copyright and Warning
CHAPTER 1 : To Crescent Moon
CHAPTER 2 : Scent and Sessions
CHAPTER 3: Learning the Supernatural
CHAPTER 4: Alpha Indigo...
CHAPTER 5: Violet, Indigo, Blue
CHAPTER 6: First Kiss
CHAPTER 7: Fifteen years ago
CHAPTER 9: First Date
CHAPTER 10: You and Me
CHAPTER 11: Meeting the pack
CHAPTER 12: Moon Realm
CHAPTER 13: Laura's Family
CHAPTER 14 : A proud father
CHAPTER 15: Keeping a promise
CHAPTER 16: Knight in shining armor
CHAPTER 17: A Potential's scent
CHAPTER 18: Lick, kiss, suck...
CHAPTER 19: Video call
CHAPTER 20: The Dragon King
CHAPTER 21: The pack and secrets*
CHAPTER 22: Home tour
CHAPTER 23: Lily
CHAPTER 24: Raids 1
CHAPTER 25: Raids 2
CHAPTER 26: Friday night
CHAPTER 27: Five was it?
CHAPTER 28 : Fight
CHAPTER 38: Claire and Violet
CHAPTER 39: Love, Spare, Hunt

CHAPTER 8: A New Beginning

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As I had informed earlier, Indigo's PoV is gonna be the same for both the books. This chapter is the same as chapter 20 of 'Found'.
I wanted to keep it this way so that you guys don't miss on things.



After hearing all my little one had been through, my wolf whined in the back of mind. He wanted revenge from the witch that did this to her. He was fighting to break free and make sure he ended anyone who even dared to harm her. He was pacing and pacing in my mind, wanting to be let out, scratching his claws against me. To say he was angry was an understatement. He was pissed to a point where he was only seeing blood of his enemy.

His emotions were clouding mine, stopping me from thinking straight. The inner rage and turmoil I felt was just that we had felt years ago. 

Six whole years! Every fucking month! She had been going through pain that no one else could ever take. Not even me. It would only lead to death. 

Just how on earth did she manage it all these years?

The first shift was never easy. If there was a day in life that werewolves never wanted to experience again was the first shift. Even the strongest of all would wish for the same. The shift breaks all of your bones from head to toe. Starting with a blood clotting headache to slicing your skin minute by minute. Coiling and breaking and then recoiling of your veins until you know each of them have haunted your existence to the fullest. It is that dreadful. It was something so unbearable as it sometimes created multiple internal injuries. 

The head bore most of it. We feel like banging our head somewhere to break it. The groans and cries along with a fast beating heart which would gradually slow down until you have spent all of your energy, makes it more gruesome.  It was the only time our wolf fought with us to be out, to explore the world through its eyes. To explore our world. 

The world spins and just when we know we are going to die, our wolf makes its way into the world with it's blazing eyes, canines and claws. We see them for the first time in our head as we slip into oblivion. Fur starts coating your skin as your broken bones start to take the shape of our wolf, joining in an inhuman way, making the first growls and whines and purrs come out of our mouth, rather than words. And at the stroke of midnight we see the world through our wolf's eyes, officially making us a beast. A full fledged scavenging wolf.

Over the years I had seen pups shift, I had seen their parents hold onto them, encouraging them to shift to be a strong wolf which was the only support we rely on when we shift for the first time. I had the whole pack see me because I was the next Alpha. All I ever wanted on the day were my parents to stand beside and watch me with pride in their eyes. Every bone that broke and pain I felt reminded me of them and just like that I felt stronger. They made me strong. They made me who I was even though they weren't there with me physically. 

I remember smiling back at the moon, making sure I paid my respects to the late Alpha and Luna of the pack who I knew were watching down on me. Whose blood I knew the pack held. Whose presence I knew even the pack felt. 

My first howl to the moon wasn't to the moon at all. It was to my mom and dad. The pack knew the howl. They howled back after me, claiming me Alpha that day itself. Although there was a whole ritual to be performed and even my training for some more years. 

Those howls were mixed with pain, happiness, excitement, power, and every other emotion I had felt before I shifted. My wolf saw my life for the first time through his eyes. He vowed to protect what was ours with his life. As I did to him. He encouraged me to be stronger. To become an Alpha we were destined to be. 

My wolf handled the shift and made it a little easy for me. But it was never an easy thing to do. Sometimes, the human side gave up because of the pain much too early. That's when the Alpha orders them. An alphas order cannot be ignored by their wolf. Their wolf would obey and keep them alive until the time to shift is right. Occasionally, a doctor was required only if the pup was pre-injured or if the pup lost consciousness in the middle of the shift. They knew how to handle it well.

I just couldn't imagine what Violet had been through. It was unbelievable and at the same time it was unimaginable what she had been through. Never had we heard anyone survive such a shift. 

My Alpha order would do nothing to her because of the curse and even if I did so her wolf would fight her more and she'd have to bear more pain. Although I doubt the strong alpha in her would listen to me. Alpha's didn't really take orders from anyone, be it your own blood. And Violet's Alpha, I just knew she was the strongest.

She was damn strong.

She had been so strong all this time. Six years going through the pain every month, goddess, how did my little one manage that?

I had never heard of anyone bearing the pain of their shift more than ten or twelve hours on the day of the shift. 

She was fighting the curse all by herself. 

I did not know how I could help her right now. It was too much with all the past I had brought up to her. We never talked about that day after we shifted. It was only Eli and me who used to sometimes drink away our pain together remembering how we lost them. 

When we took the pack, Klaus isolated himself from everything. He did not even talk to Eli much. Eli's sister had found her mate, so she had to leave. Her mate was a beta thus making her the beta female there. She visited here often but Klaus was still the same. It used to put Eli on the edge everytime although Eli never personally said it to me. We just knew eachother so well that a dialogue wasn't necessary, we could just understand better and drink it off. All of us tried our way to cheer him up but he would generally ignore us. 

Even Vicky used to make sure he sent Layla to cheer Klaus up, calling him granpie. He used to come out of his zone for a while but he hardly smiled. 

Vincent's father was the same. He had lost his mate and his two year old daughter at the same time. I don't know what he'd do if he saw Violet. 

When Klaus saw Violet, something woke up in him. His lost enthusiasm was coming back to life. He felt more alive when he hugged her. It was like all the pent up emotions he had kept hidden all these years were all washed away in a matter of minutes. His heart was racing better after a long time. His wolf was wagging his tail for the first time in a while. 

Eli felt it too. Eli felt it all and I fucking knew he was going to be the happiest after this. Eli was beaming with joy watching his father breathe peacefully after all these years. 

My little one did that. She had healed him. 

She had brought him back. Both of us were relieved he was himself again. I didn't know what it was, but I felt hope cross him. 

And Eli. Eli was ready to die for her. He was ready to kill for her. She had unknowingly brought his father back to him. 

I was stuck in place thinking if it was her or her aura or her magical but absent wolf doing it. How much that little girl could do was beyond my imagination. It was beyond everyone's imagination.

I had to find the person who hid her away all these years. I needed answers myself, of how she just vanished out of my sight, how after losing so much blood and even after breaking the bond she was still alive and safe. 

I was going to thank the person who kept her safe all these years and at the same time punch his balls blue for keeping her away from me. 


It was hard for me to tell her the way to cure her curse. I did not want her to go away from me again. She needed to find her mate and at the same time I wanted to be selfish. I knew I couldn't be selfish with all the suffering she had been through. I had to do it for her. I had to find her mate not too soon but still soon enough. 

I told her in the end. I told her how she had to find her mate and how he needed to fall in love with her. According to the curse, she would suffer hatred from her own mate. 

Why? Why did the fucking witch not just do that to me and leave her out of this?

But my little one was such an angel. She just said she didn't want someone who didn't love her in the first place. She did not understand what it would do to her when she found her mate. She still had to learn the depths of the bonds. It would make her feel devastated when she found him. 

I had decided I was going to do everything in my power to help her through all of it. My wolf was with me. We needed to make her stronger. We needed to teach her every small thing that mattered.

When she told us about how the witch Raven swore an allegiance to her we were all stunned. Stunned was an understatement. The earth beneath my feet felt like it had slipped. 

Why would the witch do that? Why would she want to send her to the Silver Summit? 

One thing was clear though, the witch Raven knew about her. She knew everything about Violet's curse. It only made Raven a threat to Violet in my eyes. Blood sworn or not. Once I found her she had explaining to do. 

I was going to find her and get her here and make her answer me. That was it, nobody, no other witch would try to even come close to her. I was going to make sure of it. 

After everything I sent her to eat. She had left half of her plate as it was. I wanted her to eat, and my wolf made sure of it. He had lost it at one point. If it wasn't for Laura, I didn't know what I would have done. 

Laura was my knight in shining armour. Just how the quote flipped in my case.

She kept all her worries aside for me. We talked about her family in the morning. She looked me in the eyes and said, "We have Violet to worry about first."

Goddess! She was perfect. 

I wouldn't let it slide though. It was her family we were talking about. We had to tell them soon. I did not want her dad to be mad at her for not informing him sooner about it. She was her father's girl after all. I felt the same with Violet. I could only imagine a storm making its way to my pack. 

A storm I was happy to face, to take from it what was mine. In my case, Laura was the centre of the storm. 

The sight of Laura when she came to wake me up in the morning was a sight I would never forget. I thought I was dreaming. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes locked with my amber ones. The oceanic scent of hers and the firely scent around me were dancing in the tension in between us. The fire in mine and the oceanic waves in her were fighting to win a battle of their own. 

I wanted to pull her to bed, mate with her and mark her right there. But dammit I knew I had to wait. I gave her an option. I would wait for her to be ready for me if only she woke me up everyday, staring at me like I was that last one left on this planet to which she said, "I would love to make that a habit, Alpha." 

That was it. 

I pulled her on my lap and kissed her hard, ignoring my damn morning breath that gave the evidence of the whisky I had last night. Her calling me alpha was enough for me to dominate her. I did dominate her mouth. She did not push me away though. She kissed me back with the same passion, same desire. The sparks ignited as we touched, creating a ripple of fiery shiver run through the both of us. 

Every fucking corner of my being woke up with that kiss. It cracked and cracked and cracked as the sparks were igniting, driving us to a world where just the two of us existed. 

It was all raw. 

Her hands moved around my neck and I dragged my hand on her back up to her head and pulled her mouth closer to mine, making her open her big plum lips. Without a second thought I let my tongue dominate her whole mouth. She tasted so damn good. 

Fuck. I was a goner.

The fearless waves of her scent were pulling us closer, holding us there. She moaned into the kiss, making me kiss her harder than before, running my tongue all the way down her throat. She wanted the both of us to drown in them, in the blues of her oceans. 

I was not going to let her take control. I pushed more of my aura into the kiss showing her how much of my fire was burning for her, the fresh fire of my warm summer scent and the power of my earthy aura. 

I showed her how much I was burning for us. I pushed and pushed as I fought her tongue driving her breathless. 

I allude to making her breathless. 

Slowly, I pulled back, making her breathe hard with her eyes closed shut. She looked like a goddess, my own personal goddess, making my heart race at an unnatural speed.  

Dammit mate! 

I pulled her close to rest our foreheads together. She looked at me, breathing heavily, sitting on my lap with a smile on her lips. Her cheeks were red from how hot I made her.  

Next time before seducing me and provoking my alpha, she would think about it.

Although I did not want her to and I doubted she would stop. I wanted her to keep calling me that. But goddess my name on her lips would sound more seducing.

"If this isn't the best way to wake up, then what is?" I said, making her giggle and blush harder. I smiled back at her and kissed her forehead as I hugged her. She was my saviour in all of this. My knight in shining armour.

When all the four of us were a mess while we talked about the past, she was the only one who was thinking straight. I couldn't help but notice that. 

Goddess, what did I do to deserve her? 

When Violet went along with her to the kitchen I heard them talking. Violet insisted that we go on a date tonight. I wanted to take her out. Let her wolf and mine spend some time with each other. We did not know what her father would do as he wasn't our biggest fan. 

I wasn't going to let him take her away from me anyway. I would fight and fight and fight for her. She wasn't leaving our territory just like Violet. My wolf growled in approval. She was mine, only mine. 

For-fucking-ever. She was my mate, my blue. 

Eli, Klaus and I sat in the living room, discussing what had to be done. 

"We need to get that witch here." Klaus said, sitting back on his seat. 

"As much as I hate the idea of a witch entering my territory," I breathed out, "I know we have to."  

"But she swore to Violet. We can't just ignore the fact that Violet trusted her. She felt it, she felt her trust. Don't forget she still has alpha blood in her." Eli exaggerated. 


Violet did say she felt something inside her that made her trust that witch Raven. It must be her wolf. Her wolf was strong. Even if she was not out yet she was still there. I couldn't ignore that. 

I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair. "I know, I know. We also need to find out who put her there, in that orphanage." I told them. Eli came and sat beside me putting a hand on my shoulder. Klaus was quiet about it.

"Relax man, we will. We need to talk to Alistair about it. He has his sources out there. We need to tell the pack Indigo. You cannot keep her locked here forever. This is her pack as much as it is ours." Eli said.

Why the fuck was this asshole always right? Damn him.

I ignored him for the time and looked directly at Klaus. There was something he was not telling me. "What are you thinking, Klaus?" I asked him. 

"I think I have the slightest idea of who would know about Violet being alive. Not sure though." Klaus said, bringing my and Eli's complete attention to him. 

"Who, dad?" Eli asked quickly.

"Vincent's father, Alpha William. Your dad was a friendly man Indigo. He had friends on the outside, who would die for him. He told me about it one day. He told me he would not tell me the names because it was for their safety. He had sworn it to them. I knew Luciano, he would never hide anything from me if it wasn't serious enough. You should check his office for more," he said as I remembered dad talked to Violet in her asking her to check his office. 

"Fuck." I said as I realized it.

"What?" Eli asked, narrowing his eyebrows. 

"The night I found Violet, she said she saw a dream when I had first held her after she was born. She said dad talked to her and he told her to tell me to check his office."

"What in the name of the goddess is that girl? Goddess! Luciano if you are listening to me talk to me in my damn dream!" Klaus said, shaking his head and almost begging at nothing at the dream part. He put a hand over his mouth thinking about how Violet was able to do it.

"Damn, Alpha Luciano," Eli said, looking up at the ceiling feeling amazed. "I don't know if I should be more amazed. That girl literally drove into the barrier without noticing it."

"She did not notice it?!" Klaus' eyes were about to bulge out from its socket. I nodded and chuckled. Only the ones who had their wolves were able to cross the border knowing the barrier was for protection. Violet did not even know she was a werewolf, noticing the barrier was just as much as a shock to me. 

Klaus looked much better than he was before. Everything was coming to life with the footsteps of my little one. 

"What was it about William knowing who the person was?" I asked him. 

"That we need to ask him," he said, making me massage my forehead.


We sat there talking about everything that was related to Violet. We couldn't stop thinking about her aura. It wasn't her wolf, we would have sensed it, it was something out of our knowledge. Something none of us knew or could put a finger on.

Her wolf was there, sure it was there. She felt the bond, she felt trust when Raven swore to her. She had crossed the borders of both the packs without noticing the barriers. They were all signs that her wolf was there. 

Above everything, she felt pain every month, her wolf wanting out. So that gave us an idea she did not lose her wolf afterall. 

Violet did not have the slightest idea about her wolf. She was so naive about everything. Pushing everything upon her was not going to help her grow. Slow and steady, taking baby steps I was going to teach her everything. Everything she could do even without her wolf. 

What irritated me was we had to involve William into this. Involving William will definitely bring Vincent here. Not that I did not trust Willaim. I trusted William, he was a father figure to me. 

I just could not stop thinking about it. I wanted her to find her mate and get over the struggle she was going through. But the curse wouldn't just be broken when she found her mate. There was so much to it. She did not know the depth of finding a mate. She did not know how much it would hurt her.

Which wasn't going to happen because whoever her damn mate was had to go through my wrath first.

At the same time I did not want her to go away from me this soon. My wolf won't allow it either. We had only found her not two days ago. 

I don't want her to get hurt so soon. I will have to wait until she grows stronger. I had to wait to talk to William. 

"We'll put that on hold until she is fully trained." I told Klaus. He thought for a while and nodded. 

"I don't want Vincent to drag his ass after her anyways." He said, causing me to smirk with satisfaction. I also did not want unnecessary attention from another pack be it my mother's pack. I was alpha here, my pack's priority came first. 

Eli was smirking with me, but that asshole had something else in mind. I had to give him a good beating. He won't quit until then. He wanted to spar with his best friend after a long time. His wolf was just as eager as mine. Giving each other a good amount of gashes was a part of our friendship. 

"We will introduce both of them to the others tomorrow." I told them firmly. 

They nodded. 

"No shit. I gotta place some bets before that. Vicky is about to lose a lot of money." Eli said suddenly, a big smirk on his lips. Klaus gave him a look making the smirk on his lips vanish. 

"You do something stupid son, you would have to deal with me personally." Klaus told his son, a warning not only from him but also from his wolf. 

Eli's heart swelled, I could feel his joy through the bond. Not because he was trying to mock his father but because the Klaus that we all lost was back. He had his father back. Klaus was back to being Klaus again. Hell, even I was happy.

I just hoped it stayed like this forever. 

Hope was all I had. 

"You owe me a hundred, asshole." I linked Eli, reminding him he had lost both his money and his shit. 

"Yeah, I know. You don't have to remind me of that, shithead." he replied, rolling his eyes. 

That was Eli everyone!

"Klaus, will you and Jane take the lead on her training?" I asked him. I did not want to put him under any pressure if he did not want to do it. I had to know if he was mentally ready. He and William along with Vicky's father had trained us when we were kids. About Jane, well, she would volunteer herself to do it.  

A big smile drew on his face, "I'd love to Indigo. I will make sure she grows to be the Alpha she is." I couldn't help but feel happy for him and thankful at the same time. He had stopped training anyone since I took the pack. It was Vicky and Jane who looked into the training of each and everyone in the pack. Vicky was the head warrior, that role was meant for him. Jane took it upon herself to train the she-wolves. 

That was not it. Sometimes they had them spared together. And then there were competitions every month to evaluate the warriors both male and female. They were given equal chances. I wasn't going to allow it if it was not going to be fair.  

"Thank you Klaus. Also Laura's father is going to rush her the instant he knows we are mates, which we are going to tell him today." I said as I rubbed my neck. I couldn't make Laura wait much longer. Her dad was the most important person in her life and I wasn't going to take that away from her. 

"Good decision son. He's a good man. Your father and I used to get to meet him during council meetings and Silver Summit occasions." Klaus chuckled slightly. 

But Eli. That asshole laughed so loud, I had to smack his head. He still laughed, making me growl at him. Asshole blocked his mouth with his hands, horribly failing in his attempt to shut his laughter. 

"I am so going to enjoy it when you find your mate. I cannot wait to tell her about the time we went to the-" he growled. Gone was laughter from his face. Now it was my time to laugh. 


"Is it about the time when he had it stuck-" Eli growled again as Klaus tried to remember. I nodded as I laughed, only for Klaus to join me. 

Eli was pissed, so was his wolf. Klaus looked full of vim and vigour while laughing. I don't even remember the last time I saw him laugh or even smile so much. It was like he had killed that happy side of his. 

Violet and Laura were in the kitchen eating and chatting while we sat outside discussing our next action. A little what they call it as girl-time. 

Violet had taken a liking towards Laura. She felt safe with her. I knew it was also her wolf who helped her make decisions. Violet did not know that yet. She trusted Laura. She was telling her about school and college and how she had yet to clear her last semester. 

I guess she had to go back to town to appear for the exam. Dammit!

Both of them took their own time. Laura told her how it was back at her pack. She told her all she had to do to go there in another country for her studies. Violet kept questioning her, cutting her in between, but not once did I feel Laura getting annoyed at her. She only grew more fond of her eagerness, of the way she wanted to know more things. 

Both of them walked out of the kitchen, their stomachs full. Violet looked better than she did earlier. She looked so adorable, with her big doe-like eyes. 

As for Laura, damn I had to stop myself to go and kiss her right there. She was sending soothing emotions through the bond all the time while I was struggling to bring up the past. She just knew what I needed at the time. 

"What were you guys laughing about? Although I am sure it had to do with Eli, seeing the pout on his face." Violet asked as she sat beside me, giving Eli a weird smile. Eli groaned and got up. He put one bean bag on another and then sat on it, adjusting his ass in it as he tried to lie on it. Laura took a seat next to me. 

Her scent with mine made me feel like I was lying on a beach soaking myself under the sun, with her beside me of course in a nice piece. Her already tanned legs....

Fuck! I was one big horny mate!

My wolf was grinning at the thought. "Patience Alpha," Laura told me through the link.

Dammit! Dammit mate!  

I looked at her, giving her a warning look as she shrugged her shoulders like nothing happened. The innocent look she gave me made me want to take her to my room and show what my alpha was capable of. My wolf scratched his belly with his hind leg, showing her what she needed to see.

Stupid wolf!

Her wolf took a step back and sat back covering her face, purring in content. My wolf and I smirked at that as Laura grew into a bright shade of red.

"Come on, someone tell us, we want to know." Laura asked this time, ignoring me. Ignoring the damn blush and heat between us. I and Klaus laughed as I laid back comfortably on the couch. 

Both of their attention was on me. Eli still sat there pouting like a five year old. 

"It is nothing. No one has to know nothing!" Eli said out loud, looking at me with a raised brow. 

"That just makes us want to know more about it. Oh come on, spill it out now." Violet said, sitting up on the seat with folded legs. 

I eyed Eli and decided to tell them, "Once I and Eli, we went north for a small trip to find some good moose for our wolves." Eli huffed and I continued, "We made sure our wolves were full and after sometime both of us decided to get back home, before dusk. It was close to getting dark, as we came down the mountains." 

"Oh my god, did he trip somewhere?" Violet asked quickly. She was so eager. 

"No, the best part is yet to come." I told her and Eli groaned. Laura's wolf peeked a little to hear what I was saying. 

"So we came near to the mountains where we had to descend down one. It had a really good slope so Eli decided to roll our wolves down on it," I laughed, remembering the day. "I told him to go ahead and this asshole did. Eli jumped and rolled and rolled and rolled until he reached the bottom only to realize he had landed in Bear Poop." 

Everyone in the room except for Eli, were rolling in laughter. Since that day he had been giving me all the shit I wanted. It was good to watch Eli get pissed. Vicky did try his ways to find out what had happened. No one knew about it, except for me and Klaus. 

Violet had tears in her eyes from all the laughing. Eli's face was one to watch. He sat there with a slight roll of his eyes with his hands folded in front of him and ass sprawled out on the bean bags.

I had the trip named as, 'Eli in the poop'. It was only funny. 

They laughed and laughed and laughed, "Oh my goddess, Eli! Why do I feel like there is more to this story?" Laura asked. 

"Is there?" Violet asked between her laughter as she clutched her stomach.

"Is there Eli?" She quickly asked him, making him groan again. 

"I am out of here." He said as he got up. 

"Oh come on Eli what is the fun in that?" Violet said almost like a child. He looked at her with wonder. 

"Goddess, Dimples, don't use those pretty doe eyes on me," he told her with a wave of his hands. She giggled at that while Klaus laughed winking at Violet, approving of how her doe eyes really worked. 

"So tell me," she asked Klaus. 

"These two came home around midnight. I was sitting outside the cabin waiting for them. I smelled bear shit from a distance, but who knew my son would be covered in it. When I laid my eyes on him, his fur was covered in shit, it stuck his fur plus the skin. I asked him what happened and he just kept growling. I knew this kid must have done something stupid. I had to scrub his fur until all the smell and poop was gone." He told her, shaking his head. 

"He wasn't satisfied with it anyway. He made me use two whole bottles of shampoo." Laura and Violet clapped their hands with each other playfully and looked at Eli, who stood there giving a look to his dad, thinking if the floor could swallow him whole. 

"But that was not it. When he felt like he was as good as new, he made me apply conditioner on it to check if the fur gets silky. I had to borrow a conditioner from Villa, that just made Vicky curious." 

So that's how Vicky knew. 

"Shit Eli. Did it?" Violet asked, still clutching her stomach. Laura held my shoulder to stop herself from falling down from the couch. 

Eli looked here and there, groaning. Violet raised a brow, "It did for a day." he said as quietly as possible, not wanting to face them. 

"Goddess!" Klaus shook his head while I looked at Eli and smirked. Violet and Laura were still not done laughing. 

"Oh m-y god. I haven't laugh-ed so muc-h in a l-ong ti-eme" Violet tried to form a sentence. Damn she was laughing hard. Eli's wolf wasn't offended at that. His wolf and him were the same. Notorious assholes. I remembered how much his wolf was happy about the silky fur. 

He did not shift that day. It was at that time, Vicky knew something was up with him. He made sure he sent his daughter Layla to trouble him for the rest of the day. She was only seven or eight something, at the time. Although her brain was of a twelve year old. 

"He came all the way home rubbing his fur on the trees, but couldn't get rid of the poop. It was so much fun to watch him do it. We got late because of that." I told them. 

"I have to tell this to Elliana next time I talk to her." Klaus said. 

"DAD, No!" Eli practically screamed. 

"Elliana?" Violet questioned Klaus out of curiosity. 

"Elliana is my daughter. She is mated to the Beta Niko of the Midnight pack. I guess she will pack her bags to come here once she knows you are here." he told her. 

"Really?" She asked, excited as Klaus nodded, giving her a smile. 

"We'd love to tell her ourself. What do you think Laura?" Violet asked Laura.

"I'd love to babe." Laura replied with a giggle. Eli huffed and muttered curses under his breath.

"So Violet I heard you telling Laura to spend some alone time with her mate?" Klaus asked, smirking slightly.

"Yeah! I did. I told her they should go on a date tonight itself." Violet said, getting excited about my date. 

"She's right, son. I'll be here. You two have a lot on your plate right now. Go spend some time together." He said. Klaus understood why we needed it. We never really got time today to talk about everything. 

After the kiss in the morning, I had to go for a run to loosen my muscles that had become sore because of not being in my skin for months. I felt better after three and half hours of running across the whole pack. It also helped me check the borders myself. 

"Yeah. I know. But you do not leave this place until my return." I told him. He nodded with a big smile. 

Laura and Violet went to the room for Laura to get ready. I could hear them giggling over things. Eli went back to work as he said. However I know his next stop will be at Vicky's to place the bets. Klaus stayed back. I got Klaus and I two cans of beer and switched on the TV, turning the sports channel on. 

"Indigo." Klaus called out. I looked at him. 

"Sorry and thankyou," he said suddenly. I knew why he said that. 

"Klaus, it's okay," I assured him. 

"No son. I know I wasn't there for any of you for a long time. I am so sorry. I wanted to die, Indigo, but I also knew I had to live for you guys. Lily was my life and as much as I cannot wait to be with her, I know I have to be here. And now, I want to be here. Violet, she jus-t, I don't know, she just took it away. She took my pain away. I cannot thank you less that you found her and brought her home," he said. I smiled at him.

"I totally understand Klaus. Don't beat yourself up now." He nodded at that and clicked our cans together. 

"There is something different about her Indigo. It's better if we found out before someone else does," he said. I nodded.

He was right. I needed to find it before someone else did.



So, what do you think?

Eli in the poop😂💩 Do you have other names for this incident. I'd love to use it in the book. Let me know❤️

Until next time, enjoy!❤️✨
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