Because You Are My First Love...

By Miikayuu

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In the joseon era, where hybrid dominate the world , lived a rare hybrid fox the name of yeosang. Because of... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 4,5
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 6,5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
⚠️not an update ⚠️
chapter 10
chapter 10,5
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 14,5
chapter 15
bonus chapter- wooyoung-
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
⚠️not an update, but must read plz⚠️
chapter 20
bonus chapter - mingi
chapter 21
chapter 23
bonus chapter-mingi-part 2
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35 - the End-
-Epilogue -
⭐️ Announcements⭐️
Annoucement !💥

chapter 22

487 34 14
By Miikayuu

Two months had passed back then and the baby bump of yeosang was slowly making its appearance.  he didn't have too much difficulty to hide it.  he was mostly lucky his clothes were made quite large. Like they wished for, nobody else than the doctor and San knew this secret. And it was enough like that. For now, they seemed fine to not say it to anyone.  

But, yeosang was starting to feel very lonely and moody. he couldn’t tell his problems to some person he trusted the must and who could possibly help him throw it... like Yunho. And there was one that wasn’t helping at all, His master did not talk to him so much since. at least, he didn't get killed like some others people there.  

Looking down at his belly, yeosang smiled a little. he put his hand on it slowly, he still wasn’t sure if he was ready to be a parent, but he was willing to try.

-Yeosang ...are you ok?"  

Looking somewhere else, his cheeks became all red. he was more than embarrassed that yunho caught him staring at his belly.  

- y-yes! What do you Want?"  

-don't you remember? The master of the domain is here. He was coming back today. "  

Ah right. He did forget about it. Maybe because he wanted to, just thinking about to meet him was giving him too much stress to handle. Putting his hand over his mouth, he ran to go outside to throw up all his food he ate not too long time ago.  

Fuck all of these pregnancy symptoms.  

Feeling a hand on his shoulder he looked up once he finished, yunho was looking very worried for him.  

-Yeosang what is happening with you...? Please, tell me... you know you can trust me.."

Yeosang wanted to tell him. He didn’t care anymore about what is master wanted. Yeosang just have the huge desire to have at least, one person he could rely on. sorry, y..yunho.. i..i'm wit-”

- Hey what are you doing here? I just arrived and no one welcomed me! That's rude."  

Like we could guess, it was wooyoung. Who said the father returned back also mean his other son jongho and his servant were also back.

-nobody wants you here wooyoung."  

-why I am friend with you again? Can you tell me?" Wooyoung crossed his arms on his chest looking at his supposed 'friend'.  

-Ok we don't have time for this. we have more important stuff to do, but before that ,yeosang what were you about to say?'  


Yunho frowned his eyebrows, he knew be wanted to say something important. but he probably wanted to be alone with him to say it. He promised to himself to take a break in the day to talk to him.

When they were all outside, yeosang looked everywhere. There was a bunch of people. His eyes caught directly at a tall man with a small beard. He was very well dressed and his color hair was brown. He didn't need to think twice to understand it's was the master of the domain. But, he couldn’t see a lot of resemblance between him and San. San probably took the trait of his mother. When he thought about it she didn't seem to be there.

And not far away from him, he saw someone he didn't really saw very often in the two month who passed. His master looked very tired and not in good shape, his eyes was ringed and his face himself looked like he was dying.

But even if he looked like that... a part of him was happy to see him.

And another part wanted to break his kneecap.

-Yeosang please follow me, but don’t forget to be very careful and calm around the master." Said yunho while he took one box and lift it up.  

Nodding his head, yeosang didn't leave yunho side. he took some box he was sure they weren't very heavy, he needed to be careful with his pregnancy. Then he felt like someone was staring deeply at him, he looked back to see who it was. It was a mistake, and stared directly at the ground. his eyes meet the one of his master father. He must admit, never his heart beat this fast before.  

- you. The blond one, I never saw you here before. Are you a new servant of my son? Tell me since when you are working here?"  

His tone of voice was deep.  It would be a lie if Yeosang said he didn't find him intimating. His two son's heired of that trait of him in that one. Feeling a bit too much stressed, his tail and ears get out. Luckily, his tail was hidden in his pants. he felt completely embarrassed. Since he was pregnant, all of his body was messing up with him.  

-y..yes..i'm new here...i-" then he felt a hand grabbed his arm, making the small box he had in his hands fall on the ground.  

-you don’t have to answer him. So if you excuse me father, i'm going back in my quarter, I see you later." With that, san brought the fox with him, far away from them.  

- as i can see you will never change your behavior, you are better to be there tomorrow morning ,san."  

Ignoring the words of his father, he just continued is way to get inside.  


In his master room, yeosang looked down lower his ears, staring at the floor.  

- can let me go.."  

Looking down, San took off his grip he had on yeosang arm.  

The both of them didn't talk. After those two months of not really talking to each other, it was sure they wouldn’t act like nothing happened in the first place. The atmosphere was just heavy at that point. Nobody would wish to be between them at this moment.  

-Yeosang..i -" Master... can you explain me something?... you said before to not push you away no matter what. but, now I'm with your child and you only avoid me! Do you believe I like this too? Of course, I don't! But, I don't have single choice in this!  

The fox gripped the base of his hanbok shirt. He couldn’t keep all he was thinking to himself anymore, why only now he wanted to say out loud what he was thinking in his head? He didn't know, maybe the pregnancy was a bit responsible of it.  

-And even if i had, i would probably choose the wrong one, again! Please master, from now on can you leave me alone here? Just live as you wish, but without me!  I just want to spend all the energy i have left for the baby! I won't tell to anyone it's yours, I promise you that. since it's seemed you don't want to be a part of it anyway. But, i can't blame you...Which noble would want... to have a baby with a lowborn like me..."

Gritting his teeth angrily  ,San took the jaw of yeosang  with force and broke the distance between their face. lips almost touching each other. But, this time the sexual tension wasn't near to be there. San looked like he was ready to kill someone. when he looked like this..yeosang hated it.

Do San was really only a hybrid wolf or a sort of demon was inside of him too?  

-what are you talking about? do you really think you can run away from me? No chance in life i will let that happen. I own you, yeosang. You can't run away from me!"  

Some tears ran down the fox cheeks slowly. now it was the time to say out loud how he really felt. his master just had to punish him if he wanted to after.

-it's just because of that? Because you own me? You brought lot of other servant here too! Why you only act this way with me just explain yourself master..i ..i just don't understand you..i really don't know a single thing about you .. you can't even talk properly with me.. so why should i stay with you, when  all you can do is to push me away?"  

- i...its...because..' he didn't even know what to answer.  He didn't have any.  

Why? Why yeosang seemed so special to him?  

Seeing not a single word coming out of his master mouth... yeosang looked down.  

- see..? You can't even explain anything to tired of it  master..i am, really.. its just me who always end up with the consequence..i just. Can’t  anymore..'

Yeosang pushed the wolf hand away with his and he just get out of the room, this time he wasn't stopped ..San just stood there looking at the ground. Yeosang didn't understand himself. Why its hurt him so much thinking about a future without San ,the father of his unborn baby?  

At first , he didnt really liked what he was doing to him. Then , he enjoyed it. He even surprised himself to ask more and more  of it.

After, he didn't liked his master he had a doubt  that wasnt the case anymore. Then... that could explain  why he feel like that?  

Its was He love his master ?  

For all people in his life he could fall for...its was him?  


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