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"Thanks to you, we'll be late to school"

Tay sarcastically said the moment I entered his car.

"Well, it's not my fault that someone forced me to eat the breakfast he made in the dining table just because he doesn't want some dirt in his car"

"If you drag your ass off the bed earlier, we won't have a problem now"

"And who's fault is that? Did you forget that someone begged to do it last night because he was horny?"

"I didn't beg!"

"So did I offer myself then?"

"You want it too as much as I do"

"You wish! I only agreed because you're paying me to do it!"

I said, almost yelling, not wanting him to win this time. He glares at me, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but just chooses to retreat. He shakes his head and decides to keep his mouth shut the entire ride.

Well, what I said wasn't totally true. Tay was horny last night and asked for my consent to do it, which I agreed because, apparently, it's been almost a month since we last did it. I also have my needs and I won't regret doing that with him, so yes, I lied when I told him that I agreed to do it just because he was paying me. But my pride is too high to take it back.

The first time I agreed with Tay's setup, I thought that it will be all about sex. I readied myself for that, but surprisingly, we actually rarely do it.

I hate to admit it, but Tay's very different from the jerk I expected him to be. I mean, he is still a jerk, but he's the one who you can just easily tolerate and besides, he's only a jerk when he's not in the mood or exhausted from shooting. If you'll ask me, I am more of an ass than him. I won't deny that.

Tay and I are a total opposite. He likes waking up early, while I hate mornings, he's too organized. I even found out that Tay rarely invites a cleaner in the house. He does the chores himself. I hate chores, I just have to do it way back since I don't have anyone to depend on, which is no longer necessary now since I, now, have Tay. No. Scratch that! I am just living with Tay. We often argue when he finds dirty dishes in the sink or used plates in the dining table that I am too lazy to wash.

Tay's also a fan of action and fantasy films, while me, even if I don't look like one, likes comedy films. We were like cat and dog during Friday nights, our movie night, we bicker over what films to watch. We ended up making schedules to give way to each other just to have peaceful movie nights.

I also found out that Tay doesn't really like drinking, since he has a low alcohol tolerance. He said he just drinks alcohol when stressed or during special occasions, while I like drinking a lot!

Tay likes doing the groceries, while I hate it. He always has to drag me whenever we do the weekly groceries.

We were never short of topics to discuss and most of the time, it ended with random unreasonable debate. We both hate to be defeated, and love to be challenged. It's chaotic yet fun. Well, for me, it is.

Living with him is undeniably good for me in the entirety. Tay takes care of me and true to his word, he's paying me consistently, which I don't even know what for. We rarely have sex. I never ask him about it though and as of now, I don't plan to do it anytime soon. This is the easiest way to earn money now, so I am taking advantage of it.

When we reached the university parking lot, I looked at Tay to apologize half-heartedly, even if I don't even know if I really offended him. But no words came out of my mouth when I saw him already leaving the car. I followed and stood beside it, eyes still on Tay, but he didn't even spare me a glance. He just locked the car and walked away.

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