Losing Hope *EDITING*

By jensenclays

210K 5.1K 2.7K

(Glenn Rhee love story) Living through hell is hard for Claire. That hell just so happens to be trying to sur... More

Chapter 1; Claire Curvel
Chapter 2; Claire Curvel
Chapter 3; Claire Curvel
Chapter 4; Claire Curvel
Chapter 5; Claire Curvel
Chapter 6; Claire Curvel
Chapter 7; Claire Curvel
Chapter 8; Claire Curvel
Chapter 9; Claire Curvel
Chapter 10; Claire Curvel
Chapter 11; Claire Curvel
Chapter 12; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 13; Claire Curvel
Chapter 14; Claire Curvel
Chapter 16; Claire Curvel
Chapter 17; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 18; Claire Curvel
Chapter 19; Claire Curvel
Chapter 20; Claire Curvel
Chapter 21; Claire Curvel
Chapter 22; Claire Curvel
Chapter 23; Claire Curvel
Chapter 24; Claire Curvel
Chapter 25; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 26; Claire Curvel
Chapter 27; Claire Curvel
Chapter 28; Claire Curvel
Chapter 29; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 30; Claire Curvel
Chapter 31; Claire Curvel
Chapter 32; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 33; Claire Curvel
Chapter 34; Glenn Rhee
Chapter 35; Claire Curvel
Chapter 36; Claire Curvel
Chapter 37; Claire Curvel
Chapter 38; Claire Curvel
Chapter 39; Glenn Rhee
Choose one please (A/N note)
Chapter 40; Claire Curvel
Chapter 41; Claire Curvel
Chapter 42
a/n; please read
Chapter 43; Claire Curvel
Chapter 44; Claire Curvel
Chapter 45; Claire Curvel
important!! please read.

Chapter 15; Claire Curvel

5.2K 146 64
By jensenclays

  "You avoiding Glenn?"

I spun around, covering my chest with my hands as Beth walked into the room. I stared at her incredulously, quickly turning around and slipping on my bra. "Beth you should really knock before barging into a room," I recommended. "I ain't even got my clothes on."

  "Sorry," she apologized.

I sighed, knowing she wouldn't leave the room. I pulled on the capris pants that I was given over my underwear, rolling them up a bit more since it was pretty hot outside today. I slipped on the blue blouse with a tie in the front and lastly I tugged on Maggie's old cowgirl boots. I turned around to Beth; tying my hair up into a ponytail.

  "You have a scratches on your back," Beth pointed out, standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

I shrugged. "Hmm, probably got them from sleeping up in the tree last night," I reminded.

Beth nodded, a smirk on her porcelain face. "Glenn's been looking for you," she told me again, her Georgia accent strong as she spoke.

  "I've been busy," I lied.

In a way I have. I've been finding every hideout I can for the past week just so I don't run into Glenn. I've even started sleeping in trees at night or in Carol's tent when she lets me because Maggie and Beth have told me multiple times that Hershel has had to drive Glenn out of the house at night for trying to sneak up into the house. Too bad he doesn't even know I haven't really been sleeping in the house in the first place.

  "Why you avoiding him?" Beth continued to pester.

I rolled my eyes, walking out the room with her trailing behind me. "I ain't, just been busy with Randall and all," I answered half truthfully.

I have been busy with Randall during the day this past week. Sometimes he wakes up and asks me to tell him a story or something when I'm in the room, other times I just watch him to make sure he stays breathing. Nobody else seems to like Randall much, but he's my family. They all try to keep me away from him; constantly telling me he can't stay like I don't already know that. When they do send him on his way, I'm going too. He may not be such a good person if I'm honest, but he's Randall. Randall is Randall no matter what.

  "Well Glenn's downstairs in the living room waiting for you," Beth snickered behind me. "Looks super distraught you know."

I stopped, turning around to hurry back up stairs. Beth laughed as she shook her head and guided me down the last few steps. "Beth come on, I forgot something upstairs."

  "Found her Glenn," Beth exclaimed cheerfully, skipping off giggling as I stared after her.

  "Claire, where have you been the past week?" Glenn's voice softly asked.

Yes I have been avoiding him for a week. I was doing a great job of it too until Beth put her nose into it. At least it got a smile out of her though, she's been really down in the dumps lately. I'm actually really worried about her. 

I turned around, staring down at the floor as my face felt super hot. I could hear Glenn's footsteps before his converse covered feet came into my view. I gasped as I was pulled into a hug, my body instantly relaxing into Glenn's arms. Damn it Claire, pull yourself together you idiot.

  "Are you hiding from me because of what I told you?" Glenn asked suddenly, his hand rubbing up and down my back. I didn't answer; the silence answering his questions. Glenn sighed, kissing the top of my head softly. "I'm not going to take it back Claire because I meant it, that's not going to change."

  "Glenn," I whispered. His arms only tightened around me, squeezing me to his body like he was afraid I would disappear. "Glenn..." I repeated, trailing off. "I believe you."

I stumbled over my feet a bit as Glenn moved me back by my shoulders, looking down at me. "Then why won't you say it back?" He asked sadly, hurt evident in his voice.

Because I can't. I can't handle losing someone else that I let too close to me. I'm already getting too close to all these people on this farm and that is going to lead to nothing but hurt and anger when something happens to one of them. I can't let you in like that Glenn. All these thoughts ran through my head, but I couldn't find the courage to open my mouth because honestly, I had no real reason.

I groaned in frustration, my hands on Glenn's shoulders as I stood on my tip toes and angrily pressed my lips to his. I closed my eyes -putting all I felt into the kiss as Glenn pulled me back to him, his arms under my arms to lift me up a bit more. Glenn's lips moved against mine softly, the taste of his lips leaving me light headed. It felt like heaven when everything else was falling apart. I pulled away from him, planting my feet back firmly on the ground as I looked down blushing; the only noise between the two of us was our breathing.

I frowned slightly -pushing Glenn back from me a little disappointed. Why wasn't he saying anything? "I-i have to go," I stuttered, wiggling Glenn's hands off of me and hurrying off to the kitchen with my heart beat drumming in my ears loudly.

Maggie instantly saw me once I was in the kitchen and rushed over to me. "Woah woah slow down," Maggie insisted, stopping me in my tracks. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

What? I swiped the back of my hand on my face, feeling the wetness on my cheeks. I didn't even know I was crying. I shook my head, sniffling as I wiped at my face furiously with the back of my hand. "I'm fine, it's nothing," I replied.

  "It obviously ain't nothing Claire, come 'ere." Maggie grabbed my hand, pulling me over to the counter and telling me to sit. I sighed, hopping onto it and leaning my head against the cold cabinet behind me. Maggie came towards me with a wet washcloth, patting it gently onto my face before stepping back with a small smile. "You want me to talk to him?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Who?"

  "Glenn," She answered. 

  "No. I'm going into town for a run, tell Hershel I'm taking a horse," I told her.

Maggie shook her head worriedly. "By yourself? I don't think that's such a good idea," She objected. "Especially with that ankle and wrist of yours Claire."

  "I'll be fine. Besides the swelling went down in my ankle and it don't hurt no more."

  "At least let me ask around to see if I can get one of Rick's group to go with you."

I nodded, hopping off the counter. "Don't ask Glenn," I demanded, looking up at Maggie sternly. She sighed, nodding her head once at me. I gave her a strained smile before walking out the back door.

Didn't really need anything from town, but I didn't want to stay at the house any longer today. I needed to clear my mind. I dragged my boots in the dirt as I made my way over to the stable barn, huffing as I grabbed a saddle and put it on Custer, Beth's horse. I made sure the saddle was on tightly and hoisted myself up, swiping the back of my hand across my forehead to get rid of the sweat. 

  "Were you even going to tell me you planned on going into town when you know the place was over run by walkers?"

I snapped my neck in the direction of the voice I didn't want to hear, almost giving myself whiplash. I scowled, my face heating up in anger as I watched him saddle up a horse. "I don't want you coming with me," I spat. "I can take care of myself."

Glenn chuckled, getting onto the horse and tapping its side gently to get it moving. "I know you can, but that isn't going to stop me from worrying about you."

I watched as Glenn disappeared out the barn with the horse, leaving me to groan in frustration.I specifically told Maggie not to tell Glenn and she goes and does the complete opposite. One simple thing. 

  "Let's go," I whispered to Custer, hitting the side of my boot against his stomach gently to get him moving. I caught up to Glenn easily, keeping my eyes straight ahead as the horses trotted side by side. I didn't want him on this run with me. Hell, I didn't want anybody with me. I just wanted to think, that's all.

  "So what did you need out of town?" Glenn asked. I ignored him, feeling him bore holes into the side of my head as I kept my lips pursed. Stupid Asian man. "You gonna keep ignoring me today or are we going to talk about earlier?"

I huffed, turning to stare at him for a split second before looking away. I kept my mouth shut, hating the fact that I put my hair up in a ponytail so I had no way to cover my blushing face. "Claire you seriously gotta stop trying to shut me out every time-"

  "Shut you out?" I snorted. "Maybe I just don't want to talk to you right now Glenn."


I rose an eyebrow, not looking at Glenn as I say nothing back. He doesn't get it. "We need some anti-depressants for Beth," I spoke up, answering his question from earlier.

The rest of the way to town was silent. The only sound was the colorful leaves on the ground that the horses stomped on with their hooves. "Woah, hold up," Glenn whispered sharply.

I followed Glenn's movements of tugging on the horses  straps to get Custer to stop, staring ahead wide eyed at the walkers up ahead. They hadn't noticed us luckily, but my heart still sunk in disappointment. I was really hoping I could help Beth out by getting her something to make her a little happier. There was no way we would get to the pharmacy without getting bitten.

  "Come on, we can't go through that," Glenn said, stating the obvious. I turned Custer around, tapping my foot against him so he took off running. "Claire! What the hell!" Glenn shouted behind me.

I smiled, ignoring his protest as the hot wind blew into my face, drying up the sweat that was forming. The soft stomps of the hooves of the horse made a smile come to myself. It's kinda sad if you think about it. There used to be so much noise before life changed, now you're lucky to not be surrounded by silence or the growls of walkers. 

I laughed, turning my head slightly to see Glenn trying to keep up with me on his horse. Serves him right. I leaned down, patting Custer's neck softly. "Faster boy, come on," I begged.

The dirt path to the farm house came into view after awhile, Custer running up it and slowing down into a steady trot as we neared the barn. 

I hopped off him, taking the saddle off and tying him back up into his stable. "Good boy," I praised, running my fingers through his mane. I patted his head before walking out of his stable as Glenn came riding in.

  "Gonna go see if Randall is up," I called out harshly.

  "Claire, I need to talk to you."

  "It can wait," I spat, swiftly walking out the barn and to the house. I stomped into the house, slamming the door open for it to hit the wall loudly and slam back shut.
  "Shit, sorry," I apologized as Lori stared at me wide eyed.

She held a hand against her chest, taking a deep breathe. "Jesus Claire, you almost gave me a heart attack." I gave a small smile, heading out of the kitchen. "Where you headed?" Lori asked.

  "See Randy," I replied.

  "Claire..." Lori trailed off warily. I turned to her -the look on her face making my throat tighten and my stomach drop.

  "Where's Randall?" I asked slowly, not sure I wanted to hear the answer.

Lori looked at me, her steps towards me cautious. "Claire I'm sorry, but Rick and Shane took him away from here. We warned you that he couldn't stay here Claire," she revealed.

I shook my head, tears springing to my eyes. I clenched my fists at my sides. "You let them fucking take my brother and no one thought to tell me! You assholes!" I screamed.

I noticed that Maggie came into the kitchen with Patricia and Andrea at the sound of my screaming and Glenn rushed in from the back door. "I hate you all! I hate you! I hate you!" I repeated angrily.

I turned on my heels, pushing Andrea away from me as she tried to pull me into a hug. "Don't you touch me you-"

I didn't finish my sentence. My head was spinning as I struggled to breath. Randall. They took my brother away from me. They took my family.

  "Claire!" Lori and Maggie shouted, trying to gain my attention.

  "Go get Hershel," I heard Patricia shout to someone. 

My vision was blurry as I reached out to grab a hold of something, but nothing was there to catch my fall as I fell to the floor. My nose hit harshly against the wooden kitchen floor, shouts from the others being heard around me. I groaned, feeling extremely drowsy. Why do I keep hurting myself. 

  "Claire, don't move, don't move," Glenn's voice rang in my eyes. He sounded panicked. 

I shook my head, only adding to my dizziness. "I'm fine," I sputtered out.

  "Don't move sweetie," Lori's voice quavered. "Your nose is bleeding a lot."

  "Randall..." I whispered hoarsely before my eyes slowly shut and darkness consumed me. 

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