Random One-Shots

By fordkate

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The most random one-shots on literally anyone, enjoy ladies and gentle ladies!🤘🏻🤠 This is also a gxg book... More

First Kiss
Date Day!
Getting to know each other
On The Run
Jealousy and Emotions
Study Session
Late Night Drive
Meeting In A Library
Jealousy and Emotions 2
Teenage Dream
At The Cliff
Challenge Accepted
At The Cliff 2
Friends With Benefits
Meeting In A Library 2
Stressed Out
Mixed Feelings
Maths Teacher
Maths Teacher 2
Sleeping Over
Emotional Rollarcoster
Lesson On Love
On Set
Craved Affection
On Set 2
And it was always you...
Leaving, Reunited 1
Leaving, Reunited 2
Shower together...?
Surprise Visit
Needed Time
In trouble
Skip Class...?
Sneaking around
Sneaking around 2
Quality Time
Secret safe with me
Hide and Seek
Movie Date
Tired out
Family Reunion + the aftermath
Unknown Lover
What it's like having Y/n in your class
Secrets let out
Awkward Interview
What it's like having Y/n as a neighbour
Skateboarding Accident
🎤Only you my girl🎤
Hang out session
"...it didn't work."
Something Dangerous
Class Debate
Dressed to Impress
Times Ticking + Aftermath
Guilty Pleasure
Guilty Pleasure 2
Guilty Pleasure 3
Surprise Visit + Aftermath
"...accidents happen."
⚠️Important A/N⚠️
Cheering up
Late Nate Rendezvous
What it's like to interview Y/n
Practicing Lines
What it's like being in school with Y/n 2
"and I want this back."
"No... I don't wanna go."
"I just hope your okay."
"...and I want this back." 2
"I'm not sentimental"
"Cigarettes, Daydreams, 17"
"See? I'm not so bad!"
Unwelcomed surprise
Drunk Sam
"I'm a failure."
Individual Challenge
What it's like hanging out/dating Y/n
Dark and Twisty "Sisters"
"the girl from the woods"
"It's easy!" "For you!"
"I need you..."
"Well... you coming Fraser?"
"Will you just do it for me, Samantha Fraser?"
"Will you just do it for me, Samantha Fraser?" 2
Baby Fever + Possible Pregnancy...?
"I want you for just... you."
"Tell me to stop and I shall."
Dark and Twisty "Sisters" 2
"Scary" Surprise
She catches you singing
"Singer girl?"
"I hate you! So much!"
"I hate you! So much!" 2
New girl's surprise
New girl surprise 2
"Tonight is... for us!" 3
⚠️A New Poet?⚠️
Football Fight + IMPORTANT A/N
Prank with James Corden
Helping Hand
"I'm staying... with you."
"I love you! Sorry! I'll come back! Bye!"
You feel sick
"An Anti-Social Pessimist being friendly?" + ⚠️Important A/N⚠️

Post-apocalyptic 2

304 2 4
By fordkate

A/N: Part 2! Here we go! Enjoy ;)


Deena wrapped Elliot's arm around her and wrapped her arm around his waist holding him close to her, she looked around and down at the passed out bodies around her,

"No help? What kind of people are you?" She chuckled out turning to Elliot with a teasing grin to earn a small laugh that quickly turned into a cry of pain. "S-Shit. Sorry. Injured, got it." Deena nodded her head and took him to the infirmary that was across the street from the bar, she bursted inside. "Lil' help?" She asked Riley. Riley turned to her and grinned,

"Ah, of course you're here. Come in, come in." She welcomed and helped Elliot sit down and start to patch him up. Deena watched intently wanting to know if she could help.

"Let me help-"

"No, we need you out on patrol." Riley protested which Deena scoffed at,

"I can't just let him die-"

"Go! Okay? I got him. You trust me." Riley assured her but Deena simply rolled her eyes,

"Do I?" She spat at Riley which took her aback, and turned to Deena. "Don't look at me, help him. And that's an order." She demanded looking her up and down slightly, she grabbed her hat and put it on, she bursted out the door and looked around feeling a cold breeze. She grinned and walked down the two steps, she walked her way down the street, dead centre and walked with confidence; her head up and shining, almost as if nothing that she feared was in her path. 

Deena continued along her way not exactly knowing where she was headed now but knew that she had to go check on Thomas and Amelia to see if there were more, so, she walked around town trying to find them and after 25 minutes, she found Thomas choking a guy out. Deena tackled him off and stopped him,

"Hey! Hey, you proved you're point! We're not killing them!" Deena shouted at him in disgust and when she felt herself get pulled up and held against gun-point, she scoffed. She pulled out her knife and stabbed into his wrist and kicked him in the balls making him fall to the ground, rolling in pain, she removed the knife from his arm. "Bad mistake." She heaved out and turned to Thomas, a grin formed on his face. "Well? Is there any more? Or are we done here?" Deena questioned Thomas and he nodded his head.

"None that I can think off, but we'll get updated, go check on your friends. Ok?" Thomas told me and Deena nodded her head and walked off, she strided her way toward her small house, it was as if every step she took it looked something out of a badass movie. She walked with confidence and no care in the world. She was a brutal force. 

She arrived at the hut and opened the door and chucked her knife to the wall to the right that stabbed into the wall and she looked around seeing no one,

"Sam? Kate? Simon? Where are you?" Deena called out-loud and they all came out from different hiding spots, them all releasing heavy breath's of relief.

"Gosh, we thought you were a Hunter." Kate sighed out which made Deena slightly laugh at their slight scare of her arrival in her own little hut,

"Right. Sorry. Town should be under control in 15 minutes." Deena explained to the three, yet they never answered; they simply stared Deena down and she didn't know what to say to the three or what they were staring at her for. "Yes?" She questioned, her eyes scanning between the three.

"N-Nothing..." Simon looked down nervously,

"Spit it out, you three. Is there something on my face or something?" Deena jokingly asked.

"Deen's, who's blood is that?" Kate said as she pointed at her shirt that was covered in blood, Deena looked at her confused, her face and eyebrows furrowed for a second then she looked down at her t-shirt and saw Elliot's blood. "Deena, who's in trouble?" Kate further asked as Sam was more worried on Deena herself. Was she alright? Was it her own's? Did she sacrifce herself? Did she do something dumb? Sam didn't know, she simply wanted answers but knew that Deena would most likely shove the questions away and dodge them. She was the Fighter Princess after all as people would always call her a fighter or a princess for 'how she acted' yet she simply didn't act like a princess at all in her mind. But to Sam? She was her princess. Someone she wanted no one to mess with yet she expressed it differently. Deena protected and simply fought anyone in their path. But when it came to words and affirmation as well as the delicacy of touch and affection. Hannah shined brighter than anyone as Deena wasn't exactly the best with affection.

The four walked back to the infirmary and they all rushed in to see Riley washing her hands.

"How is he?" Was the first thing Simon asked as Sam had Deena's hand in a tight grip not letting her go, Deena shut the doors and looked around as Thomas and Amelia were there as well, she went to let go of Sam's had to check the windows but Sam pulled her back.

"Don't." Sam commanded which slightly surprised Deena, she hadn't been so demanding before. Did she do something to piss her off? Deena didn't know. Yet she worried that she did.

"He's fine, just resting up and sleeping peacefully. He should be able to leave in the morning." Riley bitterly let out as she stared Deena down. Sam, Kate and Simon all turned to Deena staring her down to see Deena already staring Riley down.

"Can we have a second? Alone. I need to talk to her about something." Deena assured the gang and Kate and Simon left but Sam stayed. "Sam... -" Deena started off in a stern tone but was cut off by Sam,

"Deena." She mimicked in the same tone, but she was falling for her eyes once again. She huffed and let go of Deena's hand as she felt distance between the two, like she was always 10 steps back from Deena since she was quite the busy person and their time alone with one another would always be so limited. She stormed out of the room and to see Elliot where Simon and Kate comforted her.

Deena's eyes dragged onto Riley,


"I don't want an apology. I did what you asked, now go see him." Riley let out and walked away into another room to attend someone else who got caught in the cross fire, Deena sighed and placed her hands on her sides and stood there trying to catch her breath. Everything seemed fine. Then in seconds, things changed. Her mind couldn't wrap around it. How could she go from sitting and having fun with the love of her life and her two best friends to going to see her father-figure since he got stabbed. All in under 30-50 minutes. 

Deena went to the bathroom to wash her face and when she looked up at the mirror, Sam's figure was behind her and it slightly startled the brunette yet she didn't show it. She simply jumped with her eyes and slightly moving her head back. Barely noticable movement but since Hannah's stare was so strong, she noticed. She noticed everything about Deena,

"Can I help you?" She asked out-loud trying to brighten the mood as she flicked her hands down in the sink not getting an answer from Sam. She dried her hands and looked at Sam who moved in front of her.

"If we're going to date, then I want you to tell me everything. Not hide things." Sam demanded, "I don't want to have to force you to talk all the time! It's tiring me out." She explained as Deena listened and held onto every word, once her hands were dry. She took Sam's hands in hers and placed a kiss on each one.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I made a rude comment and I wanted to apologise to Riley yet it didn't exactly work-"

"I'm not talking about that." Sam cut her off which sparked curiosity in Deena's mind on what she wanted to know, "W-Well it is partly that but I also want to know why you made Kate and Simon take me to your little hut! I could've fought-"

"No, no, we're not having this conversation." Deena scoffed out and went to walk away but Sam moved herself in front of Deena stopping her from walking any further away from their conversation that was slowly building into an argument.

"Deena, I can help!" Sam protested and Deena shook her head,

"I know you can! But you're too sweet, if looks could kill you'd just distract everyone." Deena let out and Sam moved back, tears built in her eyes as she was hurt by what Deena had said and Deena knew that she fucked up immediately. She slammed her hand over her mouth and quickly removed it, "S-Sam, I'm so sorry-"

"I don't want to hear it, FUCK YOU!" Sam screamed at her and rushed out of the bathroom and out of the infirmary. This girl came out of a stall,

"Smooth move, princess spice." The girl said quickly washing her hands and drying them off while leaving. Deena hit the mirror making her knuckles bleed. She rushed out of the infimary and decided that she'd check on Elliot in the morning, right now she wanted to find Sam and apologise. Apologise 1 million times if she had too. She didn't care, she just wanted her forgiveness. 

She marched around the town for what felt like forever, all the way till morning. Yet once she turned the corner, Sa, was in the arms of another man. Yet not in a good way, and especially shocking. In the arms of a Hunter.

"HEY!" Deena shouted as she rushed over and chucked her hat off making her way toward the two, she pulled Sam off of the man and pushed him back, giving the man a right hook; left hook, kick to the stomach, she wrapped her arm around his stomach and tackled him to the ground and couldn't help herself but punch him over and over again. 

"Deena stop it! You proved your point!" Sam shouted at Deena but she ignored her, Deena stopped and gripped his t-shirt.

"You can fucking hurt me all you want, but when it comes to her." Deena started as she pointed at Sam, making sure he heard every word. "I am not afraid to kill you." She intimidatingly said. The Hunter whimpered in pain and Deena back-slapped him across the cheek, she cupped his face and made him look at her. "She is the final line and I am in love with her. You hurt her? And I will make sure that you never see day-light ever again and pull your tongue out, disconnecting it and shove it in your throat. Now I want you to leave this town and walk away. And if I bump into you again," Deena started, her breathing heavy and her chest rushing up and down. "I will kill you." She breathed out and stood up wiping her nose making blood go on her face, Sam wrapped her arm around her and moved her away.

"D-Deena... come on, let's go get you cleaned up." Sam told her in a soft tone as Deena stared the man down. She stopped and stared him down,

"Why aren't you moving?! Go!" She shouted at him, he got up and rushed off quickly. She let out a heavy breath trying to calm down her breathing yet it didn't work. She simply couldn't breath and needed to calm down but so many thoughts were in her mind that she couldn't help but panic slightly.

Sam cupped her face and placed her forehead against Deena's and stroked her cheekbones,

"Shh, it's okay, I've got you." Sam whispered agianst Deena's lips which made a slight gut feeling turn in her stomach, something that made a pull closer to one another. "I've got you." She repeated and placed a kiss on Deena's nose knowing a kiss on the nose and the forehead was one of Deena's calm downs and weaknesses. 

Tears built in Deena's eyes as she was so tired, she wanted a lie-in; She wanted to sleep in till 9 or 10! Instead of having to wake up at 6am, sometimes 6:30am. She hated how early she had to wake up, she just wanted to cuddle with Sam and lie in bed all day and even on the days that she's off, she still felt like she had to wake up early otherwise it was like against the law.

Yet Sam knew how much of a routine she was in and knew that she needed a break just as much as everyone else, she hadn't had a day off ever since she came here and she came into town at age 11 and is now 18. A grown and independant women. Even when she was sick, she'd still pick up on a few jobs or help out around town not resting. And it wasn't healthy at all yet Deena put it off. 

"Come on, love. Let's go to the infirmary." Sam tried to encourage as she stroked her cheekbones.

"N-No, I just- I just want to go home." Deena breathlessly let out and Sam nodded her head.

"I know, but it'll be so quick. I promise. We'll go and then I'll walk you home and when we arrive at yours, we can lie in bed and sleep-in. We'll cuddle all day? I'm off work tomorrow. Are you-? Actually no, you're taking a few days off." Sam concluded which Deena looked up at her in protest, "I don't care what you want to say. You're allowed to sleep in. You're not a robot who can just put everything off and act okay." Sam expressed to Deena and removed her forehead away from Deena's. Took Deena's hands in hers and guided her to the infirmary. When they arrived, Sam sat her down and when and got the stuff to help her out. 

She was a lot more quiet and tentative and Sam knew exactly why, she still felt really bad about what she had said to Sam. 

"Deena, it's okay-"

"No, it was a fucking stupid thing to say." Deena spat out, her mind filled with hatred for herself. Sam sat next to her and placed a hand on her thigh,

"Yeah. It was." Sam agreed which made Deena look up at her, "But do you see me hating on you for it?" She asked not expecting an answer back,

"I guess," Deena sighed out, her shoulders fell and her eyes fixed back down at the ground. "I-I'm sorry though. I'm really, really sorry. It was dumb. I just-" She paused for a moment and looked up at Sam and sighed, "I just don't want to see you hurt and-and when I do..." She moves her hands up and moves them around a little, "this happens. I get angry." Deena sighed out and moved her arms down to her sides. "I just- I-I want to protect you, 'cause since your like my ball of light, it's like I want to protect that ball of light from all of the bad and the hurt." She continued to explain and glanced at Sam but quickly focused back down on the ground. "But I can't control that, I can't and won't control you, it's simply something that is wrong and toxic and I don't want to be that for you-" Deena continued but stopped when lips were crashed against hers, she was taken aback by this as her face had gone slightly red and flushed. Deena leaned forward and pushed her lips up slightly, kissing her back.

Sam seemed like a simplier girl yet she knew a lot more than she led on. But she understood what Deena meant since it was true, she was always told how she was like a ball of light and how she always felt protected by everyone yet she could never do it in return in the same way. She always turned a cold shoulder to her wanting to do the same and trying to convince herself that it was probably just her making it up and knowing that the people around her do know that she cares and takes care of them. But recently Sam felt like she needed to prove more and Deena's words of affirmation meant more to Sam than she could imagine. Sure, she had heard it before but the way that Deena said it and a few things that she hadn't heard before was what made it so much more special.

Sam pulled away from the kiss, a huge smile growing on her face as she looked down at Deena's soft, plump lips then back into her eyes. Deena doing the same and blushing in slight embarrassment that she got caught but then again, Sam simply did it first. 

"Thank you." Sam thanked as she got up and started to attend to Deena's hands, yet Deena's face furrowed in confusion.

"'Thank you'?" She reiterated confused, Sam nodded her head. "For what?"

"For telling me what I didn't know I needed to hear. For confirming something that I thought I wasn't doing for weeks." Sam explained which made Deena let out a small scoff, she placed her hands and held Sam's.

"What's wrong? Have you been overthinking again?" Deena asked in an understanding and hushed voice, Sam nodded. Almost ashamed of herself that she had to admit that she had a problem with herself.

"Y-Yeah..." She embarrassingly admitted. Deena placed a kiss on her forehead and kissed her left cheek. 

"You're enough, Sam. I mean it. I'd be a fool if I said that you weren't." Deena complimented which Sam blushed furiously at. She continued to attend to Deena's hand and once they were done, their feet dragged them back to the hut and Deena let herself fall down on her bed. She groaned when she landed but moved up and took her shoes off as well as her jumper and shirt, she grabbed the closest t-shirt as Sam stared her down. Deena put the t-shirt on and saw Sam near the door, unsure if she should leave or stay as she still wasn't sure if they were good.

Deena sighed and got up. She walked over and scooped Sam up in her arms, putting Sam over Deena's shoulder as she walked toward her bed with a pleasured grin.

"Come on, let's get some sleep." Deena yawned out as Sam was roaring with laughter telling Deena to set her down at once, trying to be intimidating as no matter how much Deena seemed like a cold and soul-less person. Sam knew exactly how to make her feel like a little kid who just got told that she was a demi-god or she could meet her favourite person. 

Sam always knew how to make her feel like she was special; like she had a purpose, like she had a reason to be with Sam, almost as if they were destined to be with one another. They both knew how to make each other feel like they were little kids and only wanting to be with one another and only each other.

So, when they both laid down, shoes off and everything, under the covers. Deena's dream of her and Sam cuddling in her room, falling asleep. Becoming a reality and a grin formed on her face, it not once going away as her body laid in the arms of Sam, her legs between Sam's and her head on Sam's chest as she was lying on top of Sam comfortably.

Sam simply stroked her back and had her hand underneath the t-shirt she was wearing and stroked it as well as her hair, stroked her face slightly as she knew that Deena had gotten slim to no affection at all. So, when they started talking or becoming friends. It was a learning process for both of them of what Deena felt comfortable with and what she liked and what she didn't. Yet Sam seemed to get it right every time, from the way her finger-tips lightly dragged around her body to the way she would cup her chin and place a delicate kiss on Deena's lips would make the strong yet goofy and adorable as well as hot girl melt at the touch and blush furiously. The whole time Sam was stroking her back or giving her head scratches, Deena seemed to have a smile and blush etched on her face. 

*The morning*

Deena woke up and saw that it was 11am, she didn't realise it at first but when she did; she shot up to be immediately stopped by the door opening with a smiling Sam who was wearing Deena's cloak and hat. She took it off and started to quietly hum as she didn't know Deena was awake, she had Deena's favourite breakfast and drink that she hadn't had it quite a while as 1. It's hard to get and... 2. It's unhealthy and she needs to be on a strict diet, she rarely had cheat days because she knew if she took one. Then day-by-day would just count more and more as her cheat day. Deena smiled and rushed up and out of bed, she wrapped her arms around Sam's waist, hugging her from behind as she knew that Sam liked hugs from behind.

"Ahh, you're up. I thought you were dying in your sleep maybe. Another hour and I was going to have to wake you up." Sam teasingly told the girl behind her, her head slowly turning to Deena as her voice filled with more and more teasing mixed with a sly smirk, Deena huffed and let go of Sam.

"Har-Har. Very funny, Fraser." Deena sarcastically let out as she huffed and crossed her arms.

"How does it feel to lie in? You happy? More rested?" Sam asked hoping that she felt more rested as she was going to be able to do that for a week since she had turned in a week's notice of both her and Deena being off for the up-coming week as yesterday was Friday and nor Sam or Deena worked weekends. 

"More rested. Why?" Deena questioned. Sam turned to her as she put a straw in Deena's drink and handed it with the small bag of food for her, Deena took the bag and the drink then looked up at Sam confused. "Sam, what's going on?" Deena questioned confused, a small smile forming on her face as her eyes narrowed. Sam wrapped her arms around Deena's upper arm and directed her back to bed.

"Well... I just thought that since we don't work weekends, we could try to extend our weekend." Sam expressed as she sat Deena down and took the stuff back setting it on the bedside table.

"Uh... okay? How many days are we talking? I'd have to ask Thomas and Amelia and write a paper on why I need it, do you think they'll allow me to be off for a day or two so I can look after Thomas-?"

"Love, I sorted it out already. You're off for all of next week with me." Sam hummed out happily as Deena's eyes shot toward her. Surprised yet unsure of how she was supposed to feel.

"Excuse me?" Deena questioned.

"I said we're off all of next week. Don't worry, it's not coming off your pay." Sam assured and Deena simply gave her a hug and a small kiss on the forehead when she pulled away.

"I love you." Deena hummed out and took a sip of her drink and once again hummed in delight, almost as if she was living in a fantasy world where things would be okay. She looked down at Sam to see her head where Deena's stomach was and started to give her head scratches while she placed the drink down then opened the bag and started to eat her Bacon sandwich. "I know you didn't sleep at all last night." Deena let out,

"You can complain to me later, yes?" Sam questioned making Deena laugh.

"Sleep. I'll not move. Maybe I'll even nap with you." Deena said to her which Sam slowly nodded at as she was already fastly falling into a deep sleep. "Goodnight, I love you." Deena whispered to her trying to be quiet.

"Night, I love you more." Sam hummed out and moved Deena's t-shirt up, her eyes still closed. She placed a small kiss on her bare stomach then moved the t-shirt back down and rested her head where it was before.

"And I love you most." Deena grinned out.

The two sat there almost unaware of what was happening around them, unknown that Elliot wasn't getting better showing no signs of progress, the town being understaffed on people who need to go out on patrol and search buildings to make sure that it was clear with the towns or odd housings from 5 minutes away to hours away. Unknown that a few infected zombies had made it past the gates as Michael hadn't closed it properly or they found a way around it. Unknown that Simon and Kate had been up all night, Kate nearly getting infected then Simon almost facing death as if it was a chocolate bar since he hadn't had chocolate in 3 years. 

They were simply unaware and that the fantasy that they were lying in seemed to be perfect, yet everything around them was messing up. And their reality was going to come bardging on the door a lot quicker... than they hoped for...

The End.


A/N: I'm ending the post-apocalyptic thing here since I was most likely going to continue on and on and I thought that if I was going to continue, I may as well just post a series about it but I'm still unsure if I should or not. Lmk if y'all want that. Also I completely forgot that I used Sam so when writing this I put Hannah for Sam thinking that it was a Hannah x Deena but then I was like, 'Wait, hold up? what? That doesn't make sense' so, if you see the name Hannah just know I meant Sam.

Anyway have a good night, day or evening! 

See you in the next post,

from K ;)

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