Dream SMP one shots (+ others)

By starbyMC

22K 512 773

Request page: OPEN POG! Uh this book will have the following: •Dream •Sapnap •Technoblade •Georgenotfound •Tu... More

A/N: Before I begin (1)
Request Page :)
.-. Cuddles .-.
A/N: K I can explain something (2)
.-. Help Phil, we fucked up .-.
.-. Holy shit, they GLOW! .-.
.-. Family movie night .-.
.-. Family movie night .-. part 2
.-. There's a difference .-.
A/N: OH MY GOSH- (3)
.-. Maybe I don't want to die .-.
.-. Tap the rhythm of their heart .-.
.-. Headcanons .-. (1)
A/N: this shit is pissing me off (4)
.-. It was a long four years, but I'm back .-.
.-. Just let me in .-.
.-. I wanna hear your guys' voices .-.
.-. Sharp ass claws .-.
.-. S-s-sorry, I c-can't control-l i-i-it .-.
.-. Hey, I'm pansexual .-.
.-. I thought you asked Dad! .-.
.-. Teenaged Sleepover .-.
.-. An injured reindeer .-.
.-. I'm just invisible to you .-. part 1
A/N: It's been a year (5)
.-. Let's watch Frozen 2 .-.
.-. Everything will be okay, mate .-.
.-. Support from the Blade .-.
.-. Hot chocolate and blankets .-.
.-. Home .-.
.-. When can I be a kid again? .-.
.-. Happy New Year! .-.
.-. Finally .-.
.-. "YOU HAVE A SON?!" "I mean, you could say that, yeah" .-. part 1
.-. April Fools .-.
.-. Hi Bad! Happy birthday! .-.
.-. More than just a dream .-.
.-. April 9th, 2004 .-.
.-. Until I remember they love me .-.
.-. He found somebody better .-.
.-. Two sides .-.
.-. Shoot me, you wouldn't .-.
A/N: HOLY SHIT 10k!! (6)
.-. HE'S the figure skater, not me asshole .-.
.-. Camping!.. .-.
.-. Acceptance .-.
A/N: Serious question :) (7)
.-. Valentine's Day - The day of (almost forgotten) love .-.
.-. Caught Purple "Handed" .-.
A/N: About a certain someone. (8)
A/N: My decision (9)

.-. First words at age sixteen .-.

414 15 34
By starbyMC

Request: No
Mcyt: Sbi (mentions of Tubbo and Ranboo)
Type: Fluff
Ages: Wil & Tech: 19 | Tommy: 16 | Phil: 27
AU: Irl

A/N: This should be fun. Not much to say either so let's just get on with it lul

TW: A Karen


*third person*
Phil adopting Tommy wasn't what he thought he would be doing nine years ago.

He knew his two sons - Technoblade and Wilbur - wanted a little brother. They begged and begged and begged and well...begged more until they got one.

Phil talked to the woman who answered the phone and she offered Tommy. He was seven and mute.

Wilbur was mute at first, but he had Techno to speak for him. Tommy had no one so he was going to be a bit harder than Phil thought.

Well he was wrong.

Tommy was very good at expressing himself without words. He knew sign language, which Wilbur also knew, so that helped. He used facial expressions and pointed a lot.

So it was easier than Phil thought.

Other than that, Tommy didn't make much noise. Except for when he was ten years old.

mmmmm eat your creeper crunch

Tommy and Wilbur were sitting in the living room, Tommy sprawled out lazily on the couch and Wilbur sat on the floor by Tommy's torso.

Tommy was a great listener, which Wilbur quickly caught onto. That made their favorite past time Wilbur telling stories and Tommy, well....listening.

"And I was petting the cat...then I sneezed." Wilbur said, fully serious as he told the story of the time he sneezed while petting a stray cat. (If anyone has read -InstrumentalBreak 's MCYT oneshot book. The one Wilbur one "I Hate Everything" about the cat- I'm referencing to that lul)

Tommy made a face, as if he was trying to hold back a laugh - and in all honesty, he was. I mean, how could you not? It was funny!

But of course, Tommy couldn't keep his laughter in forever and eventually started giggling. He'd never laughed or giggled in front of his family before, so Wilbur's face was priceless.

The tall brunette quickly stood up and ran down the hallway, seemingly to go and get his dad and brother.

"They will never believe what he says..." Tommy whispered to himself, not concerned that anyone would hear him.

The musician came sprinting in again, this time with a pinkette and another older blonde.

"There's no way he laughed Wilbur!" Techno said, clearly not believing whatever Wilbur had told him.

"No- nonono Tech he did! Cmon Tommy back me up you did! You totally let out the cutest little giggles I've ever heard!" Wilbur pleaded.

Tommy cracked a smile, snorting and he nodded, letting Wilbur bask in his "win" as he would call it.

"You actually did?" Phil said, probably in shock.

Tommy sighed and nodded again, letting the information sink in for the two others who hadn't witnessed it.

"HAHA! I TOLD YOU HE DID! IT WAS ADORABLE TOO!" Wilbur said, jumping up and down in his own glory. Tommy got up, rolling his eyes at Wilbur's childish behavior.

Before Tommy fully left the view of the living room, he let out one more loud chuckle at Wilbur, turning the corner without another sound.

To say Techno and Phil were shocked wouldn't even describe how they felt.

oompa loompa do ba de do- don't question me

The second time Tommy made a noise, was after he turned eleven.

It was technically the same thing as last time. Except it wasn't his adorable giggles. It was his actual laughter.

His loud, contagious laughter that we all know and love as fans.

He was doing a relatively good job at keeping quiet. He never liked making noises, only letting some giggles out and some annoyed whines whenever Wilbur or Techno stopped playing with his hair.

Tommy was up in his room, on a FaceTime call with his best friend Tubbo. It confused everyone how Tommy and Tubbo even understood one another, considering Tommy doesn't even speak. But they have their ways.

"Yknow Tommy, you should consider meeting my friend Ranboo." Tubbo said, laying on his bed.

Tommy gave him a look, a look Tubbo knew as 'who is that?'

"Ranboo is really tall- it's actually scary. He's funny, talkative, he also plays Minecraft and is American! I'm not totally sure what that means though..." Tubbo said, the last part he said quieter but Tommy still heard it.

Tommy couldn't help but laugh out loud (hah lol) at Tubbo's statement, falling off his bed from rolling around.

Tubbo giggled along with him, not phased by the sound of Tommy laughing. He heard it a lot whenever Tommy went to his house and he ever wondered if the blonde's family had ever heard it.

Turns out, his question got answered as a confused Wilbur opened the door. He looked at the phone, waved to Tubbo before looking at the ground where Tommy was losing his shit.

Wilbur's eyes widened and he smiled really widely.

Tommy continued to laugh, only calming down seconds later. He rolled to his back, making eye contact with his older brother. He froze for a second, realizing his brother heard it.

But he just giggled again and got up, continuing to listen to Tubbo. Wilbur waved to him, he waved back and the door shut.


Tommy and Tubbo heard the shout from outside the door and broke into a fit of giggles again.

it's time, time to go to get the time we lost with time

Years later, Tommy's now sixteen. He's been with these three chaotic people for nine years. He can't believe it.

He didn't think he would last four months let alone nine whole years.

And he wouldn't take back a single thing.

He remained mute throughout the years, the other three used to hearing him chuckle and laugh, though the first time was always the most special.

Phil wanted to go on a walk. A simple, calming walk. His children had been inside for far too long, resulting in some....questionable decisions on their side of things.

There was a pond Tommy and Tubbo had found during one of their little adventures, as Tubbo called them. It was a beautiful and quiet place, actually. A great place for a picnic.

"Everyone have their water?" Phil asked, taking Tommy's from off of the counter and putting it in his backpack with some other snacks. He got two nods and a shout from Wilbur.

"Good. We won't be back for a few hours so don't complain when you run out. And Tommy, you cant drink out of my water bottle just to save your water this time."

Tommy groaned from beside Techno, it sounding like he was saying "I've never done that!" which he most definitely has and was caught doing so.

The family of four put their shoes on and started their journey to the pond.

*techno pov*
I was kind of against going on this walk, but it wasn't like I could say no to Phil anyways. It never works. He'll bring you wherever, whenever.

Anyways, we were about half way there and I wasn't one to care if people didn't like my hair. I chose the pink to begin with so it wasn't anyone's say in what I do.

But sometimes that one Karen just...doesn't understand that.

And I knew that there were Karen's in this area, choosing the most busy place to shove their opinions in your face.

"Excuse me, excuse me sir." A definite Karen said to Phil, stopping our walk temporarily. He smiled nicely at the lady, but we all knew it was fake.

"Yes? Can I do something for you?"

"Yes actually," she pointed to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Why is his hair pink? That's a female colour not a male colour!"

I chuckled and replied before Phil or Wilbur could.

"Actually, I chose this colour. It was my decision and I'm happy with it. I don't know why you feel the need to comment on it because if you look around, not a single other person cares." I spat, not taking her bullshit.

She looked around and saw that I was right, no one caring.

"You know what?! Get her to fix her hair, sir! It is immature to have such a colour on a girl! These poor other boys too! Is this immature girl your sister?!" She said, trying to pull my brothers into this.

"Excuse me, don't call my son a girl. That's very rude. No one is misgendering you purposely, so don't do it to others. Especially my son." Phil said calmly.

She let out a gasp, seemingly shocked at his reaction. "Excuse me but do not-"

The Karen got cut off but an unfamiliar, raspy British voice.

"Shut the fuck up, Karen."

*third person*
The three looked over, when it finally occurred to them that it wasn't a random person talking.

It was Tommy.

"Little boy, please don't get yourself wrapped up in this girl's stupid games. This old man doesn't know what he's doing." She said, reaching out to Tommy. Tommy groaned and slapped her hand away.

"I'd actually prefer if you didn't put your nasty ass Karen hands near me," Tommy said, his voice not that strong but he was determined to stand up for his older brother.

"We're all perfectly fine where we are, and we're happy too so kindly fuck off. My brother looks badass with pink hair and he- actually we don't need your bullshit and unpopulated opinion shoved down our throats."

The three older were shocked at one; Tommy's voice and two; his "I don't give a fuck about you" personality. ("I don't give a fuck about spirit" is what I almost typed lmaoo)

He wasn't going to let this woman get away with shitting on his brother, and they could clearly see it. Wilbur wanted to step in but he was genuinely curious to where Tommy was going to take this.

"I- w-what don't-"

"Blah blah blah "don't say that"!" Tommy mocked, "Sure whatever! But you made fun of my brother and I won't let you get away with something like that."

Everyone - the Karen included - prepared themselves for Tommy to go off. Phil, Wil and Techno weren't even sure if he was going to, considering he'd never talked before, but they were ready.

"Okay you asshole," Tommy started, taking a step near her, "No one wanted you here when you came in the first place and no one but you has the audacity to comment on someone who has never bothered you in their whole life. Techno is perfectly fine the way he is with his pink hair, red eyes and badass PVP skills that would kill you before you could say "excuse me, sir"," Tommy raised his voice in a mocking way. Techno scoffed with a smile, shocked at what Tommy was saying. Wilbur laughed and Phil was a brick wall. He didn't remember how to function.

"This doesn't go for my one brother only, it goes for my whole family and friends. So again, no one wants you here so go back to your friends Becky and Stacy in your corner, judging people with your fake fucking Starbucks drinks and keep your god awful mouth shut. Next time I never run into you, I hope this'll keep you fucking quiet because I don't tolerate bullshit people like you who insult my family. Have a lovely day." Tommy finished off, rolling his eyes and clearly being sarcastic at the end.

The Karen didn't have anything else to say, probably not expecting the youngest to go off on her like that. I mean, the others didn't either. If anything, they thought Techno's reply would be the end of it.

Apparently not.

The four stood in silence for a few seconds before Tommy spoke up again after a cough.

"C-could I have my...water, Phil?" He asked kindly.

Phil stood shocked, taking a second to let out a small "oh yeah...sure" before reaching into his backpack and taking out Tommy's water bottle.

The kids swore that backpack could fit the whole house and more in there. They always had thought that, even at their ages now.

"I didn't think it would be Tommy to defend me.." Techno said as they started walking to the pond again. Tommy giggled.

"Well the dickhead insulted you! I wasn't gonna let her get away with it! Fucking bastard.." He muttered the last part to himself, though they all heard it anyways.

The others laughed, still sort of in shock by Tommy speaking up so easily like it was nothing.

time skip brought to you by fleur

The family sat in the grass, the glistening pond in front of them as they were surrounded by all colours and types of flowers. It was just as beautiful as Tommy and Tubbo - more so Tubbo at the time - had said it was.

Phil sat down on the blanket after setting everything up, Techno following closely. Wilbur and Tommy were running around, screaming and giggling loudly.

"Boys come sit here!" Phil said, seeing the two boys run to him and the pinkette, both aggressively landing on the ground by Phil.

"I appreciate if you didn't ruin the food Phil made. I'm quite hungry." Techno joked, everyone laughing.

They ate, laughed and bugged one another, being the chaotic family they normally are. Conversation was loud and happy, all having giant smiles on their faces - even Techno.

"That fucking Karen earlier though. Tommy you wrecked her!" Wilbur laughed, trying to make a flower crown while watching Tommy make one.

"Will you talk more?" Phil asked. He didn't want to push his son but he loved his son's voice. He wanted to hear it.

Tommy shrugged, looking up at Phil. He wanted to, but his throat hurt.

He signed, 'Believe me, I want to but my throat hurts a lot. And I want to save it for the people who I value the most. Not some fucking Karen on the side of the road.'

"Makes sense." Wilbur nodded, chucking his flower crown into the ground after he failed to weave the stems together correctly, the crown crumbling in his hands.

"Idiot.." Tommy mumbled, ignoring the stares of his family as he looked at the sky, laying on his back.

a few months later

Months after the Karen encounter, Tommy definitely talked more than he did. He got more comfortable with his voice and his throat got used to it.

He kept his word with saving it for those close to him, only talking to his family, plus Tubbo and Ranboo.

They learned that Tommy was probably the funniest person they had met. He'd made Phil wheeze, Wilbur roll on the ground and even made Techno chuckle and snort (yes) a few times.

Wilbur even kept it a secret that he knew Tommy could sing. He'd caught Tommy singing - it wasn't full singing, more like murmuring the words - in the kitchen while making himself breakfast. Plus he was singing Wilbur's song "Perfume" (listen to Pebblebrain or die /j)

They also learned that Tommy was loud and swore a lot. Phil never minded the swearing, as he too swore. Wilbur and Techno thought his loud nature was annoying at times, but it was their little brother and they couldn't stay long at him for long.

In the end they were all glad Tommy had opened up more and they genuinely wondered if they hadn't gone on that walk that day at that time, would Tommy have started talking?

Probably. But a bit later than he had started.

End A/N: I DID IT! ARE YOU PROUD OF ME?! Anyways, I have two requests and one one shot to finish. One request is a Bee Duo + Michael. Then the other one is young Techno + Phil angst to fluff thing. The other one shot is the military au but part two. It's gonna be so good. Then I have three other one shots I'll start and finish after I'm done these ones. Just thought I'd update you guys so you'll know what to be expecting to an extent. This isn't spell checked. Have a lovely day :p

-Starby (Phaser) <3

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