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"What do you mean, he ditched you with Earth?"

Tay yelled as soon as Bright answered his call. He's currently walking out of Joss' condo, steps are heavy and faster than usual. After Off arrived at Joss' unit, he immediately left the place. Bright sent him a text a few minutes ago, telling him that New left the university with Earth. The younger one just asked someone to inform him about it.

"I don't know, okay? Someone just dropped by at the parking lot and knocked on my car. She said that New asked her to tell me that he already left with Earth"

"Why were you in your car and not outside his room?"

"We had a deal to meet in the parking lot instead because his class will end an hour later than mine. He agreed"


Bright did not respond. He knew it would just make Tay more furious if he tries to reason out again and again or blame what happened to someone else. After hearing the sound of a car door closed and a few deep breaths, Tay chose to speak again, but this time more calmly.

"Sorry, bro. I'm just stress"

Tay said, which made Bright sigh.

"I know, man"

"Thanks, I'll just go ahead and find him. He's not answering my calls"

"Talk things with New, man. Don't make this more difficult. I have no issues about being his chaperone daily, but it's obvious that there's some gap between the two of you"

Tay didn't respond to that, but he knew Bright's point. He's fully aware.

"I'll try to find someone who knows Earth or has his number, I'll let you know"

"Thanks, bright"

After Bright acknowledged Tay's response, they ended the call. Tay attempted to call New's number repeatedly, but it just went straight to voicemail. He can't even count how many times he curses every time he hears the automated system.

He went to the nearest cafés, restaurants, and even cinemas near to their university just to check if there's a sign of New and Earth, but he found none. After receiving Bright's message that he already reached out to Earth and the man said that he's not with New, he decided to drive back to their home.

He called New as soon as he entered his unit, and sighed in relief when he found him in the kitchen, slicing some cake. The younger man just gave him a glance before bringing his attention back to what he's doing. Tay remains on his spot, watching him.

When the atmosphere gets uncomfortable for New, he decides to give Tay another glance.

"You want cake?"

He asked as if he didn't cause some panic attack to the man in front of him.

New sat on the dining table with a slice of cake in front of him. Tay later on followed and sat across from him. He just watches the unbothered New, who seems to be enjoying the cake he's eating.

"Stop looking at me, You're making me lose my appetite"

New said without looking back at Tay. The older man crosses his arms in front of his chest as he clears his throat. He's no longer furious, nor mad. Just knowing that New's inside his home without the presence of the man named Earth, calms him down.

"Don't act like you didn't do something you shouldn't have done"

Tay said, in a very calm voice.

"Tell me about it"

New just said before taking another bite, and another.

"Slow down, no one's taking your cake, New"

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