No Authority [Alexis McMahon]


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Alexis McMahon or better known as Alex to family and Lexi to friends, was roped into the McMahon Dynasty, WWE... More

[1]- Its Time
[2]- Making Matches
[3]- Pipebombshell
[4]- Turning
[5]- Deano wants Revenge
[6]- Knock out
[7]- Bruises
[8]- Tag Team
[9]- Night of Champions
[10]- The Shield
[11]- Gauntlet Match
[12]- Opening up
[13]- Crossfit and Jelly Donuts
[14]- Stressing
[15]- 11 on 3
[16]- Eight Man Tag?
[17]- First Time With the Sheild
[18]- Hangouts
[20]- Match against Breezy
[21]- Mission Accomplished
[22]- Main Event
[23]- Tweets
[24]- NXT
[25]- One Two Many Strikes
[26]- Battleground
[27]- Last Sunday Night
[28]- Calling out Stephanie
[29]- Meetings
[30]- Total Drama
[31]- Polaroid Pranking
[32]- Starting Wars
[33]- And so it Continues
[34]- Seth For Main Event
[35]‐ Thursday Night Dolphin
[36]‐ Poker Face
[37]- Pathetic
[38]- Used
[39]- Prison.
[40]- Talk
[41]- Let you down
[42]- Newbie
[43]- Prison Break
[44]- To Us
[45]- Hell in a Cell
[46]- Welcome
[47]‐ An Awkwardly Amazing Night
[48]- Recovering Concussion
[49]‐ Halloween Party
[50]- Jon Moxley
[51]- Trash Talk
[52]- Break
[53]‐ Up

[19]- Dean

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"So when are you gonna buck up." Seth says as we turn the corner.

We were out doing interviews cause it comes with the territory of WWE but it was just the three of us.

"Buck up on what?" I ask, him and Roman were talking but I wasn't really paying attention.

"On asking Alex on a date, fool." He replies.

"I'm not asking Alex on a date why would you think that?"

"Boy the looks you give her all the time is blatantly obvious." Roman says from the backseat.

"I don't give her looks." I defend.

"Oh really cause yesterday night you looked like you wanted to fuck her then and there." Seth laughs with Roman.

"Okay why is everyone telling me this first she thought i was mad at her now you with your crazy theories, I was preparing for a match." I emphasize.

"Lies!" Roman exclaims. "Tell him Rome!" Seth agrees.

"You guys are ridiculous." I mumble.

Boy why you lying to yourself.

I'm not lying to myself.

Uh, yes you are, I'm your conscience I hear your though, including the dirty ones.

Shut up.

Umm, hmm, dean you a dirty dog.

What the fuck brain.

Just saying.

"Dean you gotta face it man, you like her, I can't even count the amount of times you two kept me up at night with your constant bullshit talking and laughter and you've known her for what 1 month." Roman says.

"And you haven't gotten laid ever since you met her actually." Seth adds. "Usually its drunk fuck at a bar."

"That was disgusting by the way." Roman mutters. "Especially when i caught you once."

"And the fact that one look from her made you do what she asked." Seth continues his parade.

"What are you talking about?"

"The first night we all hung out and you refused to help Roman go get pizza, all she had to do was give you a stare." He says.

Oh yeah.

"You know I don't think you ever hated her, i think you liked that she shot back at you everytime you told her something." Roman says.

"True, using hatred as an excuse to speak to her, stupid, but hey it worked." Seth agrees.

"Okay you too need to shut it, I don't like her or want to ask her out on a date." I say sternly.

"All right jeez man no need to get defensive." Roman surrender but has a hit of amusement in his voice.

Seth laugh as I groaned looking away from them.

I can't like her, ask her out or even be with her. Someone like her doesn't deserve someone like me.

You like her.

No I don't.


I pushed open the door seeing Alex sprawled put on the bed with a huge smile on her face.

"Someone's happy." I comment as I pull off my jacket.

"Yeah." She mutters still staring at the ceiling.

"You mind telling me why you're so happy cause this is just getting creepy." I joke with a grin.

She sits up with a huge smile and says that words that make me fell like I got punched in the gut. "I got a date."

What the


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I shook my head not realizing I was frowning. Damn it Dean.

"Oh, it's nothing, but that's great." I cheer trying not to sound bitter.


Shut it.

"Well, when is it?" I ask. "After Raw next week. I hung out with Dolph today and he asked me so."

"Wait, Dolph, you're going out with Dolph."

"Yeah, is that a problem." She narrows her eyes at me, I can tell by her voice she's getting defensive.

"No, i just didn't think he'd be the first to ask you out." I shrug.

"Oh. Well anyways I should get some new sheet for in here so-"

"No you can stay here for the night. I'll crash on the couch."

She can.


"You sure, you've been using the bed for almost a month now."

"Nope, you would need I guess 'beauty rest' ugh that feels weird coming off my tongue, I'm gonna go see you later princess."

"Oh well okay thanks, see ya." She smile a bit.

I sigh as I close the door.

This is good actually, really good she could be with Dolph and be happy.

So tell me why you are think of crashing that date.

I'm not thinking of-

Oh please I'm your conscience I see what you think before you even think it Ambrose. You want to crash her date.

No I'm not crashing her date or sabatoging it.

You don't even know if she would want to be with Dolph Dean.

Yes she would why the hell would she wanna be with someone like me, honestly. I can have a great time being her friend, nothing more.

I say crash the date.



Monday Night Raw

"We got a match tonight?" Seth asks Roman as I tape my hands up.

"Yeah, it's Dolph and the Usos against us." Roman replies.

"Speaking of Dolph, Dean?" Seth says with a smirk.

"Seth?" I reply throwing the tape.

He raises an eyebrow at me and plasters a smirk on his face.

He stares at me narrowing his eyes before smirking with a devilish grin.

"Okay am I missing something?" Roman says catching our attention.

"Well a little birdy told me that Deano's crush has a date tonight with Mr. Dolph Ziggler." Seth says in a mischievous tone.

"Yeah and." I say dryly. A little too dry.

""And" That's all you got, jeez man you are boring, why aren't you trying to crash the date idiot." Seth says.

See! I need to be in a guy like Seth's mind!

"Would you like someone to crash your date." Roman says. "Exactly." I agree with him.

Fuck you Roman!

"If I knew they liked her more than I do, yeah."

"Seth that's a lie and you know it." I deadpan.

"Okay maybe yeah, but come on, you can't tell me you don't want to or haven't thought about it." He reasons.

You have.

Be quiet!

When I didn't respond he grinned widely at me. "Okay fine, what do we do?" I sigh loudly.

"Yes!" Seth cheers. "Are you kidding me!" Roman exclaims.

"Don't you say a word to Alex about this you hear me." Seth scolds him with a pointed finger.

Roman narrows his eyes at Seth in a slight glare. "Please?" Seth then asks.

"Fine." Roman mumbles. "Speaking of Alex." I say nodding my head to the TV.


"Please welcome my guest, Alex." Renee introduces.

The audience cheers as she steps into view with that signature small smile she does.

"Hey, Renee." She greets. "Hi, Alex tonight you have a tag team match with Brie Bella later tonight but last week on Smackdown alot of people weren't happy with you helping the Shield win." Renee says getting to the point.

Okay wow Renee. Rude.

"Oh yeah, well I don't see the problem honestly." She says which kind of shocks me, I guess Roman and Seth as well as their jaws slight drop and their eyebrows furrow.

"If people hadn't noticed I'm apart of the Shield too and even with you know, our differences with the authority and stuff, when i step in that ring for any match, I intend to win it. And that includes last week and later tonight and this Thursday when I teach that red head to never cross me."

"Speaking of people crossing you last week you gave a warning to Stephanie last week as well. How do you think she may retaliate?"Renee switches the topic asking.

Oh no.

"Who knows, Stephanie is Stephanie, she may put me in a match or insult me on the mic. But I also feel that she's frustrated, because every single time she tries to cut me down, It just never seems to work out in her favor."

"But one thing is for sure, if or when she shoot as me, I'll hit back with the same energy maybe 10 times worse." She shrugs.

"Oh will you now?" Stephanie then comes into frame being showered by boos.

"Yes." She nods. "Oh well, that is a big statement what if you hit me first."

"Then that would finally shut you up." She retorts. I see Roman and Seth watching closely.

Jeez they do not wanna lose them titles. Well neither do i, so I guess we are in the same boat all together.

"I really don't appreciate the way you speak me, I am your mother." Stephanie says pulling the mother card.

"So is Linda but you didn't even hesitate to slap her did you Steph? Just like you didn't hesitate to slap me, don't pulling that card on me Steph." She smirks.

"But now there is no Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns to protect you." She steps closer. "So I dare you to slap me again."

"As the Chief Brand Officer of the WWE I cannot hit any WWE Superstars or Divas." Stephanie starts. "So all i can tell you right now Alex, is good luck tonight in your match with Brie."

Alex glares at her for a while, "well 'Chief Brand Officer of the WWE' I kinda wish you thought of that a few weeks ago, but then i wouldn't really have an excuse to slap the head of your shoulders would I." She says getting cheers from the crowd.

"Alex you do not want to test me. I have the power to make your career a living hell and I don't give a damn who you are." Stephanie says getting serious.

"That's funny, cause neither do it." She laughs first before getting serious.

Damn girl know how to switch up real quick.

Stephanie stiffens slight and steps back, "you know what, tonight, in your match you won't be fighting with Brie Bella, you'll be fight against Brie Bella."

"I told you I could make a your life a living hell." Stephanie seethes, "and you know what I just might."

Alex licks her lips with a smirk on her face. "You fired your shot Steph, now, I have a reason to kick your ass." She winks at her before leaving Steohanie who put a glare in the back of her head.


"Oh Jesus." Seth mutters. "This is not gonna end well."

"We can't do anything about it." I tell them.

Roman glared at me, "don't look at me like that, you agreed if Stephanie stepped on her toes she said she would retaliate, we can't be mad at her."

He sighed knowing I was right. "You know what, we'll just let them handle it." Seth pats his shoulder.

He nods in agreement. "What happens between Stephanie and Alex is Stephanie and Alex's business." He says.

"Except when hunter wants us to interviene." Seth trails. "We'll cross that bridge if it gets there."

Atleast he isn't pissed at her.

That girl is something else. Could never back down from a damn fight. God I hate it and love it at the same time.

Ha! You love her.

It. I love it. Not her.

Mmhmm boy please.

God don't start on your bullshit please.

Oh I won't, I'm just gonna wait until you see how much of a dumbass you are.

God I hate you.

Monday Night Raw:

Alex decided to stay backstage to prepare for her match against Brie later. We were out the middle of our match and Roman was in the ring with one of the Usos. I think it's Jimmy I don't know.

He plants him in a power slam and when doe the pin.

"That's it cover him!" Seth cheers. I put my hand up counting with the ref.


We collectively groan when he does kick out.

Dumbass just give up.

Roman stood over him shouting abuse at him. He then pushed him I the ropes but Jimmy hung on.

He caught Roman in an upper cut. Roman looked ticked off and went after him but he pulled down the ropes making him tumble over.

Seth and I jump off the apron to check on him.

"Come on Roman get up, you're okay." I encourage watching back in the ring at Jimmy trying to go back to him corner.

We climbed back on the apron when he makes it to his feet and he slides back in the ring in front of Jimmy and throws him back into the other corner.

But he bounced back out and superkick him.

Is it weird to say that they are cousins, cause they are.

I feel a bit of concern looking at them and at a down Roman. "Come on Roman!" Seth shouts.

He reaches over and tag in Seth who jumps over the ropes and drop kicks Jey off the apron.

I semi glare at Dolph kind of wanting to chop his head off.

He runs to Jimmy to lifts in over in a big back body drop.

Seth tags me and I jump over the ropes into the ring as he reaches Dolph.

This is interesting...


I run to him and he gets me down twice in a clothesline he jumps on me in the corner and throws punches to my head before swinging me in a neck breaker.

He drops down the elbow on me 3 times but Seth came in only to be drop kicked.

I make it to my feet rolling up. And pulling his tights.


He kicked out I hit him a few times in the face before attempting to swing him off the ropes but he reverses and manages to hit me with the Famouser.

When he goes for the cover Roman floored it. This causes Jimmy to kick him in the face before pushing him out the ring. Literally.

He then swang off the ropes up I stop him with a knee to the gut.

I tag in Seth who did a step up enzeguri to Jey after tagging Roman and Ziggler from behind gets him in a zig zag.

He turns around and runs into a spear. He goes straight into the cover.


The winners of this match, The Shield!

Roman picks up our titles and dog tags and hands Seth his and gives me mine.


Roman went to the canteen for something to drink so it's just Seth and I.

"Hey, you never told me how we gonna do this brotha." I say as Zack Ryder was making his entrance.

"Well her match is what 10 minutes, when she's doing it, we sneak into the divas lockeroom steal her phone, request a different time for the date and delete the messages off of everything, the app, her trash and her I-cloud on her laptop and phone ." He says like it's nothing.

"Yeah, or we can just let her have her date." Roman says entering the room.

"I though you said you didn't want to do ruin her date?" Roman questions.

"But he agreed after."

"You two are definitely gonna get an earful from her if she ever finds out." He says.

"That's why this is a stealth mission." He say in determination while looking like in a movie.

"Yeah Ninja, I'm not good with technology how the hell am I supposed to do all that."

"Then I'll go with you and we'll do it together." He shrugs.

"Yeah cause two big men dressed in black, who so happens to be hated by the entire lockeroom is just gonna walk into the Divas one like it's nothing." I deadpan.

"We'll make up something they're too scared to face us anyway." He replies rolling his eyes.

"Oh you know what why don't we call her and ask her where she is and what's she's going." He suggests.

"You're the architect." I motion to him as he pulls out his phone.

"Stay quiet." He tells me and Roman. Sat down by the table and I leaned on the wall. We were needed for one more day tonight so we couldn't change out of anything.

It rang for a bit before she picked it up. "Hello." Her voice sound out when he buts it on loud speaker.

"Hey loser, where are you?"

"The trainers room."

I furrow my eyebrows, why the hell his she in the trainers room, I go to say something but Seth beats me too it. "Are you  hurt?" He asks his voice concerned.

"No, I'm checking on Dolph after Roman killed him for like the third time this month."

Roman chuckle softly with a smirk on his face.

You wish that was you huh.

No why would I wanna be killed by Roman.

You know what I mean, don't try to smart mouth me jackass.



I know I got a big one.

You're right cause it's partly mine.

I really do hate you.

"Your Dolph's to injured for your date." He asks with amusement in his voice.

I would love for him to be too injured.

"No he's fine. Just hurts a little bit, thank God." She says with a airy laugh.

"Yeah, about your date, do you know what he's doing for you, I want details, details woman."

She laughs, "no Seth he only told me to dress casually, relax."

"Well you gotta know when it is?" He tells her smirking at me.

"Oh yeah its at 11." She replies.

"You excited?" He asks.

"Actually yeah, Nikki kind of told me about her on and off thing with him but she said he was the best so I don't know, kinda nervous but excited at the same time." She tells him with a happy tone.

Hearing her tell Seth all these things kind of made me jealous. Oh who am i kidding I'm mad jealous. I barely know the girl but I'm already this hooked up on her. I want her to talk like that about me, not some bleach blonde idiot.

It also made a feel guilty that i'm about to do this to her. I kind of don't want it to work out between them after that but i also do, just so i can suffer in silence once more and be distanced from her, that way i don't get anymore attached than I already am.

But even though he's a bleach blonde idiot he's better than a Ohian sleezebag who ruins everything good in his life.

Alex is a good thing I'm not gonna ruin it by trying to be with her. I'm just gonna stay friends with her.

But your still crashing the date right?

"Okay lady I didn't ask for your diary scripture, just the time of the date." He says jokingly.

"Rude. Wait a minute you asked me before- you're weird Rollins." She laughs.

"Nope just smart, I'll see you after your match, bye loser."

"See ya weirdo."

Seth looks at me and frowns a bit. "Don't worry big guy, you're gonna be the one walking her down the isle one day, and I'm being a best man." He smirks.

"Bitch please!" Roman exclaims.

"Oh you wanna bet, Reigns-"

"Guys! Guys! Let's just get this over with." I grumble with a sigh.

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