Princess of the Mafia

Da Anonymouswriting1617

34.4K 1.2K 58

"Are you ok?" "Why do y'all keep asking me that? I am fine." "Your lying tesoro" "I am 13 years younger than... Altro

Character list(Salvatore Family)
More Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Adrianna and Lorenzo
Jasmine and Aiden
Kamiyah and Marcello
Leah and Alonzo
Lexi and Cameron
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New Book
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Please Read A/N
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63

Chapter 2

1.4K 42 0
Da Anonymouswriting1617

When they landed they all got out Aiden and Lorenzo carrying their sisters out and to the car careful not to wake them up.

When they got to the mansion after taking Natalia and Chloe to the guest room Lorenzo and Aiden joined everyone else in the dining room. they knew that they had a lot they needed to talk about.

"What happens now?" They needed to decide what they were going to do they also needed to get back to Italy.

Alessandro knew that Ethan was something that his sons were going to have to decide it wasn't something he could. He may have loved his wife more than anything in the world but nothing compared to love a parent had for their children."That man down there hurt your mother he defiled her and killed her. What happens next is up to you but we leave tonight. We try our best to fix what he caused it will not be easy."

Every one of the brothers looked at Lorenzo in truth he and his wife were the scariest of them all. They all knew no one was going to be able to handle it like them. And Adrianna knew and loved Alyssa before everything happened."Why did y'all look at us?"

Cameron smirked he knew that although they may like claiming that they are into hurting people for fun they are."It could have something to with the fact that I don't know you two torture for fun," 

"Go call your imaginary girlfriend." Adrianna scolded she knew how Cameron to be he liked to make the snarky comments and get on everyone's nerves.

"How about you just go shoot someone to relive your anger." He knew that would get to her and the look on her face was priceless."Oh right been there done that already."

"You are testing your luck Cameron." Lorenzo knew how his brother could be he always had something to say and he never cared about what anyone else said to him as long as he could still manage to piss them off.

"Thats the same thing you say every month to a different brother." His phone dinged it was from Lexi and he knew that it was important. He looked back at his siblings."I have to take this." Cameron ran upstairs to his room locking the door behind him he did not need any of them in his personal business.

"What the hell was that?" As long as Leah knew Cameron he had never been that strange before.

The slam of the door had woke up Natalia who walked out the room confused."Oh fuck you Cameron." Kamiyah shouted she knew that he liked his secrets kept a secret but he could at least try to be quiet about it.


Cameron looked at the text.

 I am going to have to sneak out sooner then later because my parents suspect me- Lexi

He dialed her number he needed to make sure that she was alright. He wanted to get her out of town as soon as possible."Hey if you can get to the airport you will be on the first flight to Italy. No passport needed they will give you everything you need when you get there."

"I can tell them i am going to my friends house but what happens when they file me missing. I don't want to be here." She was ready to go she was ready to do something different with her life and finally be with him with no problems. She was ready to be away from her abusive parents.

He wanted her safe as soon as possible he was going to make sure that no one was able to hurt her again."Pack a bag drop it by the window get to the airport when your out the country they have no claim I am not going to let anything happen to you Lexi."

"I'm scared Cameron." She was scared that she wasn't going to be able to leave that something was going to go wrong and she was going to be stuck with her parents for the rest of her life.

"Listen to me baby nothing is going to happen when your in the airport they will put you on the first available flight i am paying them extra to get you out of here as soon as possible." After everything that she had went through he was not about to allow her to go through anything else. She didn't deserve the thing that she had gone through as it was."I am going to see you tomorrow I love you Lexi."

"Love you too Cam." She meant it she didn't know what she would have done without him.


Kamiyah ran up the stairs to get her she knew Natalia didn't know who any of them were. "Natalia?"

"Who are you?" Natalia asked she was confused on what was going on she remembered it but she was still confused.

She understood the confusion learning all of this must have been hard for her. "My name is Kamiyah I'm gonna be your sister soon do you want to meet your brothers."

Natalia nodded she was happy to hear that she had more family and that Chloe finally had more family then just her and Aunt Jackie."Yes."

"Can i hold your hand?"Natalia nodded Kamiyah took her hand and the two walked down the stairs."Natalia how many days has Chloe stayed awake for." She knew that of Chloe was still sleeping then she must have stayed up for a while.

"Last time she crashed it was for a week. She's been up for four days when she crashes she doesn't wake for at least half the time she's stayed away. So she'll be out two days." She never really understood why her sister did it so much. But she wouldn't say anything to her. "Especially at the end of the month she prefers to stay up."

As they reached the bottom of the staircase Kamiyah looked at Natalia and asked."Have you ever stayed up that long?" She wondered if Chloe ever allowed her to stay up that long.

Natalia shook her head she didn't like staying up long and she wasn't able to much."I barely make it two days she always makes sure even if she isn't sleeping i am."

"So you ready to meet your 7 brothers." She knew that this was all knew for Natalia.

Cameron ran downstairs now done with his call and hearing that Kamiyah was starting the introductions."That's just cold Kamiyah."

Kamiyah glared at him she did not need this right now. And they had other things that they needed to get done they didn't need to get into an argument with Cameron again. They always got into it."Cameron don't get your ass beat haven't you learned from your brothers not to upset the fucking pregnant woman."

"Kamiyah you know you can't cuss in front of your child right." Cameron reminded he knew how she was and she had a problem with what she said and he knew that she was going to eventually have to control that because of all the kids in the house.

Cameron went and stood by his father before she could hit him. Cause trust us she tried to hit him."Like i was saying before i rudely interrupted. interrompimi di nuovo ti spacco il culo"
(Interrupt me again I'll beat your ass)

Cameron put his hands up in mock surrender. He always found their attitudes hilarious.

"Was that so hard. stronzo."

"What does that mean?" Natalia asked she was confused to what they were talking about.

"Nothing." Everyone said they were happy that she didn't understand what they were saying. At least that was going to help when they didn't want her to understand when they were saying words she didn't need to know.

Kamiyah knelt next to Natalia it was time for her to be introduced to her siblings. ."You ready."

"Yeah." Natalia nodded she was happy that it was no longer just her and Chloe. She had a family and she could tell that it wasn't just going to be Chloe against the world now.

Kamiyah motioned to Aiden Jasmine and Jordan first."Ok this is your older brother Aiden his wife Jasmine and their newborn daughter Jordan. Aiden can be a little cold Jasmine is the nicer one of the two." She knew that Natalia knew a lot of things that the average 7 year old did not. She had seen more than she should so the best option right now was going to be telling the truth.

"Hi." She waved she was happy to meet them.

"Hi Natalia." Jasmine and Aiden greeted they knew this was new to her.

She motioned to Adrianna Lorenzo and Lily."This is your next brother Lorenzo his wife Adrianna and there 5 year old Lily. They both may seem a bit mean rude or straightout cold-hearted but they are nice I swear." They were going to be nicer to Natalia and Chloe more than they were to others that was for sure.

"I'm only gonna let that pass cause your pregnant." Lorezno scowled he knew that Kamiyah had a way of speaking everything that was on her mind that was part of the reason she got landed with Marcello.

"Hi." She was going to certainly get used to everyone.

"Aww your so cute." Adrianna did have an obsession with kids no matter how cold-hearted she may be.

She next motioned to Jason she was going to take it one at a time introducing them to Natalia.."This is your next brother Jason he does not have a girlfriend and can be a little mean rude but he does like pulling pranks so watch out." She warned she knew how he could be and he liked to piss everyone off.

"Hey! Kamiyah!" Jason scolded he couldn't believe that that she had just said that. "Hi i'm Jason."


She motioned to Marcello next."Next brother is Marcello if you ever have computer problems go to him also he is my fiance were having a baby soon."

"Cool hi."

Next she motioned to Nathan Alonzo and Leah. "Then we have Nathan and Alonzo they are twins there faternal Nathan does not have a girlfriend but Alonzo does that his girlfriend Leah. Alonzo is the nicer twin Nathan is the meaner one he might hurt your feelings at times. Leah is a sweetheart with a temper."

"True." Alonzo nodded he knew that while his girlfriend was a sweetheart her temper helped her to get anything that she wanted and it helped her scare people.

Leah scoffed looking at Alonzo she could not believe that he was agreeing with her having a temper."Do not agree with her i do not have a temper."

"Keep telling yourself that Leah." Cameron smirked everyone knew that she had a temper no matter how much she tried to deny it.

Leah looked at Cameron with a glare she hated when people said that she had a temper."Go jump off a cliff Cameron."

"Bipolor." Everyone knew that she could go from cold to nice in the blink of an eye and they all expected as such. That was something that was never going to change.

Kamiyah cleared her throat so she could finish the introductions to the brothers and their girlfriends."And last but not least that is your older brother but he is the youngest of the rest. His relationship status is unknown for now."

"I am not telling you anything." Cameron was not telling them until he actually had to the les they knew the better.

Kamiyah rolled her eyes and motioned to Alessandro."And that is your stepfather Alessandro he was married to your mom,"


"Lorenzo sembra che i tuoi fratelli abbiano scelto te e Adrianna per gestire la situazione mentre gli altri fanno le valigie"
(Lorenzo looks like your brothers have chosen you and Adrianna to handle the situation while the others pack their bags)

He knew that he had to make sure Ethan suffered for what he had done to their mother."Doloroso o veloce"
(Painful or fast)


"Sai cosa fare. Fammi parlare da solo con Natalia"(You know what to do. Let me talk to Natalia alone) He knew that there was somethings that he needed Natalia to know blood or not she was his child as much as she was Alyssa's.

They all nodded and went their separate way Cameron picked up Lily so her parents could handle Ethan in privacy as they headed downstairs and the others went to pack. Leaving Natalia and Alessandro.

"You were married to my mother." She didn't know much about her mother she knew that Chloe wasn't very fond of talking about it.

"I was." He nodded he knew that she had questions.

"Did you love her?" She knew that he knew her for a long time before everything had happened.

"I did very much." If there was anything that he could say it was that he loved his wife more than anything in the world.

"Yes, I did. Did your sister ever tell you about your mom or dad?" He knew that Chloe had to know what happened and he wondered how much of it she told to Natalia.

She nodded slightly she had always asked Chloe questions and got lucky for the answers she did get about their family. She trusted her sister more than anything in the world. She loved her the same amount."She told me that where were from our mother and aunt were perceived as bad people. She said there are people that are said to be bad people but aren't and there are those that are said to do it because they have to and there are those that don't care what their actions cause other people and hurt them. She said mommy was a good person and she was there for aunt Jackie. She said that my dad wasn't a good person he was the reason mommy died he hurt her in the worst way imaginable. She said it's not my fault that she'll do anything to protect me. No matter what happens." She knew that her sister would put herself in dangerous situations to keep Natalia safe.

He kneeled in front of her if he knew anything from the 17 years he knew his wife is she had always wanted a girl. She had also wanted her daughter to be able to protect herself and have a family that cared for her and protected her. He was going to make sure that her wish was kept."You and Chloe are safe here nothing is going to happen to either of you. Were your family and were going to make sure that you are safe."

"Can I call you dad? I don't know who my father was and I don't ever want to find out." From what Chloe told her she never wanted to find out who her father was to her he didn't exist.

"You can." She was the last thing his wife did no matter what Alyssa was amazing person no matter anything she faced. She loved and cared for her family. And he knew that although the way that Natalia had happened had been despicable she would never take it out on her daughter. She would cherish and loved her like no other and he would do the same.


A/N I know it takes place in Italy and they all are supposed to speak Italian but because I don't speak it they will speak English and occasionally Italian

Hope your enjoying the story

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