fool for you || boyxboy

By writtenbyhoney

42.4K 2.1K 4.3K

Noah Miller and Josiah Williams have a special yet odd friendship. A friendship in which they kiss, have sex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 11

1.1K 71 147
By writtenbyhoney


It's been two days since Josiah has seen or spoken to Noah. He has texted Noah a couple of times and tried calling him but the younger guy won't return any of his calls. Even when they all hung out yesterday, his group of friends and Noah's, Noah himself wasn't there. Noah had been feeling sick and decided to stay home, according to Lolani. Josiah tried to go and check on Noah, see what's going on, but Lolani stopped him. Eventually Valentine and the rest interfered too, leaving him with no choice but to leave Noah alone. He texted the younger guy one last time late last night, but until now still no answer.

Josiah exhales deeply as he looks at his chat with Noah. A soft snort comes from him as he sees that Noah did read his messages. The time Noah read his messages was early this morning at 05:45AM, a time he wakes up for track practice. Josiah kisses his teeth and tosses his phone in the passenger's seat. He tried with Noah. His eyes land on a neatly folded sheet of paper lying on the floor of his car on the passenger's side. He picks it up before unfolding it to see what it is.

Unease washes over Josiah's entire body as he reads what's written on the paper. It can't be. This is impossible. There's no way what he's reading is real. Someone has to be messing with him because this can't be real — he's sure this piece of paper wasn't laying in his car before. It's impossible that he has overlooked it for the past two days when he keeps his car clean.

Resentment soon replaces the unease he's feeling as he reads the words on the paper over and over again. Josiah doesn't understand. He's so angry right now. His eyes catch a familiar figure heading towards his car and he quickly folds the paper before putting it in the glove compartment. This is something he'll deal with later.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Anthony greets as he gets in Josiah's car. "You good? You look about as pissed as Hell. Is it Valentine again? I told you to let that thing go. I know the sex is good, but nigga... You look stressed." He laughs.

Anthony's laugh is ridiculously contagious and the comment he makes doesn't help any better. He never fails to crack Josiah up, even when he's mad. "Man," He laughs a little before kissing his teeth. "I wish it was Valentine this time."

"It ain't?" Anthony asks, taken by surprise. "If it ain't Valentine who has you stressed, then who is it?" He gasps. "Is it the one from our trip after Cancun? I told you to take a condom from me, but you were too horny to listen to me. Now look at you, making me an uncle of a one nightstand baby conceived in a house full of niggas. No love, no nothing. I don't think Imma be able to love that baby, I'm sorry."

Josiah gives Anthony a look as he goes on and on about not being ready to become an uncle. "Man, shut up." He tells his best friend after a couple of seconds. Anthony does as he says and he shakes his head. "I used a condom with that one. I always use a condom."

"Except," Anthony says loudly. "With Valentine." He reminds his best friend. Josiah glares at him and he laughs. "Did you pull out, though? I'm dead ass not ready to become an uncle."

"I'm not about to have this conversation with you." Josiah starts his car and drives out of the parking spot so can get to the other side of campus. ''And that's not how pulling out works, dumbass. That method barely ever works anyway.''

"Damn, papi, I'm just trying to crack you up, make you laugh. You're always so angry. What's wrong with you, my guy? If it ain't Valentine or any of the other hoes you're fucking or have fucked, then who is it?"

"It's no one, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Anthony eyes Josiah for a split second before looking ahead of him, out of the windshield. "Noah still ain't text you back, huh?" He asks.

Josiah stops for another car to pass and sighs. "No," He grumbles as he starts driving again. The fact that Noah hasn't been texting him back is putting him in a bad mood. And he just realized they really need to talk. "Ever since Valentine answered the phone he's been acting funny. I tried to call him back that night because we had a fight earlier that day and I think that's what he wanted to talk about, but he wouldn't pick up. I texted him, but all he does is leave me on read. Shit is pissing me off because I know I ain't do shit."

"Now you know that's a lie, papi Josie." Anthony cracks, making Josiah roll his eyes along with telling him to stop calling him all those names. "You really expect Noah, who you fucked just last Sunday, to answer the phone and act like nothing happened after Valentine, who you were fucking right when he called, answered the phone? There are boundaries and you're crossing them, future doctor Williams. And what if that isn't the only thing he's mad about? Something tells me he heard y'all."

"Heard who?"

"You and Valentine, doctor Josie papi."

"Stop calling me that shit, for real." Josiah snaps, now thinking about what Anthony just said. Is it possible that Noah heard Valentine and him? That's not possible. No, Noah has his own reasons why he's acting the way he is. "That's not possible. I ended the call after taking my phone from Valentine."

Anthony hums. "You sure about that?"

"One hundred percent." But Josiah is doubting his own words. What if he didn't end the call after all? Maybe that's really the reason Noah is ignoring him. Also the fact that Valentine answered his phone isn't a good look either. "Fuck!" He exclaims, hitting the steering wheel.


"Now I'm not sure. What if he did hear us?"

"Then you move on with your life without Noah in it." Anthony shrugs before looking over at his best friend and giving him a look. "Unless there's a reason why you can't live without him in your life and you're going to keep trying until he speaks to you.. Is there?"

"Is there what?''

''A reason why you can't live without him in your life.''

Josiah shrugs. ''Why would there be?'' He asks while looking for a parking spot near their on campus hangout spot. "He's just a friend. One I'm good with and have grown to be close to, but that's it. I can really talk to him and we seem to get each other, nothing special.''

Anthony snorts in amusement. ''Nothing special, yeah, bet.'' He laughs to himself. ''It's nothing special going on between you two but his pretty ass let you hit before his man even did. If that's nothing special to you then I can understand why he acts the way he does towards you. Bro, you fucked him before his own man, you took his virginity. Clearly Noah got to be feeling something for you if you get to hit before his own man could. He's obviously hurt because you're still fucking Valentine, man those two already got into it before because of you.''

"Their argument wasn't about me. They only got into it because Valentine kept provoking Noah. He had it coming."


"What do you mean, 'exactly'?" Josiah asks, ridiculing Anthony's deep voice.

''Man, fuck you." Anthony laughs at the face Josiah pulls at him. ''I mean exactly as in, Valentine's mean ass kept provoking Noah's pretty ass because of who? Not me, not Ray, not Zachary, not Gideon, but you, my man. They got into it because of you. Why do you think Valentine was provoking Noah? We all know Valentine hates the fact that you two are friends and hang out together, the thought alone makes him sick as Hell. It drives him crazy. Both of them have feelings for you."

"Noah doesn't have feelings for me." Josiah states, no longer wanting to talk about this.

"If you say so," Anthony opens the car door once Josiah turns the car off. "You know him better than I do. I still think he has feelings or a serious crush on you, just like every other hoe and bitch on this campus. You're Josiah fucking Williams after all, two years in a row track champion and gold medalist of your division."

Josiah kisses his teeth and laughs as he gets out of his car. "Not just me, Noah too."

"Yeah, yeah, Noah Miller as well in his division." Anthony shuts the car door after getting out and catches up to Josiah. "I'm not even going to front. If you stop acting like you're not crazy about him and if he admits he has feelings for you, I feel like you two could be one Hell of a power couple. Imagine what your kids would be like."

The two of them enter The Oak, an on campus bar-restaurant where most students come to hangout, including them and their friends. It's not as busy as usual due to the time — it's a little past 12PM, meaning most college go-ers are either in class, still sleeping, working or studying. That's something Josiah should start doing soon too, studying and doing his homework. He has been too caught up with everything except for his own education.

While approaching the table his group of friends is sitting at, a familiar face catches Josiah's attention. Multiple familiar faces, actually. How could he not have thought about them? He greets his friends before telling them that he'll be right back and going over to another table.

"Well, if it ain't one of the finest negros on campus." Trinity comments when Josiah comes up to their table, making him laugh. She looks at Valentine who's sitting right across from her. "Am I allowed to say that about your baby daddy?" She teases, making the rest of their friends laugh while Valentine glares at her.

Lolani stifles a laugh, taking a sip from his drink. "Don't Valentine need to have a baby growing inside him first to call Josie over here his baby daddy." He comments, with a little hint of shade in his words.

"How about you worry about who your possible baby daddy could be and what's growing inside you first." Valentine retorts, nodding towards the pink and blue box in front of Lolani. He smiles falsely when Lolani gives him the finger before taking the box and turning to Josiah who looks surprised. "You can keep a secret from Anthony, right, papi?"

"Uh..." Josiah looks around the table; Rayn shakes her head dismissively, Zoie smiles at him, Trinity rolls her eyes and Lolani isn't even looking at him. At last he looks at Valentine who's smiling up at him. "Yeah, sure. It's none of my business anyway.''

"Good," Lolani snaps. "Because it really isn't. Mind and worry about your own."

Valentine laughs. "Wow, feisty." He comments, only for Zoie to tell him off. He rolls his eyes at her before shifting his attention to Josiah again. "What are you doing here, papi?"

"Yeah, what do you want? Your guys are over there." Rayn says, nodding to where Josiah's friends are sitting.

"I know," Josiah licks his lips as all five friends look at him. "But, uh... Do any of you know where Noah is? I need to talk to him."

The mention of Noah's name coming out of Josiah's mouth has Valentine tensing up. They had an argument about Noah just two days. Why is his ex-boyfriend still worried about him? "What do you need Noah for?" He asks with a straight face.

Josiah frowns a little. "To talk to him."

"About?" Valentine questions.

"Don't worry your pretty head about it." Josiah looks at Lolani. "You're best friends and live together, I know you know where he is."

"He's sick." Lolani answers dryly. "I told you this yesterday. What more do you want me to tell you?"

Josiah squints his eyes at Lolani. Maybe they should talk first. "I need to talk to you about something. In private." He states.

"Now?" Lolani asks with confusion on his face. "About what?"

"Yeah, Josiah, about what?" Valentine wonders with sarcasm dripping from his question. "We would like to know too."

Josiah bumps Valentine's nose, offering him a sarcastic smile. "Some things are really none of your business, baby." He looks at Lolani again and nods. "Yeah, now."

Talking to Josiah is the last thing Lolani needs right now. His day is already bad enough after arguing with Anthony earlier and he's really not in the mood for an interrogation from Josiah about Noah. His best friend isn't even really sick, he's just avoiding Josiah as best as he can. Lolani is just covering for him because that's what friends do.

They head to a table in the back of the restaurant and take a seat at it. Josiah leans back in his seat while Lolani sits up straight with his arms crossed over his chest. Neither of them says a word, they just stare at each other until one of them speaks.

If it's someone Josiah knows that doesn't crack easily, it's Lolani. Josiah really likes him for Anthony; he's definitely someone who can tame his best friend. Unfortunately, Anthony likes to ruin things with every good guy that comes into his life. His current boyfriend and Lolani included. Josiah really wonders how Lolani has been putting up with Anthony and his shenanigans for the past two years. He knows Lolani is reaching his breaking point though and when he does, Anthony will definitely lose a good one. That's something he told his best friend one too many times already.

"So, are we just going to sit here and waste each other's time or are you going to talk?" Lolani asks, breaking the silence between them. The guy in front of him laughs a little and he rolls his eyes. "What do you want, Josiah?"

"I want to know what's up with Noah." Josiah says, getting serious.

"He's sick."

"What does he have?"

"You know, a fever and shit."

"Sounds pretty serious. Do you mind if I go check on him? Since you're here and he's sick, it's probably nice if someone is around him."

Lolani deadpans Josiah, who's staring at him with an emotionless look on his face as well. They have a bit of a stare down before Lolani kisses his teeth. This is ridiculous.

"Seriously, what more do you want to know?" Lolani is growing annoyed. "He's sick and wants to be left alone. If he's not texting or calling you back it's because he has his reasons."

"Hm," Josiah leans forward and rests his arms on the table, clasping his hands together. "What reasons?"

"Reasons you should ask him about, not me." Lolani declares, being done with this conversation. "Look, I can't do more than tell him to call or at least text you back. There's just some shit he's dealing with right now and I'm sure he'll come around to talk to you eventually, okay? Noah always does with you."

Josiah doesn't say anything to what Lolani said. The younger guy offers him an apologetic look before getting up and walking away. "I know he's pregnant and something tells me you know too." He admits when Lolani walks past him. His words bring Lolani to an immediate halt and Josiah clears his throat before he continues to speak. "I found the paper with his results laying in my car earlier and I just want to talk to him about this."

Lolani curses under his breath before turning back around and taking a seat at the table again. Only then he notices how troubled Josiah looks. "I promised him not to tell anyone." He explains.

"Which is fair. And you didn't tell anyone, I found his results in my car."


"I really want to talk to him, Lani. Where is he?"

"At work.."

"I thought he was sick?" Josiah teases only for Lolani to roll his eyes at him. He smiles a little. "What time does he get off?"

"He's working a double shift. From twelve to eight and from nine till three." Lolani sighs when Josiah gives him a look. "I know, but he needs the money. His mother needs his help."

Josiah nods, knowing very well about Noah's financial situation. "Right, uh.. Are you picking him up tonight?" He wonders. Lolani nods and goes to say something, but he interrupts him. "I'll pick him up tonight."

"I don't think that's—"

"Lani, come on."

"Ugh, fine. Just.. Don't make him cry, okay?"

"I won't."

"I'll keep you to it."


Lani 🤞🏽💕

Today 10:50PM

Don't be mad but I'm not pick you up tonight
Sorry, forgive me ❤️

Today 03:17AM

What do you mean you're not picking me up tonight?
How am I supposed to get home? ☹️
Lani, wth

Noah's phone starts vibrating in his hand and he frowns at the caller ID. Josiah is calling him. He's not in the mood to speak to the guy right now. Lolani just flaked on him and the last thing he wants to deal with is Josiah. He declines the call and goes to see if there's an Uber nearby just when he gets an iMessage notification.

Are you just going to stand there or what?

The message makes Noah frown some more. He looks up from his phone and looks around him. His eyes land on a shiny black Range Rover that's parked a little more down the street with its lights on. Josiah is leaning against it, patiently waiting for him to come over. Noah can tell Josiah just came from home; he's wearing a Ralph Lauren tracksuit, Gucci slides with socks, a black durag and his golden rimmed designer glasses. It's been a while since he's seen Josiah wear them.

Noah locks his phone and trudges to where Josiah is standing. Why would Lolani do this to him? His best friend knows he's avoiding Josiah for all the right reasons. He comes to a halt when he nears the car. The older guy goes to say something, but Noah beats him to it.

"What are you doing here, Josiah?"

"Damn, that's how things are between us now? Not even a hey or hello first?"

"I'm really not in the mood."

"Aigh, bet." Josiah licks his lips as he casually checks Noah out. The younger guy is wearing a black skinny jeans, a black dress shirt that has his name tag on it and a vest that's too big for him. Noah looks tired yet still very put together. His looks have always been a reason why Josiah can't keep his eyes off him. "You look good." He compliments.

Noah snorts. "No, I don't and you know this."

"For someone who just got off a double shift you look good to me. I like your hair like that," Josiah compliments, referring to the two boxer braids Noah braided his hair in. "It brings out your face more."

"What are you doing here?" Noah asks again, ignoring Josiah's compliments.

Josiah eyes Noah up and down. "What's your problem with me?" His question makes Noah kiss his teeth at him and he laughs a little. "Seriously, what is your problem with me all of a sudden? You're not texting me back, not returning my calls, giving me an attitude for no reason — for what? We made up, didn't we? Or did I do something? If so, then fucking say so instead of acting the way you are." Noah rolls his eyes at him and looks away, much to his annoyance. It's crazy how easy the younger guy can ruin his entire mood. "Man, whatever. Just get in the car."

Noah remains quiet as he walks around Josiah's car and gets in. They get settled before Josiah drives out of the spot he was parked and hitting the road. Neither of them speaks, the only noise in the car is the music faintly coming from the speakers. Noah occasionally glances over to Josiah, taking in his body language. It's obvious that the older guy is annoyed once again. The way Josiah has one hand tightly gripping the steering wheel gives it all away. There's an attitude written all over his face and he kisses his teeth every couple of minutes as a way to let his annoyance be known.

Seeing Josiah this agitated makes Noah feel bad. He knows he shouldn't be ignoring Josiah, but he can't help it. Knowing that he's pregnant by Josiah has him freaked out. For the past two days he has been contemplating and mentally debating whether he should or shouldn't tell Josiah about the thing that's growing inside him. The thing that Josiah and him made the first time they had sex. The same thing that has a heartbeat by now, is the size of a kidney bean with tiny buds as growing limbs and is making life a living Hell due to all the fatigue and nausea he's experiencing. Noah knew better not to look up what to expect at eight weeks after counting back how many weeks ago Josiah and him hooked up. Turns out he's eight weeks and a day.

"Fuck," Noah whispers as he feels himself become emotional. He pulls the arm of his vest down and uses it to dry the tears in his eyes. "Stop." He softly tells himself. Thinking about the stupid thing inside him shouldn't move him to tears.

Josiah glances over to Noah and kisses his teeth before looking back at the road. "Are you fucking kidding me," He says a little too loud. "Not this again. Don't tell me you're crying again because I snapped at you."

"Stop being so damn full of yourself." Noah sniffs. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Why the Hell are you crying then?"

"Because.. I– I'm— I haven't really been myself lately, ugh. Never mind. It's stupid."

The thought that Noah is pregnant crosses Josiah's mind, reminding him about all the hormones his friend is probably dealing with. How could he have forgotten? He shouldn't have snapped at Noah the way he just did. The younger guy is dealing with enough already and the last thing he needs is a shitty friend.

"I'm sorry." Josiah apologizes in a low voice.

Noah looks over at Josiah with teary eyes. "What?"

"I said I'm sorry." Josiah sighs deeply. "I didn't mean to snap at you nor did I mean to say the things I said the other day. I've been feeling really bad about what I said and I've been meaning to apologize, but you've been acting funny ever since Valentine answered my phone. If that's why you've been acting the way you are, I'm sorry for that too. We had a fight after that."

Valentine — the name of his own friend makes Noah feel a certain way. After Valentine answered the phone just for the call to end seconds later, Noah ended up crying out of anger. Why exactly, he doesn't know. All he knows is that Valentine answering Josiah's phone made him feel many things. It's one of the reasons why he has been avoiding Josiah as well. He doesn't want to be in the middle of whatever his two friends have going on between them. Him and Josiah sleeping with each other twice is bad enough, the last thing he needs is for Valentine to think that there's more going on between them when there isn't. They're just friends.

"It's okay." Noah mutters as he looks down at his fingers. "I have my reasons for being so distant, Valentine answering your phone is not one of them. I wish the reasons were that simple though." He laughs dryly.

Josiah hums. "Care to tell me what those reasons are?"

"They're pretty personal."

"We've been pretty personal before."

A soft chuckle comes from Noah. "I bet we have."

Josiah reaches for the folded paper laying on the dashboard while keeping a hand on the steering wheel. "Is this one of the reasons?" He asks when handing Noah the paper.

"What is this?" Noah takes the paper from Josiah and unfolds it. His breath immediately hitches in his throat as his body runs cold. He had been looking all over the place for this paper, hoping that he had accidentally thrown it away. But he didn't. Josiah had it this entire time. "Where did you find this?" He asks softly, keeping his eyes on the paper.

"It was laying on the floor there." Josiah looks over to Noah then back at the road. "Why didn't you just say anything?"


"Because what, Noah? You know you can tell me everything. We're friends. You know everything about me and I know everything about you. Why not tell me you're pregnant?"

"I– I was ashamed." Noah admits in a small voice. "Still am. And I don't want anybody to know because I'm not keeping it."

That's not something Josiah was expecting, but he'll get back on that soon. First he needs to understand why Noah would be ashamed. "Why would you be ashamed?" He asks in confusion.

Noah shrugs although he knows the answer to that question. The thing isn't Princeton's meaning that everybody would find out that he cheated on his ex-boyfriend, including Princeton. "Because.." His voice is still so small. "I'm not with the father and I'm scared of his reaction."

"Have you considered telling him though?"


"Princeton, the father."

"What makes you assume—" Noah quickly catches himself when he realizes what he's about to say. Of course Josiah would assume that it's Princeton who knocked him up, that's only logical. "I don't see the point in telling him if I'm not keeping it."

"Hm," Josiah hums, leaning back in his seat. He looks over at Noah who's fiddling with his fingers. "He has the right to know, whether you're keeping it or not. But, let's go back a little. What makes me assume what?"

"Nothing." Noah quickly answers.

"No, don't do that. Don't dismiss me like that." Josiah says in a calm voice. "What makes me assume what? That he's the father?" Noah stays quiet and he kisses his teeth. Here they go again. If it's one thing he hates it's when Noah retreats and closes himself off. "Why wouldn't I assume that?"

Noah clears his throat. "Can we drop this? Please?" He asks, finally looking up at Josiah with big pleading eyes. There are tears burning in them already.

"Why wouldn't Princeton be the father, Noah?" Josiah asks, completely ignoring Noah's request. The younger guy stays quiet, slowly making him lose his already short temper. "How far along are you?" He decides to ask instead. Noah's silence makes something inside him snap. "How far along are you?!" He yells, hitting the steering wheel out of frustration and anger.

The sudden movement causes Noah to flinch. "Eight weeks!" He blurts out in distress. A soft sob follows right after and he quickly covers his face as he can't stop himself from crying now.

Soft cries fill the car as memories fill Josiah's mind. Noah and him had sex without a condom the first time they did it with each other. He remembers how sick Noah had been before leaving for summer break, which was two weeks after they had been together. They weren't on talking terms anymore by then but he had picked up on Noah telling Rayn and Valentine that it was just something he ate. Six weeks of not speaking to Noah had passed, making it eight weeks since that night.

Realization hits Josiah like a ton of bricks; this changes everything.

ah yes a mild cliffhanger

- don't you just love Josiah and Noah when they're together?
- was Josiah out of place for confronting Noah?
- how do you think Josiah is going to react?

Continue Reading

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