My Gay Roommate (L.S)

由 SammiBSykes

60.5K 2K 4.1K

Harry Styles is excited to go to University of Reading, being able to live away from home and be independent... 更多

Twenty One
Twenty Two
author's note
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five


1.4K 45 70
由 SammiBSykes

It's bonfire night tonight. 

The day, years ago, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament and failed. 

There's a party happening at one of the Uni houses, hosted by a guy named Ryan or something. Zayn and Louis have been buzzing about it all day, talking about getting sparklers and what to wear tonight. Louis suggested we dress in things that are sparkly in order to match the aesthetic of the fireworks. Zayn just frowned and shook his head. 

I thought it was a great idea, hence why now, I'm currently chucking on a sparkly button down. It's black and specks of sparkles pepper the fabric so when caught in the right light, will glimmer  slightly. I pair it with some ripped black skinny jeans and my Chelsea boots.

"Harold!" Louis pipes from behind me, making me jump.

I swivel round. "Jesus, Lou! You need a bell or something!" I say, hand on my heart as it pounds. I take a breath and look back around to my mirror, pursing my lips. "What's up?" I ask.

He tugs a few of my curls and I melt into his touch, eyes fluttering close. "I want to style your hair," He mutters, playing with the curls, pads of his fingers digging lightly into my scalp and a relaxed moan quietly gravels through my throat.

"What were you thinking of doing to it?" I gently ask, sitting down onto his lap from where he's guided me to the bed. 

He wraps his arms around my middle, laying his head on my shoulder and shrugging. "Dunno. What would you like done to it?"

I think for a moment, tracing his skin with my nails lightly. My eyes light up. I turn to face him. "Can you do space buns? But make sure it doesn't look weird."

He breaks into a grin, pecks my shoulder. "Your wish is my command, baby." He turns his head to face the door. "Anne-Marie!" He screams. 

She bursts through a moment later. "What? Are you okay? You don't have a butt plug stuck up your ass do you?"

Louis' brows crease. "Wh-no! Can we borrow some hairbands and scrunchies, please?" He drags out the 'please,' batting his eyelashes.

She sighs, turning around, her high ponytail swinging whilst she walks out. She soon comes back with a bag of hairbands and scrunchies in different colours. "Do I wear my grey collar jumper or just the burgundy one?" She asks.

I look down to see her wearing thick tights and a black skater skirt. "Hmm... Go for the collar one."

She smiles and nods, leaving.

Louis grabs the comb from inside the bag and moves me so I'm off his lap. I dangle one leg off the bed, the other bent and brought up toward my thigh. Louis sits cross legged behind me, running the comb through my hair, taking out any knots. 

Light tugs come from him whilst he styles my hair and it makes me feel relaxed and slightly flushed. My eyes are closed contently whilst he does the work, humming a song which somehow turns to him quietly singing an Eminem song. 

"My bum's on your lips, my bum's on your lips, if I'm lucky maybe you'll give it a kiss!" He sings, making me giggle.

"You're hoping," I mumble. He hits me playfully on the arm whilst he continues singing. 

Soon, he pats my arm, kisses my temple. "All done."

I stand, going over to the mirror and I squeal like a five year old, happiness pooling through me. I pout at myself in the mirror, looking this way and that. Most of my hair is down, curling around my neck and above my shoulders but two perfect space buns sit atop my head, secured with one pink scrunchie and one lilac.

"I love it, Lou!" I giggle, running over to him and bending slightly, picking him up by the waist, making him yelp.

He laughs, wrapping his legs around my waist whilst I swirl us around. His sweater paw hands rest either side of my jaw, thumbs thumbing my cheeks with a soft smile. He scans my face and brings our lips together, his lips taste like peppermint and slightly sticky but it's perfect.

I pull away, tilting my head to the side. "Peppermint?"

He shrugs. "Had a candy cane."

My brows crease. "It's not Christmas yet!" I argue.

He sticks his tongue out, licking my nose. "It's never too early for Christmas, Curly. Now shut up and carry me to my room so I can get changed!"

"Aren't you going as you are?" I ask, looking at his lavender knit jumper and black jeans.

He shakes his head whilst I walk clumsily, almost falling into the door frame, making Zayn snort from where he sits on the kitchen island, Liam between his legs, beers in their hands. Louis flips him off. 

"Na, I wanna wear my sparkly jumper," He states to me. I set him down onto his room floor and he walks over to his wardrobe. "Can you get me a beer ready, baby boy?"

I nod, smiling. "Of course, darling." He winks to me whilst I walk out the room.

I go over to the fridge and grab two beers, popping off the lid of both and taking a sip from one. I stand beside Zayn, leaning against the counter.

"Cute hair," He says with a smile.

My cheeks dust pink and I look down to the glass bottle in my hand. "Lou did it."

Liam nods. "He's always been good with hair, having so many siblings."

Zayn nods and hums in agreement. "You looking forward to tonight?" He asks me.

I chew my lip and shrug. Truth is, I'm a little nervous. Loud noises I hate, especially ones like fireworks. The bangs remind me of when dad used to throw fits, chucking bottles at the walls and stuff. It also reminds me of that one bonfire night when the fireworks were going off and dad-

"Why'd ya shrug? You're not looking forward to it?" Zayn asks and I flinch, looking up to him, coming back to the here and now.

I swallow and nod. "I am! I just... I don't like fireworks," I whisper the last part.

Liam frowns. "That's okay, H! Everyone has something they're not comfortable with. I don't like the noise of foxes, I always think it's someone getting bloody murdered."

Zayn nods. "I don't like the sound of Louis moaning whenever he fucked men."

Liam chokes on his beer at that and I flush. Yeah, I didn't like that either. But if he moaned for me? Then...

Marie walks into the room, Niall trailing behind. "I don't like Niall's annoying fucking face."

Niall gasps, crossing his arms. "You love it. You wish you could snog it off."

She shakes her head. "I'd much rather listen to Louis and Harry and Zayn and Liam all having sex at the same time, than to snog you off."

Niall pouts, stalking over to the fridge and grabbing a beer. 

"What's this about Liam and Zayn shaggin'?" Lou asks, walking into the room now with a navy blue sparkly jumper on, the sleeves covering his knuckles and it makes him look all soft with his fluffy hair and blush cheeks.

I hand out his beer. "Apparently you and me fucking, too," I mumble to him when he jumps onto the counter beside Zayn, spreading his legs slightly and pulling me between them. 

Louis nods. "Cool. What about it?"

"She said she'd rather hear you two couples fucking than to snog me!" Niall whines.

Louis nods, sipping his beer. "Yeah. I'd rather hear Zayn and Harry fucking than snogging you, too."

Niall shakes his head. "This is Niallphobic. I hate you all." He walks toward the door. "Are you cunts coming?"

"According to Marie's fantasy, yes!" Louis yells back and Zayn barks out a laugh. I can see the smile on Niall's face, containing laughter himself.

We all follow Niall out the room once we've finished our beers. The night is cold and I want to go back and grab my coat but I don't want to slow anyone down. So I suck it up, grab Louis' hand for the warmth and contact and continue down the street.

The night is thankfully clear, stars twinkling faintly in the indigo canvas. Our breaths wisp in smoke and filter up into the sky. There's faint banging from fireworks already, lighting up the sky in different colours.

I grip onto Louis' hand harder at the sound, leaning my head into the crook of his neck.

"You alright, Hazza?" He whispers, the others are conversing over if they prefer Halloween or Guy Fawkes night. 

I nod, giving a weak smile. "Yeah, just a littler nervous," I admit. I can feel my hand being a little clammy in his but he doesn't acknowledge it.

"You'll be okay, I'll keep you safe." He tip toes ever so slightly, kissing my temple and pulls me along.

The party comes into view, music thumping, lights shining into the sky, swirling to one side to the other. No idea how they got these search lights, must've been expensive. We enter the house where bodies pile in, red cups in their hands, dancing to the songs.

Louis takes me to the drinks table, pouring out a vodka and lemonade, handing it to me and making one for himself. Though, both are more vodka than lemonade and when I take a sip, it burns my throat and makes my nose scrunch up.

He softly laughs through his nose, drinking his drink. "Wanna dance, Curly?"

I nod, taking a bigger gulp of my drink to try calm my nerves. Honestly, fuck anxiety. He takes my hand, taking me to where Niall's grinding against a random guy, who's laughing, his girlfriend shaking her head from the corner of the room, watching it go down.

Louis twirls me under his raised arm, beginning to do his signature, stop-the-traffic-let-them-through dance moves. I just prance around, not knowing how to dance. An upbeat song with a load of drum solos come on and we begin head banging to the song, Marie lets down her hair, pink blurring with the movements.

We dance for ages and I begin to get a stitch, a little sweaty, sweat sheering my forehead and nape of my neck. I pull Louis over toward the doors to the garden where some people are setting up the fireworks. The cold air tickles my skin, goosebumps riding up my arms, tingling my scalp. 

"Fireworks are starting in five!" A guy at the end of the garden yells.

Louis texts Niall to let everyone know and soon you can hear Niall screaming, "Fireworks are starting, ahh!" And people begin filing out the room and into the small garden. 

Niall and the others find a way to squeeze through the bodies and stand beside us. I see the match being lit, going toward the fireworks and the people at the bottom of the garden begin running over toward the house.

I squeeze Louis' hand, heart hammering. A rocket whistles up, barely a trace before red light explodes through the sky, the bang rattling my bones, heart falling into my throat.

"I told you last time, boy! No one wants you in this family! You're the reason this family has fucked up, everything was find before you came!" His voice fills my ears with the booms behind.

He throws the glass bottle, just as a firework explodes from outside, blue flashes through the window. The bottle shatters and mum screams at him to stop, so he turns, hits her before he turns to me.

I hide my head into Louis neck, screams falling from my mouth whilst everyone else ooing and ahing.

My heart hammers loudly in my chest, pounding with the rhythm of the fireworks that keep exploding in the sky. I squint my eyes shut, seeing the flashes through my eyelids, lighting up my vision in a bright red.

"Harry, did you see that one!" Louis exclaims with a breathy voice. I feel his hand squeeze my shaky one. "Harry, you okay love?"

I shake my head, clenching my teeth that it aches my back ones. 

He grabs my face. "Harry, open your eyes." I do as I'm told and I stare into his blue ones, swirling with concern. "Take a deep breath for me." 

Bang, bang. 

I take the shaggy breath.

He nods. "You're safe, babycakes. I am not going to let anything hurt you, okay? Come here." 

Bang, bang, bang. Oooh, aahhh.

He pats my thighs and I jump up, knowing that's his signal for me to go into his arms. I wrap my legs around him and he has a strong hold on me. I lace my hands around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder and breathing in his cologne. It grounds me slightly.

"Look, Harry," He whispers into my ear.

He turns ever so slightly so my face is turned toward the fireworks and I watch as one whistles up, exploding into a splash of gold, looking like willow tree leaves before raining down into nothing. Thick smoke swirls in the sky before the next firework goes off. 

Louis continues to rub circles into the small of my back, the other hand keeping me up in his arms and I lace my legs together behind his back, snuggling deeper into the crook of his neck and watching the fireworks, cheeks damp from shedding a few tears during my moments of panic. 

The fireworks soon end and everyone begins cheering. I just close my eyes, kissing Louis' neck and I feel him shiver. 

"See, nothing to worry about," He mumbles into my ear, turning around and carrying me inside. "Do you want to go home?"

I nod. "I wanna lay in bed and snuggle." 

He nods but before he can tell anyone, Niall's pulling me out of Louis' grip and tugging us both toward the middle of the room. 

"Jelly shot time!" He cheers, pushing me down onto the coffee table.

"Niall!" I hiss. "I don't want to!"

He's too pissed to listen, rolls up my shirt hem and dollops the jelly shot into my belly button. "He's all ready for you, Louis!" He says, clapping and standing back.

Louis grins. "One jelly shot then we go home, baby." He leans down, slurping the jelly from my tummy, making it ripple and my breath to hitch. He hoists me up to sitting once he's done the shot and kisses me gently on the lips.

I can taste the strawberry jelly and hint of vodka on his tongue once he's got entry and I melt into his touch. He picks me up and chuckles into the kiss, pulling away with a heave of a breath. 

"Right, I'm taking Harold home!" He calls over to Zayn and Niall beside him.

"Don't be moaning when we get back," Zayn warns with a point of his finger.

Louis shakes his head with a laugh and I lay my cheek on his shoulder, yawning and closing my eyes. 

He walks me home, I shiver with the cold but I soon drift to sleep before we even reach the house.


"Harry!" Louis yells and I groan, walking into the room, hand on my head. He swivels his head round from where he's standing on a bar stool in the front room, trying to pin up a streamer to the ceiling. 

"It's too bloody early for that, Lou!" I argue.

Zayn walks into the room, grabbing something from the coffee table. "I wouldn't argue with him, H, we've tried so hard before to tell him it's too damn early for Christmas but each time, he won't listen and will chop your dick off if you try." He turns around, gives me a thumbs up and leaves.

I lean on the stool he's on. "Don't fall, for God's sake."

He shakes his head, stepping down. "Babe, please can you tape that up there?" He asks. 

I sigh, rub my throbbing head and take the red and green Christmas streamers, stepping up onto the stool a little unbalanced. I hear Louis hold his breath but I steady myself, reaching up and taping the streamer on the ceiling. 

Louis puts on a Christmas playlist and I can't help but hum along. Once I've finished the hanging of streamers, my head hurts even more and I feel a little clammy and breathless. I collapse onto the sofa, groaning and throwing an arm over my eyes. 

"My head hurts," I whimper. I hold my arms out. "Need TLC, Lou!" 

He plops on top of me with a pout, pecking my forehead. He touches my forehead with the back of his hand and frowns. "You feel a little hot, love."

I pout, flopping my head into the armrest. "Can you get me medicine?"

He nods, stepping over the sofa and out the room, coming back shortly after with a glass of water and some ibuprofen. I down two tablets with the water, sighing heavily. 

"Poor baby is sick," Louis coos, playing with my hair. 

"I don't wanna go class later," I mumble, burying my head in his neck. 

He nods. "If you're sick, bubba, you don't have to go."

I nod, yawning, feeling tired. "I wanna sleep."

He sighs. "I wanted to drink hot chocolates and put the tree up with you. But, we can have it your way because you're sick."

I nod, whimpering a little, the headache annoying me and I could swear my chest feels funny too.

The touch from Louis gets me feeling sleepy and I soon feel myself drifting off to his touch, not able to contain my wakefulness. 

I get woken up to the feeling in my throat and I shoot up right, coughing into my closed fist, eyes springing with tears. I flop back into the sofa, noticing now that Louis isn't with me and I'm wrapped in a blanket. 

"Lou," I croak out, swallowing and my throat fucking hurts. "Lou! Lou. Lou." I sigh. "Lou," I drag out.

I hear footsteps. "I was getting us a tea," He says from behind me, handing me a tea before laying beside me and bringing me into him. "How you feeling?"

"Worse. I thought sleeping it off would help but it didn't. My throat hurts. I hope I haven't caught a bloody cold." I cough again, sniffing.

Louis frowns, brushing my hair back from my forehead. I take a sip from my tea as he does it and he shakes his head. 

"You need some cough medicine, baby. Zayn!" He yells out to Zayn. "DJ Malik!"

"You rang?" Zayn says, monotone, leaning against the door frame. "What's up?"

"Can you nip to Co-op and get Hazza some cough medicine? Our baby isn't feeling well." Louis strokes my forehead, stroking lightly down my nose which relaxes me. 

Zayn sighs, coming over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Poor baby."

"My baby," Louis snaps like a five year old would for their favourite doll, bringing me closer into him. 

Zayn rolls his eyes and leaves the room. "I'll go get the medicine. Anything else you want?"

"Galaxy chocolate!" I rush out. "And Robinson's apple and black currant squash!"

Zayn salutes me with two fingers. "Aight."

"I'd like some Nesquik milk and strawberry flavoured condoms."

Zayn's eyebrows shoot up. "Condoms?" He squeaks.

I bite my lip and try not to laugh, not knowing if Louis' being sincere or not. 

Louis shrugs. "I want to suck Harry's cock and let it taste as pretty as it looks. In fact, get the flavoured lube instead! So I can taste both his cock and the lube."

My dick twitches when he calls it pretty and I flush, nuzzling my nose into his neck. "Stop it," I groan. "I'm not well enough for my innocence to leave."

He giggles, picking up my hand and kissing the palm. "Get the lube either way, Z."

"God, I need new friends," Zayn whispers, turning and leaving the room.

I take another sip of my tea, setting it on the table and snuggling close to Louis. He continues to stroke my forehead and down my nose. I fall asleep again, fatigue and the headache taking over once more. 




I have a whole freaking book to read that's boring by Friday. ARGH! 

Updates will stay irregular for a while, I was a free bird in the summer, hence why you got two completed books. Now uni and overtime at work takes over.

Hope you enjoyed this update! 

Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

Vote and comment and I'll see you in the next update



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