Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X...

By Baby_DJ38

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"What have I gotten myself into?" In which she sighed at her own question and rubbed her head in annoyance. ... More

Disney: Twisted Wonderland
+Quiinn Shadowrain+Y/N+
Happy Birthday Riddle! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
Chaos 1
Chaos 2
Chaos 3
Chaos 4
Quiinn's Birthday!! πŸŽ‰ 🎊
Chaos 5
Chaos 6
Chaos 7
Quiinn's missing?! #1
Quiinn's missing?! #2


1.7K 53 12
By Baby_DJ38

Episode 3 - The Merchant of the Deep Sea

Chapter 1: Studying Is Easy! + Chapter 2: Shocking Average! +Chapter 3: Announcement of Results!


[Ramshake Dorm - bedroom]

Quiinn P. O. V

"This is?! The storm is–?!"

"The storm’s coming! Hold tightly to the ropes!" Says one of the ship crew.

"Hey, look. He’s breathing!" Says the girl with red hair, Ariel.

"Prince Eric!"

"A girl saved me…She had such a beautiful voice…" Eric spoke.

"I wonder what this ringing in my heart is? Someday my dream will come true and I too will be part of your world!" Ariel says as an evil laughter playing in the background.


What was that? I'm dreaming about Ariel now?

I open my eyes and the first thing I saw is the dim light in my room coming from the table lamp and I saw Grim with something on our desk, writing.

Weird. He never wake up this early. I slowly sat up with a yawn and got off the bed.

"So for the application for this problem… If 2 choices remain, I simply…" Then he mumbled something at the last part. Was he studying?

I take my towel and walked up to the black cat.

"Morning Grim."

"Wha–!? Don’t just call my name like that! You made me forget what I was memorizing, yanno. Today’s the first day of exams, yanno! The two of us are like two peas in a pod, so don’t hold me back, Quiinn!" He grumbled as I nodded and kissed him. "Kay, let's get change and kill this exam."


[NRC - classroom]

3rd P. O. V

"Time is up, you dogs. Put your pens down obediently, and pass your answer sheets forward." Crewel announced as the students started passing their sheets.

Quiinn, who is passing her sheets to Ace, said, "Ouch, professor Crewel, that hurt me deeply. Am I that bad?"

"The dog part does not imply to you, Quiinn, my most favourite student. You're a puppy." He pat your head as the boys glare at him with annoyed look.

"That concludes all of the written exams for this class."


"Sit! It’s still too early to celebrate. All the bad boys that will get failing marks will be taking remedial classes over Christmas break. I will whip you into shape, so be ready. Class dismissed." He shoo the students and leave Quiinn a peck before heading out of the classroom.

Ace hug Quiinn and pouted. "Tch, what's wrong with that guy? Anyway, It’s finally over!"

"I did all that I could. All that’s left is to wait for the results." Deuce says with a smile as the four walked out of the classroom together.

"Ahaha! A test like this’s a piece of cake for me!" Grim said confidently.

"Confident now, are we?" Quiinn said with a smirk.

"Huh? You guys seem confident even though you normally make such defeated faces after a test~" Ace says, still clinging on Quiinn.

"Hehe! I’m a bit different from the past me already, yanno. Be prepared to ask me for help with your studying next time! I’ll be waiting to hear “What a genius you are, Grim”, yanno!" Grim crossed his arms and puffed his chest.

Quiinn only roll her eyes.

"Sorry, but I am pretty confident this time. I’ll be taking that glory for myself."

"Pretty rich hearing that from the same dude who cried his eyes out because he barely passed. Well, I’m pretty confident too, so I ain’t losin’." Ace declared to the three.

"Y'all really did your best huh?" Quiinn wear a proud smile.

"Pretty much~♪ Studying’s easy~♪A genius like me can afford to take it easy unlike you, yanno!" Ace and Grim said in sync.

Quiinn pat the boys head but she can feel something is amiss.

"That's great but if I caught you cheating....." Quiinn smile creepily and crack her knuckles, which send shiver down their spine. "I'll beat you."

The boys nodded simultaneously.

"That's better. N e ways, It's the end of the school. Me and Grim have nothing better to do so we'll head back." Quiinn said and picked up the black cat next to her.

Deuce nodded. "Alright, so I might as well head to the track-and-field club."

"I’m gonna play basketball and exercise ‘til I drop. Alright, see you all later then." Ace says as he turned around with a wave. Deuce follow him from behind.

Grim then yawn and Quiinn cradle him in her arms. "Let's go now, Quiinn. I'm tired and sleepy."


[Exterior Hallway – 2F]

Quiinn P. O. V

It's been one week after the exam and everything is just as always. Normal. All except one thing. I never saw Grim uses his magic which I find it weird.

"Stop right there, Grim! Today is the day I’ll wring your neck!"

I sighed. They're at it again?

"Hehe! You should’ve put your name on it, yanno!" Grim said with a smirk which made Ace angrier than ever and continue to chase after Grim. "Bastard~!!"

"Again? I'm not paid enough for this shit." I flipped my hair like a diva as Deuce shook his head and let out annoyed sigh. "Really, what a tiring routine."

"Ah, Quiinn! You’re a Prefect, so discipline your students better! This guy stole the bread I bought AGAIN!" Ace said, gritting his teeth and pointed at Grim.

Grim ran to hide behind me. "That’s a rude accusation. It was left on the desk so I just picked it up and ate it, yanno."

"Someone’s desk doesn’t really qualify as trash, damn you! You keep running away. I’ll end this with my wind magic and–"

"Oh, you up for it? Get ready for my fire–"

The two was about to fight once again but make an abrupt stop. "Ah!" That's weird.

There it is again.

"I-I’ll hold back on the magic on second thought… It’d be bad if I got punished if I break another window…" Ace nervously look away and I gave him a suspicious look.

"Y-you say some pretty sensible things once in a while, huh. I’ll let you go this time because using magic is kinda childish, yanno?" Grim laugh after saying that and ran to climb up to my head.

"It's kinda childish eh? Then don't use magic forever." I gave him a poker face.

"You know what I meant, Quiinn!"

"No, I don't."

Deuce puzzled expression got my attention. "It’s rare for them to stop fighting by themselves. Normally they’d continue until a teacher or the Headmaster stops them."

I nodded. "Tru, that's weird."

"Not really~ I just thought I’d look lame chasing after a dumb raccoon over some bread." Ace said with a crossed arms and look away.

"What?! You’re being really rude, yanno!"


[NRC - classroom]

"Alright, you dogs and puppy. It’s time for class to begin. Sit obediently at your desks. First, I’ll be distributing your test papers." Crewel announced as he started to check the sheets.

"It’s finally time." Deuce says as he rubbed his hands together.

"Nyaha! Test results, come to papa~!!" Grim said, jumping on the desk.

I laughed.

"Grim, stop fussing! Stay, boy, stay!
I’ll start calling your seat numbers, so come up here and get them. Number 1!"


"Alright, that’s 92 points for me!" Ace said as he hold his paper high like it was Simba.

"88 points!? To think that the day I would get over 80 would come, I’m…!" Deuce said as if not believing what he is seeing.

"Look, Quiinn! I got 85 points!" Grim show me his paper and I gasped. "Grim got 85 points?! Is the world gonna end?!"


I laughed and pat his head. "I'm kid. You did great." I kissed him.

"You all studied pretty well this time. Compared to the quiz the other day, it’s…No, it still feels a little too suspicious for me…" crewel said with a frown which got the students attention.

"Suspicious? What do you mean, Teach?" Ace started.

"Everyone in your year all scored an average of 90 points for Magical Alchemy. I heard from Professor Trein that your scores for Magical History were quite good, too." Crewel answered.

Now that's....weird. Suspicious indeed. I wonder....?

"The names of the top 50 highest scorers will be posted by the hallway, so look forward to it. Alright, let’s begin. Open your textbooks."


[NRC - Interior Hallway]

3rd P. O. V

"The Top 50, finally! Where’s my name~?" Grim climb up to Quiinn's head to check.

"If my average is over 90, I should at least be ranked, right!?"

"My name’s not here, too…"

They suddenly begin to feel nervous. Quiinn can feel it. So they DO have something to hide from her. Quiinn's hurt and as a mother, she's disappointed.

Quiinn ignore their panicked behaviour and went to search her name. "Oh, hey! My name's there. My name's in the top ten? That sounds ridiculous." Quiinn stare at it in disbelief. 'I can't even get a C for my math. Wow, learning with Riddle and Trey really helpful.' Quiinn said in her mind.

"Wait, wait a sec–!! Their scores for each subject are written next to their names, and uh…More than 30 of them have a perfect 500 score, dude!" Ace let his mouth dangling.

"P-perfect scores!?"

I dunno why, but I find it strange.

"More importantly… If I’m not in the top 50, I’ll be violating the contract, yanno…!" Contract? Wat is this, you made a contract with Zhongli?

"Eh…? By contract, you mean… Dude, did you…!?"

"Ace, that look on your face means…"

Then something, like a mushroom, I think it anemone, appear on their heads and started wiggling.

Quiinn think that thing is twerking.

"Wh-what’s this!? There’s an anemone on my head~~!?" Grim started panicking.

"D-did you make a contract with that guy, too, Grim!? That’s cheating!!" Says someone who also make a contract with Geo ass.

"Says the cheater! It’s on your head, too!" Ace pointed at Deuce's head.

"Something like this is easy to—Ow, ow… I can’t take it off!" Grim started to pull the anemone off his head as Quiinn shrieked. "Don't do that! You wanna die? That thing is literally a dick but from your head!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"I knew you’d all be here since it was so noisy. What are you doing?" Does that implies that if anything is noisy that was mostly because of them? EVEN SOMEONE MOANING?!

'Holy shit, why am I ✨ horny ✨ today?' Quiinn thought.

"Jack, did you make a contr—There’s no anemone on your head…?!" That means, he didn't.

"You don’t look it, but you’re pretty studious, huh!" Ace says to the wolf.

"Huh? What are you saying? What’s that thing on your heads?" Jack raised a brow and pointed at the anemone on their heads. Quiinn can tell he wanted to touch it.

"This is, um… Wha—What’s happening!? The anemone is pulling me–!?"

The anemone started twerking agresively. Ow.

"Owowowowowowow! My head’s gonna get ripped!" Well, rip.

"Damn it…! Is this what he meant by “absolute submission”!?" Absolute submission?


'Kinky.' Quiinn thought with a smile.


And off they go, into the unknown~ INTO THE UNKNOWN—

"What’s going on? Those guys just started following where the anemones lead them. What an idiotic turnout." Jack folded his arms as his tail slowly touching her hand.

"If you wanna know, there's only one way to find out." Quiinn grabbed his arms and started running, dragging him with her. "Let's go!"

"Huh? Why me? I’ve got nothing to do with this."

Quiinn stopped and turn to him with puppy eyes. "C'mon, we're friends. And friends help eachother right?" Quiinn pulled him down to her height and lean closer to his ears as her hand started touching his body, seductively. "I'll give you reward~"

His breath hitched as Quiinn smirk.

"Tch… You’ve completely been influenced by this school, you know? Pretty bold of you to use me just like that. Fine. I’ll go with you if it’s only for a while. I’m just curious about the cause of all this ruckus. I-I’m not concerned about them at all, got it? Don’t get me wrong, alright?" Jack says with a blush and Quiinn nodded.

"Let's go then."


Wednesday, 22 September 2021

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