Spiderfrost fic

By Movie_Freak_

55.8K 1.6K 775

Loki is de aged to 15 by odin Peter is also 15 Trans!peter and genderfluid!loki There is an OC but it wont h... More

Author note
First chapter
Second chapter
Third chapter
Fourth chapter
Sixth chapter
Seventh chapter
Eight chapter
9th chapter
10th chapter
11th chapter
12th chapter
13th chapter
14th chapter
15th chapter
16th chapter
The End.
The End (part two)

Fifth chapter

3.9K 116 144
By Movie_Freak_

A/N I'm sorry that I didn't post yesterday anything, so I'm going to post one long chapter. Enjoy reading! (Imagine that Disney+ is a thing 6 years early lol)

TW: nightmare, torture, angst, references to starvation, trans slurs, references to transphobia, misgendering, self harm

"Do you want to watch a movie" Peter asked.

"What is a movie?"

"I can show you" He said smiling.

Third person's pov

Peter turned on the TV and went to Disney+ and put on Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

The two teens sat on Peter's bed and watched the movie in comfortable silence. 40 minutes later Tony came to Peter's room to say that dinner was ready. He didn't expect that Loki would be with Peter after what they "did" to Wanda.

"Um.. the food is ready" Tony said and left the room.

Peter paused the movie and looked at Loki and saw that they looked scared and sad.

"Is everything alright?" Peter asked.

"I don't think I deserve that food"

"Of course you deserve the food" Peter said "come with me"

When they walked in dining room Loki kept their head down and sat next to Peter. Even Wanda was there.

"Loki, you need to eat something" Thor said.

"Thor is right. Here" Steve handed a plate with some pasta to Loki, but they just shook their head no. They still thought that they didn't deserve the food.

"Why don't you just eat?" Tony asked.

"I don't deserve food" Loki said quietly.

"Loki of course you deserve food!" Thor said "Why wouldn't you?"

"I'm just pathetic little murderer who doesn't need to be alive"

With that everyone shut up. All of them just stared at Loki, until Peter pulled Loki into a hug.

"Loki, you need to eat. You deserve it no matter what. I care about you" Peter whispered into Loki's ear.

"Thank you" Loki said so quietly that only Peter heard them and started to eat.

After Loki and Peter ate they went back to Peter's room to watch movies. After few hours and three movies both of them were tired and sleepy.

"I should go to my own room" Loki said.

"Okay" Peter said already half asleep.

'He is cute' Loki thought 'I wish I could stay'

After saying good night Loki vent to their own room thinking about that cute young boy.

"Bring him to me!!" The mad Titan yelled at the guards

"Yes master"

The guards walked down to Loki's cell and grabbed him by arms and legs. They dragged him along the corridors and made him kneel before Thanos.

"Loki, Loki, Loki... why did you think that you deserved that food?" Thanos asked him with fake sweet smile.

"I-I was h-hungry" Loki replied. His whole body tensed of fear.

"That is not an excuse! Take him back to his cell!"

Loki knew what was going to happen now. Torture. Hours of torture.

Later the guards came back with a whip. They started to beat him with it. Loki yelled in pain.

"Wake up! Loki you need to wake up!"

Loki woke up and saw Peter next to her.

"Are you okay? Do you want to talk talk about it?"

Loki shook her head no. They didn't want to let Peter know what happened to her.

"It's only 4AM do you still want to sleep?"


"I can stay with you if you want to"

"You can stay" Loki said "Do you want to come sleep with me" She asked blushing.

"I can come"

Peter laid down next to Loki. He noticed how she looked more feminine today.

"What are your pronouns now?" Peter asked. He knew how much he could make Loki's mood better just by asking that. He remembered Flash misgendering him at school and calling him slurs like "tranny" and "faggot" he quickly shook those memories off his head.

"I would like to she/they pronouns" Loki said.

"Okay" Peter said smiling.

They both fell asleep and four hours later they woke up when Friday announced that breakfast is ready. When they realised that they were cuddling each other they both blushed.

Peter left Loki's room to change and Loki just shapeshifted into new clothes. She was wearing a black oversized t-shirt and blue ripped jeans. When they left her room she waited Peter. When Peter came out of his room he was wearing a black oversized hoodie and blue jeans.

"Isn't there like 77°F (25°C) outside?"

"Yes, why?" Peter seemed more nervous than before he left Loki's room.

"Why are you wearing such a thick hoodie then?"

"It is just comfortable" Peter lied.

Loki knew that Peter lied, but brushed it off. They walked together to kitchen where was full conversation between Wanda, Tony, Steve and Clint.

"Just tell us what you saw in his head" Tony said

Wanda shook her head no and turned away from Tony.

"It can't be that bad" Clint said.

"Well if you think like that I can make you see what I saw" Wanda said.

"Okay, show us" Steve said.

Wanda used her powers and put a memory in their heads.

Loki kneeled before a someone who's skin was purple and looked like an ugly grape. He made some people cut Loki's back, arms and legs and after that he used scepter on Loki.

"You know what to do know" the ugly grape said.

"Yes, almighty Thanos"

And then they got back in reality shocked what was happened to Loki, then they realised that two teens stood next to the kitchen island. They didn't recognize the other one next to Peter.

"Uh who are you?" Steve asked, but then Thor came to the kitchen.

"Oh, hi sister" Thor said.

"Sister? I thought you had only one sibling" Tony said.

"I do have only one sibling"

"Then who is that?!"

"Shouldn't you be a genius or something?" Loki asked.

"I am genius!"

"Then you'd know that my name is Loki"

Tony and others expect Wanda, Peter and Thor just stood here like somebody has slapped them to face.

"I am genderfluid" Loki continued.

"Friday, what does that mean?"

"Gender fluidity refers to change over time in a person's gender expression or gender identity, or both. That change might be in expression, but not identity, or in identity, but not expression. Or both expression and identity might change together." Friday said.

"Okay that makes sense"

"Do you guys want pancakes?" Steve asked.

"Yes please" everyone said.

While Steve was making pancakes Bruce came to the kitchen.

"Why are you wearing that thick hoodie, Peter? There is pretty hot outside"

"It's just comfy"

"I can see that you are lying. What is the real reason?"

"That is the real reason" Peter tried.

"Wanda read his mind" Tony said

"No Wanda, please"

"I'm doing this for your best"

Wanda enters in Peter's mind and sees that he was cutting in his bathroom after looking at his side profile. She didn't understand first why he was looking at his side profile, but then she saw his binder. He wasn't out to the Avengers yet and she wasn't and asshole who outs people.

"He was cutting in the bathroom"


"He did WHAT" Tony yelled.

At this point Peter was running to his room, and Loki left after him. Loki went to Peter's room and she heard crying.

"Peter?" she tried

Loki opened the door and saw him crying on his bed. They pulled him immediately into a hug and let him cry against her chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I-I was having gender dysphoria a-and I thought m-my chest wasn't flat enough"

"Why do you think that?"

"School start's next week and everyone in school misgenders me"

"Why you haven't told about that to anyone?"

"T-they don't know that I am trans"

"Oh" Loki says "I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's okay"

"No it's not" Loki says "Can you show me your wrists?"


Peter pulled up his sleeve and unwrapped the bandages. Under them was many scars. Old and new ones. Then Loki shape-shifted again he was now male.

"I can take care of those cuts. Let's go to the bathroom"


After cleaning the cuts Loki went to kitchen to get some food. When he arrived to kitchen he was under a question attack. Everyone asked about Peter, but Loki didn't answer any of them. He just took some pancakes and went back to Peter's room. When he got there they started watching Star Wars and at some point they ended up cuddling on the bed.

A/N okay this was extra long chapter and it took me literally 6 hours to write this. I hope you like it<3
Words 1461

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