Collection of Changes to Star...

By PassionsFan2000

461 15 4

A revised and add-on to my previous copy of this. More

Caretaker Part 1 & 2
Time and Again
The Dark Cloud
The 37s
New Projections
Up and Coming Resistance
New Alliance
Basic Part 1
Basic Part 2
The Chute
Future's End Part 1
Future's End Part Two
The Q and the Grey
More Concerning Flight
The Killing Game Additions
Vis A Vis Addition
Omega Directive Ending Changed
Longer Night
Once Upon a Time
Latent Image
Dark Frontier part 1&2
Good Shepherd
Even Worse Fury that came from Kes


17 1 0
By PassionsFan2000

The ship was cruising along at warp two with no problem in sight, but something was off and everyone could feel it. It seemed too relaxed. The captain was listening to Tom talk about the status report, and suddenly didn't feel so good. She just assumed that she was overworked, or exhausted, so decided not to mention anything. When they all heard the erratic beeping, she turned to address Chakotay but suddenly felt the bridge start to spin. Tom was quick to swap places with his captain, before she could hit the ground. He got her sitting down in his seat. Commander Chakotay rushed to kneel in front of the helm station seat, while Tom went to grab the emergency med kit that was behind the Tactical station. When he scanned her, all he suggested was that she head down to sickbay for a hypospray to take care of the nausea. Chakotay knew that she would protest, so he spoke up and said "Alright Kathryn...Let's get you to the doctor!" She tried to stand and fight against it, but swayed straight into her husband's ready arms. Together they inched their way slowly off the bridge; leaving everyone to worry about their captain who never takes care of her health.

When the turbolift stopped on deck 5, B'elanna's voice called through the closed tube. She asked "Captain, I was wondering if you could come to engineering and help reviewing the power couplings before I bring the enhanced ones online?" Captain Janeway was about to answer, but Chakotay cut her off and called out "I'm sorry B'elanna, but the captain isn't feeling good so I'm bringing her to sickbay. If you would like, can I head down there as soon as I drop Kathryn off?" Torres was quick to accept his help and closed the link. While Chakotay had been answering Torres, the captain had slowly stalked out into the corridor and was waiting for him to finish talking. When he did, she told him "I can get to sickbay myself, so you should get down to engineering." He tried to protest, but she had pressed a button and sent the turbolift to deck 11. She turned to head towards sickbay, when suddenly she was hit in the back of her head with something solid. The last thing she remembered was landing on the deck, before everything went black.

Once Chakotay had finished helping out in engineering, he decided to contact the doctor and have him tell him what was wrong with Kathryn, because he knew she would never tell him herself. He was hoping she had gone to their quarters to get some sleep, but knew that probably wasn't the case. The doctor was quick to respond "Sickbay here! What can I do for you Commander?" Chakotay answered "I was wondering how Kathryn was feeling?" The doctor quickly responded "I wouldn't know. She hasn't been in to see me. Was she supposed to?" Chakotay immediately got angry and the doctor heard him growl at B'elanna, and say "I knew I should have walked her there myself!!!" Chakotay ended the comm channel and rushed to find his wife and find out why she did not go to sickbay like he suggested.

Deep in the bowels of deck 15, Captain Janeway slowly started to come to. Pain roared through her head and neck. Once she was able to open her eyes, she found herself bound at the wrists and ankles. She knew that she was somewhere down in the bottom most deck of her ship, but didn't know why. Suddenly she heard a crisp voice say "Well, Well, Well isn't it the intrepid starship Captain Kathryn Janeway! You don't look so good...hahaha" She pinched her eyes closed and sighed "Captain Braxton...What are you doing here?...What do you want with me?" He ran up to her and wrapped her hands around her throat and yelled "I WANT YOU TO SUFFER!!!!" After a few minutes he loosened his grip, and watched as she struggled to breathe. Captain Braxton decided to add "You ruined my life, by getting me fired, throwing me into the wrong timeline, and exiling me on 20th century Earth." Something on his wrist emitted a beeping sound throughout the room, but before she could try to figure out what it meant something smashed into her stomach; and the room faded to black.

Chakotay had gone directly to her ready room, ready to chastise her for disregarding her own health. He was too aggravated to wait and see if she answers, and just keyed in his override. When he stormed in, he was surprised to see the light off and nothing out of place. She wasn't here, which caused Chakotay to go from angry warrior to worried warrior. "Computer locate Captain Janeway!" He called out, and heard it respond "Captain Janeway is in her quarters" He then asked if she was asleep, but the computer answered "Unable to comply" Chakotay decided to go down there and see if she was actually in their quarters. He walked through his kids room, the living room, and their room but to no avail did not find her. Alas he found her combadge sitting on the desk. Seeing just the badge and not her made Chakotay steam again. "Computer locate Captain Janeway's biosigns!" The computer announced "Captain Janeway is not abroad" Instantly every angry cell in his body dissipated, and he ran towards the bridge to try and find out some answers.

Back on deck 15, Captain Janeway had just regained consciousness when she saw several crew members walk by, but none stopped. She tried to call out for help, but everytime pain roared through her chest. She tried to calm her mind and assess her injuries, and noticed that she probably had a concussion, and maybe a broken rib or two. One chance to try and figure out why nobody was noticing her, and she had to take it. Inch by inch she crawled towards the room entrance, but she was caught halfway there when a chain snapped her legs back. When she glanced back, she found that the chains that she bound in were connected to a power conduit.

Before she could turn and crawl back to the wall something connected hard with her back. She cried out in pain, and Captain Braxton wasn't quick to tell her to be quiet which surprised her. He grabbed the chain that was attached to her legs, and dragged her back to where she was supposed to stay. Once she managed to pull herself into a sitting position against the wall, he said "Well that wasn't very nice of you to try and figure out how I am holding you captive...Now was it?" She stayed silent, which only caused him to get angrier and angrier until the back of his hand whipped across her face. He yelled "YOU WILL NOT MOVE FROM THIS SPOT!! Are we clear? I am not done with you yet, and don't bother trying to communicate with anyone, because no one can hear you." He took a couple of steps back towards the entrance, and continued "Even your dashing husband can't figure out whether to be mad at you or worried about you..." Right before he pressed the same button on his wrist he added "Oh by the way...You and the Commander have lovely children!" Captain Janeway tried to jump at him for mentioning her kids, but she couldn't go as far as she could before, and assumed that he shortened her chains.

Commander Chakotay and the entire senior staff were hard at work trying to figure out where the Captain had gone, when suddenly a message popped up on the viewscreen reading "Chakotay, and Voyager crew...You know me and I know you. Your captain or wife as one of you calls her, is hidden somewhere on the ship... I will send you a clue every 6 hours and hopefully you can decipher them in time. Either way you all will be saying goodbye to your captain very shortly...." Chakotay started thinking about who could be doing something like this, while Tuvok started to decipher the message itself to figure out the "who", and everyone else just tried even harder to locate their captain.

Captain Braxton stood rooted in the shadows of the silent bridge, just watching his plan unfold. He could see the battle going on in the Commander, and remembered the last time she was thrown into another time frame and grinned. That was the worst, but best part of his life. He was exiled to 20th century Earth, but at least she almost died. He stayed on the bridge, until the crew had finally solved who he was, or so they thought.

Tuvok stayed in charge on the bridge, while Commander Chakotay escaped to the sanctity of his wife's ready room. He fought to center his emotions, and keep his wife's safety in mind, but no matter what he did to distract himself nothing happened. Eventually he fell asleep on the couch for the first time in two days, and hoped that he would have a dream that would help him find his wife.

Braxton transported back into the 'cell,' at least that's what he called it. He saw the captain slumped on the ground, and felt accomplished to know that she was unconscious. He felt no need to wake her, but couldn't leave without inflicting some form of pain. Within a second he vanished and went to find one of the many things to make her suffer more. It only took him about 10 minutes to gather everything up. Before he went back to give the first clue,pressed a hypospray against her neck and checked over the cell.

Captain Janeway woke to pain flooding every muscle in her body. She wondered what had woke her up, and suddenly heard a whimper. She recognized that sound, and shot straight up so her back was against the wall. A yelp escaped her gritted teeth, but that changed when she saw her daughter curled up in the corner; chained just like she was. "Oh Bella baby! It's okay mommy's here!..." she watched as her little girl looked up at her and quietly said "Mommy...Where's daddy?" Her mother tried to slide against the wall towards her baby, but Braxton had shortened the chain too much. She made it halfway before she was stopped, and said "Bella, can you try and come to mommy?" She watched as her scared daughter slowly inched her way towards her. When Bella got close enough, she wrapped her arms around her mommy so quickly and tight. Janeway yelped in pain, but held on to her child, telling her "Shh! It's okay...Daddy will find us...I promise..." Bella had let go a little, but only to ask "Mommy are you hurt?" Janeway didn't want to scare her daughter any more than she already was, so responded "Mommy is a little bit sore, but don't worry I'll be okay." Now Kathryn knew that Braxton better let her go, or her husband was going to have a field day killing him.

Chakotay awoke with a start! He had been so close to getting a glimpse of where his wife was, but something woke him up. On the table in front of the couch, he saw a padd just laying there. It was addressed to him and him only. Quickly he pressed his thumbprint onto the access padd, and read the clue. "Your wife is not the only one gone now...Your daughter has joined your wife, but the hint is...I haven't removed her biosigns from the computer. The question is...Is your wife alive? Or is your daughter alive? Relive 20th century Earth all over again." He reread the last line over and over in his head, and remembered who they had met during their time in Venice Beach. Chakotay called the bridge, and said "Tuvok! It's captain a shipwide scan for any temporal anomalies!"

Braxton was standing in the ready room listening to the commander figure out his plan a lot more quickly than he thought he would. Angered, he transported back to the cell and saw that Captain Janeway was comforting her daughter. "Your husband and crew are smarter than I thought when it comes to you. I wanted to see you suffer more, but now I'm running out of time." He rushed to grab her daughter, but the captain struggled to stay in front of her and protect her. All he did was deliver blow after blow; trying to hit Isabella, but missing and striking Janeway every time. He was waiting until she would slump away, but the time just seemed to remain constant. Now fuming, he had no choice but to kill her quickly. Without pausing the hitting, he secretly pulled out his knife and dug it into her side, and yanked it across her stomach. Bella was crying for him to stop hurting her mom, but he wouldn't stop. He watched as she fought to stay conscious, and was vexed when he found she was doing a hell of a job. He underestimated a mother's will.

Commander Chakotay, Tuvok, EMH, and a security team were on the bridge waiting for the scan to be complete. Time seemed to go slower than it had all day. Harry beamed when his console beeped, and told the crew that he found the captain. Tuvok was the first one to crisply ask "where?" He answered "They are both on deck 15 section 22" Without any more words exchanged, the team beamed directly to deck 15. As they neared the section, they heard grunts, groans, screams, and crys. Chakotay sped up his pace, and ran through the temporal barrier and found Braxton trying to hurt his daughter. Not wasting another second, he fired his phaser and stunned the angry captain. When the man fell away, everyone saw the captain start to slump towards the ground. Chakotay and the EMH lunged to keep her from landing on the ground. "KATHRYN!" Chakotay yelled out when he got her settled in his arms. She looked up and weakly said "Bella?" The little girl rushed into her family's embrace, and let her dad answer "Bella's fine honey...The doctor is checking you out now...I'm so sorry that I wasn't quicker in finding you!!" She reached her hand to cover his, and Bella joined in, and the captain continued "It's okay...I'm just happy you found me...I love you..." That was the last thing she said before falling unconscious.

The team rushed her straight to sick bay and became the Janeway family home for the next two weeks. The family grew closer as a whole, while Chakotay and Kathryn fell deeper in true love.

The End

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I will be returning to renew this story. However, it's finished, and will have no further parts, unless I suddenly get the feels to.