My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

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I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 63

604 32 7
By sbergeron16

As predicted Skylar and Dimitri are still awake waiting on us making me feel like a teenager coming home late and mom and dad are waiting up to ground me. They both eye us suspiciously from the couch when we enter. I set my bags down and take in the suite. 

There is a mini kitchen off to the side along with a sitting area, which we were currently standing in. Towards the back in front of the windows is a hot tub to which I plan on making use of tonight. There is also a gas fireplace off the the left of the hot tub. This would be an amazing romantic setting. I really hope they other suites don't have a hot tub or my pocket book is really about to lose some money.  

Further glance I notice one door is on the left and the other on the right of the open space and I'm guessing they each lead to a bedroom. Since there are no other doors I'm guessing each room has their own personal bathroom. So not only are Ryder and I sharing a room we also will be sharing a bathroom. Grand. 

Ryder comes up behind me and remains hovering at my back causing all the hair on my body to stand at attention. Been so long since we've been in the same room together let alone this close. I've missed him, but I didn't realize how much till this moment.

Dimitri raises a brow and is the first to break the silence. He drapes an arm behind Skylar, who snuggles against him. "One of two things is happening right now. Either you two have somehow managed to work out your differences in the last half hour. Or someone forgot to add an extra room and now the hotel is fully booked." He taps his chin for a moment pondering his options. I keep my face carefully blank to not give anything away. Dimitri lowers his hand. "And by the way you two are stiffly standing next to each other I'm going to say the hotel was out of rooms."

Ryder pushes past me and sprawls out on the couch. "Way to go Sherlock. But don't quit your day job no way in hell would you able to pull off the hat and coat. Skylar might rethink the whole marrying you thing if you tried." He doesn't notice the way Skylar and Dimitri sit stiffly next to each other. Has he been so lost in his own world to not notice the problems Skylar and Dimitri have been having? "Can we please order some food or something? I'm starving," he says. Guess he has.

Rolling my eyes I pick up the room phone and place an order for some food and snacks to be delivered. "They should be here in about an hour," I tell the group grabbing my bags. "Which room did you two already claim," I ask.

"The one on the left," Skylar tells me. 

"To the right than." I head in the direction of the door, but stop in the doorway. "Not sure what you two have planned," I say placing my attention on Skylar and Dimitri, "but I'm making use of the hot tub if you would like to join." Intentionally I don't include Ryder. Not sure if I would be able to keep my hands to myself. 

Skylar stands from the couch dragging Dimitri with her. "Sounds like a great idea to me. A nice relaxing way to end the night. Especially since the next two night will be anything, but relaxing." 

Dimitri and Skylar disappear behind their door leaving Ryder on the couch and me in the door frame. Awkwardly we stare at each other, but no longer able to stand there like a statue I slip inside. The hot tub calling my name or maybe it was the bottles of whine I noticed in the small kitchen. Whichever it may by I was more than ready.

I claim a corner of the room and set my suitcases out. No reason to fully unpack since we were only going to be here a few nights, but I did pull out some clothes to hang to help prevent wrinkles. Once I was satisfied with my set up I go into the bathroom to change into my bikini.

Not long after I enter I hear the door open and Ryder shuffling around the room. Quickly I finish getting changed and slip on a bathing suite cover. My heart races with each noise I hear. How am I going to get any sleep with sharing a room with him?

Taking a few deep breaths to calm my nerves and reminding myself I am a grown women I go to open the door, but jump when the door opens on its own. Ryder stands on the other side completely naked. My eyes bug out of my head and I can't help, but wander my eyes to a part of his body standing at attention. Quickly jump them back to meet his heated gaze and cocky smile. The asshole knows exactly what he is doing.

As much as I hate to deny my feelings the attraction is still between us and as strong as ever. Maybe even stronger since it has been a long while since he touched me in that way. My body instantly readies itself for his invasion. My nipples harden and press against the fabric keeping them hidden. An emptiness settles low in my belly and my breathing quickens. A slight dampness presses against my core and all thoughts as to why we shouldn't be together leave my foggy brain. I have a single focus now and that is to have him take away the emptiness. 

By Ryder's flaring nostrils and the way he tightly grips the door frame I can tell he's feeling what I'm feeling, but waiting for me to say or do something. He swallows and a bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face. The room we were in wasn't warm at all. 

"What are you doing," I stutter when I'm able to find my voice. 

Ryder tilts his head back and stares at the ceiling for a second. He's holding onto his control by a thread. "Someone told me I stank and I promised them I would take a shower."

I prop my hip against the sink and cross my arms across my chest. Staring at his naked chest I say, "doesn't mean you need to be standing here naked while I was getting ready. You could have waited till I was out and then undressed in the bathroom," all the while in my head I'm chanting don't look down don't look down.

A smirk brushes his lips. "What be be the fun in that? Plus not like you haven't seen me naked before." He slowly stalks towards me and I back away from him, but end up sitting on the edge of the tub. Of course this puts his enlarged erection directly in my face. Not meaning too my tongue darts out to wet me lips. "Aubree," Ryder groans running his hand through his hair and giving me a glorious view of his backside. 

With his back turned I use the opportunity to stand and slide closer to the door. His arm whips out and latches onto my arm pulling me till I'm falling into his chest with my arms trapped between us. "Ryder," I say breathlessly feeling his erection pressing against me. I peek up at him with uncertainty.

"Aubree," he sighs rubbing his face between my neck and shoulder. He runs his hands up and down holding me against him. His hot breath warms the side of my neck and sends shivers throughout my body. 

We stand like this for awhile clinging to one another soaking in all the nerve endings coming alive at each others touch. Ryder pulls slightly away from my neck to rest his forehead against mine. I close my eyes and reopen them when his forehead leaves mine. He is staring intently at my lips. One of his hands finds it's way into the hair at the back of my neck and he pulls me closer to him while the other ventures close to my ass. 

Not once do I try to stop him I want him to kiss me as much as he does. Right as his lips gaze mine there is a loud knocking on the bedroom door. We spring apart so fast we manage to knock our heads against one another. Both cursing at the same time and the spell we were under instantly breaks. 

The knock continues. "Better go see what they want," Ryder says nodding his head towards the door. "I'm going to go take a cold shower now. Thanks to you." He pulls the door open and steps into the shower putting an end to whatever just happened to us.

In a daze I walk towards the door and find Skylar standing there. "Finally! I came to rescue you when you were taking longer than necessary to change and I noticed Ryder was no longer in the sitting area." Not so sure I wanted rescuing though. Skylar grabs my arms and I'm barely able to shut the door before she is pulling me in the direction of the hot tub.

Dimitri is setting up the fire place and has the lights dimmed down low. Talk about romantic atmosphere. Skylar only releases her hold on me to pour four wine glasses. She hands me mine and I down the content in one drink. She raises her brow, but says nothing when I hold my glass out for a refill to which she fills with more wine than the first glass. This time though I only take a sip. I only needed something to take the edge off I have no desire to get drunk and lose control.

"All set," Dimitri says rubbing his hands together and taking the offered glass. "After you ladies," he states gesturing towards the hot tub. Skylar hands him her glass and slowly removes her cover keeping her eyes on him. Dimitri eyes darken and a new part of him awakens. 

I turn my back to give them some privacy when I see him pull her in close for a kiss and only turn around when I hear the sound of water splashing. Skylar and a shirtless Dimitri are both relaxing holding their glass of wine. Skylar is sitting sideways with her legs draped over Dimitri's lap. 

I remove my cover and slip into the water letting out a groan over the pleasure the hot water brings. My stiff muscles already starting to loosen and I can feel some of my stress melting away. I relax in my spot and let the jets massage my back. Closing my eyes I rest my head back against the edge. The only sounds to be heard is the soft classical music playing through the speakers and Skylar's laughter. I can hear the deep timber of Dimitri's voice, but I can't make out exact words. 

Only minutes seem to pass when there is a loud knocking on the main door. Food must be here. With a saddened groan I prepare myself to exit the hot tub and let them in. Seems luck was on my side because right as I was about to exit Ryder comes out of the room with a towel around his hips. He heads directly to the door and lets in the shocked hotel staff. Quickly they recover from their shock of entering the hotel room of two famous rockers.

They begin setting up the food. The one female staff member continuously eyes Ryder and giggles. She almost faints when he sends a wink her way. Finally they are leaving and I watch while she slips a piece of paper into his hand. I can't help, but wonder if he's going to contact her while we are here. He answers my curiosity by throwing the paper in the garbage without even opening it. Guess he won't be contacting her. A few of the cracks in my heart mend over his actions.

Ryder grabs one of the burgers and takes a big bite then walks over to us with plate in hand. He sits on the edge of the hot tub eating his burger dangling his feet in the water. 

"Please tell me you have something on under the towel," Dimitri asks. A small part of me is hoping he doesn't.

Ryder rolls his eyes tossing a fry in his mouth. "Of course I fucking do." He pulls the towel away exposing us to his swim shorts. "I wouldn't do that to Skylar."

"But you would to me," Dimitri presses adjusting Skylar so she was sitting next to him and he could place an arm along her back. His fingers rub on her shoulder. "Or Aubree."

"Ain't nothing either of you haven't seen before," he says with a shrug. "Plus the boys could use a nice airing out in the hot tub. Maybe once I'm in I'll remove them." I sit up straighter after hearing how he might join us naked.

"Don't you fucking dare," Dimitri growls sitting up.

"Don't get your panties in a twist," Ryder says laughing. "I was only fucking with you." He sets his plate off to the side and slides into the water. Putting himself next to me. Our legs press against each other and since the hot tub wasn't overly large there really was no place to escape to. I did not at all think this all the way through.

We all fall in easy conversation as though the past weeks never happened. For once in a long time I felt content and found myself enjoying my time with my friends. Not going to lie though twinges of jealously came up whenever I caught Dimitri and Skylar kissing or just acting like the couple they were. Of course I was happy to see them so happy. They too have been having their slew of problems, but I couldn't help wishing Ryder and I were back a place where we too would freely touch each other.

Every now and again I would feel his arm or fingers graze mine. At first I thought the touches were happening on accident, but as the evening progressed they became more and more to the point I know they were no longer on accident. Seemed he was trying to test the waters and see what I would and would not allow him to get away with. 

By his fingers rubbing back and forth against my inner thigh I would let him get away with a lot. His knuckle grazed the part of me missing his touch the most and I jump causing some of the wine to splash across me chest. Ryder's eyes zooned in on the liquid dripping between my breasts even though Dimitri was speaking with him.    

Skylar clears her throat pulling my attention away from Ryder and to her. She sends me a knowing smile and wiggles her eyebrow. She mouths the words. "Stay out of you head and enjoy."

Should I follow Skylar's advice and fall into bed with Ryder? The feminist inside me screams don't he cheated on you. But at the same time I am a women with needs and Ryder knows exactly how to take care of those needs. We use to be able to be friends with benefits so what would make this different. Because before you were denying you were in love with him, but now you are no longer denying you love him. Love changes everything.

Decisions. Decisions. Ryder continues to push the envelope because now one of his fingers press against my core. I adjust myself so I'm farther away from him needing the space to keep myself under control.

I glace over to a suddenly silent Skylar and Dimitri only to discover Skylar is straddling him and his hands are full of her ass. They are making out without giving one fuck Ryder and I were in the same room as them. Made me think of the stores I use to hear about high school parties when the couples would all go off to make out and other things were as the others would just stand around. 

Shyly I glace at Ryder and find him also watching the two of them shaking his head. Is he as jealous of them right now as I am? Ryder splashes water at them to get their attention. Skylar turns her head and her face is bright red from embracement where as Dimitri is glaring daggers at Ryder. "You have a fucking room with a door go use it." Ryder tells him. "Neither one of us wants to witness the two of you groping each other." 

Skylar hides her face in Dimitri's shoulder. He whispers something to her and she nods her head. Skylar slides off Dimitri and he stands exiting the hot top. He reaches a hand down to Skylar and helps her out of the hot tub. "Don't mind if we do." 

Once Skylar is out of the hot tub he smacks her ass earning a glare from her. "We may not be continuing this," she threatens him looking crossed.

Dimitri pulls her against him and nibbles on her neck while whispering only words she can hear. Skylar remains strong against his advancing touches, but when Dimitri's mouth hits a certain spot on her neck her knees give out and he picks her up bridle style.

"See you both in the morning," he tells us with a winning smile. He turns and walks with her in his arms directly to their room. Skylar closes the door with her foot silencing the giggles and moans coming from their direction.

With the extra space available to us I take advantage and slide away from Ryder bringing my glass with me. He watches me with hooded eyes, but says nothing about my retreat. For awhile neither one of us say anything. The music continues to play in the background creating a safe bubble around us.

Ryder pushes his wet hair out of his face and studies me. "I didn't kiss her," he whispers.

Thinking I didn't hear him clearly I ask, "what?"

More firmly he repeats himself. "I didn't kiss her." I go to call him a liar, but he cuts me off. "Aubree I've seen what you saw through the pictures people took and I can understand why you would think I was kissing her, but I wasn't. She caught me in the hall heading back to you and was asking me all these questions about the tour and our music." His eyes get a fogy hue to them as though he is reliving the night. 

He turns his head to the side and focus on the bottle of wine sitting on the edge. "At first I thought she was just another fan and harmless, but I had a nagging feeling I had seen her before. Then everything clicked she was the chick from earlier who you shooed away." He turns his broken eyes to me and I nod my head, but say nothing waiting for him to continue. "Once I made the connection I tried to end the conversation and get back to you. I didn't want you to think I had sought her out."

He glides across the hot tub till he is standing before me. The water glistens on his naked chest and my finger itch to be reacquainted with the feeling of his skin. I can't help, but stare watching the water droplets slide along his toned body. Down girl I remind myself. I glance up at him and by the cocky grin he caught me ogling him.

"When I went to step around her she pretended to trip my instincts kicked in and I went to catch her. She used the opportunity to kiss me." His head hangs down in shame. "I was so shocked I froze and right as I was about to push her away you came around the corner." Ryder lifts his head and I can see the truth shining through. "Like I said I didn't kiss her, but I should never have put myself in such a situation."

Slowly I pull my hand from the water to rest it against the side of his face. He closes his eyes and relaxes into my palm. "I believe you," I softly say meaning every word. His eyes spring open and a smile slowly blossoms across his face.

"Really," he asks with hesitancy. 

I smile and shake my head yes. In my next breath he pulls me in for a tight hug wrapping his arms around me and I him. "Ryder you can't control how people are going to act, but please promise me to try and not be alone with a women you know wants you."

He pulls away slightly and stares down at my lips. "I can more than do that." Ryder bends down to kiss me, but I place a finger across his lips and push him away from him. I have bit more I need to get off my chest.

"Why throw yourself at all these other women? Why the return to the drugs?" These two questions I desperately need answers too. I need to understand.

Ryder slides so he is no longer standing in front of me, but sitting next to me. "The answer to the drugs is easy. I have a ton of pressure on my shoulders right now and they were an old comfort. A way to escape from reality for awhile." What pressure could he be dealing with? Sounds like more is going on with him then our broken relationship. Wonder if it has something to do with the strange call from Mr. Gear.

"And the women," I press when he says nothing more.

He pulls me into his lap and at first I resist, but he is persistent. This battle I lose and find myself nestled in his lap with his arms around me. I rest my head back upon his shoulder. "That question has so many layers Aubree and I'm not yet ready to revel them all. Some day soon I will, but for now you have to trust when I say they meant not a damn thing to me. A way to pass the time if you will and help buffer another issue." I go to ask about the other issue, but he stops me. Ryder swings me around so I'm straddling him and in order to keep my balance I have to wrap my arms around him. "Don't ask me what issues. I'm not ready to share. Please." The desperation in his eyes has me biting my tongue.

"Okay," I whisper nodding my head, but to myself I make a promise to dig deeper and discover what more is going on here.

"Thank you," he kisses my nose, but I want more. My body craves his touch and my tongue desires his taste. I run my fingers into the hair at the base of his nape and he closes his eyes purring in pleasure. "I've missed your touch." 

I lean forward pressing my breasts tight against his chest and rubbing my hardened nipples against him. He groans and digs his fingers into my hips holding me in place. I run my nose along his shoulder and neck, but once I reach the place they meet I nip at his skin.

"Aubree," he pleads running one of his hands to cup the back of my head. We haven't even kissed yet and my body is buzzing with desire and wanting. 

"Ryder," I sigh tilting my head to the side and running my tongue up and down his throat. We still have a ton of shit to work through, but all our issues will still be there in the morning. Tonight. Tonight is about reacquainting our bodies with one another. Tomorrow can be about mending the relationship.

I rock my hips against him and he presses his erection against my core. There is no room for uncertainty. We both know what the other requires. Ryder forces me so my lips aren't far from his and he kisses me.

Phew been working on this all day. I'm pleased with how it turned out. Sorry so long, but I couldn't find a great spot to end the chapter. I mapped out the rest of the book and we are looking at 11 more chapters, as long as I stick to the outline, but never know. If I did this one will be the exact same number of chapters as the first. Off to work on chapter 64 I will post as soon as I finish. If not tonight then for sure tomorrow.  

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