Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X...

By Baby_DJ38

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"What have I gotten myself into?" In which she sighed at her own question and rubbed her head in annoyance. ... More

Disney: Twisted Wonderland
+Quiinn Shadowrain+Y/N+
Happy Birthday Riddle! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
Chaos 1
Chaos 2
Chaos 3
Chaos 4
Quiinn's Birthday!! πŸŽ‰ 🎊
Chaos 5
Chaos 6
Chaos 7
Quiinn's missing?! #1
Quiinn's missing?! #2


904 35 14
By Baby_DJ38

Episode 4: The Tactician of Scalding Sands

Episode 4-9: The Tactician of the Scalding Sands + Episode 4-10: Evening Surprise! + Episode 4-11: Morning Star Discovery! + Episode 4-12: Prison Calling! + Episode 4-13: Severe March!


[Scarabia dorm - storeroom]

3rd P. O. V

"That's a fucking moving carpet. Whoa, Aladdin all over again I see." Quiinn said when the carpet came to poke her like it did to Grim. "Th-the carpet is moving on its own…!! It’s a cursed carpet!!"

"Oh, so that’s where you were. I wish you’d wait where I left you." Kalim pat the carpet.

"~♪ ~♪"

Quiinn blink her eyes as she frown. "Guoba???"

"What in the world is that!?"

"It's a carpet, Grim. A carpet. Do you not have eyes?"

Kalim laugh. "This is the legendary Magic Carpet from the Land of Hot Sands! I heard that it’s a replica of the Magic Carpet that the King the Sorcerer of the Desert served used to fly in the sky. It’s an heirloom passed on in our family."

The carpet seemingly nodded.

"Fly in the sky… You mean, it’s similar to the brooms we use?" Asked Grim.

"Yup! Riding it is a lot easier than explaining. The sun’ll set soon, so let’s go for a night walk! Come on, get on!" Kalim hopped on the carpet as Grim look at him, unsure. "Grim, you know you can trust Kalim and me to keep an eye on you." Quiinn place him on the carpet as Grim balanced himself. Kalim hold his hand out for Quiinn as she reaches out for him. Quiinn hopped on the carpet and quickly hug Kalim, afraid to fall.

"Eh? Are you sure we won’t fall off this thing…?"

"It’s alright! Trust me. Alright let’s go!"



"Wha–!? We’re really flying! We’re up so high I can’t even look down…! The dorm’s looking small already." Grim says as he peek down at the said dorm from the sky. "How is it? Being up on the clouds feels like we’re in a different world, right?"

Kalim face Quiinn, who's busy trying to touch the cotton candy in the sky like a child.

He was awestruck by her profile. The Moonlight shine down on her as her hair that sway along softly with the wind shine brightly even in the night and so does her pink eyes. It was dazzling to Kalim. A gush of blood rushes over to his face as he questioned himself what is the reason.

Quiinn smile to his question. "Yeah, a different world....a whole new world." Quiinn face the reddened boy beside her. "Mind be my Aladdin?"

For some reason, Kalim blushed even more.

He rubbed his nape sheepishly and giggle, trying to break free. "Y-yeah, sure. Did you both like it?"

"This is the best~~!"

"I love it."

"Being able to fly freely in the sky is good, huh? It makes me forget even the smallest of troubles. Though Jamil tells me that I’m worrying too much sometimes. I wish that he’d take it a little bit easy, too, you know…" Quiinn leaned her back against Kalim's as Grim shouted. "Wha–!? A bird I’ve never seen before is flying over there!"

Quiinn raised a brow and peek over Kalim's shoulder.

"Ah, you’re right! Let’s go see it!"


[Scarabia dorm - hallway]

"That was really fun!!" Said Grim and he giggled as he hopped up and down.

Kalim laugh. "I’m so glad you liked it! It’s dinner time before we know it, huh!" Quiinn, who's still looking at the moon, was distracted by Y/N whispering to her about something as Jamil came to take Kalim away. "Yeah, sure! You guys wait at the lounge for a bit."

"Really? Hmm.....well, let's stay for awhile." Quiinn replied back to Y/N. "You sure has gut, host."


[Scarabia dorm - Lounge]

"Ah, I’m so hungry. I wonder what’s for dinner tonight."

"Training today was so tough, too~"

Quiinn eyed the students as Grim sat on her lap. Her face turned from happy, to stoic. "The floor here is so heated, yanno? It’s completely paradise compared to our dorm. Kalim’s a good guy, too. I wanna be a part of this dorm now~" Quiinn scoffed at his remarks. "You wish you didn't wish for that soon."

"You’re all here, I gather? The Prefect has something to announce before we eat." Jamil said to the students.

"Something the Prefect wants to announce…?"

"Oh, yeah. Kalim said so a while ago…
He’ll stop the training and that he’ll allow the students to go home tomorrow, right? I’m sure that they’ll be happy, but I’ll be a bit sad knowing that we can’t eat good food every day, yanno~" Quiinn remain quiet as Kalim stood before the students.

"………I made a decision that we would be staying in our dorms and training at 6 every morning, but…I realized something. THAT’S NOT ENOUGH!!!!!" He announced and everyone frown at his announcement as Quiinn eyes traveled to the smirking Jamil who quickly make it disappear. "Kalim, I thought we’d be sending the students home…!?"

"He’s saying the complete opposite of his promise, yanno!?"

"There’s no way that we’ll accomplish our goal with so short a time. We have to exert twice, no—Five times the effort if you don’t want to disgrace the name of the dorm! Starting tomorrow, we’ll be doing five hours of studying and then four hours of training!" Announced Kalim once again.

"Eh? Nine hours of work every day?"

Quiinn only gave a blank look, unfazed.

"After dinner will be defensive magic training! Eat and then get ready immediately!" Kalim said sternly to the students as they hesitantly nodded and accept his decision then he pointed to Quiinn and Grim. "You two will be participating now that you’re in our dorm, too, got that?!"

Quiinn raised a middle finger 🖕 specifically at Jamil but pointed at Kalim. "Try me bitch."


[Scarabia dorm - entrance]

"Alright, that’s all for today! We’ll be marching towards the Eastern Oasis tomorrow morning. We’ll be doing this thoroughly, so get ready!" Kalim face around and return to his room.

"I can’t feel my arms and legs anymore…"

"Someone… Please give me some water…"

"We’ll be running in the desert tomorrow morning…"

"What happened to the Prefect…? He never did things like this before…"

Grim plopped down on the ground as he panted. "Man, I'm so tired....how are you not tired, Quiinn?" Asked the back cat to the gray haired girl who's stretching. "I'm build different."

Grim gave a puzzled look, seemingly confused but Ignore it. "It’s finally over…I thought he was a smiley, happy-go-lucky dude, but it’s like he’s a different person now… What happened?"

"I’m sure that he’s being influenced by Scarabia’s results during the Tournament and during the exams…
He’s probably feeling responsible for it. He’s becoming a little bit more unstable lately." He defended Kalim as Quiinn gave him a dirty look. "That’s more than unstable, yanno? It’s like he’s a different person."

"I’ve known him for a long time, but I haven’t seen Kalim act like that before at all. His speech and conduct has changed, and he becomes tyrannous all of a sudden… I can’t keep up…Everyone’s followed him as Prefect with no problem before, but right now they’re at a loss for what to do…He’s becoming unreasonable lately, too…It’s only a matter of time before the students start complaining. I’ve managed to back him up until now, but… I can already feel my limit."

Quiinn gag at his act.

Quit playing, Jamil. She already know.

"Hm… Vice Prefects like you and Trey sure have it tough, huh…" Grim says as Quiinn cradle him.

"Ah! I see… You guys are “diamonds in the rough”!" Quiinn gave him a 'wtf' look. "What the fuck?"

"Hah? What’s that?"

"Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw…Octavinelle, too. I’ve heard that you’re exceptional students who managed to help solve their problems for them." Quiinn got that feeling. That sudden feeling that Aether maybe had felt a few times throughout his travels in Teyvat. "Oh shit."

Oh Shit indeed.

Grim proudly puffed his chest. "Hehe~! That’s right! Those guys are all grateful for what we did for them, yanno~?"

Jamil clasped his hands together as Quiinn back away from him with a 'oh hell no' expression. "That’s why, I’m begging you! Can you please lend a hand here in Scarabia, too?" Quiinn chug down her saliva.


"Meeting you by coincidence at the cafeteria is a sign, too! I’m sure that you’ll make a conclusion more brilliant than diamonds!" Quiinn frown upon hearing those as Grim slowly scooted closer to Quiinn. "Um…It’s true that I’m exceptional, but this and that are different cases, yanno?" He tug on Quiinn's leg. "Hey, Quiinn… Stop dragging us into other dorms’ problems, got it? I’m tired of all this ruckus, yanno?"

Quiinn click her tongue and glare at him. "I'm also fucking tired of their shit." She whispered back.

"You will help us out, won’t you?"

Quiinn gave a quick glance at Jamil. "No."

Jamil widened his eyes. "But—"

"But....." Quiinn pushed the male to the nearest pillar and pinned him, making the said male flustered and confused at the same time. "If there's a price, we'll do it." Quiinn narrowed her eyes as it glow. She smirk and caressed Jamil's cheek as he try to keep his cool. "W-what kind of price are you talking about?"

She giggled.


Jamil breath hitched as he blushed madly.

The confused and flustered face of his made Quiinn laugh and unpinned him. "Why are you making that face, Jamil? Loosing your cool already? To a girl? You're easy to seduce~"

Realising what just happened, Jamil collect himself and cough slightly. "I...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Aww, how cute. Trying to play dumb and cool at the same time?"

Quiinn laugh once again.

"Well, if that's what float your boat, then I'll let it be. I still want the price tho." She smirk as Grim unapproved expression traveled to his face. Jamil cough again. "I'm sorry, I can't do that." Hearing his answer, Quiinn laugh once again. "I don't want your body. Maybe the reader want."

She smirk at the readers as Jamil gave a confused look.

"Forget I said that. I'll tell you the price later. For now, I'll help even tho it's a total pain in the ass. Wait, I don't have ass." Quiinn laugh once again as Grim wonders what is so funny and follow his partner.

Jamil gritted his teeth as he try to calm himself. "Where are you two going?"

"To my room. We promise we'll help right?"

Jamil sigh. "Do you even know where it is?" Jamil asked and her answer made him bang his head to the pillar he got pinned on. "In your heart!" Quiinn laugh for like, I dunno how many time.


[Scarabia dorm - empty private room]

Quiinn plopped down on the bed and crossed her legs as she's ready to hit the hay but a certain cat won't shut his mouth.

"Geez~~~!! I told you not to get involved! Why do you like getting yourself into troublesome things, Quiinn!? This is Scarabia’s problem! We should worry about ourselves for now." Quiinn open one eye and sat up. "Actually, I agree but I just wanted to see Jamil flustered so I use the problem excuse."

Grim can only facepalm. No, more like pawpalm. Yeah.

"Geez… You’re scary Quiinn. In any case, I’m done getting involved in other people’s problems, yanno? Let’s sneak out while we can and get back to Ramshackle Dorm!"

"I actually wanted to go to Octavinelle but that works too."


[Scarabia dorm - hallway]

The two of them walk down the hallway as Quiinn whistled beside Grim. "Alright, let’s go to the Mirror connecting the dorm to the school first…"

Quiinn and Grim heard footsteps approaching and turned around.

"!? What’s that sound!?"

"What are you trying to do, sneaking out of the dorm this late!?"

"No one’s allowed to leave this dorm during break no matter who you are! The Prefect will never allow for it!"

"Get them!"

"Chase them! Wait–!!"

"WHAT~~~~~~!?" Grim then prepare himself for a battle as Quiinn just stay relax, unfazed and unaffected. The two fight against them and when Grim try to run, Quiinn stopped him and let them catch the two as Grim asked Quiinn why would she do that but she only stay quiet which made Grim resist more.

"Behave, you big, grey rat!"

"I may be grey, but I’m not a rat! Let me go~~!"

"He's grey?" Quiinn asked.

Grim gave her a glare. "Are you colour blind?" He asked and continue to struggle in the students gripped but Quiinn still.....relaxing.

"Stop struggling and get back to your room!"


[Scarabia dorm - empty private room]

"Get inside already! Stop resisting."

The student dragged him by Grim collar as Quiinn glare at them. "Ow, ow, ow… Don’t drag me by the collar!" He whimper and Quiinn kick their ass as they fell to the ground. "That's for hurting my son."

Quiinn slam the door on them and hear them lock the door.

Grim bang on the door. "Hey~~! Let us out~~~! The door won’t budge at all. Looks like we’re locked in." Grim then glare at the yawing Quiinn. "Why did you stop me, Quiinn?! And when we fight against them, I can tell ur not giving your all! Why?!" He asked, angry to the gray haired girl.

Quiinn sat on the floor. "I'm just lazy." Grim widened his eyes. "Just that?!" She nodded.

Grim scoffed and took her phone to call for help.

"Let's call the Headmaster...."

"You better don't. All you'll get is a disappointment. He'll ignore us."

Grim tilted his head. "Yeah, you're right. Knowing him, he probably doesn't care. Let's call Ace and Deuce then." Grim call for the two but didn't get any response. "Ugh, they're useless!"

Grim grumble and crossed his arms, feeling mad at Quiinn and ofc, she's sad but she just got a bad feeling if they escaped right there.


[Scarabia dorm - empty private room]

Quiinn P. O. V

"What the fuck?"

"It is imperative that she marry a prince." Said the sultan to the main antagonist of Aladdin movie, Jaafar.

"I understand, however emergency measures should be considered, too.
The princess will be marrying me."

"Where is that music coming from?"

Oh hey, that music!

"Make way for Prince Ali!
Make way for Prince Ali!
Gather and witness the brilliant parade!
Oh, the beloved Prince Ali Ababwa!"


I woke up after successfully singing along to the song and I wonder why I was so worked up on singing along. Whatever.

"Grim, wake up. You don't want them to choke on you again." I pat the grey cat now that I know 🙄

The cat grumble and I rolled my eyes. I dragged him out of bed and get him ready as he whined.


I heard someone unlock the door as Y/N asked left me to look for Jamil.

The student barges in. "Wake up! How long—oh, you're already awake." I rolled my eyes and let Grim climb up to my head. "What are we waiting for? Don't we have to go now?" I walked past the student as I bumped my shoulder with his.


"Now then, let’s begin marching towards the East Oasis! You better get ready to be worked to the bone. Anyone who falls behind will be lectured later!" Kalim said sternly as Grim solemnly lower his head and asked what he had got himself into.

"Stop talking and move those feet. Let’s go!"


"You! You’re falling behind."

Grim shrieked. "Let me rest for a bit…"

"Not happening! Hurry, go! This just goes to show that I’ve been too lenient on all of you! I was a fool for not realizing until yesterday." I ignored them and slowly bend down a little Infront of Grim as he gave me a confused look. I wink at him and he finally gets what I was telling him to do as he happily climb up to my back and hid underneath my hair.


"You’re moving slower! Move those feet!"

The student panted. "P-Prefect, we can’t anymore…!"

"You lot… It’s because of that attitude that we couldn’t place in the Tournament and in tests!" Are you blaming them now? I smh.

"It’s so hot! Gimme some water…! I’m soaking in sweat, yanno!?"

"Just a little bit more until we reach the Oasis. Hang in there."

Oh shut up, Jaafar 🙄.


Friday, 22 October 2021

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