Goode Day to be a Demigod

By bluetoac

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After the war with Gaea was over, life for demigods was slowly settling down, and was going back to whatever... More

Chapter 1 - Aftermath of a War
Chapter 2 - Run in with monsters at the mall...
Chapter 3 - We love a good - slightly traumatising -nightmare!
Chapter 4 - Is Percy a Siren?
Chapter 5 - School?!
Chapter 6 - Giving a teacher a heart attack - maybe?
Chapter 7 - When people attempt to get between Percabeth...
Chapter 8 - Grover!
Chapter 9 - So Percy has a nightmare and decided to attack his friend...
Chapter 10 - Latin and Swimming
Chapter 12 - PIZZA!
Chapter 13 - How are we going to explain the scars?
Chapter 14 - How are we going to explain the scars? pt 2
Chapter 16 - Nail Polish
Chapter 17 - Jackson-Chase?
Chapter 18 - Camp Half Blood!
Chapter 20 - PTSD causing problems at school...
Chapter 21 - Sports Lessons (Boxing with Annabeth and Percy)!
Chapter 22 - SWIM MEET
Chapter 24 - School Trip!
Chapter 26 - First day of Field Trip done!
Chapter 27 - Spicy food :)
Chapter 28 - The White House Elevator! - What could go wrong..?
Chapter 30 - Beach Trip!
Chapter 31 - Poseidon gives decent marriage advice?
Chapter 32 - Percy has a Plan to tell Fredrick he's going to propose
Chapter 33 - Getting Godly Blessings For a Proposal...
Chapter 35- Camp knows about the proposal! and Hunter vs Camper Capture the Flag
Chapter 37 - REVEALING THE PROPOSAL TO GOODE (and a run in with Luis and Stacy)
Chapter 38 - Army of Monsters VS Percabeth - Who wins ?
Chapter 39 - Who are their godly parents?
Chapter 40 - Tip! I don't recommend mugging Percy Jackson...
Chapter 41 - To have a wedding you have to plan a wedding!
Chapter 42 - Wedding dress shopping!!
Chapter 43 - Cake tasting & inviting the mortals!

Chapter 29 - Annabeth's old school friend

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By bluetoac

"Percy? Percy!"

"Mom!" Percy barrelled across the parking lot, Annabeth and Paul following at a slower pace to let the mother and son have a reunion. Percy crushed her in a massive hug, making them stumble backwards before they released each other.

"Hey sweetie! How was your trip?" Sally questioned, seeing Percy positively bursting to tell her. "I know there was a small hiccup yesterday, but did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was super fun! We visited loads of museums and stuff which was cool but a little boring, but hanging out with all my friends was super awesome. For my first school trip it was pretty good, I'd say. Oh - And we got to..." Percy rambled, hands moving animatedly as he recounted everything.

Sally was beaming as she listened to him, as she had been worried about him while he was away, However, it seemed all her worrying was unnecessary and apart from one unfortunate event, Percy was back, happy, and in one shape, so that was all that really mattered.

Paul gave her a quick peck on the cheek in greeting, before letting her carry on listening to Percy's retelling of the weekend. He helped Annabeth put their bags in the back of the car before everyone piled in and they drove home.

They were welcomed home to the pleasant aroma of cookies, and Annabeth could see Percy positively drooling at his mouth - though she couldn't fault him as she was dying to eat some.

"Yes, yes, cookies for everyone! Come into the kitchen, they're on the counter," Sally told them with a grin, leading them to the kitchen while they dropped their stuff down. 

Annabeth and Percy immediately grabbed plates and started piling them with cookies, still warm and the chocolate gooey. From Percy's expression, Annabeth was worried there might be a repeat of the Nutella Pizza Incident, but whatever noises Percy could have been making stayed successfully quiet.

Sally then got two more points of view of the trip on the weekend, until she saw how Percy was practically falling asleep on Annabeth. They had spent the day going from museum to museum before finally hopping onto the coach home - apparently a very chaotic drive if the stories were anything to go by.

They both said a quick goodnight, thankful that the next day was a Sunday so they could sleep in. Annabeth was gently pushing Percy up the stairs, carrying both their bags because Percy would probably just fall down if he carried them.

When they got to their room, Percy just fell straight into bed, not bothering about clothes. Annabeth rolled her eyes, setting their bags down in the corner before changing into her night clothes.

"Percy," She said quietly, nudging him out of the middle of their bed. He grunted in response. "Take of your jeans at least, those are uncomfortable to sleep in,"

Percy, even in a not fully functioning state, knew that Annabeth was usually right, so he sleepily pulled off his jeans and threw them off to the side. Annabeth chuckled and turned off the light, returning to collapse on their bed like Percy had.

"Oww, Annie, you fell on me," He muttered sleepily, not bothering to move.

"Sorry, Perce, you're just in the middle of the bed," She remarked pointedly, moving off him.

Percy whined in response to her getting off him, and rolled onto his side to pull Annabeth into him. "You're warm. Stay,"

Annabeth gave a small, quiet laugh, and relaxed further into Percy's arms. "Always, Perce, always,"


School, for the next few weeks, was the same old boring routine. The school added a few exams into the mix, a little bit of added misery for the students, but you know, they do it for fun. Then after halloween (which was fucking awesome according to Percy and Annabeth - Leo and the Stoll brothers, a team no one knew was a scary as it was), something new happened.

It started with the rumor going around of a new student and everyone was pretty excited because the last two new students were Percy and Annabeth. Whoever this person was, the student body had some high expectations.

New people during the school year - especially in the middle of a semester - were also pretty unusual, so people were curious. And it turns out, people got even more curious when Annabeth knew the guy.

"What do you mean you recognise him?" Percy questioned. They were walking between lessons, and they saw him being shown around by a teacher at the end of the corridor.

"I think he went to my school when I went back to stay with my dad for a year," Annabeth told him, their friends listening in. "He was kind of annoying from what I remember, but that might of changed,"

Percy shrugged, looking at the boy one last time before the teacher led him to a different direction to where the friend group was going. "Well, as long as he doesn't annoy us,"

Everyone nodded in agreement, having very little patience for annoying social climbers. Ever since Percy had come back with Annabeth in tow, many people had tried to join their friend group, but it was clear they were either trying to get into Percy or Annabeth's pants, or trying to use them to get into the popular group.

"Whatever, we might not even have any classes with him," Ash said, grabbing the back of Aliyah and Karl's backpack. "Okay, we gotta go to our next lesson, see you at lunch fuckos!" Aliyah and Karl flipped the rest of the group the bird as they were dragged off by Ash.

"They have a point," Aaron said, before linking his arm into Annabeth's to drag her away. "We're going to history, see you at later,"

Charlie and Percy made their way to their own lesson, Percy blowing an exaggerated kiss to Annabeth causing Aaron and Charlie to snort in amusement.

"Percy is such a simp for you," Aaron told her, just incase she didn't know.

"Well then Aaron, I guess I'm a simp for him too," Annabeth replied with a 'don't-blame-me' shrug.

"Oh, Annabeth, I could've told you that," He said with a roll of his eyes.

Annabeth huffed lightheartedly with a slight blush, "Okay, shut up. Let's just get to our lesson,"

"I see the topic change Annabeth, you're not slick," He said with a laugh, "But yeah, let's go,"

They both had history, as did Percy and Charlie, but for some reason each pair were in separate classes on the other side of the building. It was weird, but school was weird so they had stopped questioning it a long time ago.

(Thank gods for that because the semi-blown up science room was instead blamed on a faulty gas tap instead of Annabeth fighting a monster. There was the one science teacher that hadn't stopped glaring at her, however, because according to the teacher, 'That girl was far too close to the scene for it to have been a coincidence!')

They took their seats at the back of the class, where Annabeth had dragged them when they first entered the classroom. Annabeth liked it because she could see the whole class, and was facing the doors and windows. Aaron went with her because he could eat food and the teacher wouldn't see him.

The teacher started the lesson, and everyone pulled out their notebooks or computers so they could take notes. They had barely started the class when someone knocked on the door and the new kid walked in. He looked around the classroom, scanning faces until a flash of recognition flew across his face as he looked at Annabeth.

"Hello? Are you the new student?" The teacher asked, pausing his rant about something historical.

The kid looked back to him and nodded, then cleared his throat, "Yep, I'm Luis. This is history with Mr Brownett, right?"

"That is correct, and you've joined at a great time because we are just starting a new topic. If you find an empty seat and get out stuff to take notes, we'll carry on the lesson. If you have any questions about the course just come talk to me after class," Mr Brownett said, gesturing to the few empty seats dotting the class.

Luis nodded and started walking towards the free seat next to Annabeth. She muttered quietly to Aaron, "I really wish I remembered if he was annoying or not!" who stifled a snort in response.

"Hi, Annabeth, right? Can I sit here?" Luis asked, already sliding his bag of his shoulder. "I feel like I know you, you went to school in California for a bit didn't you,"

Annabeth nodded, her attention mostly on the teacher at the front as he resumed talking. She tried to ignore him, but he seemed to be doing everything loudly so she turned her head to him in annoyance. In response he gave Annabeth what she assumed to be charming grin, but he looked kinda dumb.

Annabeth gave him a small smile back but it turned out as more of a grimace, before turning back to the front. Aaron was trying to smother his smirk of amusement, and was swiftly elbowed by Annabeth in retaliation.

"Well, it's great to see you again, you look amazing. I didn't really talk to you much, but you seem to have become pretty cool," He carried on talking, obviously expecting her to a) still be listening and b) to see that as a compliment. "We should hang out sometime, after school maybe? Go to the movies?"

Annabeth gave Aaron an incredulous side eye and he could barely contain his laughter. "Um, I'm good thanks, I've got stuff to do," She replied

Aaron muttered quietly under his breath so only Annabeth could hear, "Stuff named Percy by any chance?" She kicked him under the desk.

"Oh c'mon, I know studying is important, but let loose a little. I remember you used to always have your nose buried in a book," Luis carried on, reaching over to place his hand on her arm.

Annabeth eyes the hand on her arm, flicking from it to his eyes until she shrugged it off because he wasn't moving. "Books are interesting, unlike you," She replied dryly.

He placed a hand to his chest as though he was shot, "Ooh, playing hard to get, are we? I'm asking you on a date, Annie, let's see how it goes, eh?" He smirked as though he thought she would be jumping at the chance. It was comical how his face fell when she replied with a simple, "No,"

"What? Why?" Luis was shocked. Annabeth wondered how many girls had turned him down and why there hadn't been more of them, because this kid had an ego. "Don't you understand? I'm asking you out. On a date," He said it slowly as if that had anything to do with her answer.

Annabeth turned to face him, speaking slowly to mimic him. "No, I don't want to go out with you. At all. For many reasons, but the main being I have a boyfriend. Also, don't call me Annie,"

"Well, your boyfriend doesn't have to know, now does he, Annie? It can be our little secret," He smirked again. Annabeth was shocked by whoever this seemed to work on, and turned to Aaron in amazement.

"No means no, and I have no interest in cheating on my awesome boyfriend who might punch you in the face if I let him do it instead of me," Annabeth replied coolly. "Now, I'm going to carry on taking notes, if you try to interrupt me again - or call me Annie, I will break your fingers,"

Aaron was dying at this point, the Luis boy looked so taken back he was frozen. When Aaron recovered he silently applauded Annabeth who gave him a smirk in response. "Percy is going to find this so amusing, I can't wait to see this idiots face when he meets Percy. Oh, it's gonna be golden!" He trailed off into wheezy laughter, Annabeth joining in a little.

Annoyingly for Annabeth, Luis was simply not stopping his advances. When they left the lesson he followed Aaron and Annabeth, attempting to sling his arm around her shoulders. She quickly ducked down to tie her already tied shoelace and he just looked stupid, swinging his arm around. Aaron was genuinely contemplating filming this.

They rounded the corner and saw the rest of their group waiting for them, and Annabeth sighed with relief at the sight of Percy. She jogged up to him, wrapping him in a hug when she got close enough.

"Not that I'm arguing, but what's this for, Wise Girl?" Percy muttered when she pulled away.

"Zeushead new kid won't take no for an answer, so I'm showing him my boyfriend," She replied, pulling him in for a kiss. Their friends rolled their eyes, completely used to third wheeling the couple. Luis, however, seemed to be turning an interesting shade of red.

"What the fuck man! Get off her!" Luis said loudly, grabbing the attention of passing students as they headed to the cafeteria.

Percy pulled away from Annabeth and looked around in confusion, "What, you talking to me?" he questioned.

"Yeah, asshole, I'm talkin' to you!" Luis was speaking loudly to get the attention of everyone on purpose it seemed. He really hadn't been at school long enough to know everyone was just wondering how badly hated he would become, as everyone eventually decided that Percabeth was their OTP. "Get off my girl!"

Percy scoffed incredulously, "Your girl? Who would that be? Your mom?"

Luis turned red down to his neck, "No idiot, the girl!"

"The girl? Annabeth has a name you know, and you could use it. She's not an object," Percy replied, holding Annabeth closer to him. "And she also 'has a boy' already. Me,"

"And? I bet you're a fuckin good for nothing cheater, she'd be much better off with me," Luis aid angrily, fists clenching at his sides as though he'd even manage to get a hit in.

"With you? Who would parade Annabeth around as a trophy? Annabeth, thoughts?" Percy turned to Annabeth who was smiling as she watched him defend her. Her grin turned to a smirk as she faced Luis.

"Yeah, gotta say I think not," Then she turned back to Percy, amusement gracing her features. "And besides I'm not worried about Percy cheating on me," Percy chuckled at the reminder of his fatal flaw.

Luis was not enjoying this. He was being thoroughly embarrassed, and his ego couldn't handle it. "Alright then, dickhead, fight me," Gasps spread around the people watching, as everyone remembered the boxing class they had a few weeks ago.

Percy let out a proper laugh, a dark edge to it that made a shiver go down people's backs. "Fight you?! Oh Gods, this is hilarious!"

"What? Are you afraid?" Luis mocked, seemingly not realising the absolute ass whooping he would be getting.

"Oh not at all, I've fought much worse than the likes of you," Percy looked him up and down. "No, I'm not going to fight you, even though I really want to punch you in the face. Annabeth? Would you like to do the honours?"

Annabeth smirked, her grey eyes narrowing as she turned to Luis. Everyone was immediately reminded of how she beat Percy in that boxing lesson. "It would be my pleasure," She replied, voice low and pleased. She watched Luis falter. "What, think you're going to lose?"

Luis scowled, "No way, you're just a girl, I'm not gonna lose,"

Annabeth's smirk widened. "Wanna bet? If you lose, you never annoy another girl again, or ask them out once they say no. If I lose, on the other hand, I'll let you take me out on a date,"

Luis grinned, "I like those terms. Wear something nice for Saturday, yeah?"

With the size of the crowd surrounding them, it was a miracle no teacher had noticed what was happening yet. Percy took Annabeth's bag when it was handed to him, and he and the rest of their friends stepped back to give her enough room.

Annabeth waited for Luis to approach her first, so that if questioned, it was self-defense. She was a daughter of Athena, not an idiot, and she was not about to get expelled from the one place Percy managed not to.

Luis swung at her, form so sloppy she could see Percy's amused smile from behind her. Annabeth easily sidestepped it, and others as he continued his assault.

"You know, I'll make this more fair, how about that?" She taunted, slipping away again. She raised one hand and placed it behind her back "I'll fight one handed,"

Luis growled and lunged at her again. His ego would never recover, and even through his rage he could hear the titters of students watching them.

Annabeth let him attempt to land hits on her for a few more minutes, toying with him like a cat might do to a mouse. Percy was thinking about how much he loved her and also if he could manage to get Paul and his mom out of the house later that day.

Annabeth was getting bored though, and now that she thought about it, she was actually pretty hungry. She decided to finish up the fight quickly, not that it really could be classed as a fight.

The next time Luis attempted to punch her, she grabbed his arm and yanked him off balance. Still holding onto him, she spun around and ducked down, using his momentum to flip him over her crouched figure. He landed with a loud thump on the floor, skidding away from her, and everyone could hear the wind punched out of him.

He took a minute to gather himself but froze when Annabeth's cold voice spoke again. "If you get back up, I'll show you what I can do with two hands and in less time,"

Wisely, he stayed on the floor.

"I'm glad you understood. I'll be making sure you keep your side of the bet, Luis," She said sweetly to mock him, then walked into the cafeteria, leading everyone behind her. Ash pushed Percy's jaw up off the floor and pushed him after her. No one went to help Luis.

A/N - An Update with only a weeks wait? What happened to the author and who did you replace them with? Well, I got bored and grinded out like 3000 words soooo

Anyways, thanks for all the follows, votes and comments, y'all r amazingggg


I have a bet. I bet u can't make and eat toast in 420 seconds. start a timer. comment if u did.

hope u enjoyed the chapter!

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