I'm Into You

By wrthrwrtnw

99.9K 5.7K 717

A struggling graduate student, New, couldn't escape the offer given by Tay, a popular and rich model, when he... More



3.3K 168 18
By wrthrwrtnw


New cursed for the nth time as he almost trips on the stairs while running his way to his class. He's 10 minutes late, and the fact that they'll be having an exam today doesn't calm him at all.

New's smart and a scholar, means he has to make sure that he must always be a goody two shoes student to continue studying at this prestigious school, which only rich students can attend to. Well, that's unless they are scholars like New.

It's his last term and all he has to do is to maintain his grade to graduate with honor, which may qualify him to skip paying all his graduation fees, and that's his goal this term. But he might miss that chance now if he won't arrive in class on time.

Earth, his only friend in the university, texted him earlier that their professor will be late for a few minutes, which he is truly thankful for.

"You made it!"

Earth yelled in happiness the moment New occupied his seat beside him, panting heavily.

"What happened to you?"

Earth asked while wiping the sweat on New's forehead with his handkerchief. New takes it from him to do it himself.

It is not like he doesn't want it, but he always feels awkward whenever Earth does that. Earth is undeniably a very sweet man but, he's just not used to someone taking care of him. So, the mere fact that Earth loves doing it to him made him a little uncomfortable.

"I woke up late"

New simply answered while catching his breath. It's true. He indeed woke up late because he missed setting his alarm when he went home last night. He was so tired that the only thing he did when he reached his apartment was to drink some water and fell asleep.

There's only one person to blame, the gorgeous man he met last night. He cursed him through his mind. If only that man didn't tire him to death because of the mind-blowing sex in the car, he didn't have to experience what he had been through today.

He purposely avoided being booked last night by anyone because he knew that he'll have an exam the next day, until the unexpected incident with the pervert happened.

To be very honest, New can easily ignore the man if he was able to hail a cab as soon as he went out, but to his luck, there's no available cab in the area. And the moment the gorgeous man stepped in, he became extra grateful.

Working in the industry he chose to be part of for almost 2 years, he knew what he should expect if someone offered him some help like what the gorgeous man did last night. Either he has to pay him that night or some other night. And the payment isn't even about money, it's through another way, which is his expertise.

New has been working with Gun for 4 years. At first, he was just a server and Gun made sure of that because at that time, he was too young to do other things, as Gun claimed.

Gun's aware that New's a struggling college student, which is the very reason why the man got tricked to hire him. He badly needed help that time and Gun, being a person who experienced what New had been through, understood his situation, so he accepted him.

While working at the club, New got to see many under-the-table jobs that are hidden under the wholesome image outside of Gun's club.

At first, he couldn't understand it. He's not sure as to why someone sells something that should not be until he starts seeing himself in the same situation.

New lost his virginity to a rich old man who paid him a large amount of money, which covered his whole expenses for 3 months. It was a terrible experience though, and it almost wrecked him. The man treated him nothing but a servant and a person he had control with because he paid for him. That first experience changed him a lot, which included his view in life.

He learned that no one will be able to help you during your most critical times but yourself, so you have no choice but to fight the world alone. He knew that since he was 12. The only difference is that time, he thought there was some hope he'll find along the way. Now, he knows that the only time you'll receive some hope is when you work hard to continue living.


"Were you not able to answer all the questions?"

Earth asked while as he placed the food on their table. New and him decided to eat after the bloody exam they took 30 minutes ago. New just shook his head and continue massaging his temple.

"Here, drink this"

Earth offered, pushing the energy drink to New.

"You seem to be really out of the mood today"

He said, New gave him a quick weak smile before opening the can of drink to sip on it.

"My head's throbbing"

"That's why I told you to order the soup instead. Wait, let me just get one for you"

Earth said and New was about to tell him it's okay, but it's too late since Earth already vacated his seat. He just watched him took his way to the cashier.

Earth's handsome, fit and sweet. It actually won't take a lot of effort to like the man, and it is not far from New's knowledge that the said guy likes him more than just a friend.

It's too obvious on the way he treats New, but he just doesn't know why he doesn't feel the same way towards the man. New thinks that it might be because he's not ready to involve himself in any romantic relationship. He still has many dreams to fulfill and also, many secrets he's currently hiding.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer"

New heard from behind, and he instantly felt goosebumps at the back of his neck. The voice sounds so familiar that it scares him to confirm that the owner of it is the same person that flashes in his mind.

New's breath hitched, and he felt like the blood left his face the moment the man revealed himself and sat across New. The man smirked, satisfied by the reaction that New showed him.

"Are you surprised to see me here?"

He asked, New immediately looked around. Tay noticed how New started to look uneasy, and he could even see his hands shaking.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Tay asked, now looking a bit worried. New looked away and gulped. Never in his life he expected to meet someone he transacted with, most specially in the campus. Gun's club is quite far from here and the said place was very strict and not everyone can just enter.

"You're not playing that I-don't-know-you-we-haven't-met game after what happened last night? Aren't you?"

He asked, a smirk now back on his face. New remained silent.

"I see. Are you ashamed?"

Tay carelessly asked, New glared at him. Tay's only response was a chuckle.

"Is this why you're so certain when you told me that we'll meet again last night?"

New finally asked, voice was stern. When Tay didn't respond, it confirmed his suspicions and he felt more furious.

"You fooled me"

"When did I do that?"

"You knew me from the very beginning"

"And what made you think I fooled you? It's not my fault that you didn't recognize me back"

"I don't even know you"

"Well, that's sad"

Says Tay while pouting. Acting as if he's hurt by placing a hand on his chest.

"What's your agenda?"

New asked, his eyes not leaving the man in front of him, which somehow challenges the latter.

"You don't sleep with a person from the same university, I see"

He said, a smirk was on his face, and it irritates New. He admitted that the man was fantastic last night and even adored how gorgeous he was until he showed up today. The way he looks at him like he disgusts him and the way he smirks at him like a proud person who holds something against him, annoys New.

"I won't tell a single soul"

Says Tay, which somehow made New release a breath he never thought he was holding.

"In one condition"

New expected that. Nothing is free in this world. Everyone wants something in return. All people he knows are assholes who can't just do deeds genuinely.

"I told you I can't sleep with you again"

New said, now avoiding the man's eyes.

"You can, and I know you want it too"

Tay said, which made New look at him in disbelief. Tay watches him, looking certain that he will get what he wants.

"No one can change my mind"

New said, full of conviction. Tay snickered.

"Not when your scholarship is at stake"

"Did you fucking run a background check on me?"

New asked, louder than necessary. When he realized what he did, he looked around and was thankful when no one seemed to pay attention to them.

He glared at Tay and thought, how does the man know so many things about him in a short period of time? Is he a stalker?

New takes a deep breath to calm himself down.


"6pm later, parking lot. You know my car"

Tay said before vacating the seat, leaving New with no chance to respond. He watched him until his body was out of his sight.

"Is that Tay?"

New heard Earth. He didn't even notice that the man's already back.


"Yes. The one you're talking to who just left"

"You know him?"

He asked, confused.

"Who wouldn't? He's a popular model and a very popular student in this university. Every girls wants to be in his pants"

Earth announced and New then realized how doomed he is.

"Fuck. I think I just want to die"

New murmured. He reached for the soup that Earth bought and consumed it straight from the bowl.

"Hey, that's hot—"

"Fucking hell"

New exclaimed when the soup burnt his tongue.

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