Her Portrait Is Black and Whi...

By ukendeavour

115K 2.8K 289

Book one in the 'Her Portrait' series Tina Kennard is a young up and coming yet struggling artist. Bette Po... More

We all start somewhere
Business Talk
Spatial awareness
The Signing
The Date
New Week
New York
A Hotel Evening
Returning the Favour
A wake up call
The Ashes of It All
Saturday Morning
Her Queen
Emotional Low
Open Heart
A New Plan
Hospital Waiting Room
Moving Forward
The Projection Of Love
Opening Night
Personal Space
An unexpected offer
A night Out
Welcome To MoKa
Welcome To Las Vegas
A Grand Canyon Wedding
Yellowstone lodge
Open, honest lines of communication.
Home, Sweet Home
An Unexpected Guest.
Hospital, Home
Rest and Relax
First Night Out
Gallery Time
A New Artist Direction
Moving Forward
Fire and Flames Releases
Six Minutes
Forward We Go
28 Weeks
A New Family
Home Sweet Home
Worth Fighting For
Love and TIme
A small piece of normal
A couple's conversation.
Building Blocks
Friday night
Moving Forward
Steps Forward
Bette's Birthday
Worth It?
Light Lunch
Movement Forward
Sisterly Love
A very different Vacation
vacation carries on
A Bad Day
Letting Her Hair Down
Night at home
Painting Together
The Art Opening
One Foot Forward
Paint, rest, sell
Just a day
Helping Hands
Old Friendship
Life Changing Night
Breakfast With Friends
Bette's Want
One Year
News (Chapter 100)
The Woman
A Bleak Moment
Endless Love
The Truth About Her
Return To Yellowstone
Yellowstone Evening
Another Hospital
A Waiting Game
Open Eyes
The Start of the battle
Light and Dark

The Gala

457 17 0
By ukendeavour

                "Please welcome our guest speaker, a woman who has gained success as an artist. She's a remarkable woman with a remarkable story to tell, please welcome onto the stage Tina Kennard."

Tina slowly walked onto the stage, tonight she was dressed in a black fitted shirt, a white and purple vest with white dress pants, her sleeves rolled up. She looked out onto the room and found Bette's eyes. Bette was sat with Kit, Shane, Carman, Helena, Dylan, Alice, Tasha and Jenny. The group all clapped and cheered loudly as she made it onto the stage.

Tina had spent hours working on her speech, working on what she wanted to say. She wanted it to be perfect. Tonight was very important to her. she hadn't even let Bette read her speech.

The cheering died down and Tina took out her speech, putting it in front of her.

"I've lived with mental health issues all my life. It's only in recent years that I've learnt more about it but looking back and from learning the signs I've found that I've had it a long time. I don't do well in massive groups of people. My wife and our friends love to have breakfast together, but once there is more than one conversation happening I cannot keep up. My brain can't deal with the noise. I know It's not noise. It's usually Alice with her latest bit of gossip or Helena and Kit trying to work out how to get more of a footfall into our favourite coffee shop. I know these conversations are happening but I cannot keep up with it.

"When I was young I was a loner. I had one friend, Claire. I don't think about her much now because she did some awful things before she died. But for a long time she was my rock to the world. an anchor. When my parents died suddenly in a car accident I found myself thrust into adulthood but I didn't want to be a lawyer, which I was at college studying law. I wanted to be an artist. My parents early passing meant that I could build a house on some land away from the world and paint. I managed to not interact that much with the outside world. The problem was the voice in my head.

"You see, I'm gay, yet a voice in my head stopped me exploring that. Stopped me going out and finding a partner. Luckily for me a partner found me. Meeting Bette was amazing. She understand my condition and loved me with it and not because she had too. Many times my wife could have walked away and I mean this. I've put her through enough crap that most people would walk.

"After the birth of our son, a baby I carried I was carrying guilt with me. Xavier, my little amazing baby boy was born early. He nearly didn't make it. But he is a massive fighter. He fought to stay alive and I was so proud when we got him home. But my mental health fell apart. Totally and utterly.

"I got up in the middle of the night, I looked at my amazing wife sleeping beside me and I slipped out of bed. I went into my sons room. Kissed him and said goodbye. I picked up only car keys. I left my phone. I wanted to die. I wanted to kill myself. I wanted the pain, the voices and everything to stop. I wasn't worthy of the family I had, I couldn't even carry my baby boy to full term. I felt useless.

"I didn't know where I was driving too, I just didn't care. I wanted to be as far away from the world as possible. I was ready to end my life. I was ready to die. My car ran out of gas. I just left it doors open on the side of the road and headed into the woods. I cut my arms I remember that. I remember the blood and pain of my body.

"I also don't know what made me run in the road or to flag a car down. But I can say I was ready to die that night. I'd said goodbye to the two people who meant the most to me but I ran into the middle of the road and help was there.

"I was taken to a hospital and this was the first time Vocal with MH came to me. The nurse who I still see and still helps me today works for this amazing charity. she helped me understand that I can live with my mental illness. That I can have bad days and good days.

"Vocal with MH also showed me that I can love my wife and my son and it's okay. It doesn't matter what everyone else things. I'm not crazy. I know that. I'm a woman who lives with mental illness. My wife, Bette is my rock. She was there every step of the way. She's given up some great moments in her own career to ensure that she could be with me or with our children. She's a remarkable, brave, strong woman and I know I'm very lucky that she's my wife. she understands me better than anyone. A couple of nights ago I was having a terrible night, I have problems sleeping which can lead to me having a episode. I usually go into the studio and create a piece or I will read. Bette always knows when I've had a terrible night. Back to my story a couple of nights ago this happened and I needed a nap in the middle of the day. I knew that Bette had important meetings. She owns galleries all over the world and she's trying her best to get a new one of the ground but she took the time to let me sleep. She keep the kids entertained and let me have that little bit of rest. I love my wife more than I could ever express. She's all I've ever wanted and I never wanted to let her go. She understands more about my mental health issues than I do.

"As a thank you to Vocal with MH I've donated a piece of art I did the night I tried to kill myself. It's a dark piece but something that came out of a bad situation. I cannot thank this charity enough for help me, supporting me and explain my medication and stuff to Bette. For saving my life. I cannot thank them enough, Please remember, you cannot cure mental illness, you live with it."

Tina looked up as the room broken into applause. She looked over and saw Bette wiping tears from her eyes. She smiled softly, taking in her sexy ass woman who was wearing a lovely white suite with a lace top on under it.

Tina left the stage, she shaking.

"You did well Tina," Mary, the organiser of the show smiled.

"Thank you, erm, I think I need a hug from my wife."

"Yeah you're shaking a little, take your medication as well okay."

"I will,"

Tina walked around and into the room, Bette had made her way to the stage and was there, she opened her arms and Tina walked straight into them. Tina held her wife and the room seemed to fade away.

"I'm so fucking proud of you," Bette whispered.

"Thank you," Tina said,

Bette pulled back and kissed her lips.

"You even made Alice cry,"

"That's not possible," Tina laughed softly.

They walked over to the table and Tina sat down she smiled at her friends as her sister-in-law reached for her hand.

"I've never understand your issues until today. I'm so proud of you. I'm so lucky to call you my family,"

Tina smiled at Kit before reaching for Bette's hand. The conversations around the table started and she was lost in seconds but she just wanted to sit here and hold her wife's hand and reflect.


"I cannot believe that you're painting went for that much?" Bette said as she slipped into bed, they had arrived home and tina had been tense. The whole evening had been too much for her and she was finding it hard to now decompress from it. She was changing out of her suit after she had sat and held Angie for a little while.

"It all went to a good cause,"

"it did. I'm very proud of you, I hope you know that."

"I feel drained." Tina admitted sitting on the bed.

Bette reached out and gently rubbed her wife's back.

"Why don't you have a shower, then you can get into bed. You might actually sleep."

"you might be right,"

Bette looked at her wife who didn't move, today had been a lot for her. she knew that.



Bette moved and knelt behind her wife and wrapped her arms around her shoulders and hugged her from behind. Tina reached up and touched her wife's arms. she felt Bette's love surrounding her. Tina took a deep breath.

"I love you Ti,"

"I love you too,"

Tina patted Bette's arm before getting up and heading into the bathroom. 

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