Everyone hates me (end)

By Felipebarbadosa

36.9K 2.8K 250

1. Ultimate Villain Witness the journey of a second rich generation to become a super Villain. "Stabbed some... More

1. Transmigrated
2. A Trainee
3. CEO
4. Chinese Mozart
5. Rebirth
6. Tyrant At School
8. I'm The Beta
9. A Handsome New Actor
10. We Meet Again
11. Super Villain
12. Burning Flame
13. Stalker
14. Chasing Him
15. Weekend
16. Your Choice
17. I Must Be Crazy
18. My Wifey
19. Target Locked
20. First Sex?
21. Troubles Find You At Door
22. Daddy
23. Moving In
24. Jealousy
25. Retribution
26. Love Is In The Air
27. Second Chance
28. Meeting In Laws
29. Living Together
30. In Love
31. Poisoned?
32. A Farming Village
33. Cruel People
34. Unwanted Ending
35. Win And Win
36. Official Date
37. Lost Him
38. You Are Perfect
1.Going To War
2. New School
3. Roommate
4. Dating Someone
5. Paid And Taken
7. Revelation
8. System Is Gone
9. Donated
10. Meeting The Parent
11. His Wifey
12. Confession

7. Saving A Life

960 74 3
By Felipebarbadosa

Baozi looks haggard. He is grieving for his dead brother. The teen boy committed suicide after realizing how much mess he created.

He feels hollow after he cremated his little brother.

Jeff taps on his shoulder.

Baozi looks angry.

He asks, "Why are you here? Go away!"

The muscular guy also attended the cremation. For a debt collector, he is quite a nice guy. He even brings flowers.

Only four persons attended the cremation process. Jeff, Jerome, Su Bao and the debt collector guy.

The muscular guy waits until the cremation process is over. Before he breaks the sad news.

"Mr. Su, Boss has decided on your first assignment. You have to serve..."

They forced Baozi into prostitution!

Jeff grabs his collar and the beefy guy got startled.

He yells, "You got no conscience? His brother just died!"

"Sorry. Boss told me he has to pay his debt."

Jeff looks disgusted when he releases his collar.

Jerome asks, "How much he owed you?"

"Three millions yuans."

Jerome's eyes got widened. He looks like he's going to punch someone.

Baozi lowers his head. He owed 500,000 yuans at the beginning. The interest rate is just insane.

Jeff orders, "Jerome, back off."

Jerome will be sued if he punched this fellow. Their company got no spare budget to handle such tricky matters.

Jeff says, "You, give me the bank account. I will pay it."

The beefy guy smiles and offers him a name card with a bank account printed on it.

Jeff pays him back with online banking transaction.

Three millions. Damn! I'm broke!

Baozi sighs.

He asks, "Jeff, you shouldn't..."

"Shut up! You owed me 3 millions yuans. You have to work for me for ten years."


Baozi finally smirks. Maybe his first genuine smile after all these years. He blushes when he remembered their last encounter many years ago.

They realized they're both gays back at high school. The horny boys went to love hotel to celebrate and hit it off. Only to discover they were both shous (bottoms).

Baozi didn't go to school for few days because of the embarrassment. Then the family company went bankrupt. And he has to drop out from school.

Jeff probably remembered too. He smirks to Baozi.

He sent Jerome back to Xing Hai company. He follows Baozi to scatter the ashes in the ocean.

They are strolling on the beach after the ceremony is finished. 

White sandy beach. Seagulls are flying above their heads.

Jeff decides to walk faster. He got serious bad luck. Don't want bird dropping on his head.

Baozi asks, "Sorry for troubling you, Jeff."

"No need. My company needs a good slave and found one."

Baozi laughs. Jeff is still soft hearted after all these years.

Jeff asks, "What's your next plan? You still want to live in that place? "

"I'm afraid not. I'll remember my brother if I lived there. Anyway, the rent is going to expire this week. Can't afford the next payment."

Baozi lowers his head and asks with embarrassment, "Sorry... Could you give me a place to stay? I promised I'll help cleaning up."

He feels awful cause Jeff has helped him paid the enormous debts.

"Sure. You could stay in our company dorm. It's kinda old building for trainees. Probably haunted too. So don't expect much."

"Well, a beggar can't choose. At least it's free."

Jeff says, "I'll ask Jerome to issue you an employee card. You could eat in our Canteen. It's cheaper than outside. That's why most trainees eat there. The taste is... Still edible..."

Baozi chuckles. He has got used to starve for few days. Any food will be edible for him at this rate.

He asks, "So, what's my job?"

"As my assistant. I'm infamous star, you know?"

Jeff is bragging about being the next villain star.

Baozi nods his head as if he's agreeing with him. His bestie is always attractive to others. People used to flock around him at school.

Jeff laughs before he confesses, "Actually I got no fan yet. Only a handful anti fans. Things would get better for us."

"Yes, we will. So, got a boyfriend yet?"

Jeff laughs weakly. He shakes his head. He was a virgin in his last life. Too busy saving Aaron's company. No time to date anyone.

Baozi confesses, "Me too. Still single until now. Say Jeff, are we cursed? Maybe we will retire together and live in a small villa. Us and a cat."

Jeff laughs heartily. They aren't two old spinsters. They are both shous with no real dating experience. Dating a guy in BL Otome game didn't count.

He comments, "Right now I only need to be famous. Love could wait another day."

Jeff yells to the ocean, "I'm going to be famous!"

"Yeah!" yells Baozi.

Baozi suddenly holds his stomach. His gastric acid is acting up again. Too much stress lately.

He apologizes, "Sorry. I got a stomach ache. Why don't we meet in your office tomorrow? Just send me your address."

"It's okay. I have no schedule today."

Poor Baozi. He is an orphan like me. At least I still got Uncle Aaron. He got no one. At least I could accompany him today.

Jeff waits for Baozi. He is standing not too far from the public restroom.

A tall and cold looking young man just walk out of the restroom.

Jeff notices his expensive suit.

A rich second generation? Here, in a beach? Hardly anyone goes to a beach wearing a suit.

Suddenly someone calls, "Jeff!"

Maybe because of his bad experience, Jeff is ready for the worst. He dodges just in time.

The cream pie missed it's target. It flew and landed on the handsome guy in a suit.

His dark gray suit is tainted with pink cream. Some of it also splashed to his light blue shirt and platinum gray tie.

His black fan immediately runaway after failed the prank.

Jeff apologizes to the suit guy, "Sorry. Let me pay for the laundry fee."



The cold looking man takes off his jacket, shirt and tie. He throws them to the ground. He has nice figure. Not too bulky. No excessive fat.

He approaches Jeff and forcefully unbuttons his black shirt.

"Hey, you! What are you doing?" protests Jeff.

The guy has taken Jeff's shirt and wears it. He leaves his tainted clothes behind.

Jeff curses, "Crazy!"

Baozi just leaves the restroom.

He asks, "Why are you half naked?"

"I still got my pants on. Stop exaggerating."

Jeff picks up the dirty suit. He notices the brand and laughs like a mad man. This suit costs almost a million yuan.

Doing good act really brings good luck. Jeff is usually unlucky. The old chinese saying is true: there is fortune after a series of misfortunes.

He doesn't care and wears the tainted shirt. That man's warmth still lingers in it. Faint man cologne.

Jeff is going to take the suit to a laundry. Not everyday you found an expensive suit on the ground.

In a moving Bentley not far from that place...

A driver glances at his Master through a rear mirror. Odd. He never wears cheap short sleeved shirt like that.

The cold looking man closes his eyes. This is his worst day in life. He has transmigrated to this world ten years ago. No one ever threw him a pie before.

His old world was a chaotic one. War against AI machines occurred everyday. Mankind is losing to robots.

The technology in this world is undeveloped. He feels bored. Died from boredom might be written on his tombstone one day.

His old world was very dangerous. At least it's super exciting when hacking into motherboard. Sending viruses to supercomputer. Eliminating killer robots with a single keyboard.

Thought going to a beach would lighten his mood. At least his psychiatrist suggested it.

He opens his eyes and stares the sceneries.

As a super talented programmer, he has single handedly built a tech company.

Young and rich entrepreneur. Women are lining up for him. Trying to climb his bed.


He yawns again.

He dozes off again.

The driver glances through the mirror again. Hard to understand young billionaire like him.

Master Qin has a mountain of wealth. He never looks happy.


Jeff has changed his clothes into a clean one. He is buying dinner for Baozi. They eat fish head soup. His poor friend is a bit malnourished. He needs to eat

They chat and joke for a long time.

Jerome picks them up using Nanny car after dinner.

The agent asks, "Su Bao, could you drive a car?"

"No. I could ride a motorcycle though."

Jerome orders, "Learn to drive and get a license."


Jeff nods his head. Their company has rercuited many new talents.

Jerome will be very busy. He can't afford to be his driver everyday.


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Poor Baozi. At least Jeff freed him from loanshark's grip. In his last life, his bestie died overdozed in an alley.

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