Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X...

By Baby_DJ38

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"What have I gotten myself into?" In which she sighed at her own question and rubbed her head in annoyance. ... More

Disney: Twisted Wonderland
+Quiinn Shadowrain+Y/N+
Happy Birthday Riddle! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ
Chaos 1
Chaos 2
Chaos 3
Chaos 4
Quiinn's Birthday!! ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŽŠ
Chaos 5
Chaos 6
Chaos 7
Quiinn's missing?! #1
Quiinn's missing?! #2


1.5K 54 25
By Baby_DJ38

Episode 3: The Merchant of the Deep Sea

Chapter 29: Historic Transition! + Chapter 30: Melancholic Octopus Pot! + Chapter 31: Past Erasure!


[Octavinelle dorm - entrance]

Quiinn P. O. V

"Your lightning magic, and that guy’s athletic abilities…! Give them all to me!" Azul ran to the Scarabia student who was about to leave and Azul touches him.

The Scarabia scream out loud as he fell and fainted.


"What is Azul-kun doing to everyone!? Everyone he touches just fall down one after another!" Ruggie back away.

"Looks like his unique magic’s not limited to stealing magic just by making them sign a contract. Maybe the contract itself was just used to keep the magic in control." Leona growled as he push me to his back and Ruggie stood beside him. "Eh!? Isn’t he a little bit too scary?"

He's gonna overblot ain't he? Ugh. They need a therapist.

"We're here." I turn around when my puppet spoke.

I saw Jade and Floyd came running to us and Jade yelled, "Azul! What are you doing!?" Floyd look around in confusion. "Ew, what’s this? What’s going on?"

"Ugh, what’s with the ruckus!?"

"Is Azul going wild…!?"

"It looks like he’s forcefully sucking magic out of the students."

Grim shrieked as he ran to me. "Leona! You made him do that, didn’t you!?"

"You’re blaming me? You’re the ones who told me to get rid of the contracts." Leona glare at grim as I stopped them. "Now, let's not pointing fingers. We have something big coming."

Azul face to where Jade and Azul are and said, "Jade, Floyd… You’re finally back. Thanks to those idiots, all of my contracts are now gone. That’s why… Please give me your magic, too. Hey, please give it to me!"

The two back away.

"Please desist! Your unique magic is too strong and to top it off, it should not work without the contract. You should know best what would happen if you do not follow procedure!" Jade said as Azul shook his head. "It’s because… I just lost all of them…Ahaha… Ahahaha! I’ll end up going back to my old self at this rate!"

"Ya know~ You look so much lamer now compared to your old self, Azul." Says Floyd and in return, he get, "Ah~~~ Is that so? In the end, I’m just a trashy, dumb octopus who can’t do anything by himself, huh! That’s why, in order to go back to my ideal self, I’ll just steal everyone’s magic! Beautiful singing voices, and even strong magic… All of them will be mine! Hand them over! All of them!"

Azul chases after everyone there including us but we managed to outrun him and he chases other person.

Good lord, have mercy 😭

"What’s with him? Something black and muddy is coming out from Azul’s body… It’s not ink, is it…?" Floyd warily said and Jade hopped it was not what he was thinking. "He’s using his unique magic too much. He has long surpassed the limit for Blot. At this rate, he will…! He will go into Overblot!"

Azul maniacally laugh as I smirk when he transform into something else.

"Well, might as well prepared yourself boys!"

"Why are you so calm?!"

"I wonder."


"Wha–!? Azul turned into an octopus!?" Grim pointed out.

Jade nodded. "That is what Azul looks like under the sea."

"But what’s that big shadow behind him?" Floyd pointed out to the black figure behind him that looks kinda like Ursula.

Ignoring them, I send an attack at Azul.


"Make a deal with me… Sign the contract…" Azul said as my puppets launch themselves at him.

Floyd made an X with his hand. "I wouldn’t mind if you were your normal self, but right now, it’s a no-go."

"I agree."


"This is why everyone bullies me! I’m just a weak, trashy octopus! I just wanted to show them I’m not all that they tease me to be…! I just… I just…!!" Azul voice slowly fade away and so is his consciousness as I ran to him and catches him in time before he hit the ground.

As I set Azul down, a sudden drowsiness took my consciousness away.


I open my eyes and yes, I'm back again in this empty and dark void. What's with me and this place? Did my attractiveness attractive them too? Lol, kid.

"The only place I really fit in was inside my octopus pot."

That's, Azul's voice.

"Gross! Azul’s a slimy ink-spitting octopus, boo!" One of the child mermaid said and another spoke up. "Just get rid of some of them! You’ve got lotsa legs, don’tcha!"

A small octopus crying and cupping his face. "P-please stop… Why are you saying stuff like that…?"

"Run away! He’s gonna blast ya with ink~~~!" The same child said and ran away as the other mirroring the action. "Ahahaha!! He won’t be able to catch up to us!"

Azul cry even more and gritted my teeth. It.....reminds me of my past.

"I was different from the other mermaids because I had a lot of legs with suckers on them. I was introverted and couldn’t speak out either. I was bad with academics and physical education, too. I was…always alone. A trashy and idiotic octopus."


"The water gets so dirty when he’s here! He releases ink when he cries, y’know?" You think why did he cry?

"He gets found in hide-and-seek easily, so it’s boring to play with him."

"Ah, is that so?
Then, you should leave me alone and just go back to playing your mindless games!

I’m not really a fast swimmer, but I can freely control all 10 of my limbs. Compared to those with only two arms, I could read grimoires five times more than they could. And I could easily write my own magical circles, too. Just you watch. Someday, I will triumph over all of you carefree little mermaids!"

Then a young Floyd and Jade appear. Shit, they're cute.

"Hey, little octopus~ What are you doing hiding inside that little octopus pot?" Asked the lil Floyd to lil Azul.

"Shut it. Just leave me alone!"

"Amazing… There’s a lot of spells and magical circles drawn on the seashells. How to change species, and even magic to steal someone’s voice…Have you always been researching grimoires with all 8 of your legs?"

"Don’t touch them! Do you wanna be blasted with ink? I’m gonna study more and more and become strong like the Sea Witch! So don’t get in my way! Go over there!" Azul hissed.

"That octopus is interesting, huh, Jade~"

"Indeed, Floyd. I admit I am intrigued."

"Several years have passed since I rigorously studied…"

"I heard that the chubby mermaid from the other class got a girlfriend~" Floyd started, his eyes settled on Azul. Then Jade joined in. "In exchange, the voice he was so proud of has turned really hoarse now."

"Eh~ Is that so?"

"I also heard that the mermaid from the other class who was worried about their unruly hair now has silky, blond hair." Jade smile and Floyd added. "In exchange, they lost their huge tail so they can’t swim fast anymore."

"Oh, I see."

"Hey, Azul. This is all your doing, isn’t it?" Jade tilted his head and Azul gave an "innocent" look. "Mine…? Why do you think so?"

"Those carefree fishes couldn’t possibly use such high-leveled magic."

"You’ve been studying magic all this time, y’know, little octopus~"

Azul stay silent before suddenly smirking and laugh. "…Fufufu! Ahahaha! Is that so? I didn’t think that I would be found out so easily."

"Then, it really is you~?"

"Yes, that is true. I have finally perfected it. This magical contract. As long as they sign in it, I can have whatever magic or skill it is that they’re so proud of. And I call it… “It’s a Deal”! This time, I will make them bow down to me with this magic. All of your talents will be mine!! Ahahaha!! AHAHAHA!!"

My eyes then caught Azul in his octopus form. His back facing me.

"I never slacked off for one second.
All of those people that made fun of me…All of those that bullied me for what I looked like…And then, all of their weak points, their worries that I thoroughly observed…I held tightly to all of them! If I probe their weaknesses, I could steal even the fins of someone who’s proud of their swimming. If I probe their worries, I could even steal someone’s beautiful voice. As long as I have this contract, I am invincible! I’m no longer a trashy, lonely octopus. I will control everything using my power. All of those people that made fun of me will bow down to me."

As I was about to reach out for him, a blinding light suddenly block my vision and suddenly, I went unconscious once again.


I open my eyes as I heard my name got called out.

It was Grim.

"Quiinn! You finally awake!" The cat throw himself to my face and covering my view from seeing everyone. "What are you doing Grim? I can't see with your body on my face."

Grim laugh and hopped off my face.

I sat up and heard Leona's voice. "You're finally awake."

I hold my head. "If you're worried, just say it~" I teased him as he scoffed and look away.

I look to where Azul at which is next to me btw, I thank Ruggie for let me borrow his lap and wave my hand Infront of Azul's face as his eyes started to open.

"Ah, he’s awake."

"We know that, Floyd." I gave him a look.

Floyd pouted. "Just saying."

Azul slowly sat up as I help him let him leaned on me as he's still weak. Then Jade Hold up four fingers and I know what he wanted to do so I stopped him and told him to let me handle.

"Azul, repeat after me. Ten, five, six, six, five, ten."

"Ten...five, six.....six, ten, five.....?"

I look up at Jade and shook my head as he sweatdrop. "Indeed. It looks like you’re still a little shaky. But… I’m so relieved. It looks like your Blot has subsided for now."

"You liar." I mouthed.

He gave me a "Shh."

"Geez, look at what you put us through." Leona folded his arms.

"Uh, you’re not really qualified to say that, Leona-san." Ruggie said.

"What in the world… did I do…?" He hold his head and fix his position to a comfortable position.

Jade and Floyd explain to Azul tho Floyd's more like telling a story.

"Th-there’s no way… I went berserk…?
Unbelievable…" I shook my head. "Oh, yeah, there's a way as you have overblotted."

"Ah, well I guess it’s normal to be mad after you lost everything you collected. I definitely won’t forgive anyone who’d make fun of the piggy bank that I’m keeping." Says Ruggie with a smile then my devil smirk making it's way to my face. Looks like I have a piggy bank to rob. The Grim said, "But using backhanded means is a little bit much, yanno? You better reflect on this!"

"You guys better reflect on using other people’s notes to take the easy way out, too!" Jack crossed his arms.

I play with Azul's hair as I asked, "Where did you even get the determination to complete that notes anyway? And how? Just....how?!"


Ace sweatdrop. "True. I got 90 points just by reading and studying your notes for one night, dude."

Deuce nodded. "Yes, it really was exceptional."

"I heard from the Headmaster that you created those notes after thoroughly researching 100 years’ worth of school material. I can’t approve of your cheating, but I do admire your guts." Shit, I forgot.

"…… Hmph. I won’t be happy by that sort of consoling, you know?" Azul look away from the group.

"Oh~? Azul’s looking a little teary-eyed~"

"Oh, my. Have you reverted back to your old crybaby self, I wonder?"

"You two! I believe that there was a secret agreement between us not to talk about that again!" Azul pouted cutely and I die from his cuteness. Well, not before defending him. I hugged him and pointed at the twin. "Don't bully my cute tako, you imbeciles!!"

I can feel Azul's blushing as Floyd pouted.

"Oh, yeah. Here’s the picture of Prince Rielle that you asked us to take. We brought it back properly. The sun hasn’t set yet. This means that it’s our win!" Jack announced as I punch the air and my puppet came to me. Oh yeah, my puppet is there the whole time, helping students.

"What’s up with this picture? Mermaid runts? They’re all just talking." Leona snatched the picture and examine it as Ruggie take a peek. "I guess it’s a class picture from elementary school…? What did you want this picture for?"

"Ah, how nostalgic~ This was the picture we took when we went on a field trip, right~? Jade and I are here. And then~~The one hiding way behind here is~~~!! Baby Azul!" Floyd pointed to the kid ver of Azul and I AM DYING!!!!!


"AHHHHH!! STOP IT!! Don’t look! Please don’t look!"

Azul try to take the picture away from Leona but Leona made it hard alright.

"Let me see!"

"At the corner...." Leona pointed.

"Don’t tell me it’s this little kid with the octopus legs that’s bigger than the other kids…" Ruggie look at the pic then back at the blushing Azul as Grim climb up Ruggie's shoulder. "Azul, I didn’t know you were this chubby when you were younger!"

I snatched the pic. "What kind of nonsense of this???!!!!! This should be illegal Azull!!!!!" I splat the pic in his face and he nervously asked, "Wh–what do you men illegal?!"

I pointed at his lil ver. "I–it's illegal to be this soft and cute!!!!!!!!"


Azul plopped down on the floor, embarrassed.

"I… I completely understand how you feel. Anyone has a past they don’t want known! I didn’t see anything! Everyone, forget what you saw, too!" I laughed at how Deuce is trying to make him feel better. Damn, he's soooo PUREEEEE.


"You’re… You’re pretty impulsive sometimes, huh…"

Azul got off the ground and said, "Damn it…! I definitely thought that I could expand Mostro Lounge’s business and get rid of my dark past in one go…! I thought it was a perfect plan and yet~~~!"

"That doesn’t mean that you should make others do your dirty work, yanno!" Grim barked.

Floyd giggled. "It doesn’t matter. I really liked this Azul, you know? He seemed more delicious then compared to now~" I gave Floyd a disgusted face as Azul shook his head. "That’s not the problem here!"

"You don't have to hide it babe." I loop my arm around his shoulder as he blushed. "I don’t want this anymore… I wanna go back inside my octopus pot…"

He was about to leave with a crocodile tears but I stopped him. "Before you leave, I want you to sign a contract. Make a deal with me!"

He snapped his head at me with shock expression painted his features and his eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" They boys yelled.

"You heard me."

Azul made a worried look. "What's the contract is about....?"

I smile as I pulled out a paper and hand it to him. "Please sign the contract and we'll be official."

Azul's confused face makes me wanted to laugh so bad but I contain it. He read the contract as his face turned red. "MA–MARRIAGE CONTRACT?!"


Leona quickly took it and ripped it to pieces. "And it's gone."

I sighed. "I knew this gonna happen so, I bring more copy." I happily bring out te copies as the boys widened their eyes and snatched them away.

"Oh man!"

"Grim, burn it." Leona glare at the cat and he gladly did as told. "Whyyy!!!!??"

"I–I'm sorry, Quiinn." Azul play with his fingers. "But, I can't accept your proposal at least....not yet. W–we are still highschooler."

I ruffles her hair. "No worries, just trying my luck." I kissed his nose as I heard a growl and Azul's face reddened. I giggled. "You really are a cute tako~"

Then he stormed off. "I'm heading back to my octopus pot!!"


"It was a success. Thanks for the help, Y/N." Y/N flew out of the puppet's body and now, it's lifeless. "No problem."

"You didn't use ability right? I'm asking just to make sure even though I see everything." I crossed my arms as Y/N smile. "No, I make sure I didn't exposed myself."

I nodded. "Good. If not, then I'll have a bunch of questions to answer."

Y/N flipped her hair. "But I didn't."

I give her a look as she giggled and disappear in the wind.


Monday, 27 September 2021

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