Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X...

By Baby_DJ38

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"What have I gotten myself into?" In which she sighed at her own question and rubbed her head in annoyance. ... More

Disney: Twisted Wonderland
+Quiinn Shadowrain+Y/N+
Happy Birthday Riddle! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ
Chaos 1
Chaos 2
Chaos 3
Chaos 4
Quiinn's Birthday!! ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŽŠ
Chaos 5
Chaos 6
Chaos 7
Quiinn's missing?! #1
Quiinn's missing?! #2


646 20 1
By Baby_DJ38

Episode 5 - The Beautiful Oppressor

Episode 5-32: That Mirror Again! + Episode 5-33: The Prince’s Change of Heart! + Episode 5-34: Devotion to Harmony! + Episode 5-35: A Different Identity! + Episode 5-36: A Tense Relationship! + Episode 5-37: Twilight Rumble! + Episode 5-38: Shout your Dissatisfaction!


[Ramshackle Dorm - bedroom]

3rd P. O. V

Quiinn was woken up by a spark of light radiating in her room which made the room shine and thus, causes her to woke up. "What is it now....?" She said as she groggily rubbed her eyes and sat in her bed.

"–llo… Hello? Quiinn, are you still there?"

Her eyes traveled to the mirror in her room as she immediately got off her bed, stumbling a lil bit and started, "Mickey?!"

"Whoa, you shocked me! I didn’t expect you’d shout…It seems like I can hear your voice clearly today. The first time we met, I could only see your silhouette, but now I can see you clearly. Can you see me properly, Quiinn?"

Quiinn let out a small laugh and nodded. "Yeah, you're the same as I remember how you would look like."

""As I remember how you would look like?" Oh, you mean my silhouette? Well, anyway. I talked to my friend about how we could communicate in dreams, but…Donald and Goofy don’t know anything about Twisted Wonderland either. Donald even told me I was just possessed by a ghost and said I should see a priest."

Quiinn poses herself in a thinking manner and thought, 'He didn't mention Minnie.....he didn't tell her?' Quiinn said that her friends also said the same thing about Mickey. "I just really hope you're not a ghost." That got Mickey shook his head. "Eh? I’m not a ghost! You’re not a ghost, too, are you?"


"That’s a relief. But… I’m more confused now…Just a while ago, a living card and a dancing glove asked me what I was doing here again. I guess this dream isn’t a simple dream…"

Quiinn narrowed her eyes and it landed on the ghost camera that Crowley gave her. "Oh yeah, let's take a picture, Mickey."

"Picture? Yeah sure!"

As Quiinn grab the ghost camera, a ringing started playing in the background which made Quiinn snapped her head at the mirror in an instance and take the ghost camera with her.

"Huh? … is… Ringing… Phone…" Mickey slowly disappear as Quiinn sigh, knowing she didn't get the chance to take a picture of him. "Mickey? Mickey are you there?!" Quiinn question just to confirm. Hearing no reply, she came to a conclusion that Mickey is gone.

Now she dive in into her train of thought as she place the ghost camera down. "There's so many questions now.....and non of em has an answer to it....yet. For example, where's Mickey? Where did the mirror lead? What are the mirror roles? How is the mirror connected to my past world? Why was I brought here? Why is Mickey involved? What is my purpose here and so on! And yet.....its only answer is silence." Quiinn, with frustrated expression plastered on her face, make her way out of the room to get herself some water. "And not to mention......this dorm. What happened to this dorm that it was abandoned? What made it so.....rundown?"

Sighing at her own, unsolvable questions, she walked past the lounge area only to stop in her track.

"What the hell?" Quiinn said as she retraced her steps.

Seeing 3 boys laying on the hard, cool floor of the lounge, completely frozen is something new to Quiinn as she wonder to herself what had happened to them. Or, they're just playing a pranks on her. "What in the name of Shadowrain are you guys doing?" Asked Quiinn to the boys and they started whining about Vil captured them eating and put a curse on them, making them can't move till the morning. "Well, you suck and deserves it."

"What?! Have some sympathy!"

Quiinn sighed. "I'll go get blankets." Quiinn walk up the stairs and into her room.

She took out the remaining blankets that she find in the dorm and it's clean, don't worry. Quiinn walk back down to the lounge and place the blankets on them as they says their thanks and goodnight to Quiinn. "Yeah, hope you guys can move tomorrow tho."


[Pomefiore Dorm - ballroom]

The boys are gathering around Kalim to hear about a story from his hometown and as for Quiinn, she's stretching next to the windows as Vil observed her.

Vil claps his hands and asked if everyone is here.

"Quiinn seems much more ready for some training than you guys." Vil mentioned which made the boys dragged their attention on Quiinn, who immediately stop stretching once their gaze landed on her. "Can y'all not stare at me and listen to Vil instead?" Quiinn gave an annoyed side eyes as the boys nodded, thinking that Quiinn probably got her mood acting again.

"Manager, please play the song."

Quiinn turn on the song as asked from Vil and walk back to her former position.

Quiinn stay on the sidelines and only watches their discussion session until it's time for her to count for them.


A few days has passed and the boys kept on training and training for the upcoming events, VDC.

Quiinn calm her throat using the water that she brought along with her from the dorm as the boys started singing along their respective lines. Quiinn wipe her mouth using her hand and that's when she heard Vil shouting Epel's name. "Epel!!!"


Quiinn knew that shit is about to go down and so, she prepares herself.

Vil scolded Epel on where he's wrong and Epel argue back til he had enough of Vil's shit. "~~~~~~~~~~~~ Listen here, you—!! I never wanted any of this!"

Quiinn place her hands in her pockets and watches the argument between the two senior and junior until suddenly, they bring out their magic pen and that's already a red flag for her but she did nothing, knowing that she'll hurt Vil If she take action. "Oh, a duel?" Quiinn already knew the result of this duel.


In the end, Vil win against Epel and thank in the name of whatever god they worship in this world, Epel isn't badly injured.

"Once again, it is my victory. Right now, you are neither cute nor strong. You are a simple apple with not even a hint of poison. If you keep acting like that, you will never be able to hurt me."

Quiinn crouches down next to Epel and aid him using her ability as she said, "Really? Then why do I still find him cute? Would you mind explain that to me?"

Vil, in return, says that it's because simply of Quiinn's thought to comfort him and it wasn't honest.

"That's a shitty answer."

"D-damn it…! I… I—!!"

Epel ran out of the room as Deuce try to stop him and instead, Quiinn take his place. "You stay here. I'll look after him. But I think he needs time."

Quiinn race out of the ballroom and follow after Epel's steps until she find him.


[Pomefiore Dorm - entrance]

Quiinn is now at the entrance of Pomefiore Dorm, looking for Epel as she's sure he would be here. Somewhere here.

She searches through the bushes, thinking that she'll find him hiding in it.

And there he is. His back facing her.

Quiinn didn't make a move. Just crouching and looking at the boy because she feels like he needs some time for himself. 'Maybe this was a bad idea.' She thought but she's worry for him.

Hesitating, she slowly stand up and walk away but a hand reaches out to grab her wrist, taking her down to the ground and landed on her butt.


Epel didn't look at her. His head facing down, on the ground.

Quiinn fixed her sitting position and scooted closer to the pale lilac haired boy but he back away.

"Epel, look at me." Quiinn demand but Epel still held his head low. "Epel, look. At. Me." Her voice hardened. Still not following her order so Quiinn scooted even closer and he keeps backing away from her as if afraid of her.

"Epel." She called, hand on his wrist and she yank it, making Epel closer to her. She pushed him to the ground and pinned him and finally, he met her eyes. "Eyes on me!"

Epel hardened. Face burning red. He couldn't look away, he knew. That's why he didn't want to look at her eyes.

"Why won't you look at me?" That kinda sounds like a girl jealous of the girl her boyfriend keep talking with.

Epel wanted to shut his eyes but he can't. He kept his mouth shut.

Quiinn sigh and unpinned him as he slowly sat up. Quiinn sat a few inches away from him as to not make him uncomfortable.

"Epel, talk to me please." Epel look at her for a few seconds then averted his gaze. He pat the ground Infront of him, telling her to sit there. "It's okay?" He nodded so Quiinn move as quick as lighting and in a second, she's Infront of him.

"Epel." Quiinn place her hand on his cheek. "Epel, don't make me kiss you." She warned then he picked his head up with a blush. She smile.

She removed her hand from his cheek and place it on the ground. "Are you afraid of me? Really? We've been friends for ages, why would be afraid of me?"

He shook his head. "No, it's....not.....that."

"Then wat?"

"I.....I'm afraid to face you, not afraid of you."


"You see how Vil totally mess with me in the ballroom. I look pathetic. I didn't want to face you because I thought you'll think I'm weak."

Quiinn chuckle and open her arms. Epel stare at her for a few seconds then let her embrace him. She started patting his head then said, "You believe what he said? Please, Epel. You know how I am. I would never do that for fuck sake."

"Did you really just had to find an opening to curse?" He asked.

"Always will."

Epel smile and bury his face in her shoulder. "Epel, don't take anything he said to heart. Vil probably just wanted to help you and the rest but I guess he overdone it."

"You think?" Quiinn nodded then, there's no answer. Only silence.

"Do you need more time? You want me to leave?" Quiinn asked the boy in her arms and when her arms suddenly loosened, Epel demand to not let him go. "You want me to stay?" He nodded then picked his head as. "But we can't stay here. Let's go somewhere else."

Quiinn shrugged. "If you say so."


[NRC - Main street]

Epel sigh as he walked along side Quiinn. "... Everything such a mess. All of this happened because the Dark Mirror put me in Pomefiore...!" He started rambling. Then the words Vil had said in the ballroom play in his mind. "I don't understand what he's trying to say........ what should I do now?" Epel face the girl beside him, looking for an answer from her.

"You'll know soon!" As she said so, something moving towards them and Quiinn pull Epel aside with her. "Hm? Isn't that an---"

"Engine? Yeah, look behind ya, boy." Quiinn pointed out to the magical wheel that Deuce ride on and Epel widened his eyes.

"There you are, Epel."

"Eh...? Deuce-kun?! Where did you get that magical wheel?!"

"I heard Ignihyde had one of these to use for festival, so we forcefully borrowed it." He said like it wasn't something unusual. "That's my dude!" The two fist bumps together while letting Epel drowning in confusion. "Epel, come with me for a bit."

"Eh....? Umm... Quiinn!"

"Wha---why am I dragged into this?!"



"Alright, we're here." Quiinn hop off the magical wheel as the two followed.

"Phew....! You drive so fast, Deuce-kun... I didn't know what to do..." Quiinn gave Epel one of her unsatisfied look. "If you don't know what to do, imagine what I would do."

"R-really...? I thought I was going slow---ah, no, never mind. Still, this Magical Wheel was heavily customized by Ignihyde. It's got a lot of new features to it. We managed, but I can't say it was easy." Quiinn took her time examining the said Magical Wheel. "As expected of my homie(Idia)."

Epel chuckles. "But it felt really good! I love going for a ride. But are you sure we're okay? We left the campus without permission..."

Quiinn place her arm on Epel's and shoulder proudly held her chin high. "Who said we don't have permission~?"

The two look at her in confusion. "I got the headmaster's permission, personally. Repeat, personally." The two sigh in relief. "Quiinn, you're a lifesaver!" The two hug the girl who slowly losing her oxygen. "Okay...you can let go now....!"

"Also Quiinn, you didn't find the ride was fun....did I made you upset?" Deuce asked like a puppy.

"No but.... everyone Gangsta until one of the riders flew away and had an accident in the middle of the road." Quiinn smile hurtfully while the two boys stare at each other then back at Quiinn.

"Did that happen?!" They asked.

"No, it didn't. There's this one time I went on a ride with my friend on a motorcycle and I fell off---sorry, lemme fix that, I flew off the motorcycle and almost died, that's the story, so yeah....I had an agenda on why I don't like riding on any vehicles on full speed so next time lad," Quiinn tap the two shoulder. "When you two want to go on a ride with me, don't. Go. Full. Speed. Or, tell. Me. When. You. Want. To. Go. On. Full. Speed so I'll know when to hop off. Especially you Epel, I know how you drive." Quiinn pierce through Epel with her stare as Epel continuously nodded his head with a horrified smile and noted in his mind to not go on full turbo booster mode when she goes on a ride with him.

Quiinn let go of the two and took her shoes off. She place them aside and walk towards the crashing waves.

"...This might be the first time I've seen the sea since coming here." Epel said, standing beside Quiinn who's looking at her feet as the waves crashes to her feet. "Beautiful ain't it?" Quiinn nudge him and Epel gave her a side eye, blushing slightly. "Like a certain someone."

"You got a crush?" Quiinn nudge him again.

"You two, please don't forget about me..." Deuce cutely started pouting. "We did?" Quiinn question then look Epel with her head tilted then back at Deuce. "No we don't." She gave a blank look.

Deuce sigh. "We might be on Sage's Island, but our school is right smack on top of a mountain by the north."

"And RSA is all the way out of the coast. Ah...!" Epel squinted his eyes to find the said shining, princes school. "Wait...is that RSA?"

"Amazing...! It's a school, but it looks like a castle fit for a prince." Because they're your enemy. They're the "heroine" of Disney story after all. Let's not talk about Encanto.

"I've seen a glimpse of it from our school's outlook, but seeing it up close is really something. It's a really elegant building." Oh, if it isn't so obvious.

Epel play with the water with Quiinn and says, "My seniors from Magift Club say that it's a school "brimming with pompous rich kids" a lot, too....Neige studies there doesn't he?" Don't this school also has rich kids too? Ahem, Leona perhaps? A prince????

"Ah... Disney." Quiinn pick up her feet and retrace her steps back to the Magical Wheel and lean on it. It's time for Deuce to shine.

"I!!!!!! AM!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!! GOING TO LOSE!!!!!!!!!"

Epel got caught of guard because of Deuce's sudden shout.

Quiinn smile to herself like a proud mother, watching her child grow up well. That's how she feels when she watch the two interact. A sudden soft breeze flowing past her as Deuce shout yet again.


Deuce told Epel about himself and Epel loyally listen to him. At one point, Deuce and Epel turn to look at Quiinn. She wave her hand and they wave back before turning back to the sea.

Deuce must've told Epel something about Quiinn.

Epel turn to look back at Quiinn and this time, she nods, like she can read what's on his mind.

'Shout out loud.'


Tuesday, 8 February 2022

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