If Only You Remember | Zayn M...

By Itskennedy112233

245K 6.5K 505

*Slowly being revised* All it took was for him to become famous and forget. For him to go on x factor and lea... More

~If Only You Remember Chapter 1~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 2~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 3~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 4~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 5~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 6~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 7~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 8~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 9~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 10~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 11~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 12~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 13~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 14~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 15~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 16~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 17~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 18~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 19~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 20~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 21~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 22~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 23~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 24~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 25~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 26~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 27~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 28~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 29~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 30~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 31~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 32~
~if Only You Remember Chapter 33~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 34~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 35~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 36~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 37~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 38~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 39~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 40~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 41~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 42~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 43~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 44~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 45~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 46~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 47~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 48~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 49~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 50~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 51~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 52~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 53~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 54~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 55~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 56~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 57~
~If Only You Rememeber Chapter 58~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 59~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 60~
~If Only You Remember Epilogue~
~Author's Note~

~If Only You Remember Prolouge~

18.7K 222 22
By Itskennedy112233


If Only You Remember Prologue

Jasmine's Pov:

~During X Factor (Three years earlier)~

Zayn nervously sat down in the blue chairs -tapping his foot impatiently- by the access to the stage. His brown eyes were filled with worry and eagerness. I knew he was scared but he was finally filled with joy that he would be performing. He wanted so badly wanted to be put through but I knew he would, all he needed was confidence.

"Calm down, Zayn. I'm here for you. You will make it through. I just know it," I said. I gently grasp his hand in mine and sent him a smile. He looked at me, squeezed my hand gently, and nodded with a smile. His shoulders instantly relaxed at my comforting words. "Zayn Malik," a man, with a clipboard, said. Zayn stood up with a jolt as the man handed him a microphone. "Don't worry kid," he said. Zayn nodded with a nervous smile.

I stood up and gave Zayn a hug from behind. His hands cupped mine which were around his torso. "Good luck," I whispered. "Thank you. I'll need it," he said. "You will do great," I said. I kissed his cheek for good luck and we let go of each other. He hesitantly walked up the three steps and before he walked on, he turned around and flashed me a grin before walking on.

I walked over to the tv screen back stage and watched him on there. He walked out with a little smile on his tan face. "Hello my name is Zayn," he said. Each of the judges did their greets with kindness. "I'll be singing Let Me Love You by Mario," Zayn said in the microphone. Simon had told him to go ahead and start singing. Zayn nodded with a nervous shake of the head and began singing.

"Let me love you, let me be the one to, give you everything you want and need," Zayn sung. The crowd roar with screams and cheers, causing Zayn to relax and sing his little heart out. After he finished singing it was time for the judges to say if he was in or not. I crossed my fingers, hoping he will get in. "You were absolutely amazing Zayn! I see a bright future ahead of you so yes ," Louis said. "I agree with Louis. You were incredible and I was absolutely blown away. It's a yes for me," Nicole said. Only one more. If you pass Simon then it was easy, in my opinion. "You were very talented and a little more work I'm sure you will win so you're in," Simon said. I threw my hands in the air and did a silent cheer. Zayn smiled and said, "Thank you," before walking off the stage.

Zayn came down the steps and once I saw him, I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug. "Congratulations! You made it in! I'm going to miss you so much when you leave but I believe you can win is thing," I said. When I didn't get a reaction out of him, I pulled back and looked at him in confusion. "Zayn? Are you okay?" I asked. His sudden mood had changed and it kind of scared me. Instead of being happy and excited, he was dark and mysterious. "Yeah... not so fast," he sneered.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Excuse me?" I asked. "This," he gestured between him and me, "Isn't working out anymore." "What do you mean?" I asked. I felt my lips quiver and droplets of tears escape my eyes. I quickly wiped them away in embarrassment. "Because," he simply said. "Because why?" I asked. "Will you quit being so annoying?" he groaned. "Zayn-" "I'm going to become famous and get the girls, so I won't need you anymore," he interjected. Those words that just came out of his mouth, crushed me. It felt like a bullet pierced my heart. His words had hurt. "Are you joking with me?" I asked. He shook his head. "Now if you excuse me. I have better hints to do them to see you cry." He pushed past me and began walking to the exit.

Anger boiled through my veins. My fist clenched to my sides and my eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Good luck finding someone else with that jackass attitude of your's!" I yelled. He stopped and turned to looked at me then, he shrugged. "Already have," he said. Then, he turned back around and walked out of the doors.

So many questions ran through my mind. Was this relationship all a lie? Did I mean nothing? Was I just a hit and run? I ran out of the emergency exit that led outside. I went behind the large building that led in between an alley way. I put my back against the wall and slid down it. My arms formed an X over my breast, grasping my elbows. I brought my knees up to my chest and I sat there crying my eyes out. I was hurt and felt betrayed. I didn't know what else to do but cry.


I have been crying for an hour now. I was and looked like a wreck. The auditions were over and have been for awhile. I was almost positive that my family were worried because I never came home. I felt so alone with out Zayn in my life. I was in love with him and I still am but I hated him with all the passion I have. He is a jerk, a coward, a player, and a heartbreaker. I felt so lost without him here with me. Besides my brother and best friend, he was the only one I could trust and come to but it is taken away. I could never trust him again.

"Jasmine!" a faint voice shouted. I look up from my arms to see Zachary, my brother, and Makayla, my best friend, running towards me (but not seeing me just yet) in worry and relief. They scanned the area before their eyes landed on me. "Jasmine!" they shouted. They reached me and Zachary helped me up with a lend of a hand. Before I stood up, I broke down again and cried in my brothers arms.

The thought of Zayn and me over for good really affected me. Makayla and Zachary were curious but worried for me crying."We will talk about it when we get home," Zachary said. I nodded in response because I was too weak to speak. I stopped crying and pulled myself together. I won't cry over some guy. I can't be that weak. I promise no one will break down these walls I created. I will never see Zayn again and I vow I won't. I will not let any guy in.

~Three Years Later~

"Are you excited Jasmine!? Tonight is graduation and you know what's next? Moving to London!" Makayla shouted with joy. "I am Makayla. I can't wait to move to London and start fresh you know?" I said. "Me too. It's a good thing and maybe I will meet a cute guy," she said, her right eye dropped into a wink. I shook my head with a small smile before looking at the mirror. Makayla just finished curling my hair and it looked amazing as usual. "And done," she said, smiling at my hair in triumph. "So your hair and make up are done and my hair only needs to be done. I'm all done with my make up," she said to herself.

I stood up from the chair and walked over to my desk that was by my bed. She sat down where I sat and began to do her hair. I picked up a Tiger Beat magazine and looked through it. A sigh escaped my lips as I landed on a page, I least wanted to see. An article was written about the one and only, One Direction. The biggest boy band in the world. It gossiped about many rumors about collaboration, dating, and a bunch of other stupid things that I could care less about.

I rolled my eyes and tossed the magazine across the room. It landed sprawled out on my floor by my pile of shoes. "Did he pop up in there?" Makayla asked. I nodded my head. "They are like everywhere!" I shouted in annoyance. "Well maybe that's because they are the world's famous boy band," she said. "I know that. It's just they think how sweet he is about girls and how nice he is to them but in reality they don't know. He tells stories about his past relationships that aren't even true. What he said to me had hurt. Exact words he said were, 'I'm going to become famous and get the girls so I won't need you anymore'," I said, frustrated.

"Calm down girl, I think maybe you should try getting over him and move on. You haven't dated since then," she said, with a smile, in the mirror. "Makayla you know that I'm not going to date because I don't want to get hurt again," I said. "I know," she sighed. "Well life is about taking chances. Since then you have been more... stubborn and... mean to others," she admit. "I have not now quit accusing things," I snapped. She raised an eyebrow at me to prove her point. I sighed and said, "Sorry." "It's okay. Now hurry and get ready! We graduate soon!" she said. I cracked a smile and hurried to my walk-in closet.

I grabbed my white lace dress, black bow heels, and my graduation gown and cap that hung on my door. I walked out of my closet and laid it on my bed. "Makayla?" I called out to her. "In the bathroom changing so hurry up and change," she said. I mumbled an 'okay' and quickly stripped down. I was left in my matching undergarment. I grabbed the dress and slid it over my head (making sure I don't mess up my hair) and sat down on the bed. I slid on my heels before standing up again.

I walked over to my jewelry box and put on my earrings and my necklace. Makalyla walked out all dressed up, looking gorgeous as usual. She was wearing a white dress with a purple ribbon around it that formed in a small bow. She had on white heels to go with the dress. She also had her gown on and her cap in her hand. "Wow! You look beautiful," she said, speed walking over to me. "Thank you. You do too," I said. She gave me a quick friendly hug.

"Jasmine! Makayla! Come on down unless you want to be late," my mom called from down stairs. "We better hurry," I said. She smiled and nodded. We hook our arms and quickly walked down the stairs to see my mom, dad, and my older brother. "You look gorgeous just not Jasmine," Zachary said. "Thanks Zachary," Makayla said. "Gee thanks," I said. A smirk fell on his lips as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm kidding little sis," he said, giving my cheek a sloppy kiss. "Gross," I complained but a smile twitched on my lips.

My mom took out her camera and said,"Ok you two, picture time!" Me and Makayla groaned in response before reluctantly wrapping our arm around each other's shoulders and smiled. "One... Two... Three..." my mom said and snapped the picture.

"There, now was that so bad?" she asked. "No now let's go!" I exclaimed. My dad and brother smile as well as letting out a laugh. "Alright alright," my mom said. My dad grabbed his car keys amd we all walked out but my mom stopped me before we could leave one step. "Jasmine," she said. "Yes mom?" I asked. "I want to give you this. I wore it when I graduate from high school," she said, pulling out a box. "Here,"she said handing it to me. I opened the box and had a heart charm bracelet.

"It matches your necklace," she smiled. "Oh mom it's beautiful," I gushed. My mom was almost in tears by now. "Mom don't cry! It's going to make me cry!" I smiled. "I'm sorry don't cry! Don't ruin your make up!" she said. I wiped her tears with my thumb and laughed, she laughed along. "I can't believe you're graduating high school and will be leaving off to London. You will be moving away from Bradford," she said. "I know mom. I've grown up. It's time," I said.

"Yes you have and we better get going," she said. I nodded and agreed. I grabbed my car keys and walked out with my mom. "See you there," she said, then got in the car with my dad and brother. I got in my car where Makayla was already. I put the key in the ignition and backed out. "After graduation, here comes London," Makayla said. "I can't wait," I said. "Is our stuff in the back of my car at the new place?" Makayla asked. "Yes," I said smiling. "Good! And the extra clothes?" she asked. I nodded my head. The drive down to the high school was only ten minutes.

I parked in where the seniors were suppose to park at. We unbuckled and quickly got out. I locked the car before we made our way through the back doors into the gym. We walked out the side doors and out on the field. All the seniors were standing there in line with their caps and gowns on. We placed our caps on our heads and got in order. "Makayla and Jasmine are here at last! Great, time to shine guys," The head principle said.

We waited for a few minutes until the music began to play. We walked down from the side of the field, waving at the crowd with smiles on our faces. On the field had many rows of chairs in front of a stage filled with flowers and a podium. It took awhile before each of us reached our seats and we could sit down. Makayla and I, as well as a few others, sat in the front row so we could deliver our speech when it was time.

Soon, after a long wait with introductions and the band playing, my name was called to present my speech. I was nervous yet excited at the same time. "Jasmine Brooks," the principle said in the microphone before moving to the side. I walked up on the stage with a smile. Everyone's eyes were on me as they applaud. I stepped up to the podium to see cameras flashing and people cheering. It caused me to feel more relaxed.

"I want to say congratulations to all the seniors. Twelve years of school and now it's time for university. It's been an amazing twelve years I have been through. Some bad but mostly good. I just want to thank all my teachers that helped me through the school years. I would like to wish everyone a wonderful time with their life's after this and the best to come. Some of you have an idea on what you want to do and some don't. For me as an example, I have no clue on what I want to do, but I believe with hard work and effort, we will all go far. There will be troubles and rough times in our life but we can make it through.

"Never give up through tough times. It will get easier. Some of you will be going to college and some won't. Now, I want you all to close your eyes and picture yourselves a year from now. What do you see? Take what you see and make it a goal. Life is a journey. Each and everyone one of you is different. You have different goals in life. That's what makes us unique. I hope everyone will have an amazing journey through life. Congratulations to all of you and good luck."

Everyone stood up form their seats and cheered. "Thank you," I said with a nod. I stepped off the stool and walked off stage to the chairs on the grass. I sat in my seat and turned to Makayla. "Good job," she whispered. She was next after me and she had no ounce of fear or anxiety in her. "Makayla Ruth," the principle said. Makayla walked on stage and I started to cheer for. She was smiling and laughing as she made her way up. She stood up to the podium and gave a wave to everyone.

"School has been amazing and a wonderful experience. I am glad I made it this far and so have you but we wouldn't have done it without the teachers. Thank you to the teachers and the school staff. Now it is off to university or where you want to go to. You all have been amazing and now it's time to part ways. It was great seeing all of us grow through our the years. Congratulations to all the seniors and good luck in life," she said.

She gave another wave and walked off. She walked over to her seat and sat down. "Amazing speech," I whispered. "I can say the same about your's," she said. We continued to clap till we were told to stop. There were a few more speeches and our time to collect our diplomas then, we leave. Almost...


"Seniors stand up," the principle said. We all stood up. "I would like to say congratulation to the new twenty-thirteen Bradford High School Seniors!" The principle said. We flip the cord on our hats over and threw our caps up in the air while everyone cheered. My cap came down and fell on the ground in front of me. I picked it up and held it in my hand. Makayla and I started to squeal and jump up and down in excitement.

"We graduated!" we screamed. The parents came on to the field and we ran to both of our parents. I gave my family a huge hug. "I did it you guys," I said. "I'm so proud of you Jasmine!" my dad exclaimed. "I love you guys," I said. "We love you too," they said. We let go of the hug. "We are going to miss you when you leave," my brother said.

"I'm going to miss you guys too," I said. "But not you Zach." He faked a gasp before we burst out in laughter. Makayla came back over and asked, "Ready?" "Ready as always." I smiled at her. "I love you guys," I said, hugging them once more. "Have fun in London! and make sure to call us when you get there," my mom said. "Will do," I said. We let go and said," Love you guys! Bye!" We waved at them and started walking off back to my car.

We got back to the car and grabbed our clothes in the back seat. We got in and quickly changed in the car. I got into a navy blue and pink jack wills hoodie, jeans, and vans. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and put on my black ray bans. Makayla was wearing sweats, a pink jack wills hoodie, and black uggs. Her hair was also up in a messy bun. I looked over at Makalyla and she looked back over at me.

"Time for London and a new life."

A/n: Hey Guys! So this is my new fanfic! Its called If Only You Remember! I won't start writing this until Torn Apart is done! Once in awhile i will update on here but rarely. Well graduation outfit is in external link and the other outfit in also on my polyvore profile! Check them out!

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